61. The fortunes of Rachel / by Edward Everett Hale ... Hale, Edward Everett, 1822-1909 [Browse] Research Publications Book Online American Fiction, 1774-1920
62. The fortunes of the Faradays / by Amanda M. Douglas ... Douglas, Amanda Minnie, 1837- [Browse] Research Publications Book Online American Fiction, 1774-1920
63. The fortunes of Fifi / by Molly Elliot Seawell ; illustrations by T. de Thulstrup. Seawell, Molly Elliot, 1860-1916 [Browse] Bobbs-Merrill Co. Book Online American Fiction, 1774-1920
64. The fortune seeker / by Emma D.E.N. Southworth ... Southworth, Emma Dorothy Eliza Nevitte, 1819-1899 [Browse] T.B. Peterson Book Online American Fiction, 1774-1920
65. The fortunes of Betty : a sweet and tender romance of an old soldier's daughter / novelized from the successful play of the same name by Cecil Spooner. Spooner, Cecil [Browse] J.S. Ogilvie Pub. Co. Book Online American Fiction, 1774-1920
66. The fortune hunter, or, The adventures of a man about town : a novel of New York / by Mrs. Helen Berkley. Ritchie, Anna Cora Ogden Mowatt, 1819-1870 [Browse] J. Winchester, New World Press Book Online American Fiction, 1774-1920
67. The fortune of a day / by Grace Ellery Channing-Stetson. Channing, Grace Ellery, 1862-1937 [Browse] H.S. Stone Book Online American Fiction, 1774-1920
68. The fortune of war : being portions of many letters and journals written to and for her cousin Mistress Dorothea Engel / by Katherine, Patison ; condensed and arranged by Elizabeth N. Barrow. Patison, Katherine [Browse] Holt Book Online American Fiction, 1774-1920
69. The fortune hunter / by David Graham Phillips ... ; with illustrations by E.M. Ashe. Phillips, David Graham, 1867-1911 [Browse] Bobbs-Merrill Co. Book Online American Fiction, 1774-1920
70. Fortunes of war / by Ralph Henry Barbour and H.P. Holt ... ; illustrated by C.M. Relyea. Barbour, Ralph Henry, 1870-1944 [Browse] Century Co. Book Online American Fiction, 1774-1920
71. Fortune's tangled skein : a novel / by Jeannette H. Walworth ... Walworth, Jeannette H., 1837-1918 [Browse] Research Publications Book Online American Fiction, 1774-1920
72. Fortune's foot-ball. Volume 1 : or, The adventures of Mercutio : Founded on matters of fact : A novel / James Butler. Butler, James, 1755?-1842 [Browse] Research Publication Book Online American Fiction, 1774-1920
73. Fortune's foot-ball. Volume 2 : or, The adventures of Mercutio : Founded on matters of fact : A novel / James Butler. Butler, James, 1755?-1842 [Browse] Research Publication Book Online American Fiction, 1774-1920
74. A fortune hunter ; or, The old stone corral : a tale of the Santa Fe trail / by John Dunloe Carteret. Carteret, John Dunloe [Browse] J.D. Carteret Book Online American Fiction, 1774-1920
75. Fortune's boats / by Barbara Yechton ... Yechton, Barbara, 1864-1939 [Browse] Houghton, Mifflin Book Online American Fiction, 1774-1920
76. Fortune's fool / by Julian Hawthorne. Hawthorne, Julian, 1846-1934 [Browse] Research Publications Book Online American Fiction, 1774-1920
77. The fortunes of a colonist by Philip Ruysdale. Ruysdale, Philip [Browse] London : T.C. Newby, 1854. Book Online Slavery and Anti-Slavery, Part II: Slave Trade in the Atlantic World
78. Night of loveless nights / Robert Desnos ; translated from French by Lewis Warsh ; with an afterword by David Rosenberg. Desnos, Robert, 1900-1945 [Browse] Brooklyn, New York : Winter Editions, 2023.©2023 Book Loading...Firestone Library - Stacks » PQ2607.E75 F6713 2023
79. Fortune favours a Bieler : adventures in life, love, and business / Philippe Bieler. Bieler, Philippe E., 1933- [Browse] Montreal ; Chicago : McGill-Queen's University Press, [2023] Book Online JSTOR DDA
80. Fortunes made in business : a series of original sketches, biographical and anecdotic, from the recent history of industry and commerce Sampson Low, Marston, Searle & Rivington Book Online Making of the Modern World: Part IV,1800-1890