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202. Faz̤āʼil-i sādāt : muntakhabī az āyāt-i Qurʼān-i Karīm : rivāyāt-i aʼimmah-i maʻṣūmīn (ʻa) va ḥikāyāt / taʼlīf-i Maḥmūd Daftariyān. Daftariyān, Maḥmūd [Browse] Iṣfahān : Kānūn-i Pizhūhish, 1373 [1994] Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » BP130.4 .D347 1994
203. al-Fuṣūl fī ḥayāt al-Rasū l"ṣ" / iʻdād Ḥajar ʻĀṣī. ʻĀṣī, Ḥajar [Browse] Bayrūt : Dār al-Fikr al-Lubn̄anī, 1991. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » BP75.2 .A274 1991
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209. Khuṭūṭ-i kullī-i iqtiṣād dar Qurān va rivāyāt / taʼlīf-i Jaʻfar Khvushnivīs ; tarjumah-i Mahdī Anṣārī. Khvushnivīs, Jaʻfar [Browse] Iṣfahān : Kitābkhānah-i ʻUmūmī-i Imām Amīr al-Muʼminīn ʻAlī ʻalayhi al-salām, [1985?] Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » BP173.75 .K488 1985
210. Kitāb-i Ṣirāṭ al-riz̤vān : mushtamil bar aʻmāl-i māh-i mubarak-i Ramaz̤ān / bi-kūshish-i Zayn al-ʻĀbidīn Naṣīr. Tihrān : Riz̤vān, [197-?]- Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » 2273.2970z
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214. Prayers of Muhammad, the messenger of God : a collection of prayers from the Holy Quran and the traditions of Muhammad, concerning matters spiritual and temporal, systematically arranged, and literally translated from Arabic into Archaic English, with life-sketches of the prophets and messengers of God referred to in the Quaran, and explanatory notes / compiled and translated by Abdul Hamid Farid ; foreword by W. Q. Lash. Aram Bagh ; Karachi : Karkhana Tijarat Kutub, 1959. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » 5084.537
215. The prophecies of the holy Quran. Compiled by Q.I. Hingora. Lahore, Sh. Muhammad Ashraf [1964] Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » 2273.29646
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217. Qaṣaṣ al-Qurʼān al-karīm / iʻdād Saʻīd al-Laḥḥām. Bayrūt : Dār wa-Maktabat al-Hilāl, 1987. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » BP130.58 .Q37
218. Quotations from the Holy Book / English translation by Abdullah Yusuf Ali ; compiled by Obaid Qadri. Lahore : Sh. Muhammad Ashraf, 1980. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » BP110 1980b
219. The Qurʾān : basic teachings : an anthology of selected passages from the Qurʾān, translated into contemporary English, with an introd. to the message of the Qurʾān / Thomas Ballantine Irving, Khurshid Ahmad, Muhammad Manazir Ahsan. London : Islamic Foundation, 1979. Book Loading...Firestone Library - Near East Collections » BP130 .I75413 1979
220. Readings in the Qurʻān / selected and translated with an introductory essay by Kenneth Cragg. San Francisco : Collins, 1988. Book Loading...Firestone Library - Near East Collections » BP110 1988
221. Sabīl al-hūdá : dirāsah tārīkhīyah wa-tabwīb mawḍūʻī li-āyāt min al-Qurʼān al-karīm / al-Sāyiḥ ʻAlī Ḥusayn. Ṭarābulus, al-Jamāhīrīyah al-ʻArabīyah al-Lībīyah al-Shaʻbīyah al-Ishtirākīyah : Dār Iqrāʼ, 1986. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » 2273 1986.2
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231. Zan dar Qurān : sarguz̲asht-i jamʻī az zanān-i khvub va bad kih dar Qurān-i Majīd āmadah ast / ʻAlī Davānī. Davānī, ʻAlī [Browse] [Qom?] : Daftar-i Intishārāt-i Islāmī (vābastah bi-Jāmiʻah-i Mudarrisīn-i Ḥawzah-i ʻIlmīyah-i Qum), 1371 [1992] Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » BP73 .D383 1992
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235. Aḥkām Islām = Ăkhkăm Islam : ḣăr mȯkăllăf băndănen︠g︡ bashyn tȯshă torgan Islam khȯkemnăren jămigʺ achyk tatar telendă i︠a︡zylgan ber măjmugadyr / Ăkhmăt Fazyl Ăkhmăt K̆arim ugly. Ăkhmăt Fazyl Ăkhmăt K̆arim ugly [Browse] Ufa : Mărʹi︠a︡m Soltanova isemendăge mădrăsă, 2002. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » VOLG 01094
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246. Barʹrasī-i ārāʼ va naẓarāt-i tafsīrī-i Abū Muslim Muḥammad ibn Baḥr Iṣfahānī / Muḥammad Riz̤ā Ghiyās̲ī Kirmānī ; bā muqaddimah-ʼi ḥaz̤rat-i Āyat Allāh Maʻrifat. Iṣfahānī, Muḥammad ibn Baḥr, 868 or 869-934 [Browse] Qum : Ḥuz̤ūr, 1378 [1999 or 2000] Book ReCAP - Remote Storage
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250. A book of Quranic laws; an exhaustive treatise with full Quranic text on (1) The doctrine of the unity of God (2) Prayers & alms (3) Fasts (4) Hajj (5) Food, drinks, and gains--lawful and unlawful (6) Marriage (7) Divorce (8) Inheritance (9) Usury and (10) Purdah. compiled by Muhammad Valibhai Merchant. Lahore, Md. S. Ashraf [1960] Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » KBP449 .M47 1960
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259. Durūs-i ḥaram : sūrah-yi raḥmán, sūrah-yi vāqiʻah aur sūrah-yi mujādilah kī dilnasheṉ tafsīr / Muḥammad Ḵẖair Muḥammad Ḥijāzī ; tartīb, Ashraf ʻAlī Qāsmī Sabīlī. Ḥaidarābād : Dārulʻulūm Sabīlussalām, 1994. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » ReCAP 14-4109
260. Durūs-i ḥaram : sūrah-yi raḥmán, sūrah-yi vāqiʻah aur sūrah-yi mujādilah kī dilnashen̲ tafsīr / Muḥammad K̲h̲air Muḥammad Ḥijāzī ; tartīb, Ashraf ʻAlī Qāsmī Sabīlī. Ḥaidarābād : Dārulʻulūm Sabīlussalām, 1994. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » BP104.82 1994
261. Die ersten 11 Suren des Koran : übersetzt von Johann Gottfried Wetzstein, erster preussischer Konsul in Damaskus 1849-1861 / Ingeborg Huhn / Hars Kurio (Hg.) ; unter Mitarbeit von Ursula Kilian und Istvan Lanczky. Berlin : Klaus Schwarz Verlag, [2015]©2015 Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » ReCAP 15-11889
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263. Ësin taborak daḣr va fazhr : ḣamda boshqa kichik suralarning tilovat qilinishi / [nashrga taĭërlovchi Khozha Bakhtiër Nabikhon Chustiĭ ŭghli]. Toshkent : "Meriyus", 2000. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage
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276. Happiness without death : desert hymns / Assad Ali ; translated by Camille Adams Helminski, Kabir Helminski, Ibrahim Al-Shihabi ; including an interpretation of thirty chapters of the holy Qurʼan by Kabir Helminski. Ali, Asad [Browse] Brattleboro, Vt. : Threshold Books, [1991], ©1991. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » PJ7812.A8 A24 1991
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289. Kābye Koraāna kaṇikā / Āhamadura Rahamāna anudita. Caṭṭagrāma : Pākistāna Ko-apāreṭibha Buka Sosāiṭi, 1970] Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » EPB 75-932206
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292. Korʺăn bagyshlau dogalary / bastyru ȯchen javally, Apanaĭ măchetenen͡g imam-khatyĭby Văliulla khăzrăt I͡Agʺkub ; bu kitapny ăzărlău̇che, Năjmetdinov Zii͡atdin Mȯkhărrăm uly. Kazan : "Iman", 1999. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage
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296. Le Koran qui est la guidance et le différenciateur ; Traduction littérale et complete des Sourates Essentielles / par J. C. Mardrus. Paris : Eugene Fasquelle, 1926. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » 893.7K84 JM44
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298. The Koran : selected suras / Translated from the Arabic by Arthur Jeffery and decorated by Valenti Angelo. New York : Heritage Press, [1958] Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » 893.7K84 J16