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44. This present boke called the gouernaunce of kynges and prync[es] [electronic resource] : imprynted at the co[m]maundement of the good and honourable syre Charles Somerset Lorde Herbert: and chaumberleyne vnto oure soueraygne lorde kynge Henry the. viii. [Imprynted at London : In Flete strete at the sygne of the George, by Rycharde Prynson [i.e. Pynson], prynter vnto the Kynges noble grace, the yere of our Lord. M.CCCCC xi. [1511] the. xvij. daye of Aprell] Book Online Early English Books Online
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48. The treatise of Walter de Milemete De nobilitatibus, sapientiis, et prudentiis regum, reproduced in facsimile from the unique manuscript preserved at Christ Church, Oxford, together with a selection of pages from the companion manuscript of the treatise De secretis secretorum Aristotelis, preserved in the library of the Earl of Leicester at Holkham hall; with an introduction by Montague Rhodes James ... Milemete, Walter de, fl. 1326 [Browse] [Oxford] Printed for the Roxburghe club [at the University press, by H. Hart] 1913. Book Loading...Special Collections - William H. Scheide Library » 239.18Loading...Marquand Library - Remote Storage (ReCAP): Marquand Library Use Only » ND3399 .M43q Oversize