21. The Batchellors banquet, or, A banquet for batchellors : wherein is prepared sundry dainty dishes to furnish their tables, curiously drest and seriously served in : pleasantly discoursing the variable humours of women, their quickness of wits and unsearchable deceits. London : Printed for Edward Thomas ..., 1677. Book Loading...Special Collections - Rare Books » 17th-168 RHT
22. The batchelers banquet, or, A banquet for batchelers [electronic resource] : Wherein is prepared sundry dainty dishes to furnish their tables, curiously drest, and seriously served in. Pleasantly discoursing the variable humours of women, their quicknesse of wits, and vnsearchable deceits. London : printed by R.C. and are to be sold by Andrew Kembe, at his shoppe at Margarets Hill, In Southwarke, 1651. Book Online Early English Books Online
23. The batchelers banquet, or, A banquet for batchelers [electronic resource] : VVherein is prepared sundry dainty dishes to furnish their tables, curiously drest, and seriously serued in. Pleasantly discoursing the variable humours of women, their quicknesse of wits, and vnsearchable deceits. Printed at London : [At Eliot's Court Press] for Robert Bird, and are to be sold at his shop in S. Laurence Lane at the signe of the Bible, 1631. Book Online Early English Books Online
24. The Batchelers banqvet: or, A banqvet for batchelers. : VVherein is prepared sundry dainty dishes to furnish their tables, curiously drest, and seriously serued in. Pleasantly discoursing the variable humours of women, their quicknesse of wits, and vnsearchable deceits. London, : Printed for Robert Bird, and are to be sold at his shop in Cheapside ..., 1630. Book Loading...Special Collections - Rare Books » 17th-167 RHT
25. The bachelers banquet: or A banquet for bachelers [electronic resource] : vvherein is prepared sundry daintie dishes to furnish their tables, curiously drest, and seriously serued in. Pleasantly discoursing the variable humours of vvomen, their quicknesse of wittes, and vnsearchable deceits. London : Printed by T. C[reede] and are to be solde by T. Pauier, 1604. Book Online Early English Books Online
26. The batchelars banquet: or A banquet for batchelars [electronic resource] : wherein is prepared sundry daintie dishes to furnish their table, curiously drest, and seriously serued in. Pleasantly discoursing the variable humours of vvomen, their quicknesse of wittes, and vnsearchable deceits. London : Printed by T[homas] C[reede and others] and are to be solde by T. P[avier], 1603. Book
27. Les quinze joyes de mariage / Antoine de La Sale ; édition accompagnée de notes et précédée d'une notice par François Tulou. Paris : Classiques Garnier, 2010. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » ReCAP 10-22153
28. The fifteen joys of marriage = Les XV joies de mariage / translated with introduction and notes by Brent A. Pitts. New York : P. Lang, [1985], ©1985. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » PQ1567.Q3 P58 1985
29. Les XV [i.e. Quinze] jois de mariage / publiées par Jean Rychner. Genève : Libr. Droz, 1963. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » 842Q46 I33
30. The fifteen joys of marriage / translated from the French by Elisabeth Abbott ; with illus. by René Ben Sussan. New York : Orion Press, [1959] Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » 842Q46 J1
31. The Batchelars banquet ; an Elizabethan translation of Les quinze joyes de mariage / edited by F. P. Wilson. Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1929. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » 842Q46 J2
32. The fifteen joys of marriage, ascribed to Antoine de La Sale, c. 1388-c. 1462, translated from the French by Richard Aldington; with an introduction. New York, Renaissance Press, 1929. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » HQ 1143 F469
33. The fifteen joys of marriage / ascribed to Antoine de La Sale, c. 1388-c. 1462 ; translated from the French by Richard Aldington, with an introduction. London : G. Routledge ; New York : E.P. Dutton, [1926] Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » 842Q46 J
34. Les quinze joyes de mariage. Paris : Librairie des bibliophiles, E. Flammarion, [1926] Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » 842Q46 I3
35. Die Chantilly-handschrift der "Quinze joyes de mariage" / hrsg. und erläutert von Arnold Dressler. Greifswald : Druck von J. Abel, 1903. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » 842Q46 I4
36. Les quinze joyes de mariage ; texte de l'édition princeps du XVe siècle / Première réimpression par Ferdinand Heuckenkamp. Halle : M. Niemeyer, 1901. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » 842Q46 I
37. Les Quinze joies du mariage. Suivies des Caquets de l'accouchée. Paris : E. Dentu, 1888. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » 38514.55.9