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77. Election of William Lorimer. Hearings before a committee of the Senate of the United States pursuant to S. Res. 60 directing a committee of the Senate to investigate whether corrupt methods and practices were used or employed in the election of William Lorimer as a Senator of the United States from the State of Illinois. In nine volumes. Vol. 6. United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Privileges and Elections (1871-1946) [Browse] [Washington, D.C.] : [U.S. Government Printing Office], 1912. Book Online Marcive GPO Government Documents Bookmark
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79. In the Senate of the United States. April 1, 1880. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Wallace, from the Select Committee to Inquire into Alleged Frauds in the Late Elections, submitted the following report : Your special committee to inquire into alleged frauds in the recent elections was directed, by the authority given it, "to inquire whether in the year 1878 money was raised by assessment or otherwise upon federal office-holders or employes for election purposes, and under what circumstances and by what means ... " United States. Congress. Joint Select Committee To Inquire into the Affairs of the District of Columbia [Browse] [Washington, D.C.] : [U.S. Government Printing Office], 1880. Book Online Marcive GPO Government Documents Bookmark
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