151. Vasilij Kirillovič Trediakovskij, Psalter 1753 / besorgt und kommentiert von Alexander Levitsky ; herausgegeben von Reinhold Olesch und Hans Rothe. Paderborn : Ferdinand Schöningh, 1989. Book Loading...Special Collections - Rare Books » BS1425 .R9 1753a Bookmark
152. Sefer Tehilim : be-otiyot gedolot. ʻIm perush Sefer Avrekh. ʻIm Sefer Megilat sefer / meha-Yaʻbets. Ṿe-Sefer Tokheḥah megulah / meha-g. ha-ḳ. R. Yonatan. Brooklyn, N.Y. : Nidpas ʻa. y. Totsʼot Ḥayim, [1988?] Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » BS1420 .F76 1988 Bookmark
153. Sefer Tehilim : meʻuṭar u-meshuvats ʻim Yalḳuṭ Noʻam Elimelekh / mi-torato shel Elimelekh mi-Lizensḳ umi-banaṿ Elʻazar mi-Lizensḳ, Eliʻezer Lipa me-Ḥamelniḳ. Bene-Beraḳ : Makhon la-hafatsat torat ha-Ḥasidut "Naḥalat Tsevi" : M.M. Ṿiz'nitser [distributor], 749 [1988 or 1989] Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » BS1420 .E55 1988 Bookmark
154. [Sefer Tehilim] = The Artscroll Tehillim / translated and annotated by Hillel Danziger with Nosson Scherman ; designed by Sheah Brander. Brooklyn, N.Y. : Mesorah Publications, 1988. Book Loading...Firestone Library - Near East Collections » BS1430.3 .D369 Bookmark
155. Sefer Tehilim : ʻim pe. Rashi ṿe-ʻim pe. Asefat amarim / liḳaṭeti ṿe-ḥibarti Yeshaʻy. Shub. Yerushalayim : [ḥ. mo. l.], 748 [1987 or 1988] Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » BS1420 .S55 1987 Bookmark
156. Sefer Tehilim : ʻim perush Derash Mosheh. Seder ha-maʻamadot. [Israel : Sh. ben R.Ḥ. Fridman, between 1987 and 1990] Book Loading...Firestone Library - Near East Collections » BS1430.3 .M68849 Bookmark
157. Sefer Tehilim : ʻim perush Divre Shaʼul ṿe-Sefer Liḳuṭe Shaʼul / me-et Shaʼul Brakh ; asher asafti ṿe-liḳaṭeti u-mo. l. Yosef Yehoshuʻa Gros. Brooklyn, N.Y. (5102 11th Ave., Brooklyn 11219) : Le-haśig, Bet ha-midrash Givʻat Shaʼul de-Ḳroli) : Menachem Gross, 5748 [1987] Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » BS1430.3 .B26 Bookmark
158. Sefer Tehilim : ʻim perush Todat Eliʻezer : ḥaruzim be-Idish ... / ḥubru ʻa. y. Asher Anshil Eliʻezer Miller. Bene-Beraḳ : A.A.E. Miller ; Brooklyn, N.Y. (1694 42 St., Brooklyn) : Le-haságat ha-sefer be-Ar. ha-B. uve-Ḳanadah Sh. Miller, 748 [1987 or 1988] Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » BS1425 .Y52 1987 Bookmark
159. Sefer Tehilim ke-hilkhato : be-otiyot gedolot u-meʼirot ʻenayim. Bene Beraḳ : [ḥ. mo. l.], 747 [1987] Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » BS1420 .S333 1987 Bookmark
160. Sefer Tehilim "Or ṿa-derekh" : ʻim beʼure milim. Yerushalayim : Or ṿa-derekh, 748 [1987 or 1988] Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » BS1430.3 .S36 Bookmark
161. Tehilim : ʻim perush Tehilah le-Shaʼul / ʻa. y. Shaʼul b. la-a. Shelomoh Ṿaḳnin. Yerushalayim : Yeshivat Or ṿa-derekh, 747 [1987] Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » BS1430.3 .V1334 Bookmark
162. I canti di Sion : traduzione interlineare dei salmi ebraici su testo ebraico dell'Ed. Bagster & Sons - Londra per gentile concessione / a cura di Gaetano Savoca. Messina : Istituto superiore scienze umane e religiose, Ignatianum, 1986. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » BS1425 .I7 1986 Bookmark
163. Ecphrasis paraphraseos Georgii Buchanani in Psalmos Davidis microform : ab Alexandro Iulio Edinburgeno : adoloscentiæ studiosæ gratiam elaborata : huic editioni accesserunt varia carminum genera. Buchanan, George, 1505-1582 [Browse] Edinburgi : Typis J.W. & impensis Joannis Vallange, M DC XC IX [1699] Book, Microform Loading...Firestone Library - Microforms Services (Film) » 0419.922 1712:3. Bookmark
164. Les Psaumes en vers français : avec leurs mélodies / Clément Marot et Théodore de Bèze. Genève : Droz, 1986. Book Loading...Mendel Music Library - Facsimiles » M2137.B5 P8 1562a Bookmark
165. Sefer Tehilim ha-bahir : be-otiyot Ṿilna ha-ḥadashot meʼirot ʻenayim be-rov peʼer ṿe-yofi, mugah u-meduyaḳ heṭav : ṿe-shimush Tehilim ule-tsido perush maḳbil u-veʼur melot haḳashot Metsudat Daṿid ... Metsudat Tsiyon / kol eleh ḥibram Yeḥiʼel Hilel ben Daṿid Alṭshuler. Yerushalayim : Or Daṿid, 747 [1986 or 1987] Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » BS1430.3 .B227 Bookmark
166. Sefer Tehilim ʻim perush Tehilot Aharon : liḳuṭim yeḳarim ... ʻal mizmore Tehilim / me-ḥiburaṿ shel Rabi Aharon ; neʼesaf ṿe-neʻerakh ʻa. y. Mordekhai ha-Kohen Blum. Yerushalayim : M. Blum, ,746 [1986] Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » BS1430 .R673 1986 Bookmark
167. Sefer Tehilim la-adonenu Daṿid melekh Yiśraʼel ḥai ṿe-ḳayam : neḥelaḳ li-yeme ha-shavuʻa ṿeli-yeme ha-ḥodesh : meʻuṭar be-ferush Igra de-hilule ... / mi-sifre Tsevi Elimelekh Shapira ; me-et ha-melaḳeṭ ṿeha-mesader u-mo. l. Naftali Herts Mendloṿiṭsh. Bruḳlin, N.Y. (238 Keap St., Brooklyn 11211) : N.H. Mendloṿiṭsh ; Yerushalayim : Mishp. Mendloṿiṭsh, 747 [1986 or 1987], c'986 [i.e. 1986] Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » BS1430.3 .D36 Bookmark
168. Sefer Tehilim : liḳuṭim yeḳarim ṿe-niflaʼim mi-torat ... ha-Gera ... / ʻarukhim u-sedurim mi-kol sifre ha-Gera ṿe-talmidaṿ, zal uve-sof kol liḳuṭ tsuyan meḳoro. Yerushalayim : [ḥ. mo. l], 746 [1986] Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » BS1420 .E54 1986 Bookmark
169. Sefer Tehilim Tefilah le-Mosheh / ʻa. sh. Mosheh b.R. Aharon Ṿaḳs. T.A. [z.o. Tel Aviv] : Sifriyati, 5747 [1986 or 1987] Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » BS1420 .V36 1986 Bookmark
170. The Whole booke of Psalmes microform / collected into English meter by Tho. Sternhold, John Hopkins, W. Whittingham and others ; conferred with the Hebrew ; with apt notes to sing them withall ; newly set forth, and allowed to be sung in all churches, of all the people together, before and after morning and evening prayer, and also before and after sermons, moreover in private houses, for their godly solace and comfort, laying apart all ungodly songs and ballads, which tend only to the nourishing of vice, and corrupting of youth. London : Printed by M.F. for the Company of Stationers, 1682. Book, Microform Loading...Firestone Library - Microforms Services (Film) » 0419.922 1696:8. Bookmark
171. The Whole book of Psalms microform / collected into English meeter, by Thomas Sternhold, John Hopkins, and others ; conferred with the Hebrew, with apt notes to sing them withal ; set forth and allowed to be sung in all churches, of all the people together, before and after morning and evening prayer, as also before and after sermons, and moreover in private houses, for their godly solace and comfort, laying apart all ungodly songs and ballads, which tend only to the nourishing of vice, and corrupting of youth. London : Printed by J.M. for the Company of Stationers, MDCLXXXVII [1687] Book, Microform Loading...Firestone Library - Microforms Services (Film) » 0419.922 1681:10. Bookmark
172. The Whole book of Psalms microform / collected into English metre, by Thomas Sternhold, John Hopkins, and others ; conferred with the Hebrew ; set down and allowed to be sung in all churches, of all the people together, before and after morning and evening prayer, and also before and after sermons, and moreover in private houses, for their godly solace and comfort, laying apart all ungodly songs and ballads, which tend only to the nourishing of vice, and corrupting of youth. Oxford : Printed at the Theater, and are to be sold by Peter Parker ... in ... London, MDCLXXXII [1682] Book, Microform Loading...Firestone Library - Microforms Services (Film) » 0419.922 1681:9. Bookmark
173. The book of common prayer and administration of the sacraments microform : and other rites and ceremonies of the Church, according to the use of the Church of England : together with the Psalter or Psalms of David, pointed as they are to be sung or said in churches. Church of England [Browse] Cambridge [England] : Printed by John Hayes ..., M. DC. LXXIX [1679] Book, Microform Loading...Firestone Library - Microforms Services (Film) » 0419.922 1696:13. Bookmark
174. The book of common prayer and administration of the sacraments microform : and other rites and ceremonies of the Church, according to the use of the Church of England : together with the Psalter or Psalms of David, pointed as they are to be sung or said in churches. Church of England [Browse] Oxford : Printed by the University Printers, MDCXCVII [1697] Book, Microform Loading...Firestone Library - Microforms Services (Film) » 0419.922 1609:4. Bookmark
175. The book of common prayer and administration of the sacraments microform : and other rites and ceremonies of the Church, according to the use of the Church of England : together with the Psalter or Psalms of David, pointed as they are to be sung or said in churches. Church of England [Browse] Oxford : Printed by the University-printers, MDCXCIX [1699] Book, Microform Loading...Firestone Library - Microforms Services (Film) » 0419.922 1609:6. Bookmark
176. The book of common prayer and administration of the sacraments microform : and other rites and ceremonies of the Church of England. Church of England [Browse] London printed : [s.n.], MDCLX [1660] Book, Microform Loading...Firestone Library - Microforms Services (Film) » 0419.922 1608:15. Bookmark
177. The Book of Psalms paraphras'd microform : with arguments to each Psalm / by Symon Patrick ... Patrick, Simon, 1626-1707 [Browse] London : Printed by J.H. for L. Meredith ..., MDCXCI [1691] Book, Microform Loading...Firestone Library - Microforms Services (Film) » 0419.922 1607:9. Bookmark
178. Choise musick to the Psalmes of David microform : for three voices with a continuall base either for the organ or theorbo / composed by William Child ... Child, William, 1606?-1697 [Browse] London : Printed for John Playford and are to bee sold at his shopp ..., 1656. Musical score, Microform Loading...Firestone Library - Microforms Services (Film) » 0419.922 1611:59. Bookmark
179. Psalteri / Joan Roís de Corella ; introducció, transcripció i actualització a cura de Joan A. López i Quiles i Vicent Ribes i Palmero. [Valencia] : Conselleria de Cultura, Educació i Ciència de la Generalitat Valenciana ; [Montserrat] : Publicacions de L'Abadia de Montserrat, 1985. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » BS1425 .C38 1985 Bookmark
180. Les Pseaumes de David microform / mis en rime Françoise par Clem. Marot & Theodore De Beze. Marot, Clément, 1496-1544 [Browse] A Londres : Imprimé par R. Everingham, & se vend chez R. Bentley ... et chez J. Hindmarsh ..., M.DC.LXXXVI [1686] Book, Microform Loading...Firestone Library - Microforms Services (Film) » 0419.922 1608:5. Bookmark
181. Seder mizmore Tehilim : le-omram ʻal ḳivre ha-tsadiḳim : kefi she-nimtsa rashum be-khet. y.ḳ. shel ha-Admur ha-zaḳen mi-Sadigorah ... / [ʻarikhah Sh. Ben-Yishai]. Tel-Aviv : Mekhon Keneset Mordekhai, 745 [1985] Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » BS1420 .B22 Bookmark
182. Sefer Tehilim : ʻim perush Ben beti / me-et Eliʻezer Tsevi mi-Ḳomarno. Bruḳlin, N.Y. : Hitʼaḥdut avrekhim de-talmide Tohash ; Qbe [i.e. Quebec?], Canada : Mekhirah ha-rashit, Ave Beth Halevy ; Bene Beraḳ : Yiśakhar Dov Safrin, 746 [1985 or 1986] Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » BS1430.3 .E127 Bookmark
183. Sefer Tehilot Daṿid : ʻim perusho ha-gadol shel Rabenu Daṿid Ḳimḥi-ha-Radaḳ : ṿe-ʻimo ratsuf yalḳuṭ ha-roʻim ... asher be-shem Yad Daṿid yiḳra / asher ḳubtsu, luḳṭu ṿe-neʼesfu ʻal yede Daṿid b. ha-r. he-ḥ. Matityahu Apel. Bene-Beraḳ : [ḥ .mo. l.], 746 [1985 or 1986] Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » BS1420 .K56 1985 Bookmark
184. Tehilim Shire Daṿid : ʻim perush margalit ṭovah mi-talmide Beshṭ ... ṿe-ʻim perush ha-milot ʻim maʻamadot le-khol yom ... . Bruḳlin : Bet Hilel, 746 [1985 or 1986] Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » BS1420 1985 Bookmark
185. Tehilim : tefilah ḳodem ha-tefilah, Tseṭil ḳaṭan / me-rabenu Elimelekh mi-Lizensḳ. Yerushalayim : Merkaz la-Torah ṿela-Ḥasidut Lizensḳ, [745 i.e. 1985] Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » BS1420 .E55 1985 Bookmark
186. The book of common prayer and administration of the sacraments microform : and other rites and ceremonies of the Church according to the use of the Church of England : together with the Psalter, or Psalms of David pointed as they are to be said or sung in churches. Church of England [Browse] London : Printed by John Bill and Christopher Barker ..., MDCLXV [1665] Book, Microform Loading...Firestone Library - Microforms Services (Film) » 0419.922 1499:11. Bookmark
187. The Holy Bible : New International version, the New Testament, Psalms and Proverbs. Grand Rapids, Mich. : Zondervan, c1984. Book Loading...Forrestal Annex - Reserve » BS2095 .N354 1984sLoading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » BS2095 .N354 1984s Bookmark
188. الكتاب المقدس : كتاب المزامير. al-Kitāb al-muqaddas : kitāb al-mazāmīr. Bayrūt : Dār al-Mashriq, 1984.بيروت : دار المشرق، 1984. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » BS1430.4 .K35 Bookmark
189. Liber psalmorum Davidis microform : ex Armenico idiomate in Latinum traductus / operâ Dudleii Laftusii ... Dubliniæ : Excudebat Gul. Bladen, MDCLXI [1661] Book, Microform Loading...Firestone Library - Microforms Services (Film) » 0419.922 1478:5. Bookmark
190. The psalter of David microform : with titles and collects according to the matter of each psalm : whereunto are added Devotions for the help and assistance of all Christian people in all occasions and necessities / by Jer. Taylor ... Taylor, Jeremy, 1613-1667 [Browse] London : Printed by E.T. and R.H. for R. Royston ..., MDCLXXII [1672] Book, Microform Loading...Firestone Library - Microforms Services (Film) » 0419.922 1563:9. Bookmark
191. The Psalter, or, Psalms of David microform : after the translation of the great Bible, pointed as they are to be sung or said in churches. London : Printed by the printers to the Kings Most Excellent Majesty, MDCLXII [1662] Book, Microform Loading...Firestone Library - Microforms Services (Film) » 0419.922 1563:7. Bookmark
192. Psaumes mis en vers français, 1551-1562 / Théodore de Bèze ; accompagnés de la version en prose de Loïs Budé ; édition préparée par Pierre Pidoux. Genève : Droz, 1984. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » BS1443.F8 B52 1984 Bookmark
193. Salmi di David mcroform / ridotti in rime alla maniera Inghlese, et accommodati alli toni più communi della chiesa Anglicana, per uso della chiesa Italiana. In Londra : Stampati da M.F. per Rodolfo Rovnthvvaite, MDCXLIV [1644] Book, Microform Loading...Firestone Library - Microforms Services (Film) » 0419.922 1543:10. Bookmark
194. Sefer Lev Raḥav : ʻal Tehilim / ha-melaḳeṭ, Buḥris Raḥamim. Raḥamim, Buḥris [Browse] Bene-Beraḳ : Raḥamim, 744 [1984] Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » BS1430.3 .R34 1984 Bookmark
195. Sefer Meʼir tehilot : beʼur Tehilim / leha-Rav Meʼir ʻAramʼah ; ʻim perush Rashi u-ferush Bet Leṿi mehe-ḥakham Aharon beha-Rav Yeḥiʼel ha-Leṿi. Arama, Meir ben Isaac, 1460?-approximately 1545 [Browse] Bruḳlin : Sh. Ts. Zinger, 745 [1984 or 1985] Book Loading...Firestone Library - Near East Collections » BS1429 .A7 1984 Bookmark
196. Sefer Tehilim : ʻim perushim yeḳarim u-metuḳim, yotsʼim ṿe-novʻim mi-maʻyanot ʻamuḳim be-derekh ha-Ḥasidut ... / imre ḳodesh mi-pi Baʻal Tifʼeret Shelomoh ... [et al.] ; nilḳaṭ ṿe-neʻerakh ʻa. y. Yaʻaḳov Menaḥem Langer. Bruḳlin, N.Y. (1418 46 St., Brooklyn 11219) : J. Langer, 745 [1984 or 1985], c1985. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » BS1430.3 .S313 Bookmark
197. Sefer Tehilim Ohel Yosef Yitsḥaḳ ha-shalem : ʻim ʻaśarah perushim ... : perush Yahel or / me-et Menaḥem Mendel mi-Lyubaṿiṭsh. Ṿe-nilṿeh lo Ḳovets mikhtavim / mi-mikhteve Yosef Yitsḥaḳ Sheneʼursohn. Bruḳlin, N.Y. : Ḳehot, 5744 [1984] Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » BS1430.3 .T43 1984 Bookmark
198. Tehilim : ʻim perush Shir ḥadash : perushim u-remazim niflaʼim ʻal Sefer Tehilim u-ferush milot ḳashot be-ʻArvit ṿe-khu. / peʻulat Avraham b.k. mo. ha-r. R. Yeshaʻyah Dayan. Yerushalayim : Mekhon ha-ketav, 745 [1984 or 1985] Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » BS1420 .D39 1984 Bookmark
199. The Whole book of Psalmes microform / collected into English meeter by Thomas Sternhold, Iohn Hopkins, and others ; set forth and allowed to be sung in all churches, of all the people together, before and after morning and evening prayer, and also before and after sermons, and moreover in private houses, for their godly solace and comfort, laying apart all ungodly songs and ballades, which tend onely to the nourishing of vice and the corrupting of youth. London : Printed for the Company of Stationers, M. D. C. XLII [1642] Book, Microform Loading...Firestone Library - Microforms Services (Film) » 0419.922 1563:2. Bookmark
200. The Whole book of Psalms microform / collected into English metre by Thomas Sternhold, John Hopkins, and others ; set forth and allowed to be sung in all churches, of all the people together, before and after morning and evening prayer, and also before and after sermons, and moreover in private houses, for their godly solace and comfort, laying apart all ungodly songs and ballads, which tend only to the nourishing of vice and corrupting of youth. London : Printed for the Company of Stationers, M.DC.XCVI [1696] Book, Microform Loading...Firestone Library - Microforms Services (Film) » 0419.922 1542:12. Bookmark