61. 梵語千字文. 胎蔵界真言 / 解題石塚晴通, 小助川貞次. Bongo senjimon. Taizōkai shingon / kaidai Ishizuka Harumichi, Kosukegawa Teiji. Tōkyō : Bensei Shuppan, 2014.東京 : 勉誠出版, 二〇一四. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » PK965 .B66 2014 Bookmark
62. The Heart Sutra : a comprehensive guide to the classic of Mahayana Buddhism / Kazuaki Tanahashi. Tanahashi, Kazuaki, 1933- [Browse] Boston : Shambhala, 2014. Book Loading...Firestone Library - Stacks » BQ1967 .T35 2014 Bookmark
63. 金剛般若波羅蜜經 / 鳩摩羅什奉詔譯 ; 梁昭明太子加其分目 ; 思聰註解. Jin gang bo re bo luo mi jing / Jiumoluoshi feng zhao yi ; Liang Zhaoming tai zi jia qi fen mu ; Sicong zhu jie. Bei jing : Wen wu chu ban she, 2014.北京 : 文物出版社, 2014. Book Loading...East Asian Library - Remote Storage (ReCAP): East Asian Library Use Only » BQ1993.C5 K8 2014q Bookmark
64. The lotus sutra of wondrous dharma = 妙法蓮華經 / translated and annotated by Ven. Cheng Kuan. The lotus sutra of wondrous dharma = Miao fa lian hua jing / translated and annotated by Ven. Cheng Kuan. Taipei City, Taiwan : Neo-carefree Garden Buddhist Canon Translation Institute, [2014]©2014 Book Loading...Firestone Library - Stacks » BQ2052.E5 C44 2014 Bookmark
65. 西夏《功德宝集偈》跨语言对勘研究 / 段玉泉著. Xi Xia "Gong de bao ji ji" kua yu yan dui kan yan jiu / Duan Yuquan zhu. Duan, Yuquan, 1973- [Browse]段玉泉, 1973- [Browse] 上海 : 上海古籍出版社, 2014.Shanghai : Shanghai gu ji chu ban she, 2014. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » BQ2000.S243 T36 2014 Bookmark
66. 現代語対訳, 妙法蓮華経並開結 / 「御書システム」法華経係編. Gendai-go taiyaku, Myōhō Rengekyō narabini kaiketsu / "Gosho Shisutemu" Hokekyō Kakari hen. Niigata-ken Sado-shi : Sado Nichiren Kenkyūkai, 2013.新潟県佐渡市 : 佐渡日蓮研究会, 2013. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » BQ2053.J3 T76 2013 Bookmark
67. 国宝西大寺本金光明最勝王経 : 天平宝字六年百済豊虫願経 / 総本山西大寺編. Guo bao Xi da si ben Jin guang ming zui sheng wang jing : Tianping bao zi liu nian Baiji Lichong yuan jing / Zong ben shan Xi da si bian. Tōkyō : Bensei Shuppan, 2013.東京 : 勉誠出版, 二〇一三. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » BQ2133.C6 Y55 2013 Bookmark
68. 華厳菩薩道の基礎的研究 / 伊藤瑞叡 = A basic study on bodhisattva-caryā in Buddhâvataṃsaka-sūtra : a study on bodhisattva-caryā and its historical development in Daśabhūmika-sūtra / by Zui'ei Ito. Kegon bosatsudō no kisoteki kenkyū / Itō Zuiei = A basic study on bodhisattva-caryā in Buddhâvataṃsaka-sūtra : a study on bodhisattva-caryā and its historical development in Daśabhūmika-sūtra / by Zui'ei Ito. Itō, Zuiei, 1942-2020 [Browse]伊藤瑞叡, 1942- [Browse] Tōkyō : Kokusho Kankōkai, Heisei 25 [2013] = 2013.東京 : 国書刊行会, 平成 25 [2013] = 2013. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » BQ1637 .I86 2013 Bookmark
69. 규봉 스님 금강경 : 금강경 오가해 설의 / [함허 득통] ; 원순 역해. Kyubong Sŭnim Kŭmganggyŏng : Kŭmganggyŏng ogahae sŏrŭi / [Hamhŏ Tŭkt'ong] ; Wŏnsun yŏkhae. Wŏnsun [Browse]원순 [Browse] Sŏul-si : Pŏp Kongyang, 2013.서울시 : 법 공양, 2013. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » BQ1997 .W66 2010 v.6 Bookmark
70. Luminous bliss : a religious history of Pure Land literature in Tibet : with an annotated English translation and critical analysis of the Orgyan-gling gold manuscript of the short Sukhavativyuha-sutra / Georgios T. Halkias. Halkias, Georgios, 1967- [Browse] Honolulu : University of Hawaiʻi Press, c2013. Book Loading...Firestone Library - Stacks » BQ8514.4.C62 H35 2013 Bookmark
71. Luminous bliss [electronic resource] : a religious history of Pure Land literature in Tibet : with an annotated English translation and critical analysis of the Orgyan-gling gold manuscript of the short Sukhāvatīvȳuha-sūtra / Georgios T. Halkias. Halkias, Georgios, 1967- [Browse] Honolulu : University of Hawaiʻi Press, ©2013. Book Online JSTOR DDA Bookmark
72. 能断 : 《金刚经》给你强大 / 姚秦三藏法师鸠摩罗什译 ; 索达吉堪布著. Neng duan : "Jin gang jing" gei ni qiang da / Yaoqin Sanzang fa shi Jiumoluoshi yi ; Suodaji Kanbu zhu. Suodaji, Kanbu, 1962- [Browse]索达吉, 堪布, 1962- [Browse] Lanzhou : Gansu ren min mei shu chu ban she, 2013.兰州 : 甘肃人民美术出版社, 2013. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » BQ1997 .S86 2013 Bookmark
73. Nirvana Sutra : (Mahāparinirvāna-sūtra) / translated from the Chinese by Mark L. Blum. Berkeley, California : Bukkyō Dendō Kyōkai America, Inc., 2013- Book Loading...Firestone Library - Religion Graduate Study Room » BQ2052.E5 N57 2013 Bookmark
74. Tiantai Lotus texts. Berkeley, California : Bukkyō Dendō Kyōkai America, Inc., 2013. Book Loading...Firestone Library - Religion Graduate Study Room » BQ2052.E5 T53 2013 Bookmark
75. Die Abhisamācārikā Dharmāḥ : Verhaltensregeln für buddhistische Mönche der Mahāsāṃghika-Lokottaravādins / herausgegeben, mit der chinesischen Parallelversion verglichen, übersetzt und kommentiert von Seishi Karashima ; unter Mitwirkung von Oskar von Hinüber. Tokyo : International Research Institute for Advanced Buddhology, Soka University, 2012. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » BQ2429.8 .A322 2012 Bookmark
76. Altun yaruk yedinci kitap : Berlin Bilimler Akademisi'ndeki metin parçaları : karşılaştırmalı metin, çeviri, açıklamalar, dizin / Engin Çetin. Çetin, Engin [Browse] Adana : Karahan Kitabevi, 2012. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » BQ2137 .C48 2012 Bookmark
77. Awakening of the heart : essential Buddhist Sutras and commentaries / Thich Nhat Hanh. Nhat Hanh, Thich [Browse] Berkeley, Calif. : Parallax Press, 2012. Book Online Ebook Central Perpetual, DDA and Subscription Titles Bookmark
78. Awakening of the heart : essential Buddhist Sutras and commentaries / Thich Nhat Hanh. Nhất Hạnh, Thích [Browse] Berkeley, Calif. : Parallax Press, c2012. Book Loading...Firestone Library - Stacks » BQ1147 .N 2012 Bookmark
79. 종경 스님 금강경 : 금강경 오가해 설의 / [함허 득통] ; 원순 역해. Chonggyŏng Sŭnim Kŭmganggyŏng : Kŭmganggyŏng ogahae sŏrŭi / [Hamhŏ Tŭkt'ong] ; Wŏnsun yŏkhae. Wŏnsun [Browse]원순 [Browse] Sŏul-si : Pŏp Kongyang, 2012.서울시 : 법 공양, 2012. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » BQ1997 .W66 2010 v.2 Bookmark
80. 大悲咒注釋 / 林光明編著. Da bei zhou zhu shi / Lin Guangming bian zhu. Lin, Guangming [Browse]林光明 [Browse] Taibei Shi : Jia feng chu ban she, 2012.臺北市 : 嘉豐出版社, 2012. Book Loading...East Asian Library » BQ1670.M357 L56 2012 Bookmark