61. The Quran : a new interpretation / textual exegesis by Muhammad Bāqir Behbūdī ; English translation by Colin Turner. Richmond, England : Curzon, 1997. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » *OGDK 98-7260ReCAP - Remote Storage » *OGDK 99-1457
62. The Qurʼān : Arabic text with corresponding English meanings = al-Qurʼān al-karīm maʻa tarjamat al-maʻānī bi-al-lughah al-Injilizīyah / English revised and edited by Ṣaḥeeḥ International. Jeddah, Saudi Arabia : Abul-Qasim Pub. House, c1997. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » BP130.4 .A3 1988
63. القرآن الكريم : وترجمة معانيه الى اللغة الانكليزية = The Noble Qurʼan : English translation of the meanings and commentary / [by Muhammad Taqî-ud-Dîn Al-Hilâlî and Muhammad Muhsin Khân]. al-Qurʼān al-Karīm : wa-tarjamat maʻānīhi ilá al-lughah al-Inkilīzīyah = The Noble Qurʼan : English translation of the meanings and commentary / [by Muhammad Taqî-ud-Dîn Al-Hilâlî and Muhammad Muhsin Khân]. [al-Madīnah al-Munawwarah] : Majmaʻ al-Malik Fahd li-Ṭibāʻat al-Muṣḥaf al-Sharīf, [1417 [1996 or 1997]][المدينة المنورة] : مجمع الملك فهد لطباعة المصحف الشريف، [1417 [1996 او 1997]] Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » BP109 1996
64. An enlightening commentary into the light of the Holy Qurʼan / by a group of Muslim scholars ; translated by Abbas Sadr-ʻāmelī ; edited by Somaiyah Berrigan. Esfahan : Amir-al-Moʼmineen Ali Library, 1995. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » BP130.4 .E544 1995View Record for Full Availability
65. The Qur'ān in plain English : part 30 (Sūrahs 78-114) and Sūrah al-Fātihḥah : a simple translation for children and young people : the Arabic text with English translation and explanatory notes / Iman Torres-Al Haneef. Markfield, Leicester, UK : The Islamic Foundation, c1993. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » *OGDK 94-4223
66. Tafsīr maʻānī al-Qurʼān al-Karīm bi-al-lughah al-Injilīziyah : muqtabas min Tafsīr al-Tabarī wa-al-Qurṭubī wa-Ibn Kathīr maʻa Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī = : interpretation of the meanings of the Noble Qurʼan in English language : a summarized version of al-Tabari, al-Qurtubi, and Ibn Kathir with comments from Sahih al-Bukhari, summarized in one volume / [translated] by Muhammad Taqī-al-Dīn al-Hilālī and Muḥammad Muḥsin Khān. Riyadh, Saudi Arabia : Maktaba Dar-Us-Salam, 1993. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » BP109 .H54 1993
67. The meaning of the Holy Qurʼān / [translation and commentary by] ʻAbdullah Yūsuf ʻAlī. Brentwood, Md., U.S.A. : Amana Corp., c1992. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » *OGDK 92-5432
68. A study of al-Qurʻan-ul-Karim : with complete Arabic text, English translation, synopses of Surahs and explanatory notes / by Laʼl Muhammad Chawla. Lahore, Pakistan : Islamic Publications, 1991. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » BP109 .C43 1991ReCAP - Remote StorageView Record for Full Availability
69. Translation of the Quran-e-Majid / M.H. Shakir. Qum, Iran : Ansariyan Publication, [199-?] Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » *OGDK 99-5697
70. The Holy Qur'ān : Arabic text and English translation / [translated] by Sher Ali. Islam International, 1989. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » x