201. Imperatoris Iustiniani Institutionum libri quattuor; with introductions, commentary, and excursus by J. B. Moyle. Oxford, The Clarendon Press, 1890. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » XAP (Justinian). 1890. (Justinian I., Emperor of the East. Imperatoris Justiniani institutionum)
202. Imperatoris Iustiniani Institutionum libri quattuor / with introductions, commentary, and excursus by J. B. Moyle. Oxford : The Clarendon Press, 1890. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » 87J982 R71
203. Imperatoris Iustiniani Institutionum libri quattuor; with introductions, commentary, excursus and translation, by J. B. Moyle. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1883. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » 7635.268.1883
204. Imperatoris Justiniani Institutionum libri IV. Ad fidem antiquorum librorum edidit variantium lectionum locorumque parallelorum delectum adiecit Eduardus Schrader in operis societatem accedentibus Theoph. Luca Fr. Tafelio, Gualth. Frider. Clossio, post huius discessum Christ. Joh. C. Maiero. Berolini, apud G. Reimerum, 1874. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » ROMAN 204/C A/S
205. Imperatoris Justiniani institutionum Libri IV : Ad fidem antiquorum librorum edidit variantium lectionum locorumque parallelorum delectum adiecit Eduardus Schrader, in operis societatem accedentibus Theoph. Luca Fr. Tafelio, Gualth. Frider. Clossio, post huius discessum Christ. Joh. C. Maiero. Berolini : G. Reimerum, 1844. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » AH 7203.43.9
206. Imperatoris Justiniani Institutionum libri IV : argumentis paragraphor. nec non annotationibus ac notis doctiss. scriptorum illustrati : quibus adjunximus Leges XII. tab. explicatas, Ulpiani tit. XXIX. adnotatos, Caii libros II. Institut., Titulos tractatusque Jur. Civ. studio in primis necessarios / studio J. Crispini et J. Pacii. Amsteledami : apud Johan. et Cornel. Blaeu, 1642-[1659] Book On-site accessReCAP - Remote Storage » XAP (Justinian). 1642?. (Justinian I., emperor of the East. Imperatoris Justiniani institutionum libri iv)
207. Imperatoris lustiniani Institutionum libri, quattuor [electronic resource] : with introductions, commentary, excursus / by J.B. Moyle. Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1883. Book Online The making of modern law. Foreign, comparative and international law, 1600-1926
208. Imp. Iustiniani Institutionum libri quattuor / cum praefatione et ex recognitione Ph. Eduardi Huschke. Lipsiae : In aedibus B.G. Teubneri, 1868. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » XAP (Justinian). 1868. (Justinian I., Emperor of the East. D. Justiniani Institutionum)
209. Imp. Ivstiniani Institvtionvm libri qvattuor cvm praefatione et ex recognitione Ph. Edvardi Hvschki. Lipsiae, in aedibvs B. G. Tevbneri, 1868. Book Loading...Firestone Library - Classics Graduate Study Room » KJA147 .I578 1868
210. Imp. Ivstiniani Institvtionvm libri qvattuor cvm praefatione et ex recognitione Ph. Edvardi Hvschki. Lipsiae, in aedibvs B. G. Tevbneri, 1868. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » AH 7203.51
211. Imp. Ivstiniani Institvtionvm libri qvattvor / cvm praefatione et ex recognitione Ph. Edvardi Hvschke. Lipsiae : In aedibvs B. G. Tevbneri, 1914. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » 87J982 R7
212. In codicis Dn. Ivstiniani sacratissimi principis ex repetita praelectione libros IX / summa a Placentino legum interprete excellentissimo : ante 400. ferme annos conscripta, et nunc primum in lucem aedita : accessit praeterea index geminus, in quo omnes huius summæ tituli, non tam secundum librorum, quàm secundum alphabeti ordinem, pulcherrime demonstrantur. Placentinus, Petrus, -1192 [Browse] Moguntiae : In officina Iuonis Schoeffer, anno MDXXXVI. Book Online Making of Modern Law: Foreign Primary Sources, 1600-1970
213. In qvatvor institutionum iuris principis Iustiniani libros enarrationes ... Priori aeditioni, praeter quàm quòd à multis est repurgata mendis ... Cvm indice locvpletissimo. Kling, Melchior, 1504-1571 [Browse] Lvgdvni, apvd Gvliel. Rovillivm, 1566. Book Loading...Firestone Library - Stacks » 7635.761.11
214. Institoutiōnes Theophilou Antikēnsōros : Institutiones iuris ciuilis in Graecam linguam per Theophilum Anticensorem traductae : ac fusissime planissimeq[ue] explicatae : cura & studio Viglii Zuichemi primu[m] in luce[m] editę, nunc denuo a Rutgero Rescio recognitę : adiectis etiam aliquot Petri Nannii annotatiunculis : eximiam autem harum vtilitatem Viglii praefatio ad Opt. Max. Imp. Carolum abunde declarat. Theophilus, active 6th century [Browse] Louanii : Ex officina Rutgeri Rescij, 1536. Book Loading...Special Collections - Rare Books » N-004597
215. Institucije / Gaj ; [preveo Obrad Stanojević]. Gaius [Browse] Beograd : Nolit, 1982. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » ROMAN 203 F82
216. Instituciones de Justiniano : con una nota previa sobre Justiniano y las Institutas / por M. Ortolán ; [traducción de Francisco Pérez de Anaya y Melquíades Pérez Rivas] Buenos Aires : Editorial Atalaya, 1947. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » ROMAN 204/C S/O
217. Las Instituciones del emperador Justiniano : Instituta iustiniani debidamente concordadas con los códigos panameños desde 1853 / Carlos Cuestas G. Cuestas G., Carlos H. (Carlos Humberto Cuestas Gómez), 1953- [Browse] Panamá : Editorial La Antigua, Universidad Santa María La Antigua, 1998. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » PAN 903.3 CUE78 1998
218. Instituciones / Gayo ; nueva traducción por Manuel Abellán Velasco ... [et al.] ; coordinación general y prólogo de Francisco Hernández-Tejero. Gaius [Browse] Madrid : Editorial Civitas, c1985. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » ROMAN 905.1 GAI87 1985
219. Institución oratoria, libro décimo / M. Fabio Quintiliano ; edición, introducción y comentario por Miquel Dolç. Quintilian [Browse] Barcelona : Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, 1947. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » 2912.320.447
220. Instituiçoens de direito civil luzitano tanto publico, como particular / por Paschoal Jose de Mello Freire ; tradusidas do Latim por Francisco Pereira Freire, Bacharel formado en Leis ; em testemunho de gratidaõ, e erspeito offerecidas ; ao illustrissimo senhor doutor lourenço Joze' Ribeiro, ex Lente da primeira Cadeira do 1.° anno, da primeira do 2.°, da Segunda do 3.° anno do Curso Juridico de Olinda, e Actual Juis de Direito Civel na Corte & ; livro segundo do direito das pessoas. Mello Freire, Paschoal José de, 1738-1798 [Browse] [Place of publication not identified] : [publisher not identified], [1834]Pernambuco : Na Typ. De Pinheiro & Faria, 1834. Book Online Brazilian and Portuguese History and Culture: Oliveira Lima Library
221. Instituições oratorias de M. Fabio Quintiliano escolhidas dos seus XII livros / traduzidas em linguagem, e illustradas com notas criticas, historicas, e rhetoricas, para uso dos que aprendem ; ajuntão-se no fim as peças originaes de eloquencia, citadas por Quintiliano no corpo d'estas instituições, por Jeronymo Soares Barboza, professor de Eloquencia e Poesia em a Universidade de Coimbra. Quintilian [Browse] Paris : Na Livraria Portuguesa de J.P. Aillaud, 1836. Book
222. Institutas do Imperador Justiano, traduzidas e comparadas com o direito civil brasileiro, por Spencer Vampre. São Paulo, Livraria Magalhaes, 1915. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » ROMAN 910 VAM
223. De Instituten van Gaius / vertaald door J.E. Spruit en K. Bongenaar. Gaius [Browse] Zutphen : Walburg Pers, c1994. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » KJA882.A34 A4x 1994
224. De Instituten van Gaius / vertaald door J.E. Spruit en K. Bongenaar. Gaius [Browse] [Zutphen] : Walburg Pers, c1982. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » KJA882.A34 A4x 1982
225. De Instituten van Justinianus, vertaling, tabellen en register van mr. ir. A.C. Oltmans. Haarlem, H.D. Tjeenk Willink & zoon n.v., 1941. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » ROMAN 204/C D/O
226. Les institutes de Justinien en franc̦ais : traduction anonyme du XIIIe siècle / publièe avec une introduction par Félix Olivier-Martin. Paris : Société anonyme du Recueil Sirey, 1935. Book Loading...Firestone Library - Classics Collection » KJA1086 .F746 1935
227. Les institutes de Justinien en franc̦ais : traduction anonyme du XIIIe siècle / publièe avec une introduction par Félix Olivier-Martin. Paris : Société anonyme du Recueil Sirey, 1935. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » AH 7203.109ReCAP - Remote Storage » ROMAN 204/C F/OView Record for Full Availability
228. Institutes de Justinien / traduction française avec le texte latin en regard par Philippe Cocatre-Zilgien et Jean-Pierre Coriat. Justinien Ier (empereur de Byzance ; 0482-0565). [Browse] Paris : Dalloz, 2021. Book
229. Institutes de Justinien : traduites et expliquées / par A. M. Du Caurroy. Paris : Gustave Thorel, 1851. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » AH 7203.45View Record for Full Availability
230. Institutes / Emperor Justinian I. [France] : [producer not identified], [between 1225 and 1250] Manuscript, Book Loading...Special Collections - Manuscripts » Kane MS. 49
231. Institutes / Gaius ; texte établi et traduit par Julien Reinach. Gaius [Browse] Paris : Belles lettres, 2003. Book Loading...Firestone Library - Classics Graduate Study Room » PA3405 .B8 vol.526
232. Institutes / Gaius ; texte établi et traduit par Julien Reinach. Gaius [Browse] Paris : Belles Lettres, 1991. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » ROMAN 203 F91
233. Les Institutes imperiales de Iustinian : ioinctes auec la iurisprudence franc̨oise mise à la marge d'icelles : esquelles tout le droict ancien romain est descrit & esclarcy & veu à l'œil, en quoy il est conforme aux loix, ordonnances & statuts de noz Roys Tres chrestiens, ensemble aux meurs, vs, coustumes, pratiques & obseruations vsitees au Royaume de France : oeuvre tres utile pour tous praticiens / nagueres faict en latin par M. Iaques Buchereau, Conseiller & Referandaire en la Chancelerie de France ; & maintenant mises en francois par Guy de La Roche, aduocat. A Paris : Chez Guillaume de la Nouë, MDLXXX. Book Online Making of Modern Law: Foreign Primary Sources, 1600-1970
234. Institutes of divine jurisprudence [electronic resource] : with selections from Foundations of the law of nature and nations / Christian Thomasius ; edited, translated, and with an Introduction by Thomas Ahnert. Thomasius, Christian, 1655-1728 [Browse] Indianapolis, Ind. : Liberty Fund, Inc., c2011. Book Online Ebook Central Perpetual, DDA and Subscription Titles
235. Institutes of divine jurisprudence with selections from Foundations of the law of nature and nations / Christian Thomasius ; edited, translated, and with an Introduction by Thomas Ahnert. Thomasius, Christian, 1655-1728 [Browse] Indianapolis, Ind. : Liberty Fund, Inc., c2011. Book Loading...Firestone Library - Stacks » KZ2344 .A2 2011
236. [The Institutes of Gaius]. Gaius [Browse] [Los Altos, Calif.] : Packard Humanities Institute, [1991]©1991 Book
237. The Institutes of Gaius and Justinian, the Twelve tables, and the CXVIIIth and CXXVIIth novels : with introd. and translation / by T. L. Mears. Gaius [Browse] London : Stevens, 1882. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » ROMAN 201 E/M
238. The Institutes of Gaius and Rules of Ulpian [electronic resource] : the former from Studemund's apograph of the Verona codex / with translation and notes, critical and explanatory, and copious alphabetical digest by James Muirhead. Gaius [Browse] Edinburgh [Scotland] : T. & T. Clark, 1880 (Morrison and Gibb) Book Online The making of modern law. Foreign, comparative and international law, 1600-1926
239. The Institutes of Gaius and Rules of Ulpian : the former from Studemund's apograph of the Verona codex / with translation and notes, critical and explanatory, and copious alphabetical digest by James Muirhead. Gaius [Browse] Edinburgh [Scotland] : T. & T. Clark, 1880. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » 7632.1880
240. The institutes of Gaius / by Francis de Zulueta. Gaius [Browse] Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1946-53. Book Loading...Firestone Library - History Reference: Reserve » KJA882.A34 A413 1946
241. The Institutes of Gaius / translated with an introduction by W.M. Gordon and O.F. Robinson ; with the Latin text of Seckel and Kuebler. Gaius [Browse] Ithaca, N.Y. : Cornell University Press, 1988. Book Loading...Firestone Library - Classics Collection » KJA882.A34 A4 1988
242. The Institutes of Gaius / translated with an introduction by W.M. Gordon and O.F. Robinson ; with the Latin text of Seckel and Kuebler. Gaius [Browse] London : Duckworth, 1988. Book Loading...Firestone Library - Classics Collection » KJA882.A34 A4 1988b
243. The Institutes of Justinian, ed. as a recension of the Institutes of Gaius, by Thomas Erskine Holland. Oxford, Clarendon press, 1881. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » 7635.268.1881 Online Online Content
244. The Institutes of Justinian, ed. as a recension of the Institutes of Gaius, by Thomas Erskine Holland. Oxford, Clarendon press, 1881. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » XAP (Justinian). 1881. Justinian I., emperor of the East. Institutes of Justinian)
245. The Institutes of Justinian, edited as a recension of the Institutes of Gaius, by Thomas Erskine Holland. Oxford : Clarendon press, 1873. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » 7635.268.1873 Online Online Content
246. The institutes of Justinian [electronic resource] : edited as a recension of the institutes of Gaius / by Thomas Erskine Holland. Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1873. Book Online The making of modern law. Foreign, comparative and international law, 1600-1926
247. The Institutes of Justinian [electronic resource] / translated into English, with an index, by J.B. Moyle. Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1913 (University Press Oxford by Charles Batey) Book Online The making of modern law. Foreign, comparative and international law, 1600-1926
248. The Institutes of Justinian [electronic resource] / translated into English, with an index, by J.B. Moyle. Oxford : Clarendon Press ; London : Henry Frowde : Stevens & Sons, Ltd., 1896. Book Online The making of modern law. Foreign, comparative and international law, 1600-1926
249. The Institutes of Justinian [electronic resource] / translated into English, with an index, by J.B. Moyle. Oxford, [England] : Clarendon Press, 1889. Book Online The making of modern law. Foreign, comparative and international law, 1600-1926
250. The Institutes of Justinian [electronic resource] / translated with notes by J.T. Abdy and Bryan Walker ; edited for the syndics of the University Press. Cambridge ; London : University Press : Cambridge House : Deighton, Bell, and Co., 1876. Book Online The making of modern law. Foreign, comparative and international law, 1600-1926