11. [Amulet]. Manuscript, Book Loading...Special Collections - Manuscripts » Islamic Manuscripts, Third Series no. 315e Oversize
14. الجزء الثالث عشر. al-Juzʼ al-thālith ʻashar. [Syria or Egypt?], [between 1300 and 1499?] Manuscript, Book No holdings available for this record
16. [القرآن. سورة 30:4-23، 53-54 ؛ 31:1-20، 23-34 ؛ 32:1-14 ؛ 33]. [al-Qurʾān. Sūrah 30:4-23, 53-54; 31:1-20, 23-34; 32:1-14; 33]. [between 13--? and 14--?] Manuscript, Book Loading...Special Collections - Manuscripts » Islamic Manuscripts, Third Series no. 125
17. [القرآن. سورة 36:55-83؛ سورة 38:70-88؛ سورة 39:1-5]. [al-Qurʾān. Sūrah 36:55-83; Sūrah 38:70-88; Sūrah 39:1-5]. [13--?] Manuscript, Book Loading...Special Collections - Manuscripts » Islamic Manuscripts, Third Series no. 314e Oversize
18. [Early pilgrimage manual to Mecca and Medina]. [between 137-? and 139-?] Manuscript, Book Loading...Special Collections - Manuscripts » Islamic Manuscripts, Third Series no. 736
19. الجزء الثلاثون من الربعة الشريفة [electronic resource]. al-Juzʼ al-thalāthūn min al-rabʻah al-sharīfah. [Cairo, Egypt], 789 A.H. (1387) Book No holdings available for this record
20. الجزء الحادي عشر. al-Juzʼ al-ḥādī ʻashar. [Syria or Turkey?], [between 1400 and 1550?] Manuscript, Book No holdings available for this record