41. Vollständiges Lehrbuch der Esperanto-Sprache mit Uebungen, Syntax und Proben aud Poesie und Prosa. Borel, Jean, Esperantist [Browse] Berlin, [Esperanto Verlag] Möller & Borel, 1906. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » KPC 864 Bookmark
42. The American Esperanto book; a compendium of the international language Esperanto, comp. and ed. by Arthur Baker. Baker, Arthur [Browse] Chicago, C.H. Kerr & company, 1907. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » 1231.31.17 Bookmark
43. Espero pacifista : monata organo de "Pacifisto" (Internacia societo esperantista por la paco). Paris : Presa Esperantista Societo, 1907. Book Online Power to the People! Counterculture, Social Movements, & Alternative Press, 1960-2015 Bookmark
44. Étude sur la dérivation en esperanto, dédiée à MM. les membres du comité de ls Délégation pour l'adoption d'une langue auxiliarie internationale, par Louis Couturat ... Couturat, Louis, 1868-1914 [Browse] Coulommiers, Impr. P. Brodard, 1907. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » 1231.32.130 Bookmark
45. Inter blinduloj, konsiloj por uzado de jus blindiĝintoj verkita france de Émile Javal. Esperantigita de lia bofilino S-ino Jean Javal. Javal, Émile, 1839-1907 [Browse] Paris, Hachette et cie, 1907. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » HV1593 .J47 1907 Online Online Content Bookmark
46. Konkordanco de Ekzercaro de dro L.L. Zamenhof; ellaboris Alfred E. Wackrill, kun antap̆arolo de rro [!] E. Boirac. Wackrill, Alfred E. (Alfred Edward), 1862-1921 [Browse] Paris, Hachette et cie; [etc., etc.] 1907. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » PM8213 .Z33 Bookmark
47. Letters that bring business : being practical business letters trnslated into Esperanto, with key / by J.C. O'Connor and P.D. Hugon. O'Connor, J. C. (John Charles), 1853-1928 [Browse] London : Guilbert Pitman, 1907. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » KD 11204 Bookmark
48. Pri la elparolado de Esperanto / Gaston Moch. Moch, Gaston, 1859- [Browse] Paris : Libr. de l'espéranto, 1907. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » PM8215 .M6 1907 Bookmark
49. A primer of Esperanto, the auxiliary language; a second language for all nations. O'Connor, J. C. (John Charles), 1853-1928 [Browse] London, British Esperanto association, inc., 1907. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » 1231.31.2.20 Bookmark
50. La progresado de la pilgrimanto de tiu ĉi mondo ĝis la venonta. Rakontita kvazaŭ sonĝo de Johano Bunjano (1628-1688) Esperantigita Jozefo Rhodes. Bunyan, John, 1628-1688 [Browse] London, Stead's publishing house [1907] Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » PR3330 .A73 1907 Online Online Content Bookmark