401. Imp. Iustiniani Institutionum libri quattuor / cum praefatione et ex recognitione Ph. Eduardi Huschke. Lipsiae : In aedibus B.G. Teubneri, 1868. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » XAP (Justinian). 1868. (Justinian I., Emperor of the East. D. Justiniani Institutionum)
402. Imp. Ivstiniani Institvtionvm libri qvattuor cvm praefatione et ex recognitione Ph. Edvardi Hvschki. Lipsiae, in aedibvs B. G. Tevbneri, 1868. Book Loading...Firestone Library - Classics Graduate Study Room » KJA147 .I578 1868
403. Imp. Ivstiniani Institvtionvm libri qvattuor cvm praefatione et ex recognitione Ph. Edvardi Hvschki. Lipsiae, in aedibvs B. G. Tevbneri, 1868. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » AH 7203.51
404. Institutiones philosophicae ad usum juventutis Christianae praesertimque seminariorum. Paris, 1868. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » Phil 1535.8View Record for Full Availability
405. Institutionis oratoriae libri duodecim. Recensuit Carolus Halm. Quintilian [Browse] Lips., 1868-69. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » Lq 1.170View Record for Full Availability
406. M. Fabi Quintiliani Institutionis oratoriae, libri duodecim. Recensuit Carolus Halm. Quintilian [Browse] Lipsiae, in aedibus B. G. Teubneri. 1868-69. Book Loading...Firestone Library - Classics Collection » PA6649 .A2 1868
407. Institutiones philosophicae Salvatoris Tongiorgi... ab eodem in compendium redactae. Tongiorgi, Salvator, 1820-1865 [Browse] Neo Eboraci, Ad usum Collegii sancti Francisci Xaverii, 1867. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » YBX (Tongiorgi, S. Institutiones philosophicae. 1867)
408. Gaii Institutiones. Ad codicis veronensis apographum emendavit et adnotavit Eduardus Böcking. Gaius [Browse] Lipsiae, Inpensis S. Hirzeli, 1866. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » 7632.1866.11
409. The Institutes of Justinian [electronic resource] : with English introduction, translation, and notes / by Thomas Collett Sandars. London : Longmans, Green, 1865. Book Online The making of modern law. Foreign, comparative and international law, 1600-1926
410. Institutiones theologiae theoreticae : seu dogmatico-polemicae / concinnatae a Reverendissimo P. Alberto a Bulsano, Ord. Min. S. Franc. Capuccinorum ... Knoll, Albert, 1796-1863 [Browse] Augustae Taurinorum : Petri Marietti, 1865. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » 629 K72i
411. A manual of civil law [electronic resource] : containing a translation of and commentary on the fragments of the XII. tables and the Institutes of Justinian : the text of the Institutes of Gaius and Justinian arranged in parallel columns : and the text of the fragments of Ulpian and of selections from Paul's Receptæ Sententiæ / by Patrick Cumin. Cumin, Patrick, 1823-1890 [Browse] London : Stevens and Sons, 1865 (Bradbury, Evans, and Co.) Book Online The making of modern law. Foreign, comparative and international law, 1600-1926
412. The tenth and twelfth books of the Institutions of Quintilian, with explanatory notes, by Henry S. Frieze ... Quintilian [Browse] New York, D. Appleton and company, 1865. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » Lq 1.210.4
413. Institutiones philosophicae / Salvatoris Tongiorgi ... ; ab eodem in compendium redactae. Tongiorgi, Salvator, 1820-1865 [Browse] Neo Eboraci [New York] : Typis Joannis M. Shea, 1864. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » YBX (Tongiorgi, S. Institutiones philosophicae. 1864)
414. Justinianus Császár Institutioinak négy könyve. A Corpus iuris civilis, Kriegel testvérek által 1858-ban (nyolczadszor) kiadott erediti szövege szerint tanitványai közremnüködesével forditotta Hoffman Pál. Pest, Heckenast G., 1864. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » ROMAN 910 HOF 1864
415. Explication historique des Instituts de l'empereur Justinien : avec le texte, la traduction en regard, et les explications sous chaque paragraphe, précédée de l'histoire de la législation romaine, depuis son origine jusqu'à la législation moderne, et d'une généralization du droit romain, d'après les textes anciennement connus, ou plus récemment découverts / par M. Ortolan. Paris : H. Plon, 1863. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » ROMAN 910 ORT 1863ReCAP - Remote Storage » ROMAN 910 ORT 1863
416. Manuale juris synopticum, in quo continentur Justiniani Institutiones cum Gaii Institutionibus e regione oppositis perpetuo collatae, necnon Ulpiani Fragmenta - Pauli Sententiae - Vaticana fragmenta et aliae plurimae veterum jurisconsultorum reliquiae; concinnavit et recognovit C.A. Pellat ... Pellat, C. A. (Charles Auguste), 1793-1871 [Browse] Parisiis, apud Henricum Plon, bibliopolam, 1862. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » ROMAN 903 PEL 1862
417. Tractatus de capitulis / auctore D. Bouix. Bouix, D. (Dominique), 1808-1870 [Browse] Parisiis : Perisse, 1862. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » UB87.7 B76
418. Domitii Ulpiani quae vulgo vocantur Fragmenta, sive, ex Ulpiani libro singulari Regularum excerpta. Accedunt eiusdem Institutionum reliquae ex Codice Vindobenensi / ex "Iurisprudentiae anteiustinianae reliquiis" separatim edidit E. Huschke. Ulpian [Browse] Lipsiae : In aedibus B.G. Teubneri, 1861. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » ROMAN 203 A/ULP/H
419. Gaii Institutiones iuris civilis commentarii quattuor / recensuit E. Huschke. Gaius [Browse] Lipsiae : In aedibus B. G. Teubneri, 1861. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » AH 7201.33.10
420. Institutiones philosophicae Salvatoris Tongiorgi... Tongiorgi, Salvator, 1820-1865 [Browse] Romae, ex officina Soc. aurelianae, 1861. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » Phil 194.20View Record for Full Availability
421. Institutiones juris Romani privati : in usum praelectionum academicarum vulgatae cum introductione in universam jurisprudentiam et in studium juris Romani. / Auctore L.A. Warnkoenig. Warnkönig, Leopold August, 1794-1866 [Browse] Bonnae : S.A. Marci, 1860. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » ROMAN 910 WAR 1860
422. Tractatus de principiis juris canonici / D. Bouix. Bouix, D. (Dominique), 1808-1870 [Browse] Parisiis : Apud Perisse fratres, between 1860 and 1869? Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » UB43 B76
423. The Institutes of Justinian : with English introduction, translation, and notes / by Thomas Collett Sandars. London : J.W. Parker, 1859. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » AH 7203.47
424. Paschalis Josephi Mellii Freirii ... Institutiones juris civilis Lusitani, cum publici tum privati. Mello Freire, Paschoal José de, 1738-1798 [Browse] Conimbricae : Typis Academicis, 1859-<1860 > Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » POR 903 MEL
425. Tractatus de Curia Romana : seu de cardinalibus, Romanis congregationibus, legatis, nuntiis, vicariis et protonotariis apostolicis / auctore D. Bouix, ... Bouix, D. (Dominique), 1808-1870 [Browse] Parisiis : apud Jacobum Lecoffre et Socios, Bibliopolas, 1859. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » C 4018.59
426. Institutionum et regularum iuris romani syntagma, exhibens Gai et Iustiniani Institutionum synop in, Ulpiani librum singularem Regularum, Pauli Senteniarum delectum, tabulas systema insititutionum iuris romani illustrantes, praemissis Duodecim tabularum fragmentis. Edidit et brevi annotatione instruxit Rudolphus Gneist. Gneist, Rudolph, 1816-1895 [Browse] Lipsiae, in aedibus B.G. Teubneri, 1858. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » ROMAN 201 A/GNE 1858
427. Lehrbuch der Institutionen. Von dr. Carl Otto Müller ... Müller, Karl Otto, 1819-1898 [Browse] Leipzig, B. Tauchnitz, 1858. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » ROMAN 910 MUE 1858
428. Manuale juris synopticum, in quo continentur Justiniani Institutiones cum Gaii Institutionibus e regione oppositis perpetuo collatae necnon Ulpiani Fragmenta--Pauli Sententiae--Vaticana Fragmenta et aliae plurimae veterum jurisconsultorum reliquiae, concinnavit et recognovit C. A. Pellat... Pellat, Charles August, 1793-1871 [Browse] Parisiis : apud Henricum Plon, 1858. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » ROMAN 903 PEL 1858
429. Explication historique des Instituts de l'empereur Justinien, avec le texte, la traduction en regard, et les explications sous chaque paragraphe, précédée de l'histoire de la législation romaine, depuis son origine jusqu'à la législation moderne, et d'une généralization du droit romain, d'après les textes anciennement connus, ou plus récemment découverts, par M. Ortolan. Paris, H. Plon [etc.] 1857. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » ROMAN 910 ORT 1857View Record for Full Availability
430. Institutiones philosophicae Matthei Liberatore. Liberatore, Matteo, 1810-1892 [Browse] Romae : Civilitas Catholica, 1857. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » Phil 1535.5.15
431. Sources of the Roman civil law [electronic resource] : an introduction to the Institutes of Justinian / by William Grapel. Grapel, William, 1822- [Browse] Philadelphia : T. & J.W. Johnson, 1857. Book Online Gale Making of Modern Law: Legal Treatises, 1800-1926
432. Sources of the Roman civil law [electronic resource] : an introduction to the Institutes of Justinian / by William Grapel. Grapel, William, 1822- [Browse] Philadelphia : T. & J.W. Johnson, 1857. Book Online The making of modern law. Foreign, comparative and international law, 1600-1926
433. Manual of civil law [electronic resource] : for the use of schools, and more especially of candidates for civil service, consisting of an epitome in English of the Institutes of Justinian, carefully expurgated with an introductory chapter / by E.R. Humphreys. London : Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans, 1856 (Spottiswoode & Co.) Book Online The making of modern law. Foreign, comparative and international law, 1600-1926
434. Manual of civil law : for the use of schools, and more especially of candidates for civil service, consisting of an epitome in English of the Institutes of Justinian, carefully expurgated with an introductory chapter, by E.R. Humphreys. London : Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans, 1856. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » ROMAN 910 HUM 1856
435. Spiegazione storica delle Istituzioni dell'imperatore Giustiniano : col testo, la traduzione, e le spiegazioni sotto ciascun paragrafo, preceduta da una esposizione generale del diritto romano, secondo i testi anticamente conosciuti, o più recentemente scoverti / del sig. Ortolan. Napoli : Stab. tip. di P. Androsio, 1856. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » ROMAN 910 ORT/AI 1856View Record for Full Availability
436. The institutes of Justinian, with the novel as to successions / tr. by william Grapel. Cambridge : Macmillan, 1855. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » ROMAN 204/C E/G
437. Institutiones ethicae et iuris naturae Matthaei Liberatore ... Liberatore, Matteo, 1810-1892 [Browse] Romae, typis S. Congregationis de propaganda fide, 1855. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » K455 .L53x
438. Institutiones canonicae Remigii Maschat à s. Erasmo ... novissimis pontificum constitutionibus, summariis Decretalium omnium correctionibus ex posteriori jure, et Concilio tridentino collectis, bullarum ad ejusdem Concilii decreta spectantium compendio aucta, et illustratae ab Ubaldo Giraldi à s. Cajetano ... Volumen I, pars I[-volumen IV, pars II] ... Remigius à S. Erasmo, 1692-1747 [Browse] Florentiae, Hieronymum Conti, 1854-1855. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » CANON 903 MAS 1854View Record for Full Availability
439. Institutiones philosophicae. Fournier, Peter, S.J. [Browse] Lutetiae Parisiorum, 1854. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » 102 F82
440. Manual of civil law, for the use of schools, and more especially of candidates for civil service, consisting of an epitome in English of the institutes of Justinian, carefully expurgated with an introductory chapter, by E.R. Humphreys. Humphreys, E. R. [Browse] London, Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans, 1854. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » ROMAN 910 HUM 1854
441. A manual of civil law; or, Examination in the Institutes of Justinian: being a translation of and commentary on that work, with an introduction on the history of the Roman law. By Patrick Cumin. London, V. & R. Stevens and G.S. Norton, 1854. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » ROMAN 910 CUM
442. The institutes of Justinian [electronic resource] : with English introduction, translation, and notes / by Thomas Collett Sandars. London : J.W. Parker and Son, 1853 (Woodfall and Kinder) Book Online The making of modern law. Foreign, comparative and international law, 1600-1926
443. The Institutes of Justinian; with English introduction, translation, and notes, by Thomas Collett Sandars ... London, J.W. Parker and Son, 1853. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » XAP (Justinian). 1853. (Justinian I., Emperor of the East. Institutes of Justinian)
444. The Institutes of Justinian [electronic resource] : with notes / by Thomas Cooper. New-York : J.S. Voorhies, 1852. Book Online Gale Making of Modern Law: Legal Treatises, 1800-1926
445. The Institutes of Justinian [electronic resource] : with notes / by Thomas Cooper. New-York : J.S. Voorhies, 1852. Book Online The making of modern law. Foreign, comparative and international law, 1600-1926
446. The Institutes of Justinian. With notes. By Thomas Cooper ... New-York, J. S. Voorhies, 1852. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » ROMAN 204/C EC
447. Institutiones philosophiæ theoreticæ in usum prælectionum. Auctore Franc Rothenflue, S.J. Rothenflue, Franz [Browse] Lugduni, Apud Perisse Fratres, 1852- Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » YBX (Rothenflue, F. Institutiones philosophiætheoreticæ in usum prælectionum)
448. Explication historique des Instituts de l'empereur Justinien : avec le texte, la traduction en regard, et les explications sous chaque paragraphe, precédée d'une généralisation du droit romain, d'après les textes anciennement connus, ou plus récemment decouverts / par m. Ortolan. Ortolan, J.-L.-E. (Joseph-Louis-Elzéar), 1802-1873 [Browse] Paris : Videcoq fils ainé, 1851. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » XAP (Ortolan, J. L. E. Explication historique des Instituts de l"empereur Justinien)View Record for Full Availability
449. Institutes de Justinien : traduites et expliquées / par A. M. Du Caurroy. Paris : Gustave Thorel, 1851. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » AH 7203.45View Record for Full Availability
450. M. Fabii Quintiliani Institutionis oratoriae liber decimus / erklaert von E. Bonnell. Quintilian [Browse] Leipzig : Weidmann, 1851. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » 2912.320.351
451. Institutiones philosophicae ad usum seminariorum et collegiorum : logica, metaphysica, moralis / auctore J.B. Bouvier. Bouvier, J. B. (Jean Baptiste), 1783-1854 [Browse] Parisiis [France] : J. Leroux et Jouby, 1850. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » 102 B66
452. Joannis Cardinalis Soglia, Episcopi Auximani et Cingulani, Institutionum juris publici ecclesiastici tomus primus [-secundus] : complectens praenotiones in jus ecclesiasticum. Soglia, Giovanni, 1799-1856 [Browse] Mutinae [Modena, Italy] : N. Zanichelli : S. Calderini, 1850. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » ZKBC (Soglia, G. Joannis Cardinalis Soglia)
453. D. Iustiniani Imperatoris Institutiones per tabulas synopticas digestae. Romae : Ex-Typographia A. Monaldi, 1847. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » XAP (Justinian). 1847. (Justinian I., Emperor of the East. D. Justiniani Imperatoris Institutiones)
454. Esplicacion historica de la Instituta del emperador Justiniano : con testo, traduccion y aclaraciones al fin de cada párrafo : precidida de una generalizacion del derecho romano, segun los testos antiguos y los ultimamente descubiertos / por m. Ortolan ... ; traducida al castellano de la tercera edicion francesa y anotada por Don Josè Jimenez-Serrano. Ortolan, J.-L.-E. (Joseph-Louis-Elzéar), 1802-1873 [Browse] Madrid : La Ilustracion, 1847. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » XAP (Ortolan, J. L. E. Esplicacion historica de la Instituta del emperador Justiniano. 1847)
455. Esplicacion historica de las Instituciones del emperador Justiniano : con el texto de ellas, la traduccion al lado y las explicaciones á continuacion de cada párrafo, precedida de una generalizacion del derecho romano, conforme á los textos antiquamente conocidos ó mas recientemente descubiertos / por M. Ortolan. Ortolan, J.-L.-E. (Joseph-Louis-Elzéar), 1802-1873 [Browse] Madrid : D. Ramon Rodrigues de Rivera, 1847. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » XAP (Ortolan, J. L. E. Esplicacion historica de la Instituta del emperador Justiniano. 1847)ReCAP - Remote Storage » XAP (Ortolan, J. L. E. Esplicacion historica de la Instituta del emperador Justiniano. 1847 (3rd ed.))
456. L'interpretation des institutes de Justinian avec la conference de chasque paragraphe aux ordonnances royaux, arrestz de parlement et coustumes générales de la France. Ouvrage inédit d'Etienne Pasquier... Paris, Videcoq Ainé 1847. Book Loading...Firestone Library - Remote Storage (ReCAP): Firestone Library Use Only » MICROFILM 00879
457. Paraphrase grecque des Instituts de Justinien / par le professeur Théophile ; traduit en français ; précédée du̓ne introduction et de divers travaux critiques ; accompagnée de notes juridiques et philologiques, conférée avec les Commentaires de Gaïus, les Règles dU̓lpien, les Sentences de Paul, le Digeste et le Code, lE̓cloga des basiliques de Lowenklaau, et le Manuel dH̓arménopule ; et suivie de la traduction des fragments de Théophile et du̓n appendice philologique par J.C. Frégier. Paris : Videcoq fils aîné, 1847. Book Loading...Firestone Library - Classics Collection » KJA1088 .F7 1847 Online Online Content
458. Imperatoris Justiniani institutionum Libri IV : Ad fidem antiquorum librorum edidit variantium lectionum locorumque parallelorum delectum adiecit Eduardus Schrader, in operis societatem accedentibus Theoph. Luca Fr. Tafelio, Gualth. Frider. Clossio, post huius discessum Christ. Joh. C. Maiero. Berolini : G. Reimerum, 1844. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » AH 7203.43.9
459. M. Fabii Quintiliani De institutione oratoria libri duo / ex editione G.L. Spalding ; accedunt notae anglicae ; cura C.K. Dillaway. Quintilian [Browse] Philadelphiae : Perkins et Purves, 1844. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » 2912.320.344
460. Institutiones philosophiae theoreticae, in usum praelectionum/ auctore Franc. Rothenflue. Rothenflue, Franciscus, 1805-1869 [Browse] Friburgi: Piller, 1842-1843. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » 6006.788 Online Online Content
461. The Institutes of Justinian [electronic resource] : with notes / by Thomas Cooper. New-York : Halsted & Voorhies, 1841. Book Online Gale Making of Modern Law: Legal Treatises, 1800-1926
462. Institutiones linguae samaritanae ex antiquissimis monumentis erutae et digestae, integris paradigmatum tabulis indicibusque adornatae; quibus accedit Chrestomathia samaritana maximam Geneseos partem et selecta reliquorum Pentateuchi librorum capita complectens, notis criticis exegeticis illustrata et glossario locupletata a Friderico Uhlemanno ... Uhlemann, Friedrich Gottlob, 1792-1864 [Browse] Lipsiae, sumtibus et typis C. Tauchnitii, 1837. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » 3224.95
463. Institutiones linguae Samaritanae ex antiquissimis monumentis erutae ... quibus accedit Chrestomathia Samaritana maximam Geneseos parten complectens, notis ... illustrata et glossario locupletata. Uhlemann, Friedrich, 1792-1864 [Browse] Lipsiae, C. Tauchnitius, 1837. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » 22335.919 Online Online Content
464. Instituições oratorias de M. Fabio Quintiliano escolhidas dos seus XII livros / traduzidas em linguagem, e illustradas com notas criticas, historicas, e rhetoricas, para uso dos que aprendem ; ajuntão-se no fim as peças originaes de eloquencia, citadas por Quintiliano no corpo d'estas instituições, por Jeronymo Soares Barboza, professor de Eloquencia e Poesia em a Universidade de Coimbra. Quintilian [Browse] Paris : Na Livraria Portuguesa de J.P. Aillaud, 1836. Book
465. Theophilou Antikēnsōros ta Institouta : meta tōn ousiōdesterōn poikilōn graphōn tōn diaphorōn cheirographōn kai tinōn allōn sēmeiōseōn, ek tēs ekdoseōs tou Reitziou, ois ōrosetethē kai pinax analytikos tōn emperiechomenōn / epimeleia tou G.A.R. En Athēnais : K. Rallē, 1836. Book Loading...Special Collections - Rare Books » 2004-1969N
466. Instituiçoens de direito civil luzitano tanto publico, como particular / por Paschoal Jose de Mello Freire ; tradusidas do Latim por Francisco Pereira Freire, Bacharel formado en Leis ; em testemunho de gratidaõ, e erspeito offerecidas ; ao illustrissimo senhor doutor lourenço Joze' Ribeiro, ex Lente da primeira Cadeira do 1.° anno, da primeira do 2.°, da Segunda do 3.° anno do Curso Juridico de Olinda, e Actual Juis de Direito Civel na Corte & ; livro segundo do direito das pessoas. Mello Freire, Paschoal José de, 1738-1798 [Browse] [Place of publication not identified] : [publisher not identified], [1834]Pernambuco : Na Typ. De Pinheiro & Faria, 1834. Book Online Brazilian and Portuguese History and Culture: Oliveira Lima Library
467. Gaii et Justiniani Institutiones iuris romani / recognoverunt annotationem adiecerunt coniunctasque ediderunt Clem. Aug. Car. Klenze ... et Eduardus Böcking. Gaius [Browse] Berolini : G. Reimer, 1829. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » 7632.1829
468. Institutiones theologiae Christianae dogmaticae / scholis suis scripsit addita dogmatum singulorum historia et censura Iul. Aug. Lud. Wegscheider. Wegscheider, Julius August Ludwig, 1771-1849 [Browse] Halae : Sumtibus Librariae Gebauerianae, 1829. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » C 1391.37.35
469. Institutionum libri IV; [Lat. & Ger.] recensuit et denuo recognoit G.M. Rossberger. Berolini, Sumtibus Vossianae, 1829. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » 7635.268.1829 Online Online Content
470. Gaii iurisconsulti Institutionum commentarius quartus sive De actionibus. Recensuit, restituere conatus est, adnotationem perpetuam librumque observationum adiecit Augustus Guilelmus Heffter... Gaius [Browse] Berolini, impensis G. Reimeri, 1827. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » AH 7201.13
471. Institutionum commentarios IV, edidit ac in linguam vulgaren transferre tentavit J.B.E. Boulet. [With notes.] Gaius [Browse] Paris, 1827. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » AH 7201.15
472. Analecta Arabica / Ern. Frid. Car. Rosenmüller. Rosenmüller, Ern. Frid. Car., 768-1835 [Browse] Lipsiæ : Svmtibus IO. Ambros. Barthii, 1825-1828. Book Online Early Arabic Printed Books
473. Institutiones symbolicae, doctrinarum Catholicorum, Protestantium, Socinianorum, ecclesiae Graecae, minorumque societatum Christianarum summam et discrimina exhibentes, in usum lectionum scriptsit Philippus Marheinecke. Marheineke, Phillip, 1780-1846 [Browse] Berolini, Sumtibus librariae Vossianae, 1825. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » C 10728.25
474. Institutiones ad fundamenta linguae Hebraïcae. Schroeder, Nicolaus Wilhelm, 1721-1798 [Browse] Glasguae, Prelum academicum, 1824. Book On-site accessReCAP - Remote Storage » *PCE (Schroeder, N. W. Institutiones ad fundamenta linguae Hebraeae. 1824)
475. Institutiones statisticae quas in usum auditorii sui Poland s.n. Book Online Gale Making of the Modern World Part 1
476. Institutiones géologiques / par Scipion Breislak ... ; traduites du manuscrit italien en français par P.J.L. Campmas ... . Breislak, Scipion, 1748-1826 [Browse] Milan : A l'Imprimerie impériale et royale, 1818. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » 3-PTC (Breislak, S. Institutiones géologiques)ReCAP - Remote Storage » 3-PTC (Breislak, S. Institutiones géologiques)View Record for Full Availability
477. The institutions of physiology [electronic resource] / by J. Fred. Blumenbach ; translated from the Latin of the third and last edition, and supplied with copious notes, by John Elliotson. Blumenbach, Johann Friedrich, 1752-1840 [Browse] Philadelphia : Benjamin Warner, 1817. Book Online Newsbank America's Historical Imprints
478. The institutions of physiology ... [microform] translated from the Latin of the third and last edition and supplied with numerous and extensive notes by John Elliotson, M.D. ... Blumenbach, Johann Friedrich, 1752-1840 [Browse] Philadelphia, Benjamin Warner, 1817. Book Loading...Firestone Library - Remote Storage (ReCAP): Firestone Library Use Only » MICROFILM 10544 reel 13
479. The Institutes of Justinian [electronic resource] / with notes by Thomas Cooper. Philadelphia : Printed for P. Byrne, 1812. Book Online Newsbank America's Historical Imprints
480. The Institutes of Justinian [electronic resource] : with notes / by Thomas Cooper. Philadelphia : P. Byrne, 1812. Book Online Gale Making of Modern Law: Legal Treatises, 1800-1926
481. Marci Fabii Quintiliani Institutionum oratoriarum libri duodecim : ad usum scholarum accommodati / recisis quae minus necessaria visa sunt, et brevibus notis illustrati a Carolo Rollin ... Quintilian [Browse] Parisiis : Apud Aug. Delalain, DD. Bartou et Lallemant successorem ..., 1810. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » 2912.310.310 Online Online Content
482. Institutiones ad fundamenta linguae persicae cum Chrestomathia, maximam partem ex auctoribus ineditis collecta et Glossario locupleti. Edidit Fridericus Wilken. Wilken, Friedrich, 1777-1840 [Browse] Lipsiae, sumtibus S.L. Crusii, 1805. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » 2454.974
483. Institutiones pharmacologiae sive Materiae medicae. : Communicat in usum tironum, published by Apud I.G. Binz Apud I.G. Binz Book Online Biodiversity Heritage Library Free
484. The institutions of the practice of medicine [electronic resource]; delivered in a course of lectures, by Jo. Baptist Burserius, De Kanifeld. Translated from the Latin, by William Cullen Brown. In five volumes. ... Borsieri de Kanilfeld, Giambattista, 1725-1785 [Browse] Edinburgh : printed for W. Mudie; and sold by G. G. and J. Robinson, London, 1800-03. Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections
485. Neapolitani juris historia : manuscript, [18--]. Fighera, Oronzio [Browse] Manuscript, Book Loading...Special Collections - Manuscripts Collection » C0199 no. 324
486. M. Fabii Quintiliani de institutione oratoria libri duodecim ad codicum veterum fidem / recensuit et annotatione explanavit Georg. Ludovicus Spalding. Quintilian [Browse] Lipsiae : sumtibus Siegfried Lebrecht Crusii, 1798-1834. Book Loading...Special Collections - Remote Storage (ReCAP): Rare Books. Special Collections Use Only » 2912.310.298Loading...Special Collections - Remote Storage (ReCAP): Rare Books. Special Collections Use Only » 2912.310.298 Online Online Content
487. An ecclesiastical history, ancient and modern : from the birth of Christ, to the beginning of the present century: in which the rise, progress, and variations of church power are considered in their connexion with the state of learning and philosophy, and the political history of Europe during that period / by the late learned John Lawrence Mosheim ... ; translated from the original Latin, and accompanied with notes and chronological tables, by Archibald Maclaine ... ; in six volumes ; to the whole is added an accurate index. Mosheim, Johann Lorenz, 1694?-1755 [Browse] Philadelphia : Stephen C. Ustick, 1797-1798. Book Loading...Special Collections - Rare Books » 5405.655.12
488. Elements of physiology [electronic resource] : by Jo. Fred. Blumenbach, M.D. professor of medicine in ordinary at Goettingen ... Translated from the original Latin, and interspersed with occasional notes. By Charles Caldwell. To which is subjoined, by the translator, an appendix exhibiting a brief and compendious view of the existing discoveries relative to the subject of animal electricity. VolumeI[-II]. Blumenbach, Johann Friedrich, 1752-1840 [Browse] Philadelphia : Printed by Thomas Dobson, at the stone-house, no. 41, South Second-Street, M.DCC.XCV. [1795] Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections
489. Elements of physiology [microform], by Jo. Fred. Blumenbach ... translated from the original Latin, and interspersed with occasional notes by Charles Caldwell to which is subjoined, by the translator, an appendix, exhibiting a brief and compendious view of the existing discoveries relative to the subject of animal electricity ... Blumenbach, Johann Friedrich, 1752-1840 [Browse] Philadelphia, Printed by Thomas Dobson, 1795. Book Loading...Firestone Library - Remote Storage (ReCAP): Firestone Library Use Only » MICROFILM 10544 reel 13
490. An ecclesiastical history [electronic resource], antient and modern, from the birth of Christ, to the beginning of the present century: ... By the late learned John Lawrence Mosheim, ... Translated from the original Latin, ... by Archibald Maclaine, D.D. In six volumes. To the whole is added an accurate index. Mosheim, Johann Lorenz, 1694?-1755 [Browse] London : printed for T. Cadell, 1790. Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections
491. Institutiones historiae philosophicae ... ad nostra tempora continuavit F.G. Born. Brucker, Johann Jakob, 1696-1770 [Browse] Lipsiae, 1790 Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » 6008.216.2
492. An abridgment of Ecclesiastical history [electronic resource], from the birth of Christ, to the beginning of the present century. ... By the late learned John Lawrence Mosheim, ... Translated from the original by Archibald Maclaine, ... And now abridged by a layman. Mosheim, Johann Lorenz, 1694?-1755 [Browse] Dublin : printed in the year, 1787. Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections
493. D. Jo. Frid. Blumenbachii prof. medic. ordin. Societ. Reg. Scientiar. Gotting. aliarumque memb. Institutiones physiologicae [microform] : accedunt tabulae aeneae. Blumenbach, Johann Friedrich, 1752-1840 [Browse] Gottingae : Apud Jo. Christ. Dieterich, 1787. Book Loading...Firestone Library - Microforms Services (Film) » MICROFICHE 930
494. Institutiones calculi differentialis cum eius usu in analysi finitorum ac doctrina serierum [electronic resource] / Auctore Leonardo Eulero. Euler, Leonhard, 1707-1783 [Browse] Ticini : In typographeo Petri Galeatii, 1787. Book Online Nineteenth Century Collections Online (NCCO): Science, Technology, and Medicine: 1780-1925.
495. Institutiones calculi differentialis microform : cum eius usu in analysi finitorum ac doctrina serierum / auctore Leonardo Eulero. Euler, Leonhard, 1707-1783 [Browse] Ticini : In typographeo P. Galeatii, 1787. Book Loading...Firestone Library - Microforms Services (Film) » MICRO-PRINT I
496. Institutiones theologicae / auctoritate D. D. Archiepiscopi Lugdunensis, ad usum scholarum suae dioecesis editae. Valla, Joseph, d.1790 [Browse] Venetiis : Apud Simonem Occhi, 1787. Book Loading...Special Collections - Remote Storage (ReCAP): Rare Books. Special Collections Use Only » 5707.927 Online Online Content
497. D. Io. Frider. Weidleri Mathem. Super. ... Institutiones matheseos : selectis observationibus illustratae : in usum praelectionum academicarum. Weidler, Johann Friedrich, 1691-1755 [Browse] Lipsiae : Sumtibus Siegfr. Leberecht Crusii, 1784. Book On-site accessReCAP - Remote Storage » OEF (Weidler, J. F. Institutiones Matheseos)
498. L.M.A. Caldanii Institutiones physiologica et pathologicae microform / editit, praefatus est, indicemque addidit Eduardus Sandifort. Caldani, Leopoldo Marco Antonio, 1725-1813 [Browse] Lugduni Batavorum : Apud S. et J. Luchtmans, 1784. Book Loading...Firestone Library - Microforms Services (Film) » MICRO-PRINT II
499. An ecclesiastical history [electronic resource], antient and modern, from the birth of Christ, to the beginning of the present century: ... By the late learned John Lawrence Mosheim, ... Translated from the original Latin, ... by Archibald Maclaine, D.D. In six volumes. ... A new edition. ... Mosheim, Johann Lorenz, 1694?-1755 [Browse] London : printed for T. Cadell, 1782. Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections
500. A concise ecclesiastical history [electronic resource], from the birth of Christ, to the beginning of the present century. In four volumes. ... Mosheim, Johann Lorenz, 1694?-1755 [Browse] London : printed by J. Paramore: and sold at the New Chapel, in the City-Road; and at the Rev. Mr. Wesley's preaching-houses in town and country, 1781. Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections