301. Institutiones juris naturalis; seu, Philosophiae moralis universae. : Secundum principia S. Thomae Aquinatis ad usum scholarem. Meyer, Theodor, 1821-1913 [Browse] Friburgi Brisgoviae : Herder, 1885-1900. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » 188 P54 v.3-4View Record for Full Availability
302. Institutiones philosophicæ... Arithmetica, geometria et algebra [microform]. Jacquier, François, O.F.M., 1711-1788 [Browse] Venetiis : Apud Simonem Occhi, 1785. Book, Microform Loading...Firestone Library - Remote Storage (ReCAP): Firestone Library Use Only » MICROFILM 11644 list 84 reel 15
303. Institutiones philosophicæ... Ethica [microform]. Jacquier, François, O.F.M., 1711-1788 [Browse] Venetiis : Apud Simonem Occhi, 1785. Book, Microform Loading...Firestone Library - Remote Storage (ReCAP): Firestone Library Use Only » MICROFILM 11644 list 84 reel 2
304. Institutiones philosophicæ... Logica [microform]. Jacquier, François, O.F.M., 1711-1788 [Browse] Venetiis : Apud Simonem Occhi, 1785. Book, Microform Loading...Firestone Library - Remote Storage (ReCAP): Firestone Library Use Only » MICROFILM 11644 list 84 reel 2
305. Institutiones philosophicæ... Metaphysica [microform]. Jacquier, François, O.F.M., 1711-1788 [Browse] Venetiis : Apud Simonem Occhi, 1785. Book, Microform Loading...Firestone Library - Remote Storage (ReCAP): Firestone Library Use Only » MICROFILM 11644 list 84 reel 2
306. Institutiones philosophicæ... Physicae pars I [micoform]. Jacquier, François, O.F.M., 1711-1788 [Browse] Venetiis : Apud Simonem Occhi, 1785. Book, Microform Loading...Firestone Library - Remote Storage (ReCAP): Firestone Library Use Only » MICROFILM 11644 list 84 reel 2
307. Institutiones philosophicæ... Physicæ pars II [microform]. Jacquier, François, O.F.M., 1711-1788 [Browse] Venetiis : Apud Simonem Occhi, 1785. Book, Microform Loading...Firestone Library - Remote Storage (ReCAP): Firestone Library Use Only » MICROFILM 11644 list 84 reel 15
308. Institutiones physicæ in usum philosophiæ auditorum conscriptæ à Leopoldo Biwald [microform]. Biwald, Leopold, 1731-1805 [Browse] Græcii : typis hæredum Widmanstadii [1769]. Book, Microform Loading...Firestone Library - Remote Storage (ReCAP): Firestone Library Use Only » MICROFILM 11644 list 83 reel 29.1-29.7
309. The arte or crafte of rhethoryke; a reprint, ed. with an introduction, notes, and glossarial index by Frederic Ives Carpenter, Ph.D. Cox, Leonard, active 1572 [Browse] Chicago, The University of Chicago press, 1899. Book Loading...Firestone Library - Stacks » PN173 .C69 1899Loading...Firestone Library - Stacks » PN173 .C69 1899
310. The elements of Roman law summarized : a concise digest of the matter contained in the Institutes of Gaius and Justinian with copious references arranged in parallel columns, also chronological and analytical tables, lists of laws, etc., etc. : primarily designed for the use of students preparing for examination at Oxford, Cambridge, and the Inns of Court / by Seymour F. Harris. Harris, Seymour F. (Seymour Frederick), 1851-1920 [Browse] London : Stevens & Haynes, 1899. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » ROMAN 903 HAR 1899
311. The elements of Roman law summarized [electronic resource] : a concise digest of the matter contained in the Institutes of Gaius and Justinian ; with copious reference arr. in parallel columns, also chronological and analytical tables, lists of laws, etc., etc. : primarily designed for the use of students preparing for examination at Oxford, Cambridge and the Inns of court / by Seymour F. Harris. Harris, Seymour F. (Seymour Frederick), 1851-1920 [Browse] London : Stevens & Haynes, 1899 (Bradbury, Agnew & Co., Ltd.) Book Online The making of modern law. Foreign, comparative and international law, 1600-1926
312. Gai Institutiones ad codicis veronensis apographum Studemundianum novis curis auctum, in usum scholarum ediderunt Paulus Krueger et Guilelmus Studemund. Gaius [Browse] Berolini, apud Weidmannos, 1899. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » 7632.1899 Online Online Content
313. Institutiones metaphysicae specialis. De Backer, Stanislaus [Browse] J. Briguet [1899-19--] Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » YCO (Backer, S. de. Institutiones metaphysicae specialis)
314. Institutiones philosophicae : quas Romae in Pontificia Universitate Gregoriana. Urráburu, Juan José, 1844-1904 [Browse] Vallisoleti : Cuesta, 1899-1900. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » YAG (Urraburu, J. J. Institutiones philosophicae) Library has: v. 4-5ReCAP - Remote Storage » YAG (Urraburu, J. J. Institutiones philosophicae)
315. Institutiones philosophicae : quas Romae in Pontificia Universitate Gregoriana. Urráburu, Juan José [Browse] Vallisoleti : Cuesta, 1899-1900. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » 196Ur7 R7View Record for Full Availability
316. Institutiones philosophiæ Moralis et socialis / quas in Collegio Maximo Lovaniensi Societatis Jesu tradebat A. Castelein. Castelein, A. [Browse] Bruxelles : Société Belge de la librairie, 1899. Book On-site accessReCAP - Remote Storage » YFE (Castelein, A. Institutiones philosophiæ moralis et socialis)
317. Institutiones iuris publici ecclesiastici : quas in scholis Pontificii Seminarii Romani / tradidit Felix Cavagnis. Cavagnis, Felice, 1841-1906 [Browse] Rome : Desclee, Lefebvre et cie., 1898. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » UB71 C37
318. Institutiones philosophiae naturalis secundum principia S. Thomae Aquinatis : ad usum scholasticum / accomodavit Tilmannus Pesch ... Pesch, Tilmann, 1836-1899 [Browse] Friburgi Brisgoviae : sumptibus Herder, 1897. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » YAG (Pesch. T. Institutiones philosophie naturalis secundum principia)ReCAP - Remote Storage » YAG (Pesch. T. Intitutione pilosophiae naturalis secundum principia)
319. Institutiones philosophiae naturalis secundum principia S. Thomae Aquinatis : ad usum scholasticum / accomodavit Tilmannus Pesch ... Pesch, Tilmann, 1836-1899 [Browse] Friburgi Brisgoviae : Sumptibus Herder, 1897. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » 188 P54 v.1-2View Record for Full Availability
320. Institutiones philosophicae / P. Matthaei Liberatore, Societatis Iesu. Liberatore, Matteo, 1810-1892 [Browse] Neapoli : Typis Francisci Giannini, 1897/ Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » YBX (Liberatore, M. Institutiones philosophicae)
321. A systematic and historical exposition of Roman law in the order of a code. By W. A. Hunter ... Embodying the Institutes of Gaius and the Institutes of Justinian, translated into English by J. Ashton Cross. Hunter, W. A. (William Alexander), 1844-1898 [Browse] London, Sweet & Maxwell, Limited; [etc., etc.] 1897. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » ROMAN 910 HUN 1897
322. The Institutes of Justinian [electronic resource] / translated into English, with an index, by J.B. Moyle. Oxford : Clarendon Press ; London : Henry Frowde : Stevens & Sons, Ltd., 1896. Book Online The making of modern law. Foreign, comparative and international law, 1600-1926
323. Institutionis oratoriae liber decimus / rec. C. Halm. Quintilian [Browse] Lpz. : Teubner, 1895. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » 2800.850.3
324. Institutiones philosophicae in compendium / auctore Sancto Schiffini. Schiffini, Sancto, 1841-1906 [Browse] Augustae Taurinorum : J. Speirani, 1893. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » KE 2604
325. A compendium of Roman law, founded on the Institutes of Justinian, together with examination questions set in the university and bar examinations (with solutions) and definitions of leading terms in the words of the principal authorities, by Gordon Campbell ... Campbell, Gordon, 1852- [Browse] London, Stevens & Haynes, 1892. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » ROMAN 903 CAM 1892
326. M. Fabii Quintiliani De institutione oratoria libri XII : ad optimorum librorum fidem accurate editi. Quintilian [Browse] Lipsiae : sumtibus et typis C. Tauchnitii, 1829. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » 2800.8938
327. Quintilian's Institutes of oratory; or, Education of an orator. In twelve books. Translated with notes. By the Rev. John Selby Watson ... Quintilian [Browse] London, G. Bell and Sons, 1892-1895. Book Loading...Firestone Library - Classics Collection » PA6650.E54 W387 1892
328. Gai Institutiones ad codicis veronensis apographum Studemundianum novis curis auctum, in usum scholarum tertium ediderunt Paulus Krueger et Guilelmus Studemund. Insunt supplementa ad codicis veronensis apographum a Studemundo composita. Gaius [Browse] Berolini, apud Weidmannos, 1891. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » ROMAN 203 A/GAI/K
329. Gai Institvtiones [electronic resource] : ad Codicis Veronensis apographvm Stvdemvndianvm novis cvris avctvm in vsvm scholarvm : insvnt Svpplementa ad Codicis Veronensis apographvm a Stvdemvndo composita. Gaius [Browse] Berolini : Apvd Weidmannos, 1891. Book Online The making of modern law. Foreign, comparative and international law, 1600-1926
330. Institutionis oratoriae libri duodecim : ad fidem codicum manu scriptorum / M. Fabii Quintiliani ; recensuit Eduardus Bonnell. Quintilian [Browse] Lipsiae : Teubneri, 1891. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » 2800.850.2
331. M. Fabi Quintiliani institutionis oratoriae : liber decimus / a revised text with introductory essays, critical and explanatory notes and a facsimile of the Harleian ms. by W. Peterson. Quintilian [Browse] Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1891. Book Loading...Firestone Library - Classics Collection » PA6649 .B10 1891
332. Imperatoris Iustiniani Institutionum libri quattuor; with introductions, commentary, and excursus by J. B. Moyle. Oxford, The Clarendon Press, 1890. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » XAP (Justinian). 1890. (Justinian I., Emperor of the East. Imperatoris Justiniani institutionum)
333. Imperatoris Iustiniani Institutionum libri quattuor / with introductions, commentary, and excursus by J. B. Moyle. Oxford : The Clarendon Press, 1890. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » 87J982 R71
334. Institutiones biblicae e probatis auctoribus excerptae et tironum usui accommodatae : Opera Augustini Donderi ... / Agostino Dondero. Dondero, Agostino [Browse] Genuae : Ex Typographia archiepoiscopali, 1890. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » CD90 D679
335. Institutiones philosophicæ / quas Romæ in Universitate Gregoriana tradiderat Joannes Josephus Urráburu. Urráburu, Juan José, 1844-1904 [Browse] Vallisoleti : Typis Viduæ ac Filiorum A. Cuesta, 1890-1900. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » KF 1989ReCAP - Remote Storage » KF 1989View Record for Full Availability
336. Josephi Fessler quondam episcopi S. Hippolyti Institutiones Patrologiae / quas denuo recensuit, auxit, edidit Bernardus Jungmann. Fessler, Joseph, 1813-1872 [Browse] Oeniponte : Felician Rauch, 1890-1892. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » GG F41
337. Outline of Roman history from Romulus to Justinian [electronic resource] : (including translations of the Twelve tables, the Institutes of Gaius, and the Institutes of Justinian) : with special reference to the growth, development and decay of Roman jurisprudence / by David Nasmith. Nasmith, David, 1829-1894 [Browse] London : Butterworths, 1890. Book Online The making of modern law. Foreign, comparative and international law, 1600-1926
338. Outline of Roman history from Romulus to Justinian, (including translations of the Twelve tables, the Institutes of Gaius, and the Institutes of Justinian), with special reference to the growth, development and decay of Roman jusrisprudence. By David Nasmith. Nasmith, David, 1829-1894 [Browse] London, Butterworth; [etc., etc.] 1890. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » 7629.669
339. The Institutes of Justinian [electronic resource] / translated into English, with an index, by J.B. Moyle. Oxford, [England] : Clarendon Press, 1889. Book Online The making of modern law. Foreign, comparative and international law, 1600-1926
340. The Institutes of Justinian, translated into English, with an index, by J. B. Moyle. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1889. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » ROMAN 204/C E/M
341. Institutiones philosophicae P. Matthaei Liberatore. Liberatore, Matteo, 1810-1892 [Browse] Prati, Ex officina Giachetti, Filli & Soc. 1889. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » YBX (Liberatore, M. Institutiones philosophicae P. Matthaei Liberatore)ReCAP - Remote Storage » YBX (Liberatore, M. Institutiones philosophicae P. Matthaei Liberatore) Library has: v. 1-2
342. Manuel des textes de droit romain : comprenant les Institutes de Justinien et de Gaius ainsi que tous les fragments des jurisconsultes qui nous sont parvenus en dehors du Digeste, avec des notices et l'indication des sources / par J.B. Mispoulet. Paris : E. Plon, Nourrit et cie [etc.] 1889. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » AH 7138.89.15
343. Institutionis oratoriae liber decimus / M. Fabi Quintiliani ; für den Schulgebrauch erklärt von G.T.A. Krüger. Quintilian [Browse] Leipzig : B.G. Teubner, 1888. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » 2912.310.388
344. Institutionis oratoriae liber decimus / M. Fabi Quintiliani ; für den Schulgebrauch erklärt von G.T.A. Krüger. Quintilian [Browse] Leipzig : B.G. Teubner, 1888. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » 87Q4 SE883
345. Résumé de répétitions écrites de droit romain. Ruben de Couder, Joseph, 1843- [Browse] Paris, Maresque, 1888. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » ROMAN 910 RUB 1888View Record for Full Availability
346. Institutiones philosophicae. Rastero, Giovanni Battista [Browse] Genuae, Typographia Archiepiscopali, 1887. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » KE 29417
347. Institutiones philosophiæ scholasticæ ad mentem divi Thomæ ac Suarezii [microform] Mendive, José [Browse] Vallisoleti, Ex typographia Viduae de Cuesta, 1887-1902 [v. 5, 1902] Book, Microform ReCAP - Remote Storage » *Z-1604
348. Gaii Institutionum iuris civilis commentarii quattuor : separatim ex "iurisprudentiae anteiustinianae reliquiarum". Gaius [Browse] Lipsiae : In Aedibus B.G. Teubneri, 1886. Book Loading...Firestone Library - Classics Graduate Study Room » U101 .F766 1888
349. M. Fabi Quintiliani institutionis oratoriae libri duodecim / edidit Ferdinandus Meister. Quintilcan [Browse] Lipsiae : Freytag, 1886-1887. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » 2912.310.386
350. A systematic and historical exposition of Roman law in the order of a code / by W.A. Hunter ; embodying the Institutes of Gaius and the Institutes of Justinian ; translated into English by J. Ashton Cross. Hunter, W. A. (William Alexander), 1844-1898 [Browse] London : W. Maxwell & Son, 1885. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » 7627.487