41. Torah & company : the weekly portion of the Torah, accompanied by generous helpings of Mishnah and Gemara, served up with discussion questions to spice up your Sabbath table / Judith Z. Abrams. Abrams, Judith Z. [Browse] Teaneck, NJ : Ben Yehuda Press, c2006. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » BS1225.52 .A27 2006 Bookmark
42. פירוש הכתובים / לרבינו יצחק אברבנאל ; על פי כת"י, דפוס ראשון, ודפוסים ישנים עם שינויי נוסחאות, ציוני מקורות, הערות ומפתחות מאת מיכאל זאב. Perush ha-Ketuvim / le-Rabenu Yitsḥaḳ Abravanel ; ʻal pi ket. y., defus rishon, u-defusim yeshanim ʻim shinuye nusḥaʼot, tsiyune meḳorot, heʻarot u-mafteḥot me-et Mikhaʼel Zeʼev. Abravanel, Isaac, 1437-1508 [Browse]אברבנאל, יצחק. 1437-1508 [Browse] Yerushalayim : Hotsaʼat sefarim "Ḥorev", 777-778 c2017-ירושלים : הוצאת ספרים "חורב", תשע"ז-תשע"ח. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » Heb 40401.1021 Bookmark
43. פירוש הנביאים / לרבינו יצחק אברבנאל ; על פי דפוס ראשון, ודפוסים ישנים עם שינויי נוסחאות, ציוני מקורות, הערות ומפתחות מאת יהודה שביב. Perush ha-Neviʼim / le-Rabenu Yitsḥaḳ Abravanel ; ʻal pi defus rishon, u-defusim yeshanim ʻim shinuye nusḥaʼot, tsiyune meḳorot, heʻarot u-mafteḥot me-et Yehudah Shaviv. Abravanel, Isaac, 1437-1508 [Browse]אברבנאל, יצחק [Browse] Yerushalayim : Hotsaʼat Sefarim "Ḥorev", 769- [2009- ]ירושלים : הוצאת ספרים "חורב", 769- [2009- ] Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » BS1286 .A573 2009 Bookmark
44. פירוש הנביאים / לרבינו יצחק אברבנאל ; על פי דפוס ראשון, ודפוסים ישנים עם שינויי נוסחאות, ציוני מקורות, הערות ומפתחות מאת יהודה שביב. Perush ha-Neviʼim / le-Rabenu Yitsḥaḳ Abravanel ; ʻal pi defus rishon, u-defusim yeshanim ʻim shinuye nusḥaʼot, tsiyune meḳorot, heʻarot u-mafteḥot me-et Yehudah Shaviv. Abravanel, Isaac, 1437-1508 [Browse]אברבנאל, יצחק, 1437-1508 [Browse] Yerushalayim : Hotsaʼat Sefarim "Ḥorev", 769- [2009-]ירושלים : הוצאת ספרים "חורב", 769- [2009- ] Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » BS1286 .A573 2009gView Record for Full Availability Bookmark
45. The Bible and sustainability : bringing biblical passages and practices into the ecological debate / John Abubakar. Abubakar, John [Browse] Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, NY : Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2025.©2025 Book Loading...Firestone Library - Stacks » BX1795.H82 A44 2025 Bookmark
46. List do Hebrajczyków : wstęp - przekład z oryginału komentaryz - ekskursy / opracował Ks. Dr Stanisław Łach. Łach, Stanisław, ks. dr. [Browse] Poznań : Pallottinum, 1959. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » BS2775.3 .L32 Bookmark
47. The Bible in Shakespeare / by Carl Ackermann. Ackermann, Carl [Browse] Norwood, Pa. : Norwood Editions, 1978. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » PR3012 .A3x 1976 Bookmark
48. Der Heilige Geist als Gegenwart Gottes : in den einzelnen Christen, in der Kirche und in der Welt : Studien zur Pneumatologie des Epheserbriefes / Jacob Adai. Adai, Jacob [Browse] Frankfurt am Main ; New York : P. Lang, c1985. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » BS2695.3 .A33 1985 Bookmark
49. Die Psalmen des Thomas und das Perlenlied als Zeugnisse vorchristlicher Gnosis. Adam, Alfred, 1899-1975 [Browse] Berlin : A. Töpelmann, 1959. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » BT1390 .A336 1959 Bookmark
50. Bible harmony; a book that helps to harmonize the Bible by furnishing a key to the unlocking of its arcana in the knowledge of God\u0027s purpose and plan. Adams, A. P. [Browse] Beverly, Mass., 1907. Book, Microform ReCAP - Remote Storage » MJV3 A198 Bookmark
51. The Bible: a scientific revelation. Adams, Charles C. (Charles Coffin), 1810-1888 [Browse] New York : J. Pott, 1882. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » 213 Ad1 Bookmark
52. The Bible: a scientific revelation. Adams, Charles Coffin, Rev., of New York City [Browse] New York, J. Pott, 1882. Book On-site accessReCAP - Remote Storage » *YIM (Adams, C. C. Bible: a scientific revelation) Bookmark
53. Papers of Thomas Jefferson - Second Series. 6, Jefferson's Extracts from the Gospels ; The Philosophy of Jesus and The Life and Morals of Jesus / Dickinson W. Adams. Adams, Dickinson W. [Browse] Princeton, NJ : Princeton University Press, [2014]©2014 Book Online De Gruyter Princeton University Press eBook Package Archive 1927-1999 Bookmark
54. Visions of the Revelation / by Jay E. Adams and Michael W. Carroll. Adams, Jay E., 1929- [Browse] Virginia Beach, VA : Donning Co., c1991. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » BS2825.2 .A33 1991 Bookmark
55. The Mosaic tabernacle ; studies in the priesthood and the sanctuary of the Jews. Adams, John, 1859-1941 [Browse] Edinburgh : T. & T. Clark, [1900?] Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » TM66 B58 D7 Bookmark
56. El niño : nativity oratorio for soloists, chorus, children's chorus, and orchestra / John Adams. Adams, John, 1947- [Browse] [New York] : Hendon Music : Boosey & Hawkes ; Milwaukee, Wis. : distributed by Hal Leonard, 2010, c2000. Musical score ReCAP - Remote Storage » JNH 13-11 Bookmark
57. Letters of John Quincy Adams, to his son, on the Bible and its teachings. Adams, John Quincy, 1767-1848 [Browse] Auburn, N.Y. : Derby, Miller, & Co., 1849, c1848 (New York : Stereotyped by Redfield & Savage, 13 Chambers Street) Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » NBV (Adams, J. Q. Letters of John Quincy Adams to his son. 1849) Bookmark
58. The Bible from alef to tav / Peninah V. Adelman ; artwork by Michael Jacobs. Adelman, Penina V. (Penina Villenchik) [Browse] Los Angeles, CA : Torah Aura Publications, c1998. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » BS5551.2 .A24 1998 Bookmark
59. The Song of Solomon and the Lamentations of Jeremiah / by Walter F. Adeney. Adeney, Walter F. (Walter Frederic), 1849-1920 [Browse] New York : A.C. Armstrong, 1895. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » BS1485 .A346 1895 Bookmark
60. Sefer Bi-neʼot deshe : dinim u-musarim ṿe-tokheḥot ṿe-azharot u-ṿiduyim ṿe-hanhagot ... ṿe-divre Ḥazal / ḥibro ṿe-tiḳno ṿe-izno Shelomoh Adhan ben Masʻud Adhan ; meḳorot ṿe-heʻarot moʻilot me-et Seʻadyah Manir. Adhan, Shelomoh, -approximately 1735 [Browse] Yerushalayim : ha-Sifriyah ha-Sefaradit, Mekhon Bene Yiśaśkhar : Otsrot ha-Magreb, 762 [2001 or 2002] Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » BJ1283 .A45 2001 Bookmark