101. Pseavmes de David. [microform] Marot, Clément, 1495?-1544 [Browse] [Paris] 1555. Book, Microform Loading...Firestone Library - Remote Storage (ReCAP): Firestone Library Use Only » MICROFILM 10584 roll 179
102. The forme of prayers and ministration of the sacraments, &c. vsed in the Englishe Congregation at Geneua : and approued, by the famous and godly learned man, Iohn Caluyn (with Psalms and catechism). English Church (Geneva, Switzerland) [Browse] Imprinted at Geneua [Geneva] : By Iohn Crespin, M.D.LVI. [1556] Book Loading...Special Collections - William H. Scheide Library » 96.30
103. The forme of prayers and ministration of the sacraments, &c. vsed in the Englishe Congregation at Geneua [electronic resource] : and approued, by the famous and godly learned man, Iohn Caluyn. English Church (Geneva, Switzerland) [Browse] Imprinted at Geneua : By Iohn Crespin, M.D.LVI. [1556] Book
104. [Psalmes of] David translated according to the veritie and truth of th' Ebrue, wyth annotacions moste profitable [electronic resource]. [Geneva : M. Blanchier], 1557. Book Online Early English Books Online
105. The forme of prayers and ministration of the sacramentes, &c. vsed in the Englishe Congregation at Geneua [electronic resource] : and approued, by the famous and godly learned man, Iohn Caluin. English Church (Geneva, Switzerland) [Browse] Printed at Geneua : by Iames Poullain, and Antonie Rebul, M.D.LVIII. [1558] Book Online Early English Books Online
106. The Boke of Psalmes [electronic resource] : where in are conteined praiers, meditatio[n]s, praises & thankesgiui[n]g to God for his benefites toward his church / tra[n]slated faithfully according to the Ebrewe ; with brief and apt annotations in the margent ... Printed at Geneva : By Rouland Hall, M. D. LIX [1559] Book Online Early English Books Online
107. Psalmes or prayers taken out of holy scripture. [electronic resource]. Imprinted at London : by Wyllyam Coplande, for John Waley and Wyllyam Seres. Book Online Early English Books Online
108. The psalter or Psalmes of Dauid, after the translacion of the Greate Bible, poynted as it shal be said or songe in Churches. [electronic resource]. Imprinted at London : by Wyliyam Seres dwellinge at the weste end of Poules, at the signe of the Hedghoge., 1559. Book Online Early English Books Online
109. Psalmes of Dauid in Englishe metre, [electronic resource] / by Thomas Sterneholde and others: conferred with the Ebrue, & in certeine places corrected, as the sense of the prophete required: and the note adioyned withall. ; Very mete to be vsed of all sorts of people priuatly for their godly solace and confort, laiyng [sic] aparte all vngodly songes and ballades, which tende only to the norishing [sic] of vice, and corrupting of youth.. Sternhold, Thomas, d. 1549 [Browse] [London? : J. Day], 1560. Book Online Early English Books Online
110. The psalter or Psalmes of Dauyd, after the translation of the Great Byble. [electronic resource] : Poynted as it shalbe sayde or songe in churches. / I.C.. Imprinted at London : In povvles Churcheyarde by Rychard Iugge, and Ihon Cawood, Prynters to the Quenes Maiestie., [1560?]. Book Online Early English Books Online
111. Hondert Psalmen Dauids. [electronic resource] : Mitsgaders het ghesangk Marie, t'ghesangk Zacharie, t'ghesangk Simeons, de thien Gheboden, de artikels des Gheloofs, t'ghebed des Heeren &c. ouergheset in Nederlandschen dichte / door Ian Wtenhove.. Ghedruckt te Londen, : by Jan Daye, voor den voorseyden Ouersetter,, 21 Junii 1561.. Book Online Early English Books Online
112. Les cent cinqvante pseavmes de David, mis en rime françoise par clement Marot, & Theodore de Bésze; auec brieues & sainctes oraisons, nouuellement adioutees en la fin de chacun pseaume, pour la consolation de l'eglise, selon la substance du pseaume. Paris, De l'imprimerie de M. le Jeune, pour Vincent, 1562. Musical score Loading...Special Collections - Rare Books » M2137.B4 C3
113. The forme of prayers and ministration of the sacraments &c. vsed in the English Churche at Geneua, and approued by the famous and godlie learned man, John Caluin. [electronic resource] : Whereunto are also added the praiers which they vse there in the Frenche church: ; with the confession of faith whiche all they make that are receiued into the vniuersitie of Geneua.. Church of Scotland [Browse] Jmprinted at Edinburgh, : by Robert Lekprewik. Cum priuilegio., 1562.. Book Online Early English Books Online
114. Psalmes or prayers taken out of holye Scripture [electronic resource].. Fisher, John, Saint, 1469-1535 [Browse] Londini. : [Henry Wykes], AN.M.D.LXII. [1562]. Book Online Early English Books Online
115. The whole booke of Psalmes [electronic resource] / collected into Englysh metre by T. Starnhold, I. Hopkins, & others, conferred with the Ebrue, with apt notes to synge the[m] with al ; faithfully perused and alowed according to thordre appointed in the Quenes Maiesties iniunctions ; very mete to be vsed of all sortes of people priuately for their solace & comfort, laying apart all vngodly songes and ballades, which tende only to the norishing of vyce, and corrupting of youth. Sternhold, Thomas, d. 1549 [Browse] Imprinted at Lo[n]don : By John Day, dwelling ouer Aldersgate, 1562. Book Online Early English Books Online
116. Medivs. of the whole psalmes in foure partes, [electronic resource] : whiche may be song to al musicall instrumentes, set forth for the encrease of vertue: and abolishyng of other vayne and triflyng ballades. Imprinted at London : by Iohn Day, dwelling ouer Aldersgate, beneath Saynt Martyns. Cum gratia et priuilegio Regiæ Maiestatis. per septennium, 1563. Book Online Early English Books Online
117. The Psalter, or, Psalmes of Dauid [electronic resource] / corrected and pointed as they shalbe song in church ... ; gathered out of the Booke of common prayer ; confirmed by acte of Parliament, in the fyrst yere of the raigne of our soueraigne Lady Quene Elizabeth. Church of England [Browse] Londini : In officina VVilhelmi Seres typographi, 1563. Book Online Early English Books Online
118. Tenor of the whole psalmes in foure partes [electronic resource] : whiche may be song to al musicall instrumentes, set forth for the encrease of vertue: and abolishyng of other vayne and triflyng ballades. Imprinted at London : By Iohn Day, dwelling ouer Aldersgate, beneath Saynt Martyns. Cum gratia et priuilegio Regiæ Maiestatis. per septennium, 1563. Book
119. The first parte of the Psalmes collected into Englishe meter, by Thomas Sternholde, and others, conferred wyth the Hebrew, with apte notes to sing them withal, faythfully perused and allowed, according the thorder appoynted in the Queenes maiestyes iniunctions. ...Whereunto is added the cathechisme, and also a short introduction to learne to syng the Psalmes [electronic resource] Imprinted at London : By Iohn Day dwelling ouer Aldersgate. Cum gratia & priuilegio regiæ Maiestatis per septennium, 1564. Book Online Early English Books Online
120. The forme of prayers and ministration of the sacraments &c. vsed in the English church at Geneua, [electronic resource] : approued and receiued by the Churche of Scotland. Whereunto besydes that was in the former bokes, are also added sondrie other prayers, with the whole psalmes of Dauid in English meter.. Church of Scotland [Browse] Printed at Edinburgh : by Robert Lekpreuik., M. D. LXIIII. [1564]. Book Online Early English Books Online
121. M. Antonii Flaminii in librum psalmorum breuis explanatio, [electronic resource] : atque in eorum aliquot, paraphrases luculentissimae. His adiecimus alias eiusdem in psalmos triginta, paraphrases, carmine conscriptas, ac suo loco positas. Quae omnia a Flaminio aucta, multo locupletiora, quam parisiensi editione habentur, nunc primum in lucem edidimus.. Flaminio, Marco Antonio, 1498-1550 [Browse] Venetiis, : [Paolo Manuzio], MDLXIIII. [1564] Book
122. M. Antonii Flaminii in librum psalmorum breuis explanatio [electronic resource] : atque in eorum aliquot, paraphrases luculentissimae. His adiecimus alias eiusdem in psalmos triginta, paraphrases, carmine conscriptas, ac suo loco positas. Quae omnia a Flaminio aucta, multo locupletiora, quam parisiensi editione habentur, nunc primum in lucem edidimus.. Flaminio, Marco Antonio, 1498-1550 [Browse] Venetiis, : [Paolo Manuzio], MDLXIIII. [1564] Book
123. The whole booke of psalmes [electronic resource] / collected into Englyshe meter, by Thomas Sternhold, J. Hopkins, and others, conferred with the Hebrew, with apt notes to sing them withal, faythfully perused and allowed, according to thorder appoynted in the Queenes maiestyes iniunctions. ; Very meete to be vsed of all sortes of peope priuatly for their godly solace & comfort, laying aparte al vngodly songes & balades, whych tend only to the nourishyng of vyce and corrupting of youth. Whereunto is added a short introduction to learne to syng the Psalmes.. Sternhold, Thomas, d. 1549 [Browse] Jmprinted at London : by John Day dwelling ouer Aldersgate. Cum gratia & priuilegio regiæ Maiestatis per septennium., 1564.. Book Online Early English Books Online
124. Enchiridivm Psalmorvm; ex vvlgata sive septvaginta interpretum editione. Eorvndem ex veritate hebraïca versionem, ac Io. Campensis è regione paraphrasim, sic vt versus respondeat versui, complectens. Concionem praeterea Salomonis Ecclesiastae ... Parisiis, Ex officina M. Iuuenis, 1565. Book Loading...Special Collections - Rare Books » 5169.1565s
125. The vvhole boke of psalmes, [electronic resource] / collected into Englishe metre by Thomas Sternhold, I. Hopkins, and others: conferred with the Ebrue, with apt notes to synge them with all. ; Faithfully perused and alowed [sic] according to the order appoynted in the Queenes Maiesties iniunctions. Very mete to be vsed of all sorts of people priuatly for their solace & comfort: laying a part [sic] all vngodly songs & ballades, which tend onely to the norishing [sic] of vice & corrupting of youth.. Sternhold, Thomas, d. 1549 [Browse] Jmprinted at London : by John Day, dwelling ouer Aldersgate, beneath saint Martins. Cum gratia et priuilegio Regie Maiestatis, perseptennium., An. 1565.. Book Online Early English Books Online
126. The whole booke of psalms, [electronic resource] / collected into English meter by Thomas Sternhold, I. Hopkins and others: co[n]ferred with the Hebrue, with apt notes to syng them withall. Faithfully perused and allowed accordyng to the Quenes Maiesties Injunctions. very meete to be vsed of al sortes of people priuately for their solace & comfort: laying apart al vngodly songes and ballades, which read only to the norishing of vice & corrupting of youth.. Sternhold, Thomas, d. 1549 [Browse] Imprinted at London : by Iohn Day., 1565.. Book
127. [The boke of common praier, and administration of the sacramentes, and other rites and ceremonies in the Churche of Englande] [electronic resource] Church of England [Browse] [London] : Imprinted at London in Powles Churchyarde by Richarde Iugge and Iohn Cawood ..., [1566] Book Online Early English Books Online
128. The booke of common prayer, and administration of the sacramentes, and other rites and ceremonies in the Churche of England [electronic resource]. Church of England [Browse] Londini, : in Officina Richardi Iugge, 1566. Book Online Early English Books Online
129. The first part of the Psalmes of Dauid in English meter [electronic resource] / by T. Sternhold and others: conferred with the Ebrue, and the note to sing them ioynged withall. Newly set forth and alowed to me song in all churches, of all the people together, before and after morninge and euening prayer: as also before & after the sermon, & moreouer in priuate houses, for their godlye solace and comfort. layinge apart all vngodly songes and ballades, whiche tend onely to the nourishinge of vice and corrupting of youth. Whereunto is added the Cathechisme, and also the letany and suffrages,. Sternhold, Thomas, d. 1549 [Browse] Imprinted at London : ouer Alderlgate [sic]beneath S. Martins by John Day., 1566.. Book Online Early English Books Online
130. De psalmen Dauidis, [electronic resource] : in Nederlandischer sangs-ryme, / door Ian VVtenhoue van Ghentt. ; Wartoe toegedaen syn de gesangen Marie, Zacharie, Simeonis, mit t'samen den tien geboden ende gebede des heeren, mit noch anderen. Item is hier noch voor iegheliken Psalme gesett syn inholdt: ende aent einde een voeghlick ghebedt daroppe: altemael to nutte der gemeynte Christi.. Utenhove, Jan, d. 1565 [Browse] Ghedruckt to Londen : by Ian Daye, den 12. Septembris. 1566. Book Online Early English Books Online
131. [Psalter]. [Venice : Abgar of Eudokia], 1565 [i.e. 1566]. Book Loading...Special Collections - William H. Scheide Library » 89.9
132. The vvhole boke of psalmes, [electronic resource] / collected into English metre by Thomas Sternhold, Iohn Hopkins, and others: conferred with the Ebrue, with apt notes to syng them wyth all. ; Newlye set foorth and allowed to bee soong of the people together, in churches, before and after moring and euening prayer: as also before and after the sermon, and moreouer in priuate houses, for their godlye solace and comfort, laying apart all vngodly songes and balades, which tend onely to the nourishing of vice, and corrupting of youth.. Sternhold, Thomas, d. 1549 [Browse] Jmprinted at London : by John Day, dwellyng ouer Aldersgate beneath Saint Martins., 1566.. Book Online Early English Books Online
133. Psallmyr neu Psalmae' Dauid, [electronic resource] : wedy ei Gambereigaw yn nesaf ac' allit, a' chadw'r bwyll, ir llythyr Ebrew: a'i ddosparth wrth y drefn y darlleir yn yr Eccles. Jmprinted at London : by Henry Denham, at the costes and charges of Humfrey Toy. 1567 And are to be solde at his shop at the signe of the helmet in Paules churchyard., [1567]. Book Online Early English Books Online
134. The Psalter or Psalmes of Dauid, corrected and poynted as they shall be song in churches after the translatio[n] of the great Bible, with certain additions of collects and other the ordinarie seruice, gathered out of the booke of common prayer, confirmed by act of Parliament, in the first yeare of the raigne of our soueraigne Lady, Quéene Elizabeth [electronic resource] London : In officina Gulihelmi Seres, typographi. Cum priuilegio Regiæ Maiestatis, [1567?] Book Online Early English Books Online
135. [The Psalter or Psalmes of Dauid] [electronic resource] : [with the ordinarie service ...] Imprinted at London : By William Seres, dwelling at the west end of Paules Church, at the signe of the Hedgehogge, 1567. Book Online Early English Books Online
136. The vvhole Psalter translated into English metre, which contayneth an hundreth and fifty Psalmes. The first quinquagene [electronic resource] Imprinted at London : By Iohn Daye, dwelling ouer Aldersgate, beneath S. Martyns. Cum gratia et priuilegio Regiæ Maiestatis, per decennium, [1567?] Book Online Early English Books Online
137. The whole booke of psalmes [electronic resource] / collected into Englishe meter by Thomas Sternhold, John Hopkins, and others ; conferred with the Hebrue, with apt notes to sing them withall ; newly set forth and allowed to be song in all churches, of all the people together, before & after morning & euenyng prayer, as also before and after the sermõ, and moreouer in priuate houses, for their godly solace and comfort, laying aparte all vngodly songes and balades, which tend onely to the nourishyng of vice, and corrupting of youth. Sternhold, Thomas, d. 1549 [Browse] Imprinted at London : By Iohn Day, [1567] Book Online Early English Books Online
138. De C.L. psalmen Dauids. [electronic resource] / Wt den Francoyschen dichte in Nederlantschen overghesett door Petrum Dathenum. ; Mitsgaders den christelicken catechismo, ceremonien, ende gebeden. Item, hier is bygheuoecht op die cant den Duytschen text, ouerghesett wt den Hebreeuschen van veerse tot veerse, naer wtwtjsen rghetal: en na elcken Psalm een Bebet: mitsgaders een cort fondament vander musica.. Tot Noorwitz : Gheprint by Anthonium de Solemne, Anno M. D. LXVIII. [1568]. Book Online Early English Books Online
139. [Psalmorum Davidis paraphrasis poetica, nunc primum edita authore Georgio Buchanano ... Psalmi aliquot in versus item graecos nuper a diversis translati. Argentorati, Excudebat Iosias Rihelius, M.D.LXVIII] Book Loading...Special Collections - Rare Books » 2014-0298S
140. The Psalter or Psalmes of Dauid [electronic resource] : after the translati[on] of the greate Bible, poynted as it shall be sayde or song in churches : with the morning and euening prayer, and certaine additions of collects and other the ordinarie seruice gathered out of the Boke of common prayer. Imprinted at London : By William Seres, 1567 [i.e. 1568] Book Online Early English Books Online
141. Enarratio Psalmi octvage[sima] qvarti in qva [prae]ter mvlta eaq[ue] imprimis cognitv necessaria [electronic resource] : texitur refutatio erroris Iudaeorum, furo, ris Mohometistaru[m], uanitatis Epicureorum, idoli Papistarum: Exponitur ratio Sacerdotij Christi, & sacrificiorum Ecclesiae: monstratur uia à sempiterna miseria, ad perpetuam beatitiudinem & coniunctionem hominis cum Deo, quae est finis & conditi & redemti humani generis. / Nicolavs Hemmingivs. Hemmingsen, Niels, 1513-1600 [Browse] Haffniae. : Excudebat Matthias Vinitor, 1569. Book
142. A godly ditty or prayer to be song vnto God [electronic resource] : for the preseruation of his Church, our Queene and realme, against all traytours, rebels, and papisticall enemies. Awdelay, John, fl. 1559-1577 [Browse] Imprynted at London : by Iohn Awdely., [1569?] Book Online Early English Books Online
143. The whole booke of Psalmes [electronic resource] / collected into Englishe metre by Thom. Sternh., Iohn Hopkins, and others, conferred with the Ebrue with apt notes to sing them withall ; newly set forth and allowed to be song in all churches, of all the people together before and after mornyng and euenyng prayer, as also before and after sermons, and moreouer in priuate houses for their godly solace and comfort, laying apart all vngodly songes and balades, which tend onely to the nourishyng of vice, and corruptyng of youth. Sternhold, Thomas, d. 1549 [Browse] At London : Imprinted by Iohn Daye, ouer Aldersgate, [1569] Book Online Early English Books Online
144. The Bible and Holy Scriptures conteyned in the Olde and Newe Testament. Translated according to the Ebrue and Greke, and conferred vvith the best translations in diuers langages. With moste profitable annotations vpon all the hard places, and other things of great importance as may appeare in the epistle to the reader [electronic resource] At Geneua : Printed by Iohn Crispin, M.D.LXX. [1570] Book
145. The booke of common prayer, and administration of the sacramentes, and other rites & ceremonies in the Church of Englande. [electronic resource]. Church of England [Browse] Londini : in officina Richardi Iugge & Iohannis Cawood, [1570]. Book Online Early English Books Online
146. The booke of common prayer; and administration of the sacraments, and other rites and ceremonies in the Church of England. [electronic resource]. Church of England [Browse] Imprinted at London : in Powles Churchyarde by Richarde Iugge and Iohn Cawood, Printers to the Queenes Maiestie., [1570] Book Online Early English Books Online
147. [The whole booke of psalmes] [electronic resource] / [collected ...] Sternhold, Thomas, d. 1549 [Browse] Jmprinted at London : by John Daye, dwelling ouer Aldersgate, Anno. 1570. Book Online Early English Books Online
148. The whole booke of Psalmes [electronic resource] / collected into English metre by T. Sternh. I. Hopk. W. Wittingham, & others, conferred with the Ebrue, with apte notes to sing them withall. Newly set forth & allowed to be song in all churches, of all the people together before & after morning & euening prayer: as also before and after the sermon, & moreouer in priuate houses, for theyr godlye solace and comforte, laying aparte all ungodly songes and balades, which tend onely to the nourishing of vice, & corrupting of youth. Sternhold, Thomas, d. 1549 [Browse] Imprinted at London : by Iohn Daye., [1570] Book Online Early English Books Online
149. The forme of prayers and ministration of the sacramentes &c. vsed in the English Churche at Geneua, approued and receiued by the Churche of Scotland. [electronic resource] : Whereunto besydes that which was in the former bokes, are also added sondrie other prayers, with the whole Psalmes of Dauid in English meter ... Church of Scotland [Browse] [Geneva? : s.n.], Imprinted M.D.LXXI [1571] Book Online Early English Books Online
150. The forme of prayers and ministration of the sacraments &c. vsed in the English Churche at Geneua, approued and receiued by the Churche of Scotland. [electronic resource] : Whereunto besydes that was in the former bokes, are also added sondrie other prayers, with the whole Psalmes of Dauid in English meter. ; The contents of this boke are conteined in the page following.. Church of Scotland [Browse] [Geneva? : s.n.], Imprinted M.D.LXXI [1571] Book Online Early English Books Online