201. Paraphrasis Psalmorum Dauidis poetica [electronic resource] : multo quam antehac castigatior; auctore Georgio Buchanano, Scoto, poëtarum nostri s[a]eculi facilè principe. Adnotata ubique diligenter carminum genera. Eiusdem Buchanani tragœdia quæ inscribitur Iephthes. Buchanan, George, 1506-1582 [Browse] Londini : Excudebat Thomas Vautrollerus, typographus, 1580. Book Online Early English Books Online Bookmark
202. Paraphrasis psalmorum Dauidis poetica multo quam antehac castigatior [electronic resource] / auctore Georgio Buchanano ... ; adnotata vbique diligenter carminum genera ; eiusdem Buchanani tragœdia quæ inscribitur Iephthes. Buchanan, George, 1506-1582 [Browse] Londini : Excudebat Thomas Vautrolle[ll]us, impensis Henrici Denham, 1580. Book Online Early English Books Online Bookmark
203. The Psalmes of Dauid [electronic resource] : truely opened and explaned by paraphrasis, according to the right sense of euery Psalme. With large and ample arguments before euery psalme, declaring the true vse therof. To the vvhich is added a briefe table, shewing wherevnto euery Psalme is particularly to be applied, according to the direction of M. Beza and Tremelius. Set foorth in Latine by that excellent learned man Theodore Beza. And faithfully translated into English, by Anthonie Gilbie. At London : Printed by Iohn Harison and Henrie Middleton, 1580. Book Online Early English Books Online Bookmark
204. Psalmi Dauidis ex Hebraeo in Latinum conuersi, [electronic resource] : scholiisque pernecessariis illustrati ab Immanuele Tremellio, et Francisco Junio.. Londini, : Excudebat Henricus Denhamus Typographus Gulielmi Seresij unicus assignatus. Cum priuilegio Regiae Maiestais., 1580.. Book Online Early English Books Online Bookmark
205. Psalmi Dauidis ex Hebraeo in Latinum conuersi, [electronic resource] : scholiisque per necessariis illustrati / ab Immauvele Tremellio et Francisco Junio.. Londini, : Excudebat Henricus Middletonus, impensis I.H., 1580.. Book Online Early English Books Online Bookmark
206. Psalmi Davidis ex Hebraeo in Latinum conuersi [electronic resource] : scholiisque per necessariis illustrati / ab Immanuele Tremellio et Francisco Junio. Londini : Excudebat Henricus Middletonus, impensis W.N., 1580. Book Online Early English Books Online Bookmark
207. Psalmi Davidis ex Hebraeo in Latinum conversi, [electronic resource] : scholiisque, per necessariis / illustrati ab Immanuele Tremellio et Francisco Junio. Londini : Excudebat Henricus Middletonus, impensis G.B., 1580. Book Online Early English Books Online Bookmark
208. Psalmi Davidis ex Hebraeo in Latiuvm conversi [electronic resource] : scholiisqve per necessariis illustrati / ab Immanvele Tremellio et Francisco Jvnio. Londini : Excudebat Henricus Middletonus, impensis G. B., 1580. Book Online Early English Books Online Bookmark
209. Psalmorum Dauidis et aliorum prophetarum, libri quinque [electronic resource] : Argumentis & Latina paraphrasi illustrati, ac etiam vario carminum genere latinè expressi. Theodoro Beza Vezelio auctore. Londini : Excudebat Thomas Vautrollerius typographus, 1580. Book Online Early English Books Online Bookmark
210. Psalmorum Davidis et aliorum prophetarum [electronic resource] : libri quinque : argumentis & Latina paraphrasi illustrati, ac etiam vario carminum genere Latinè expressi : nunc postremùm recogniti & à variis mendis repurgati / Theodoro Beza Vezelio auctore. Londoni : Typis Thomæ Vautrollerij & impensis Herculis Francisci, 1580. Book Online Early English Books Online Bookmark
211. The Psalter or Psalmes of Dauid [electronic resource] : after the translation of the great Bible, pointed as it shall be soong in churches. Imprinted at London : By Henrie Denham, dwelling in Pater noster Row at the signe of the Starre, being the assigne of William Seres, 1580. Book Online Early English Books Online Bookmark
212. The whole boke of psalmes [electronic resource] / collected into Englishe metre by T. Sternhold, W. Whitingham, I. Hopkins, and others, conferred with Hebrue, with apt notes to sing them withall ; newly set forth and allowed to be song of all the people together, in all churches, before and after mornyng and euening prayer, as also before & after the sermons, and moreouer in priuate houses, for their godly solace and comfort, laying apart all vngodly songes and balladdes, which tend onely to the nourishing of vyce and corrupting of youth. Sternhold, Thomas, d. 1549 [Browse] At London : Printed by Iohn Daye, dwelling ouer Aldersgate, 1580. Book Online Early English Books Online Bookmark
213. The whole booke of Psalmes, [electronic resource] / collected into englishe meter by Thomas Stern. Iohn Hopkins and others, conferred with the Hebrue, with apt notes to sing them withall. ; Set forth & allowed to be song in all churches, of all the people together before and after morning and euening prayer: as also before and after sermons, & moreouer in priuate houses, for their godly solace and co[m]fort, laying apart all vngodly songs and ballades, which tend onely to the nourishing of vice and corrupting of youth.. Sternhold, Thomas, d. 1549 [Browse] Imprinted at London : by Iohn Day. Cum gratia & pruilegio Regiæ Maiestatis., Anno. 1580.. Book Online Early English Books Online Bookmark
214. The whole booke of Psalmes [electronic resource] / collected into English meeter by T. Sternehold, I. Hopkins, and others, conferred with the Hebrue, with apte notes to sing them withall ; set forth and alowed to be song in all churches, of all y[e] people together, before and after morning & euening praier ; as also before & after sermons and moreouer in priuate houses, for their godly solace & comfort, laying apart all vngodly songes and balads, which tend onely to the nourishing of vice & corrupting of youth. Sternhold, Thomas, d. 1549 [Browse] Imprinted at London : By Iohn Daye, 1580. Book Online Early English Books Online Bookmark
215. The whole booke of Psalmes [electronic resource] : collected into English meter by T. Sternhold. I. Hopkins and others, conferred with the Ebrue, with apt notes to sing them withall. Set forth and allowed to be song in all churches, of all the people together before and after morning and euening prayer: as also before and after sermons and moreouer in priuate houses, for their godly solace and comfort, laying apart all vngodly songes and balades which tend onely to the nourishing of vice, and corrupting of youth. At London : printed by Iohn Daye, dwellyng ouer Aldersgate, Anno. 1580. Book Online Early English Books Online Bookmark
216. The whole booke of psalmes [electronic resource] / collected into English metre by T. Sternhold, I. Hop., W. Whittingham and others, conferred with the Hebrue, with apte notes to sing the[m] withall ; newly sett forth, and alowed to be song in all churches, of all the people together, before & after morning & euening prayer, and also before and after sermons, moreouer in priuate houses, for their godly solace and comfort, laying apart all ungodly songes and balades, which tend onely to the nourishing of vice and corrupting of youth. Sternhold, Thomas, d. 1549 [Browse] At London : Printed by Iohn Daye dwelling ouer Aldersgate, [ca. 1580] Book Online Early English Books Online Bookmark
217. The Bible: [electronic resource] : that is, the Holy Scriptures conteyned in the Olde and New Testament. / Translated according to the Ebrewe and Greeke, and conferred with the best translations in diuers languages.. Imprinted at London : by Christopher Barker, Printer to the Queenes Maiestie., Anno. 1581.. Book Online Early English Books Online Bookmark
218. [The boke of common praier, and administration of the sacramentes, and other rites and ceremonies in the Churche of Englande] [electronic resource]. Church of England [Browse] Jmprinted at London, : by Christopher Barker, printer to the Queenes Maiestie., [1581?] Book Online Early English Books Online Bookmark
219. The booke of common prayer, and administration of the sacraments, & other rites and ceremonies in the Church of England. [electronic resource]. Church of England [Browse] Imprinted at London : By Christopher Barker, Printer to the Queenes Maiestatis., [1581]. Book Online Early English Books Online Bookmark
220. Paraphrasis aliquot Psalmorum Dauidis, carmine heroico. Scipio Gentili Italo auctore [electronic resource] Londini : Excudebat Thomas Vautrollerius typographus, 1581. Book Online Early English Books Online Bookmark
221. The Psalmes of Dauid [electronic resource] : truly opened and explaned by paraphrasis, according to the right sense of euerie Psalme. With large and ample arguments before euerie Psame, declaring the true vse thereof. To the which is added a briefe table, shewing wherevnto euery Psalme is particularly to be applied, according to the direction of M. Beza and Tremellius. Set foorth in Latine by that excellent learned man Theodore Beza. And faithfully translated into English, by Anthonie Gilbie, and by him newly purged from sundrie faultes escaped in the first print, and supplied with the principal pointes of euerie Psalme, summarilie set downe in a table at the end of the booke. [London] : Printed by Henrie Denham, 1581. Book Online Early English Books Online Bookmark
222. Psalterium Davidis [electronic resource] / carmine redditum per Eobanum Hessum, cum annotationibus Vti [sic] Theodori Noribergensis, que commentarij vice esse possunt. Cui accessit Ecclesiastes Solomonis, eodem genere carminis redditus. Hessus, Helius Eobanus, 1488-1540 [Browse] Londini. : Excudebat Thomas Vautrollerius. Typographus., M. D. LXXXI. [1581] Book Online Early English Books Online Bookmark
223. The whole booke of psalmes, [electronic resource] / collected into Englishe metre by T. Sternhold., W. Whitingham, I. Hopkins, and others: conferred with the Hebrue, with apt notes to sing them withall ; Newly set forth and allowed to be song of all the people together, in all churches, before and after mornyng and euening prayer: as also before & after the sermons, and moreouer in priuate houses, for their godly solace and comfort, laying apart all vngodly songes and ballades, which tend onely to the nourishing of vyce and corrupting of youth.. Sternhold, Thomas, d. 1549 [Browse] At London : Printed by Iohn Daye, dwellyng ouer Aldersgate., 1581.. Book Online Early English Books Online Bookmark
224. The whole booke of psalmes [electronic resource] / collected into English meeter, by T. Sternehold I. Hopkins, and others: conferred with the Hebrue, with apte notes to sing them withall. ; set forth and alowed to be song in all churches of all ye people together, before and after morning & euening praier, as also before & after sermons: and moreouer in priuate houses for their godly solace & comfort, laying apart all vngodly songes and balads which tend onely to the nourishing of vice & corrupting of youth.. Sternhold, Thomas, d. 1549 [Browse] Imprinted at London : by Iohn Daye. Cum priuilegio Regiæ Maiestatis., 1581.. Book Online Early English Books Online Bookmark
225. The whole booke of Psalmes [electronic resource] / collected into English meter by T. Sternh. I. Hopk. W. Whittingham, and others. conferred with the Ebrue, with apt notes to sing them withall ; newly set forth and allowed to be song in all churches, of all the people together, before and after morning and evenyng prayer, as also before and afther the sermõ, and moreover in private houses, for their godly solace and comfort, laying apart all vngodly songs and balades, which tend onely to the nourishyng of vice and corrupting of youth. Sternhold, Thomas, d. 1549 [Browse] At London : Printed by Iohn Daye, dwellyng ouer Aldersgate, 1581. Book Online Early English Books Online Bookmark
226. The whole booke o[f] psalmes [electronic resource] : collected into English meter by T. Sternhold. I. Hopkins, and others, conferred with the Hebrue, with apt notes to sing them withall. Set forth and allowed to be song in all churches, of all the people together before and after morning and euening prayer: as also before and after sermons and moreouer in priuate houses, for their godly solace and comfort, laying apart all vngodly songes, and balades which tend onely to the nourishing of vice, and corrupting of youth. At London : printed by Iohn Daye, dwellyng ouer Aldersgate, anno. 1581. Book Online Early English Books Online Bookmark
227. The whole booke of psalmes [electronic resource] : collected into English meter by T. Sternhold. I. Hopkins, and others, conferred with the Hebrue, with apt notes to sing them withall. Set forth and allowed to be song in all churches, of all the people together before and after morning and euening prayer: as also before and after sermons and moreouer in priuate houses, for their godly solace and comfort, laying apart all vngodly songes, and balades which tend onely to the nourishing of vice, and corrupting of youth. At London : printed by Iohn Daye, dwellyng ouer Aldersgate, anno. 1581. Book Online Early English Books Online Bookmark
228. The whole booke of psalmes [electronic resource] / collected into English metre by T. Sternh. I. Hop. W. Whittingham & others, conferred with the Hebrue, with apt notes to sing thẽ withall. ; Newly sett forth and allowed to be song in all churches, of all the people together, before & after morning & euening prayer, as also before and after sermons, moreouer in priuate houses, for their godly solace and comfort, laying apart all ungodly songes and balades, which tend onely to the nourishing of vice and corrupting of youth.. Sternhold, Thomas, d. 1549 [Browse] At London : Printed by Iohn Daye dwelling ouer Aldersgate., [1581]. Book Online Early English Books Online Bookmark
229. The Bible: that is the Holy Scriptvres Conteined in the Olde and Newe Testament; tr. from the Ebrew and Greeke ... with ... annotations ... Imprinted at London by Christopher Barker, 1582. Book Loading...Special Collections - Rare Books » 5173.1582 Bookmark
230. The booke of common prayer and administration of the sacraments, and other rites and ceremonies in the Church of England. [electronic resource]. Church of England [Browse] Imprinted at London : by Christopher Barker, Printer to the Queenes Maiestie., [1582?] Book Online Early English Books Online Bookmark
231. Pæan Stephani Parmenii Budeji ad psalmum Dauidis CIV [electronic resource] : conformatus, & gratiarum loco, post prosperam ex suis Pannoniis in Angliam peregrinationem, Deo optimo & ter maximo seruatori consecratus. Parmenius, Stephanus, d. 1583 [Browse] Londini : Excudebat Thomas Vautroullerius typographus, 1582. Book Online Early English Books Online Bookmark
232. The whole booke of Psalmes [electronic resource] / collected into English metre by T. Sternh., I. Hopk., W. Whittingham and others, conferred vvith the Hebrew, with apte notes to sing them withall ; newly set forth and allowed to bee song in all churches, of all the people togither before and after morning and euening prayer, as also before and after sermons, moreouer, in priuate houses for their godly solace and comfort, laying apart all vngodly songes and balades, which tend [onely] to the nourishing of vice, and corrupting of youth. Sternhold, Thomas, d. 1549 [Browse] At London : Printed by John Daye dwelling ouer Aldersgate, 1582. Book Online Early English Books Online Bookmark
233. Paraphrasis Psalmorum Dauidis poetica [electronic resource] : multo quam antehac castigatior. Auctore Georgio Buchanano Scoto, poetarum nostri sæculi facilè principe. Adnotata vbique diligenter carminum genera. Eiusdem Buchanani tragœdia quæ inscribitur Iephthes. Buchanan, George, 1506-1582 [Browse] Londini : Excudebat Thomas Vautrollerius, typographus, 1583. Book Online Early English Books Online Bookmark
234. The vvhole booke of Psalmes [electronic resource] : collected into english meeter by Thomas Sternhold, Iohn Hopkins & others: conferred with the Hebrue, with apt notes to sing them withall. London : Imprinted by [John Wolfe for] Iohn Day, 1583. Book Online Early English Books Online Bookmark
235. The whole booke of Psalmes, [electronic resource] / collected into Englishe metre by T. Sternhold, W. Whitingham, I. Hopkins, and others: conferred with the Hebrue, with apt notes to sing them withall. Newly set forth and allowed to be song of all the people together, in all churches before and after morning and euening prayer: as also before & after the sermons, and moreouer in priuate houses, for their godly solace and comfort, laying apart all vngodly songes and ballades, which tend onely to the nourishing of vyce, and corrupting of youth. Sternhold, Thomas, d. 1549 [Browse] At London, : Printed by Iohn Daye, dwelling ouer Aldersgate., 1583. Book Online Early English Books Online Bookmark
236. The whole booke of psalmes: [electronic resource] / collected into english meeter by Thomas Sternhold, Iohn Hopkins & others: conferred with the Hebrue, with apt notes to sing them withall.. Sternhold, Thomas, d. 1549 [Browse] London : Imprinted by John Day,, 1583.. Book Online Early English Books Online Bookmark
237. The whole booke of Psalmes, [electronic resource] / collected into English meter by Thomas Sternh. John Hopkins and others, conferred with the Hebrue with apt notes to sing them with all. ; setfoorth & allowed to be song in all churches of the people together before and after morning and euening prayer: as also before and after sermons, & moreouer in priuate houses for their godly solace and comfort, laying apart, vngodly songs and ballads, which tend onely to the nourishing of vice, and corrupting of youth. Sternhold, Thomas, d. 1549 [Browse] Imprinted at London : By Iohn Day, Anno. 1583. Book Online Early English Books Online Bookmark
238. The whole booke of Psalmes, [electronic resource] : collected into English meter / by T. Sternhold. I. Hopkins, and others, conferred with the Hebrue, with apt notes to sing them withall. ; Set forth and allowed to be song in all churches, of all the people together before and after morning and evening prayer: as also before and after sermons and moreouer in priuate houses, for their godly solace and comfort, laying apart all vngodly songes, and balades which tend onely to the nourishing of vice, and corrupting of youth. Sternhold, Thomas, d. 1549 [Browse] At London : Printed by Iohn Daye, dwellyng ouer Aldersgate., Anno. 1583. Book Online Early English Books Online Bookmark
239. The wholebooke [sic] of Psalmes, [electronic resource] : collected into English meter / by Thomas Stern. Iohn Hopkins and others, conferred with the Hebrue, with apt notes to sing them withall. ; Set forth & allowed to be song in all churches, of all the people together before after morning and euening prayer: as also before and after sermons, & moreouer in priuate houses, for their godly solace and co[m]fort, laying apart all vngodly songs and ballades, vvhich tend onely to the nourishing of vice, and corrupting of youth. Sternhold, Thomas, d. 1549 [Browse] Imprinted at London : by Iohn Day. Cum gratia & priuilegio Regiæ Maiestatis., Anno. 1583. Book Online Early English Books Online Bookmark
240. [The Bible. [electronic resource] : Translated according to the Ebrew and Greeke, and conferred with the best translations in diuers languages. With most profitable annotations vpon all the hard places, and other thinges of great importance, as may appeare in the epistle to the reader. And also a most profitable concordance for the readie finding out of any thing in the same conteyned.] [Imprinted at London : By Christopher Barker, printer to the Queenes Maiestie, 1583] [1584] Book Bookmark
241. Scipii Gentilis in XXV. Dauidis Psalmos epicæ paraphrases [electronic resource] Londini : Apud Iohannem Wolfium, 1584. Book Online Early English Books Online Bookmark
242. The whole booke of Psalmes, [electronic resource] / collected into Englishe metre by T. Sternhold, W. Whitingham, I. Hopkins, and others: conferred with the Hebrue, with apt notes to sing them withall. Newly set forth and allowed to be song of all the people together, in all churches, before and after mornyng and euening prayer: as also before & after the sermons, and moreouer in priuate houses, for their godly solace and comfort, laying apart all vngodly songes and ballades, which tend onely to the nourishing of vyce and corrupting of youth.. Sternhold, Thomas, d. 1549 [Browse] At London. : Printed by Iohn Daye, dwelling ouer Aldersgate., 1584.. Book Online Early English Books Online Bookmark
243. The whole booke of Psalmes, [electronic resource] / collected into English meter by T. Sternhold. I. Hopkins, and others, conferred with the Hebrue, with apt notes to sing them withall. Set forth and allowed to be song in all churches, of all the people together before and after morning and euening prayer: as also before and after sermons and moreouer in priuate houses, for their godly solace and comfort, laying apart all vngodly songes, and balades which tend onely to the nourishing of vice, and corrupting of youth. Sternhold, Thomas, d. 1549 [Browse] At London : Printed by Iohn Daye, dwellyng ouer Aldersgate, Anno. 1584. Book Online Early English Books Online Bookmark
244. The whole booke of Psalmes [electronic resource] / collected into English metre by T. Sternhold, I. Hopkins, and others, conferred with the Hebrue, with apt notes to sing them withall ; set foorth and allowed to be song in all churches, of all the people together before and after morning and euening prayer, as also before and after sermons, and moreouer in priuate houses for their godly solace and comfort, laying apart all vngodly songes and balades, which tend onely to the nourishing of vice, and corrupting of youth. Sternhold, Thomas, d. 1549 [Browse] Imprinted at London : By the Assignes of Richard Day, 1584. Book Online Early English Books Online Bookmark
245. The booke of common prayer, and administration of the sacraments, and other rites and ceremonies in the Church of England. [electronic resource]. Church of England [Browse] Imprinted at London : by Christopher Barker, Printer to the Queenes Maiestie., [1585] Book Online Early English Books Online Bookmark
246. The Psalmes or Prayers, taken out of holy Scripture: [electronic resource] : commonly called the Kynges psalmes.. Fisher, John, Saint, 1469-1535 [Browse] At London : Printed, by VVilliam How., 1585.. Book Online Early English Books Online Bookmark
247. Seuen sobs of a sorrowfull soule for sinne: [electronic resource] : comprehending those seuen Psalmes of the princelie prophet Dauid, commonlie called Poenitentiall; / framed into a forme of familiar praiers, and reduced into meeter by William Hunnis ... Wherevnto are also annexed his Handfull of honisuckles; the Poore widowes mite; a Dialog betweene Christ and a sinner; diuers godlie and pithie ditties, with a Chrisian confession of and to the Trinitie ... Hunnis, William, d. 1597 [Browse] At London : Printed in the now dwelling house of Henrie Denham in Aldersgate streete at the signe of the starre., 1585. Book Online Early English Books Online Bookmark
248. The vvhole booke of Psalmes. [electronic resource] / Collected into English meter by Thomas Sternh. Iohn Hopkins and others, conferred with the Hebrue, with apt notes to sing them withall. Sternhold, Thomas, d. 1549 [Browse] London : Printed by [John Wolfe for] the assignes of Richard Day, Anno 1585. Book Online Early English Books Online Bookmark
249. The whole booke of psalmes. [electronic resource] / collected into English meeter by Thomas Sternh. Iohn Hopkins and others, conferred with the Hebrue, with apt notes to sing them withal.. Sternhold, Thomas, d. 1549 [Browse] London : Printed by the Assignes of Richard Day, Anno. 1585. Book Online Early English Books Online Bookmark
250. The whole booke of psalmes. [electronic resource] / Collected into English meeter, by T. Sternholde, I. Hopkins, W. Whitting. & others, conferred with the Hebrue and apt notes to sing them withall. ; Newly set forth and allowed to be song in all churches of al the people together, before and after morning and euening prayer, & also before and after sermons: moreouer in prinate [sic] houses for their godly solace and comfort, laying apart all vngodly songs and balades, which tend only to the nourishing of vice, & corrupting of youth.. Sternhold, Thomas, d. 1549 [Browse] Imprinted at London : by the Assignes of Richard Day., 1585.. Book Online Early English Books Online Bookmark