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102. In the matter of allegations relating to Representative David Schweikert : report of the Committee on Ethics. United States. Congress. House. Committee on Ethics [Browse] Washington : U.S. Government Publishing Office, 2020. Book Online Marcive GPO Government Documents
103. In the matter of allegations relating to Representative David Schweikert : report of the Committee on Ethics. United States. Congress. House. Committee on Ethics [Browse] Washington : U.S. Government Publishing Office, 2020. Book Online US Government Documents
104. In the Matter of Allegations Relating to Representative Lori Trahan. United States. Congress. House. Committee on Ethics [Browse] Bethesda, Md. : ProQuest, 2020. Book Online Proquest Congressional
105. In the matter of allegations relating to Representative Lori Trahan : report of the Committee on Ethics. United States. Congress. House. Committee on Ethics [Browse] Washington : U.S. Government Publishing Office, 2020. Book Online Marcive GPO Government Documents
106. In the matter of allegations relating to Representative Lori Trahan : report of the Committee on Ethics. United States. Congress. House. Committee on Ethics [Browse] Washington : U.S. Government Publishing Office, 2020. Book Online US Government Documents
107. In the Matter of Allegations Relating to Representative Rashida Tlaib. United States. Congress. House. Committee on Ethics [Browse] Bethesda, Md. : ProQuest, 2020. Book Online Proquest Congressional
108. In the matter of allegations relating to Representative Rashida Tlaib : report of the Committee on Ethics. United States. Congress. House. Committee on Ethics [Browse] Washington : U.S. Government Publishing Office, 2020. Book Online Marcive GPO Government Documents
109. In the matter of allegations relating to Representative Rashida Tlaib : report of the Committee on Ethics. United States. Congress. House. Committee on Ethics [Browse] Washington : U.S. Government Publishing Office, 2020. Book Online US Government Documents
110. Markup of H.R. 4617, the Stopping Harmful Interference in Elections for a Lasting Democracy Act : hearing before the Committee on House Administration, House of Representatives, One Hundred Sixteenth Congress, first session, October 16, 2019. United States. Congress. House. Committee on House Administration [Browse] Washington : U.S. Government Publishing Office, 2020. Book Online US Government Documents
111. Markup of H.R. 4617, the Stopping Harmful Interference in Elections for a Lasting Democracy Act : hearing before the Committee on House Administration, House of Representatives, One Hundred Sixteenth Congress, first session, October 16, 2019. United States. Congress. House. Committee on House Administration [Browse] Washington : U.S. Government Publishing Office, 2020. Book Online Marcive GPO Government Documents
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113. Office of Congressional Ethics, United States House of Representatives : Report. United States. Congress. House [Browse] Bethesda, Md. : ProQuest, 2020. Book Online Proquest Congressional
114. Partisan supremacy : how the GOP enlisted courts to rig America's election rules / Terri Jennings Peretti. Peretti, Terri Jennings, 1956- [Browse] Lawrence, Kansas : University Press of Kansas, [2020]©2020 Book Online JSTOR DDA
115. Partisan supremacy : how the GOP enlisted courts to rig America's election rules / Terri Jennings Peretti. Peretti, Terri Jennings, 1956- [Browse] Lawrence, Kansas : University Press of Kansas, [2020]©2020 Book Loading...Firestone Library - Stacks » KF8748 .P387 2020
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120. The rise of political action committees : interest group electioneering and the transformation of American politics / Emily J. Charnock. Charnock, Emily J. [Browse] New York, NY : Oxford University Press, 2020. Book Online Oxford Scholarship - Oxford University Press: Political Science