81. In the beginning God ; a series of biblical views of creation / Introduction by J.M. Powis Smith. Translations by Theophile J. Meek, Alexander R. Gordon, J.M. Powis Smith. Chicago : American Institute of Sacred Literature, [1927] Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » RK55 A51b (4)
82. The Cambridge shorter Bible / arranged by A. Nairne, T.R. Glover, & Sir A. Quiller-Couch. Cambridge : University Press, 1928. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » CB92.5 1928
83. The kingdom and the power and the glory; stories of faith and marvel selected from the king James version of the Old Testament and decorated by James Daugherty. New York : Knopf, 1929. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » ReCAP .b171500003View Record for Full Availability
84. The kingdom, and the power, and the glory : stories of faith and marvel / selected from the King James Version of the Old Testament and decorated by James Daugherty. New York : Knopf, 1929. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » TM43.7 B58 O
85. Selections from the Old Testament / edited by Fred Newton Scott, revised by H.Y. Moffett, illustrated by Norman Roberts. [New York] : The Macmillan Company, [1929], [©1929] Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » CB94.5 1929s
86. The epic of the Old Testament ; selected passages arranged in chronological sequence with their historical background / by Arthur H. Wood. London : Oxford university press, H. Milford, 1930. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » 221.52 F30
87. A history of the Hebrew people from the earliest times to the year 70 A.D. : largely in the language of Bible, prepared by George A. Barton. New York, London : The Century co., [1930], [©1930] Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » 893.19 B47
88. A history of the Hebrew people from the earliest times to the year 70 A.D. : largely in the language of Bible, prepared by George A. Barton. New York, London : The Century co., [1930], [©1930] Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » HP30 B29
89. Simane piske Nukh : ʻim hosafah hafṭarat Shemot u-bo el Parʻoh ... . Bagdad : bi-defus Elishaʻ Shoḥeṭ, 5690 [1930] Book Online Online Content
90. La poésie biblique ; introduction à la poeśie biblique, et trente chants de circonstance / par Édouard Dhorme. Dhorme, E. (Edouard), 1881- [Browse] Paris : B. Grasset, [1931] Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » 220.8 D539
91. Zwei Bobbienser palimpseste mit Frühestem Vulgatatext aus Cod. vat. lat. 5763, u. Cod. carolin. guelferbytanus: Eine Unzialhandschrift des 5. Jahrh. mit Texten aus dem Richterbuche und dem Buche Ruth. Eine Handschrift in Halbunziale des 6. Jahrh. mit Texten aus dem Buche Iob / Herausgegeben und bearbeitet von P. Alban Dold ... Anhang: Geschabte Paulustexte der 1. Hälfte des 7. Jahrh. mit einer gleichzeitigen unbekannten Liste Paulinischer Leseabschnitte in einer Bobbienser Handschrift (Cod. vat. lat. 5755) ... Beuron ; Hohenzollern : Verlag der Kunstschule der Erzabtei, 1931. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » CB60 D66 Z
92. Héber bibliai olvasmányok magyar forditással és nyelvi elemzéssel. Budapest, Schlesinger, 1932. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » HunL 630.4.17
93. The story of David / Reprinted from the Authorised version, with 11 wood-engravings by John Farleigh. London : A & C Black, Ltd., 1934. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » 221.52 F34
94. Social ethics of the Jews : with selected texts from Biblical and Talmudic literature / by Arthur Meyerowitz. Meyerowitz, Arthur, 1879- [Browse] New York : Bloch Pub. Co., 1935. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » QY26 M61
95. Social ethics of the Jews : with selected texts from Biblical and Talmudic literature / by Arthur Meyerowitz. Meyerowitz, Arthur, 1879- [Browse] New York : Bloch Pub. Co., 1935. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » 893.15 M575
96. Sefer Peri ʻets hadar : ṿe-hu Ṣafat 15 bi-Shevaṭ aladhi nihagu yiqurunu be-khol tefutsot Yiśraʼel u-pasuḳe sh.h.sh. ʻilah kol peri u-peri yiqurun pasuḳ aladhi yiḥku ʻalenu yirʼu yesharim ve-yiśmeḥu. Bagdād : bi-defus Elishaʻ Shoḥeṭ, 5696 [1936] Book Online Online Content
97. Systematische wege von der Septuaginta zum hebräischen urtext / von prof. Franz Wutz. Wutz, Franz, 1882-1938 [Browse] Stuttgart : W. Kohlhammer, 1937- Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » 221.7 W969
98. Wisdom from the Bible and Talmud, by Philip Sher ... New York, G. Dobsevage, 1937. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » BS1091 .S5
99. Qiṣṣat Ḥanah wa-Zekharyah al-kabira. Baghdād : be-hotsaʼat Yitsḥaḳ G. Faraj Yitsḥaḳ ʻAbdala, 5698 [1938](Baghdād : maṭbaʻat Elishaʻ Shoḥeṭ) Book Online Online Content
100. Berliner Septuagintafragmente, bearbeitet von Otto Stegmüller. Berlin, Weidmann, 1939. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » 357 Gk