51. Car nos vignes sont en fleur : voix / Ton de Leeuw. Leeuw, Ton de, 1926-1996 [Browse] [Amsterdam] : Donemus, 1999.copyright 1981 Musical score Online Music Online: Classical Scores Library, Volume 2 Bookmark
52. Sulamita : opera in tre atti / di Antonio Lega ; musica di Amilcare Zanella. Lega, Antonio [Browse] Milano : Casa Musicale Sonzogno, [©1925] Book Online UNC Chapel Hill Music Scores Bookmark
53. Columba mea : (The song of songs) : soloists, chorus and string orchestra (with celesta and harpsichord - one player) : opus 78 / Kenneth Leighton. Leighton, Kenneth, 1929-1988 [Browse] [London, England] : Novello & Company, [1983]copyright 1983 Musical score Online Music Online: Classical Scores Library, Volume 3 Bookmark
54. Triple explanación de El Cantar de los Cantares / Fray Luis de León ; traducción del latín, introducción y notas de José María Becerra Hiraldo ; xilografías de Eric Gill. León, Luis de, 1527-1591 [Browse] [Lima] : Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, [2007] Book Loading...Firestone Library - Stacks » BS1485 .L465 2007 Bookmark
55. Triple explanación de El Cantar de los Cantares / Fray Luis de León ; traducción del latín, introducción y notas de José María Becerra Hiraldo ; xilografías de Eric Gill. León, Luis de, 1527-1591 [Browse] [Lima] : Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, [2007] Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » BS1485 .L465 2007View Record for Full Availability Bookmark
56. Kabala : symboles & sexualité / André Lévy. Lévy, André Naftali, 1950- [Browse] Colleville : Le Moulin des arts, 2005. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » BM525 .L48 2005 Bookmark
57. Targum Song of songs and late Jewish literary Aramaic : language, lexicon, text, and translation / by Andrew W. Litke. Litke, Andrew [Browse] Leiden ; Boston : Brill, [2019]©2019 Book Loading...Firestone Library - Stacks » BS1484.A7 L58 2019 Bookmark
58. The rose of Sharon : a dramatic oratorio founded on the Song of Solomon : op. 30 / the words selected from the holy scripture by Joseph Bennett ; the music composed by A. C. Mackenzie. Mackenzie, Alexander Campbell, 1847-1935 [Browse] [London, England] : Novello & Company, [1910]copyright 1910 Musical score Online Music Online: Classical Scores Library, Volume 3 Bookmark
59. The rose of Sharon : a dramatic oratorio founded on the Song of Solomon / the words selected from the Holy Scripture, by Joseph Bennett, the music composed by A.C. Mackenzie. Op. 30. The vocal score with pianoforte accompaniment arranged from the orchestral score, by O.B. Brown ... Mackenzie, Alexander Campbell, 1847-1935 [Browse] New York : Novello, Ewer and Co., 1884. Musical score ReCAP - Remote Storage » VI34 M15 Bookmark
60. Das Lied der Lieder : Bilder von Heinz Mack zu einer Textinterpretation des Hohelieds von Manfred Hausmann / Vorwort von Julius H. Schoeps ; Nachwort von Günter Stemberger ; herausgegeben vom Jüdischen Museum der Stadt Wien. Mack, Heinz, 1931- [Browse] Wien : Brandstätter, c1993. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » FA5255.546.24 Bookmark
61. Shir ha-shirim : girsat maḥazeh la-teʼaṭron / me-et Yaʻakov Malkin-ʻal pi ha-av Pujah. Yonah Gons : maḥazeh ṿe-shirim / tsiyurim me-et Filis Pozner. Malkin, Yaakov [Browse] [Haifa] : Ḥevrah le-hotsaʼat sefarim, [1966] Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » PJ5054.M27 S5 Bookmark
62. Spiritual songs [electronic resource] : or, Songs of praise with Penitential cries to Almighty God, upon several occasions. Together with the Song of Songs which is Solomon's: first turn'd, then paraphras'd in English verse. Mason, John, 1646?-1694 [Browse] Boston : Printed by Green, Bushell and Allen, for D. Henchman in Cornhill, 1743. Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections Bookmark
63. Spiritual songs [electronic resource] : or, Songs of praise, with penitential cries to Almighty God, upon several occasions Together with the Song of Songs, which is Solomon's. First turned, then paraphrased in English verse. With an addition of a sacred poem of Dives and Lazarus. Mason, John, 1646?-1694 [Browse] New-York : Printed by W Durell, & Co, [1790?] Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections Bookmark
64. Spiritual songs: or Songs of praise, [electronic resource] : with penitential cries to Almighty God, upon several occasions. : Together with the Song of Songs, which is Solomon's, first turn'd, then paraphras'd, in English verse. Mason, John, 1646?-1694 [Browse] Boston: : Printed and sold by T. and J. Fleet, at the Bible and Heart in Cornhill,, 1787. Book Online Newsbank America's Historical Imprints Bookmark
65. Spiritual songs: or, Songs of praise [electronic resource] : with penitential cries to Almighty God, upon several occasions, : together with the Song of Songs which is Solomon's: first turn'd, then paraphras'd in English verse. Mason, John, 1646?-1694 [Browse] Boston: : Printed and sold by Z. Fowle, at his printing-office in Back-Street., 1765. Book Online Newsbank America's Historical Imprints Bookmark
66. Spiritual songs: or, Songs of praise [electronic resource] : with Penitential cries to Almighty God, upon several occasions. : Together with the Song of Songs which is Solomon's: first turn'd, then paraphras'd in English verse. Mason, John, 1646?-1694 [Browse] Boston : Printed by Green, Bushell and Allen, for D. Henchman in Cornhill., 1743. Book Online Newsbank America's Historical Imprints Bookmark
67. Spiritual songs: or, Songs of praise [electronic resource] : with penitential cries to Almighty God, upon several occasions. : Together with the Song of Songs, which is Solomon's: first turn'd, then paraphras'd in English verse. Mason, John, 1646?-1694 [Browse] Boston: : Printed by Tho. Fleet, for D. Henchman., 1742. Book Online Newsbank America's Historical Imprints Bookmark
68. Spiritual songs. Or, Songs of praise, [electronic resource] : with penitential cries, to Almighty God, upon several occasions. : Together with the Song of Songs, which is Solomon's. First turned, then paraphrased in English verse. Mason, John, 1646?-1694 [Browse] Norwich [Conn.]: : Printed by John Trumbull., M.DCC.LXXXIII. [1783] Book Online Newsbank America's Historical Imprints Bookmark
69. Spiritual songs: or, Songs of praise, [electronic resource] : with penitential cries to Almighty God, upon several occasions : Together with the Song of Songs, which is Solomon's. First turned, then paraphrased in English verse. : With an addition of a sacred poem of Dives and Lazarus. Mason, John, 1646?-1694 [Browse] New-York: : Printed by W Durell, & Co, [1790?] Book Online Newsbank America's Historical Imprints Bookmark
70. Spiritual songs: or, Songs of praise [electronic resource] : with Penitential cries to Almighty God, upon several occasions. Together with the Song of songs, which is Solomon's: first turned, then paraphrased in English verse: with the addition of a sacred poem on Dives and Lazarus. Mason, John, 1646?-1694 [Browse] New-York [N.Y.] : Printed and sold by H. Gaine, printer, bookseller, and stationer, at the Bible and Crown, in Hanover-Square., M,DCC,LXV. [1765] Book Online Online Content Bookmark
71. Solomōntos Vasileōs Asma asmatōn / kata diaskeuēn kai skēnothesian hypo tou Phrankiskou Kouts ; emmetrōs Anglisti dramatopoiēthen, nyn de hypo Alexandrou S. Kasdaglē ; emmetrōs eis to kanonikon hēmōn idiōma metavlēthen epi tou keimensy [i.e., keimenou] tou Hevdomēkonta. Money-Coutts, Francis Burdett, 1852-1923 [Browse] En Alexandreia : Ek tou Patriarchikou Typographeiou, 1932. Book Loading...Special Collections - Remote Storage (ReCAP): Rare Books. Special Collections Use Only » PR4878.L3 S615 1932 Bookmark
72. Cantar de Cantares : edición crítica y estudio de la versión árabe contenida en el Códice no. 1625 (Real Biblioteca de El Escorial) / Juan Pedro Monferrer Sala. Monferrer Sala, Juan Pedro [Browse] Madrid : Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, 2020. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » ReCAP 22-80744 Bookmark
73. Cantar de Cantares : edición crítica y estudio de la versión árabe contenida en el Códice n° 1625 (Real Biblioteca de El Escorial) / Juan Pedro Monferrer Sala. Monferrer Sala, Juan Pedro [Browse] Madrid : Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, 2020. Book Loading...Firestone Library - Stacks » BS315.A63 S64 2020 Bookmark
74. Le Cantique des Cantiques, commentaire mystique d'après les pères de l'Église [par] Dom J. de Monléon. Monléon, Jean de [Browse] Paris, Nouvelles éditions latines, 1969. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » 456.6 M746ca Bookmark
75. De targum op het Hooglied : inleiding, vertaling en korte verklaring / M.J. Mulder. Mulder, M. J. [Browse] Amsterdam : Bolland, 1975. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » BS1485.3 .M8 Bookmark
76. The Song of Songs : a commentary on the Book of Canticles or the Song of Songs / by Roland E. Murphy ; edited by S. Dean McBride, Jr. Murphy, Roland E. (Roland Edmund), 1917-2002 [Browse] Minneapolis : Fortress Press, [1990] Book Online JSTOR DDA Bookmark
77. The Song of Songs : a commentary on the Book of Canticles or the Song of Songs / by Roland E. Murphy ; edited by S. Dean McBride, Jr. Murphy, Roland E. (Roland Edmund), 1917-2002 [Browse] Minneapolis : Fortress Press, c1990. Book Loading...Firestone Library - Stacks » BS1485.3 .M87 1990 Bookmark
78. Cantico dei Cantici / a cura di Gianfranco Nolli. Nolli, Gianfranco [Browse] Torino : Marietti, 1968. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » BS1485.3 .N64 Bookmark
79. I sleep, but my heart waketh / Tarik O'Regan. O'Regan, Tarik [Browse] [London, England] : Novello, [2006]copyright 2006 Musical score Online Music Online: Classical Scores Library, Volume 4 Bookmark
80. Omelie sul Cantico dei cantici / Origene ; a cura di Manlio Simonetti. Origen [Browse] [Roma] : Fondazione Lorenzo Valla ; [Milano] : A. Mondadori, 1998. Book Loading...Firestone Library - Classics Collection » BS1485 .O6 1998 Bookmark
81. The Song of Solomon, by Hubert Osborne. Osborne, Hubert [Browse] New York, London, D. Appleton and Company, 1927. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » NBM (Osborne, H. Song of Solomon) Bookmark
82. Canticum canticorum [electronic resource] / Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina. Palestrina, Giovanni Pierluigi da, 1525?-1594 [Browse] Georgsmarienhütte : CPO, p2006. Audio Online Naxos music library Bookmark
83. Canticum canticorum Salomonis : quod Hebraice dicitur Shir ha-shirim, liber primus : für 16-stimmiges Vokalensemble und Orchester Krzysztof Penderecki. Penderecki, Krzysztof, 1933- [Browse] Kraków : Polskie Wydawnictwo Muzyczne, c1975. Musical score Loading...Mendel Music Library - Stacks » M2020.P3138 C3f OversizeLoading...Mendel Music Library - Stacks » M2020.P3138 C3f Oversize Bookmark
84. The Canticle of canticles / by William Pouget and Jean Guitton ; translated by Joseph L. Lilly. Pouget, G. (Guillaume), 1847-1933 [Browse] [New York] : D. X. McMullen Co., 1948. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » 223.9 P86 Bookmark
85. פירוש רש״י על מגילת שיר השירים : מפורש ומבואר / מאתי שמעון דיסלדורף. Perush Rashi ʻal Megilat Shir ha-Shirim : meforash u-mevoʼar / me-iti Shimʻon Diseldorf. Rashi, 1040-1105 [Browse] Bene Beraḳ : Shimʻon Diseldorf, 771 [2010 or 2011]בני ברק : שמעון דיסלדורף, תשע״א [2010 או 2011] Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » BS1485.R373 D57 2010g Bookmark
86. Four songs of Solomon : for voice and piano / George Rochberg. Rochberg, George [Browse] Bryn Mawr, Pa. : Presser Co., [1975] c1949. Musical score Loading...Forrestal Annex - Stacks » M2113.R62 S6 1975q OversizeLoading...Mendel Music Library - Stacks » M2113.R62 S6 1975q Oversize Bookmark
87. שיר השירים ־ עם פירוש למסבר קראי. Shir ha-Shirim : ʻim perush Le-misbar ḳeraʼe / me-et Tsevi ben ... Zalman ... Roṭberg. Rotberg, Tzvi [Browse] Bene Beraḳ : Yeshivat Bet Meʼir, 768 [2007 or 2008] Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » Heb 40604.337 Bookmark
88. כי-טובים דודיך מיין : פירוש מקורי לשיר השירים / מאיר רוטנברג. Ki ṭovim dodekha mi-yayin : perush meḳori le-Shir ha-shirim / Meʼir Roṭenberg. Rottenberg, Meir [Browse]רוטנברג, מאיר [Browse] Yerushalayim : Karmel, 2007.ירושלים : כרמל, 2007. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » BS1485.53 .R68 2007 Bookmark
89. O cantico dos canticos : atribuido a Salomão / tentativa de versão portugueza de Augusto Frederico Schmidt. Schmidt, Augusto Frederico, 1906-1965 [Browse] Rio de Janeiro : J. Olympio, 1938. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » 223.9 TS Bookmark
90. The messages of the poets ; the books of Job and Canticles and some minor poems in the Old Testment, with introductions, metrical translations, and paraphrases / by Nathaniel Schmidt ... Schmidt, Nathaniel, 1862-1939 [Browse] New York : C. Scribner's sons, 1911. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » 220.7 M562 v.7 Bookmark
91. Arise, my love, my fair one : composed for voice & pianoforte : poem from The song of Solomon / Cyril Scott. Scott, Cyril, 1879-1970 [Browse] [London, England] : Novello & Company, [1939]copyright 1939 Musical score Online Music Online: Classical Scores Library, Volume 3 Bookmark
92. The Song of Songs : a woman in love / translation & commentary by Benjamin J. Segal. Segal, Benjamin J. [Browse] Jerusalem : Gefen, c2009. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » BS1485.53 .S44 2009 Bookmark
93. El Meam loez de Cantar de los cantares : (Sir hasirim) de Hayim Y. Sakí (Constantinopla, 1899) / Rosa Asenjo. Shaki, Ḥayim Yitsḥaḳ, 1853-1940 [Browse] Barcelona : Tirocinio, c2008. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » BS1485.53 .A74 2003 Bookmark
94. אחריך נרוצה : פירוש על שיר השירים בתוספת מבוא ופרק סיום על משמעות שיר השירים לימינו / יובל שרלו ; [עורך אחראי, דב איכנולד]. Aḥarekha narutsah : perush ʻal Shir ha-shirim, be-tosefet mavo u-fereḳ siyum ʻal mashmaʻut Shir ha-shirim le-yamenu / Yuval Sharlo ; ʻorekh aḥaraʼi, Dov Aikhenṿald. Sharlo, Yuval [Browse]שרלו, יובל [Browse] Tel Aviv : Yediʻot Aḥaronot, Sifre ḥemed,c2003תל אביב : ידיעות אחרונות, ספרי חמד, 2003. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » BS1485.3 .S34 2003g Bookmark
95. Le cantique des cantiques : Livre de la plénitude. Une lecture anthropologique et théologique / Yves Simoens. Simoens, Yves, 1942- [Browse] Bruxelles : Lumen vitae, c2004. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » BS1575.3 .S58 2004 Bookmark
96. Le Chant de l'Amour : éros dans la Bible / Jean-François Six ; préface de Françoise Verny. Six, Jean François [Browse] [Paris] : Desclée de Brouwer : Flammarion, 1995. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » MLCS 98/02256 (B) Bookmark
97. Love and politics : a new commentary on the Song of songs / Luis Stadelmann. Stadelmann, Luis I. J. [Browse] New York : Paulist Press, c1992. Book Loading...Firestone Library - Stacks » BS1485.3 .S733 1992 Bookmark
98. Le Cantique des cantiques. Texte hébreu intégral lu et commenté d'après le code originel de la Cabale. Suarès, Carlo [Browse] (Genève, Éditions du) Mont-Blanc, (1969). Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » 456.8 S939ca Bookmark
99. The Song of Songs ; the canonical Song of Solomon deciphered according to the original code of the Qabala. Suarès, Carlo [Browse] Berkeley [Calif.] : Shambala, 1972. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » BS1485.3 .S913 1972 Bookmark
100. ליקוטי שושנים : על שיר השירים : אוצר בלום, ליקוטים יקרים, אמרים ערבים ... : סגולות על שיר השירים / נלקט ונערך ע״י אהרן צבי באאמו״ר שמואל דוד טויב. Liḳuṭe shoshanim : ʻal Shir ha-Shirim ... / nilḳaṭ ṿe-neʻerakh ʻa. y. Aharon Tsevi b.a.a.m. ṿe-r. Shemuʼel Daṿid Ṭoib. Taub, A. [Browse]טויב, אהרן צבי בן שמואל דוד [Browse] Baltimore, MD : Hotzoas Seforim Ateras Amrom, c2014.Baltimore, MD : מכון להוצאת ספרים עטרת עמרם, c2014. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » Heb 40401.1025 Bookmark