121. The story of David / Reprinted from the Authorised version, with 11 wood-engravings by John Farleigh. London : A & C Black, Ltd., 1934. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » 221.52 F34
122. Héber bibliai olvasmányok magyar forditással és nyelvi elemzéssel. Budapest, Schlesinger, 1932. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » HunL 630.4.17
123. La poésie biblique ; introduction à la poeśie biblique, et trente chants de circonstance / par Édouard Dhorme. Dhorme, E. (Edouard), 1881- [Browse] Paris : B. Grasset, [1931] Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » 220.8 D539
124. Zwei Bobbienser palimpseste mit Frühestem Vulgatatext aus Cod. vat. lat. 5763, u. Cod. carolin. guelferbytanus: Eine Unzialhandschrift des 5. Jahrh. mit Texten aus dem Richterbuche und dem Buche Ruth. Eine Handschrift in Halbunziale des 6. Jahrh. mit Texten aus dem Buche Iob / Herausgegeben und bearbeitet von P. Alban Dold ... Anhang: Geschabte Paulustexte der 1. Hälfte des 7. Jahrh. mit einer gleichzeitigen unbekannten Liste Paulinischer Leseabschnitte in einer Bobbienser Handschrift (Cod. vat. lat. 5755) ... Beuron ; Hohenzollern : Verlag der Kunstschule der Erzabtei, 1931. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » CB60 D66 Z
125. The epic of the Old Testament ; selected passages arranged in chronological sequence with their historical background / by Arthur H. Wood. London : Oxford university press, H. Milford, 1930. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » 221.52 F30
126. A history of the Hebrew people from the earliest times to the year 70 A.D. : largely in the language of Bible, prepared by George A. Barton. New York, London : The Century co., [1930], [©1930] Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » 893.19 B47
127. A history of the Hebrew people from the earliest times to the year 70 A.D. : largely in the language of Bible, prepared by George A. Barton. New York, London : The Century co., [1930], [©1930] Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » HP30 B29
128. The kingdom and the power and the glory; stories of faith and marvel selected from the king James version of the Old Testament and decorated by James Daugherty. New York : Knopf, 1929. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » ReCAP .b171500003View Record for Full Availability
129. The kingdom, and the power, and the glory : stories of faith and marvel / selected from the King James Version of the Old Testament and decorated by James Daugherty. New York : Knopf, 1929. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » TM43.7 B58 O
130. Selections from the Old Testament / edited by Fred Newton Scott, revised by H.Y. Moffett, illustrated by Norman Roberts. [New York] : The Macmillan Company, [1929], [©1929] Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » CB94.5 1929s
131. The Cambridge shorter Bible / arranged by A. Nairne, T.R. Glover, & Sir A. Quiller-Couch. Cambridge : University Press, 1928. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » CB92.5 1928
132. In the beginning God ; a series of biblical views of creation / Introduction by J.M. Powis Smith. Translations by Theophile J. Meek, Alexander R. Gordon, J.M. Powis Smith. Chicago : American Institute of Sacred Literature, [1927] Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » RK55 A51b (4)
133. Old Testament history ; narrated for the most part in the words of the Bible / selected and arranged by George Carter. Oxford [Eng.] : Clarendon Press, 1926. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » 221.95 C245
134. The Bible story in the Bible words. Books 1- New York : Union of American Hebrew Congregations, [©1925- (v. 1, ©1927)] Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » TK96.3 B58
135. The authentic literature of Israel : freed from the disarrangements, expansions and comments of early native editors / edited with an introduction by Elizabeth Czarnomska. New York : Macmillan, 1924-1928. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » CB94 1924cView Record for Full Availability
136. Century readings in the Old Testament / edited with introductions and notes by John W. Cunliffe ... and Henry M. Battenhouse ... New York ; London : The Century Co., [1923], ©1923. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » 221.52 F23
137. The modern reader\u0027s Bible for schools. The Old Testament / by Richard G. Moulton. New York : Macmillan, 1922. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » CB94 1922m
138. ...Narratives of the beginnings of Hebrew history : from the creation to the establishment of the Hebrew kingdom / by Charles Foster Kent ; with maps and chronological chart. New York : Scribner\u0027s, 1922. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » CB94 1922 v.1
139. The old English version of the Heptateuch : Aelfric's Treatise on the Old and New Testament and his Preface to Genesis / ed. from all existing mss. and fragments with an introduction and three appendices, together with a reprint of "A Saxon treatise concerning the Old and New Testament: now first published in print with English of our times by William L'Isle of Wilburgham (1623)" and the Vulgate text of the Heptateuch, by S.J. Crawford ... Aelfric, Abbot of Eynsham [Browse] London : Pub. for Early English Text Society, by H. Milford, Oxford University Press, 1922. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » CB90 A24c
140. Israel's historical and biographical narratives : from the establishment of the Hebrew kingdom to the end of the Maccabean struggle. New York, Scribner, 1921. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » Bi 68.4