51. الجزء الثامن عشر. al-Juzʼ al-thāmin ʻashar. [Turkey or Syria?], [1674-75] Manuscript, Book No holdings available for this record
52. [الجزء الثامن عشر]. [al-Juzʼ al-thāmin ʻashar]. [Turkey or Syria?], [1674?] Manuscript, Book No holdings available for this record
53. الجزء الثامن والعشرون. al-Juzʼ al-thāmin wa-al-ʻishrūn. [Turkey or Syria?], [1675-76?] Manuscript, Book No holdings available for this record
54. الجزء الثاني والعشرون. al-Juzʼ al-thānī wa-al-ʻishrūn. [Turkey or Syria?], [1674-75] Manuscript, Book No holdings available for this record
55. [الجزء الثاني والعشرون]. [al-Juzʼ al-thānī wa-al-ʻishrūn]. [Turkey or Syria?], [1674-75?]. Manuscript, Book No holdings available for this record
56. الجزء الرابع والعشرون. al-Juzʼ al-rābiʻ wa-al-ʻishrūn. [Turkey or Syria?], 1675. Manuscript, Book No holdings available for this record
57. M. F. Beckii specimen Arabicum, hoc est, bina capitula Alcorani, xxx. de Roma & xliix. de Victoria Arabice descripta, Latine versa, et notis locupletata. Augustae Vindelicorum : [publisher not identified], 1688. Book Online Early Arabic Printed Books
58. [Collection of Arabic prayers, selections from the Qurʼān and other texts]. [17--] Manuscript, Book Loading...Special Collections - Manuscripts » Islamic Manuscripts, Garrett no. 948Y
59. [Collection of Arabic texts]. Manuscript, Book Loading...Special Collections - Manuscripts » Islamic Manuscripts, Garrett no. 426B
60. [Collection of Arabic texts on doctrine, prayer, astrology, and magic]. [17--?] Manuscript, Book Loading...Special Collections - Manuscripts » Islamic Manuscripts, Third Series no. 574
62. [Devotional book]. [Iran?], [between 1700 and 1850?] Manuscript, Book No holdings available for this record
64. [Fragments from the Qurʼān]. [18th century?] Manuscript, Book Loading...Special Collections - Manuscripts » Islamic Manuscripts, Garrett no. 594H Online View online: arks.princeton.edu
65. مجموعه غزليات و مثنويات و مخمس و رسائل شىخ على حزىن. Majmūʻah-i ghazalīyāt va mas̲navīyāt va mukhammas va rasāʾil-i Shaykh ʻAlī Ḥazīn. [between 170-? and 1764] Manuscript, Book Loading...Special Collections - Manuscripts » Islamic Manuscripts, Third Series no. 448
66. [القرآن]. [al-Qurʼān]. [between 1700 and 1850?] Manuscript, Book No holdings available for this record
67. [Qurʼān leaves]. [Morocco or Algeria?], [between 1700 and 1899?] Manuscript, Book No holdings available for this record
68. [Qurʼān selections and prayers]. [India?], [between 1700 and 1850?] Manuscript, Book No holdings available for this record
69. [al-Qurʼān. Sūrah 1; 2; 3:1-19; 18:4-30]. Manuscript, Book Loading...Special Collections - Manuscripts » Islamic Manuscripts, Garrett no. 29G
70. [Selections from the Qurʼān]. [17--?] Manuscript, Book Loading...Special Collections - Manuscripts » Islamic Manuscripts, New Series no. 858
71. [Turkish and Arabic miscellany]. [17--?] Manuscript, Book Loading...Special Collections - Manuscripts » Islamic Manuscripts, Third Series no. 694
72. [Turkish Qurʾān commentary]. [17--?] Manuscript, Book Loading...Special Collections - Manuscripts » Islamic Manuscripts, Third Series no. 588
73. سورة فاتحة الكتاب. Sūrah Fātiḥat al-Kitāb. Helmstadii : [publisher not identified], 1714. Book Online Early Arabic Printed Books
74. [Commonplace book of prayers and selections from the Qurʾān, 1723 or 4]. Manuscript, Book Loading...Special Collections - Manuscripts » Islamic Manuscripts, New Series no. 900-900a
75. [Devotional book]. [between 1725 and 1825?]. Manuscript, Book No holdings available for this record
76. Al mesra [electronic resource] : Or Mahommed's famous night-journey to Jerusalem upon the ass Elborak, and from thence with the Angel Gabriel to heaven, as mention'd in the 17th chapter of the Koran, lately publish'd. Translated from the original Arabic, by the late learned Mr. Wild, in Norfolk, who was many years a teacher of the oriental languages. London : Printed and sold by J. Wilford behind the Chapter-House in St. Paul's Church-Yard, MDCCXXXIV. [1734] Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections
77. قصائد بركة. Qaṣāʼid barakah. [between 174-? and 178-?] Manuscript, Book Loading...Special Collections - Manuscripts » Islamic Manuscripts, Third Series no. 163
78. الجزء العشرون. al-Juzʼ al-ʻishrūn. [between 1750 and 1850?] Manuscript, Book No holdings available for this record
79. الجزء الخامس. al-Juzʼ al-khāmis. [between 1750 and 1850?]. Manuscript, Book No holdings available for this record
80. الجزء الرابع عشر. al-Juzʼ al-rābiʻ ʻashar. [Egypt?], [between 1750 and 1799?]. Manuscript, Book No holdings available for this record
81. الجزء التاسع. al-Juzʼ al-tāsiʻ. [Egypt?], [between 1750 and 1799?] Manuscript, Book No holdings available for this record
82. الجزء الثلاثون. al-Juzʼ al-thalāthūn. [between 1750 and 1850?] Manuscript, Book No holdings available for this record
83. الجزء الثامن. al-Juzʼ al-thāmin. [Egypt?], [between 1775 and 1799] Manuscript, Book No holdings available for this record
84. الجزء الثاني والعشرون. al-Juzʼ al-thānī wa-al-ʻishrūn. [between 1750 and 1850?] Manuscript, Book No holdings available for this record
85. النصف الثاني من جزء احد عشر. al-Niṣf al-thānī min juzʼ aḥad ʻashar. [Iran?], [1750?-1867] Manuscript, Book No holdings available for this record
86. [القرآن]. [al-Qurʼān]. [Turkey], 1754 or 1755 Manuscript, Book No holdings available for this record
87. [Collection of Arabic supplications and magical texts]. [1757] Manuscript, Book Loading...Special Collections - Manuscripts » Islamic Manuscripts, Third Series no. 576
88. تحفه حاتمى. Tuḥfah-i Ḥātimī ... [etc.]. ʻĀmilī, Bahāʼ al-Dīn Muḥammad ibn Ḥusayn, 1547-1621 [Browse]عاملى، بهاء الدىن محمد بن حسىن، 1547-1621 [Browse] [1763] Manuscript, Book Loading...Special Collections - Manuscripts » Islamic Manuscripts, New Series no. 1600
89. The morality of the east [electronic resource]; extracted from the Koran of Mohammed: digested under alphabetical heads. With an introduction, and occasional remarks. London : printed for W. Nicoll, 1766. Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections
90. The morality of the East : extracted from the Koran of Mohammed. London : [publisher not identified], 1766. Book Online Early Arabic Printed Books
91. Corani caput primum et secundi versus priores. Lipsiae : [publisher not identified], 1768. Book Online Early Arabic Printed Books
93. تغييرات على متن ايساغوجي ... [الخ.] Taghayyurāt ʻalá matn Īsāghūjī ... [etc.] 1185-1203 [1771-1788 or 1789] Manuscript, Book Loading...Special Collections - Manuscripts » Islamic Manuscripts, Garrett no. 468H Online View online: arks.princeton.edu
94. [Muslim devotional miscellany]. [1773-1777] Manuscript, Book Loading...Special Collections - Manuscripts » Islamic Manuscripts, Third Series no. 395
95. [Book of prayers and questions and answers]. [1775-18--?] Manuscript, Book No holdings available for this record
97. Chinese Islamic manuscripts. [between 178-? and 185-?] Manuscript, Book Loading...Special Collections - Manuscripts » Islamic Manuscripts, Third Series no. 130
98. Exercices de lecture d'arabe littéral : (extraits du Koran), à l'usage de ceux qui commencent l'étude de cette langue. Alexandrie : Impr. orientale et française, [1798] Book Online Early Arabic Printed Books
99. [Amulet]. Manuscript, Book Loading...Special Collections - Manuscripts » Islamic Manuscripts, Third Series no. 578
100. [Arabic prayer book]. [18--?] Manuscript, Book Loading...Special Collections - Manuscripts » Islamic Manuscripts, Third Series no. 379