301. The Qur'an and the cross : a study of al-Nisa (4):157 : "and they did not kill him and did not crucify him, but it was made to appear so to them" / John O'Brien. O'Brien, John (Lecturer in religious studies) [Browse] Zürich : Lit, [2020]©2020 Book Loading...Firestone Library - Stacks » BP128.23 .O27 2020 Bookmark
302. The builder of the Kabah / by Saniyasnain Khan ; [illustrated by Achla Anand]. Khan, Saniyasnain [Browse] New Delhi : Goodword, ©2014. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » BP133.7.A27 K434 2014 Bookmark
303. The Quranic Noah and the making of the Islamic prophet : a study of intertextuality and religious identity formation in late antiquity / Carlos A. Segovia. Segovia, Carlos A., 1970- [Browse] Berlin, [Germany] ; Boston, [Massachusetts] : De Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2015.©2015 Book Online Ebook Central Perpetual, DDA and Subscription Titles Bookmark
304. Quran and woman : rereading the sacred text from a woman's perspective / Amina Wadud. Wadud, Amina [Browse] New York ; Oxford : Oxford University Press, c1999. Book Bookmark
305. Qur'ans of the Umayyads [electronic resource] : A First Overview Déroche, François [Browse] Leiden : BRILL, 2013. Book Bookmark
306. Roads to paradise. eschatology and concepts of the hereafter in Islam / edited by Sebastian Gunther and Todd Lawson ; with the assistance of Christian Mauder. Leiden, The Netherlands ; Boston, [Massachusetts] : Brill, 2017.©2017 Book Bookmark
307. Islamic political thought : an introduction / Gerhard Bowering, editor ; contributors, Gerhard Bowering [and sixteen others]. Princeton, New Jersey ; Oxford, [England] : Princeton University Press, 2015.©2015 Book Bookmark
308. The Qur'an and its biblical subtext / by Gabriel Said Reynolds. Reynolds, Gabriel Said [Browse] New York : Routledge : Taylor & Francis, 2010. Book Online Ebook Central Perpetual, DDA and Subscription Titles Bookmark
309. The Qur'an seminar = Le Qur'an seminar : commentary a collaborative study of 50 Qur'anic passages = commentaire collaboratif de 50 passages coraniques / Mehdi Azaiez [and three others]. Azaiez, Mehdi [Browse]Qur'an Seminar [Browse] De Gruyter 2016Berlin, [Germany] ; Boston, [Massachusetts] : De Gruyter, 2016.©2016 Book Bookmark
310. Exegetical crossroads : understanding scripture in Judaism, Christianity and Islam in the pre-modern Orient / edited by Georges Tamer [and four others]. Berlin, [Germany] ; Boston, [Massachusetts] : De Gruyter, 2018.©2018 Book Online Ebook Central Perpetual, DDA and Subscription Titles Bookmark
311. Defending the "people of truth" in the early Islamic period : the Christian apologies of Abu Ra'itah / by Sandra Toenies Keating. Keating, Sandra Toenies [Browse] Leiden ; Boston : Brill, c2006. Book Online Ebook Central Perpetual, DDA and Subscription Titles Bookmark
312. The Qur'an, morality and critical reason : the essential Muhammad Shahrur / translated, edited, and with an introduction by Andreas Christmann. Shahrur, Muhammad [Browse] Leiden ; Boston : Brill, 2009. Book Online Ebook Central Perpetual, DDA and Subscription Titles Bookmark
313. Qurʼanic matters : material mediations and religious practice in Egypt / Natalia K. Suit. Suit, Natalia K. [Browse] London [England] : Bloomscury Academic, 2020.[London, England] : Bloomsbury Publishing, 2020 Book Online Ebook Central Perpetual, DDA and Subscription Titles Bookmark
314. The Qurʼan : a form-critical history / Karim Samji. Samji, Karim, 1978- [Browse] Berlin ; Boston : De Gruyter, 2018. Book Online Ebook Central Perpetual, DDA and Subscription Titles Bookmark
315. The Qur'an revealed : a critical analysis of Said Nursi's Epistles of Light / Colin Turner ; with a foreword by Dale F. Eickelman. Turner, C. (Colin) [Browse] Berlin, Germany : Gerlach Press, 2013.©2013 Book Online JSTOR DDA Bookmark
316. إنه لقرآن كريم. Innahu la-Qurʾān Karīm. Kānpūr : [publisher not identified], [1879]كانپور : [اسم الناشر غير محدد], [1879] Book Online Early Arabic Printed Books Bookmark
317. قبل از تلاوت قرآن اين دعا بخواند. Qabla az tilāwat Qurʼān ayna daʻā Bukhawānd. [Bombay] : [publisher not identified], [1857?] Book Online Early Arabic Printed Books Bookmark
318. تصانيف أحمدية : تفسير القرآن. Taṣānīf i Aḥmadiyyah : tafsīr al-Qurʼān. ‘Alīgaḍh : [publisher not identified], 1880-عليگڐه : [اسم الناشر غير محدد], 1880- Book Online Early Arabic Printed Books Bookmark
319. التبيان. al-Tibyān. Būlāq : [publisher not identified], [1843]بولاق : [اسم الناشر غير محدد], [1843] Book Online Early Arabic Printed Books Bookmark
320. كاشف المكنون. Kāshif al-maknūn. Lāhūr : [publisher not identified], 1891.لاهور : [اسم الناشر غير محدد], 1891. Book Online Early Arabic Printed Books Bookmark
321. قرآن مترجم بترجمتين مع تفسير الجلالين. Qurʾān mutarjam bi-tarjamatayn ma'a tafsīr al-Jalālayn. [Meerut] : [publisher not identified], [1879] Book Online Early Arabic Printed Books Bookmark
322. جواهر القرآن مترجم. Jawāhir al-Qurʾān mutarjam. Lakahnū : [publisher not identified], 1877.لكهنو : [اسم الناشر غير محدد], 1877. Book Online Early Arabic Printed Books Bookmark
323. الكشاف عن حقائق غوامض التنزيل وعيون الأقاويل في وجوه التأويل. al-Kashshāf ʻan ḥaqāʼiq ghawāmiḍ al-Tanzīl wa-ʻuyun al-aqāwīl fī wujūh al-taʼwīl. Būlāq : [publisher not identified], [1864]بولاق : [اسم الناشر غير محدد], [1864] Book Online Early Arabic Printed Books Bookmark
324. القرآن مع تفسيره الكشاف عن حقائق التنزيل. al-Qurʾān maʻa tafsīrihi al-Kashshāf ʻan ḥaqāʼiq al-Tanzīl. Calcutta : [publisher not identified], 1856-1859. Book Online Early Arabic Printed Books Bookmark
325. ؛ قرآن مجيد مترجم مع، خلاصة التفاسير. Qurʾān Majīd mutarjam ; maʻa, Khulāṣat al-tafāsīr. al-Dihlī : [publisher not identified], [1892]الدهلي : [اسم الناشر غير محدد], [1892] Book Online Early Arabic Printed Books Bookmark
326. The Koran. [Shiraz] : [publisher not identified], [1830?] Book Online Early Arabic Printed Books Bookmark
327. سب تعريف واسطى الله كي ثابت هي كه پالنی والا عالمونكا. Qurʾan. [Lucknow] : [publisher not identified], [1840?] Book Online Early Arabic Printed Books Bookmark
328. قرآن مجيد مترجم مع تفسيرين جلالين وعباسي. Qurʾān Majīd mutarjam maʻa tafsīrayn Jalālayn wa-ʻAbbāsī. [Meerut] : [publisher not identified], [1882] Book Online Early Arabic Printed Books Bookmark
329. تفسير خليلي. Tafsīr Khalīlī. Ārah : [publisher not identified], [1889]آره : [اسم الناشر غير محدد], [1889] Book Online Early Arabic Printed Books Bookmark
330. Corani textus Arabicus. Lipsiae : [publisher not identified], 1834. Book Online Early Arabic Printed Books Bookmark
331. ختم القرآن : دعوات المسلمين. Khatm al-Qurʼān : Daʻawāt al-Muslimīn. [Canton] : [publisher not identified], [1876] Book Online Early Arabic Printed Books Bookmark
332. قرآن مجيد مترجم بالتراجم الثلاث. Qurʾān Majīd mutarjam bi-al-tarājim al-thalāth. [Delhi] : [publisher not identified], [1876] Book Online Early Arabic Printed Books Bookmark
333. إنه لقرآن كريم. Innahu la-Qurʼān Karīm. Kānpūr : [publisher not identified], [1870]كانپور : [اسم الناشر غير محدد], [1870] Book Online Early Arabic Printed Books Bookmark
334. جواهر القرآن مترجم. Jawāhir al-Qurʾān mutarjam. Lukahanū : [publisher not identified], [1873]لكهنو : [اسم الناشر غير محدد], [1873] Book Online Early Arabic Printed Books Bookmark
335. الكشاف عن حقائق غوامض التنزيل للإمام جار الله الزمخشري. al-Kashshāf ʻan ḥaqāʾiq ghawāmiḍ al-tanzīl lil-Imām Jār Allāh al-Zamakhsharī. Miṣr : [publisher not identified], [1890]مصر : [اسم الناشر غير محدد], [1890] Book Online Early Arabic Printed Books Bookmark
336. قاضي بيضاوي. Qāḍī Bayḍāwī. [Constantinople] : [publisher not identified], [1888] Book Online Early Arabic Printed Books Bookmark
337. قرآن مجيد مترجم مع أردو تفسير حسيني. Qurʹān Majīd mutarjam maʻa Urdū tafsīr Ḥusaynī. Dihlī : [publisher not identified], [1895]دهلي : [اسم الناشر غير محدد], [1895] Book Online Early Arabic Printed Books Bookmark
338. سورة الفاتحة الكتاب. Sūrat al-Fātiḥah al-Kitāb. [London] : [publisher not identified], [1871] Book Online Early Arabic Printed Books Bookmark
339. تفسير فيروزي. Tafsīr i Fīrūzī. Siyālkūt : [publisher not identified], [1890]سيالكوﭣ : [اسم الناشر غير محدد], [1890] Book Online Early Arabic Printed Books Bookmark
340. تفسير سورة فيل. Tafsīr sūrat Fīl. Dihlī : [Dr Matbaʾ Mujtābāʾī], [1893]دهلي : [در مطبع مجتبائي], [1893] Book Online Early Arabic Printed Books Bookmark
341. حمائل شريف معري. Ḥamāʾil sharīf maʻarrī. Dihlī : [publisher not identified], [1876]دهلي : [اسم الناشر غير محدد], [1876] Book Online Early Arabic Printed Books Bookmark
342. حمائل شريف معري. Ḥamāʾil sharīf maʻarrī. Dihlī : [publisher not identified], [1890]دهلي : [اسم الناشر غير محدد], [1890] Book Online Early Arabic Printed Books Bookmark
343. إنه لقرآن كريم في كتاب مكنون. Innahu la-Qurʾān Karīm fī kitāb maknūn. Mumbiʼī : [publisher not identified], [1869]ممبئي : [اسم الناشر غير محدد], [1869] Book Online Early Arabic Printed Books Bookmark
344. إنه لقرآن كريم : وإذا قرئ القرآن فاستمعوا له. Innahu la-Qurʼān Karīm : wa-idhā quriʾa al-Qurʾān fa-istamiʻū la-hu. Dihlī : [publisher not identified], [1876]دهلي : [اسم الناشر غير محدد], [1876] Book Online Early Arabic Printed Books Bookmark
345. بنام خداي ان كتاب ان كتاب معلوم نيست شك دران هدايتست برأي پرهيزكاران. Banām khudāy in kitāb in kitāb maʿlūm nīst shak darān hidāytast barʾay parhayz kārān. Ṭahrān : [publisher not identified], [1866]طهران : [اسم الناشر غير محدد], [1866] Book Online Early Arabic Printed Books Bookmark
346. تفسير سورۀ نازعات. Tafsīr sūrat Nāziʿāt. Dihlī : [Dr Matbaʾ Mujtābāʾī], [1893]دهلي : [در مطبع مجتبائي], [1893] Book Online Early Arabic Printed Books Bookmark
347. تفسير سوره شفا. Tafsīr sūrat Shifā. Dihlī : [Dr Matbaʾ Mujtābāʾī], [1893]دهلي : [در مطبع مجتبائي], [1893] Book Online Early Arabic Printed Books Bookmark
348. Historia de Abrahamo, et de Gomorro-Sodomitica eversione ex Alcorano, ejusque Surata XIVta & XVta Arabicè. [electronic resource] : E probatiss. cod. mss. fidelissimè deprompta, cum quamplurimis exemplaribus accurate ac diligentissimè collata, nec non commodioris interpretationis ergo triplici versione Latinâ vestita Operâ, & studiô / Johannis Georgii Nisselii. Lugduni Batavorum, : Ex officina Johannis Elsevier, Acad. typogr. Sumptibus authoris., MDCLV. [1655] Book Bookmark
349. De Arabische Alkoran, door de Zarazijnsche en de Turcksche Prophete Mahometh, in drie onderscheyden deelen begrepen: van der Turcken Religie, Ghelove, Aelmoessen, Vasten, Ghebeden, Bedevaert na Mecha, met t'samen sijn Gods-diensten, ende Ceremonien, Wetten ende Rechten. [electronic resource] / Wt de Arabische spraecke, nu nieuwelijcks in Hoogh-duytsch ghetranslateert, met t'samen een aenhanghende Voorreden, ; door Salomon Swigger, prediker der kercken to Noorenbergh. ; Ende wederom uyt het Hooghduytsch in Nederlantsche spraecke ghestelt.. [Hamburg] : Gedruckt voor Barent Adriaensz. Berentsma, boeck-verkooper tot Hamburgh,, 1641. Book Online Online Content Bookmark
350. A compleat history of the Turks [electronic resource], from their origin in the year 755, to the year 1718. ... Illustrated with effigies, ... as also with an exact map ... To which are added, I. Their maxims of state and religion. II. A dictionary ... III. The life of their prophet Mahomet. IV. The Alcoran ... In four volumes. Jones, D. (David), active 1676-1720 [Browse] London : printed by J. Darby, for Andr. Bell, W. Taylor, and John Osborne, 1718-19. Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections Bookmark