101. The Institutes of Justinian [electronic resource] / with notes by Thomas Cooper. Philadelphia : Printed for P. Byrne, 1812. Book Online Newsbank America's Historical Imprints Bookmark
102. Institutiones theologicae, seu locorum communium Christianae religionis, ex Dei verbo, et praestantissimorum theologorum orthodoxo consensu expositorum, analysis: ad leges methodi didascalicae, quaestionibus & responsionibus conformata: atque in usum ministerii sacri candidatorum, qui se ad examen doctrinae subeundum parant, accomodata / Guilielmi Bucani. Bucanus, Guillaume, d. 1603 [Browse] Genevae : Iacobi Stoer, 1625. Book Online Online Content Bookmark
103. A supplement to the quarto edition of Dr Mosheim's Ecclesiastical history [electronic resource]; containing the additions and improvements inserted in the octavo edition of that work; ... By Archibald Maclaine, ... Mosheim, Johann Lorenz, 1694?-1755 [Browse] London : printed for A. Millar; and sold by T. Cadell, 1768. Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections Bookmark
104. Imperatoris lustiniani Institutionum libri, quattuor [electronic resource] : with introductions, commentary, excursus / by J.B. Moyle. Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1883. Book Online The making of modern law. Foreign, comparative and international law, 1600-1926 Bookmark
105. Codicis Theodosiani libri XVI : quibus sunt ipsorum principum autoritate adiectae novellae / Theodosij, Valentiniani, Martiani, Maioriani, Seueri, Caij Institutionum lib. II., Julij Pauli Receptarum sententiarum lib. V., Gregoriani codicis lib. V., Hermogeniani lib. I., Papiniani tit. I. ; Hiis nos adiecimus ex vetustissimis bibliothecis, eò quod ad ius ciuile pertinerent, & alterius etiam responsa passimin Pandectis legerentur, L. Volusij Metiani lib. de asse. Iulij Frontini lib. de controuersijs limitum, cum Aggeni Vrbici commentarijs. Basileae : Henricus Petrus, MDXXVIII. Book Online Making of Modern Law: Foreign Primary Sources, 1600-1970 Bookmark
106. Corpus iuris civilis in IIII. partes distinctum, quarum prima, Dn. sacratissimi principis Iustiniani Institutionum lib. IIII. : digestorum seu Pandectarum lib. L. continentur, quæ reliquis partibus includantur, auersa docebit pagina : his accesserunt Commentarij, quibus inter cætera variæ lectiones, leges similes, contrariæ, abrogatæ, verborum, legumq, difficilium interpretationes atque compendia, anni singulis Codicis legibus additi continentur, præter Institutionum nouam Epitomen, accessit & alia Nouellarum Iustiniani, ad ordinem Edicti perpetui adcommodata / authore Dionysio Gothofredo, præter veteres titulorum ac legum indices, accessit vice lexici & repertorij duplex verborum & rerum commentarius, authore P.C.B. [Place of publication not identified] : [publisher not identified], [1583]Genevæ : Excudebat Iacobus Stœr, 1583. Book Online Making of Modern Law: Foreign Primary Sources, 1600-1970 Bookmark
107. D. Justiniani Institutionum libri quatuor = The four books of Justinian's Institutions / translated into English, with notes, by George Harris, LL. D. [Place of publication not identified] : [publisher not identified], [MDCCLXI]London : J. Purser for M. Withers, MDCCLXI. Book Online Making of Modern Law: Foreign Primary Sources, 1600-1970 Bookmark
108. Nicolai Fontani [I]nstitutiones pharmaceuticae, [electronic resource] : ex Bauderonio & Du Boys in pharmacopoeorum gratiam potissimum concinnatae. Fonteyn, Nicolaas [Browse] Amsterdami, : Ex typographia Iacobi Charpentier, anno Christi MDCXXXIII. [1633] Book Online Online Content Bookmark
109. I. Heurnii Vltraiectini Institutiones medicinae. [electronic resource]. Heurne, Johan van, 1543-1601 [Browse] Lugduni Batavorum, : Ex officina Ioannis Maire., anno MDCXXVII. [1627] Book Online Online Content Bookmark
110. The institutes of Justinian [electronic resource] : with English introduction, translation, and notes / by Thomas Collett Sandars. London : J.W. Parker and Son, 1853 (Woodfall and Kinder) Book Online The making of modern law. Foreign, comparative and international law, 1600-1926 Bookmark
111. The Institutes of Justinian [electronic resource] / translated into English, with an index, by J.B. Moyle. Oxford : Clarendon Press ; London : Henry Frowde : Stevens & Sons, Ltd., 1896. Book Online The making of modern law. Foreign, comparative and international law, 1600-1926 Bookmark
112. The elements of Roman law summarized [electronic resource] : a concise digest of the matter contained in the Institutes of Gaius and Justinian ; with copious reference arr. in parallel columns, also chronological and analytical tables, lists of laws, etc., etc. : primarily designed for the use of students preparing for examination at Oxford, Cambridge and the Inns of court / by Seymour F. Harris. Harris, Seymour F. (Seymour Frederick), 1851-1920 [Browse] London : Stevens & Haynes, 1899 (Bradbury, Agnew & Co., Ltd.) Book Online The making of modern law. Foreign, comparative and international law, 1600-1926 Bookmark
113. The institutes of Justinian [electronic resource] : edited as a recension of the institutes of Gaius / by Thomas Erskine Holland. Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1873. Book Online The making of modern law. Foreign, comparative and international law, 1600-1926 Bookmark
114. The Institutes of Justinian [electronic resource] / translated into English, with an index, by J.B. Moyle. Oxford, [England] : Clarendon Press, 1889. Book Online The making of modern law. Foreign, comparative and international law, 1600-1926 Bookmark
115. The elements of Roman law [electronic resource] : being selections from the Institutes of Justinian, with explanatory notes, for the use of students / edited by R.B. Howes and R.P.B. Davis. Cape Town : Juta & Co., 1923 (Cape Times Ltd.) Book Online The making of modern law. Foreign, comparative and international law, 1600-1926 Bookmark
116. The Institutes of Justinian [electronic resource] / translated into English, with an index, by J.B. Moyle. Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1913 (University Press Oxford by Charles Batey) Book Online The making of modern law. Foreign, comparative and international law, 1600-1926 Bookmark
117. The Institutes of Gaius and Rules of Ulpian [electronic resource] : the former from Studemund's apograph of the Verona codex / with translation and notes, critical and explanatory, and copious alphabetical digest by James Muirhead. Gaius [Browse] Edinburgh [Scotland] : T. & T. Clark, 1880 (Morrison and Gibb) Book Online The making of modern law. Foreign, comparative and international law, 1600-1926 Bookmark
118. The Institutes of Justinian [electronic resource] / translated with notes by J.T. Abdy and Bryan Walker ; edited for the syndics of the University Press. Cambridge ; London : University Press : Cambridge House : Deighton, Bell, and Co., 1876. Book Online The making of modern law. Foreign, comparative and international law, 1600-1926 Bookmark
119. Summary of the Institutes of Gaius [electronic resource] : (Books I., II., [section] 1-97, and III., [section] 88-225) with historical introduction and notes / by T. Radford Potts. Potts, T. Radford (Thomas Radford), 1854- [Browse] Oxford : H. Giles ; London : Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent & Co., 1907. Book Online The making of modern law. Foreign, comparative and international law, 1600-1926 Bookmark
120. Institutiones Graecae grammatices. [electronic resource]. Bolzanio, Urbano, approximately 1443-1524 [Browse] Venetiis : In aedibus Aldi Manutii Romani., M. IIID. mense Ianuario [1497]. Book Bookmark