221. Fortune's foot-ball: or, The adventures of Mercutio [electronic resource]. Founded on matters of fact. A novel, in two volumes. By James Butler. Vol. I[-II]. Butler, James, 1755?-1842 [Browse] Harrisburgh, Pennsylvania : Printed by John Wyeth, 1797[-1798] (Entered according to law) Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections Bookmark
222. Fortune's foot-ball: or, The adventures of Mercutio. [electronic resource] : Founded on matters of fact. : A novel, in two volumes. / By James Butler. ; Vol. I[-II]. Butler, James, 1755?-1842 [Browse] Harrisburgh, Pennsylvania: : Printed by John Wyeth., 1797[-1798]. (Entered according to law.) Book Bookmark
223. Fortune's foot-ball, or, The adventures of Mercutio. Founded on matters of fact... Butler, James, 1755?-1842 [Browse] Harrisburgh, Pennsylvania, printed by John Wyeth, 1797-98. Book, Microform Loading...Firestone Library - Microforms Services (Film) » MICROFICHE 199 Bookmark
224. Fortune's foot-ball; or, The adventures of Mercutio : founded on matters of fact : a novel in two volumes / by James Butler. Butler, James, 1755?-1842 [Browse] Harrisburgh, Pennsylvania, Printed by John Wyeth, 1797-1798. Book Loading...Special Collections - Rare Books » PS721.B4 xF6 Bookmark
225. Fortune's foot-ball. Volume 1 : or, The adventures of Mercutio : Founded on matters of fact : A novel / James Butler. Butler, James, 1755?-1842 [Browse] Research Publication Book Online American Fiction, 1774-1920 Bookmark
226. Fortune's foot-ball. Volume 2 : or, The adventures of Mercutio : Founded on matters of fact : A novel / James Butler. Butler, James, 1755?-1842 [Browse] Research Publication Book Online American Fiction, 1774-1920 Bookmark
227. Fortune and folly : the weird and wonderful life of the South's most eccentric millionaire / Sara A.H. Butler. Butler, Sara A. H. [Browse] Athens, Georgia : The University of Georgia Press, [2023] Book Loading...Firestone Library - Stacks » F294.A853 C434 2023 Bookmark
228. A godly song, entituled, A farewell to the vvorld, [electronic resource] / made by a godly Christian, named Thomas Byll, being the parish clerke of West-Felton, as he lay vpon his death-bed shewing the vanitie of the world, and his desire to be dissolued. To the tune of, Fortune my foe. Byll, Thomas [Browse] London : Printed for Henry Gossen., [1630?] Book Online Early English Books Online Bookmark
229. The complete keyboard music / of William Byrd. Byrd, William, 1539 or 1540-1623 [Browse] London : Hyperion, [1999]℗1999, ©1999 Audio Online Naxos music library Bookmark
230. La Fortune des gens de qualité et des gentilshommes particuliers : enseignant l'art de viure à la cour, suiuant les maximes de la politique & de la morale. [electronic resource]. Caillières, Jacques de, 1697 [Browse] Paris : Étienne Loyson, 1629?-1708?, 1661. Book Online Early European Books - Collection 16 Bookmark
231. La fortune des gens de qualité, et des gentils-hommes particuliers : enseignant l'art de vivre à la cour suivant les maximes de la politique & de la morale. [electronic resource]. Caillières, Jacques de -1697 [Browse] Paris : Claude Audinet, -1683?, 1680. Book Online Early European Books - Collection 17 Bookmark
232. Fortunes of change : the rise of the liberal rich and the remaking of America / David Callahan. Callahan, David, 1965- [Browse] Hoboken, N.J. : J. Wiley & Sons, c2010. Book Loading...Firestone Library - Stacks » HV41.9.U5 C35 2010 Bookmark
233. Fortunes of change : the rise of the liberal rich and the remaking of America / David Callahan. Callahan, David, 1965- [Browse] Hoboken, N.J. : J. Wiley & Sons, Inc., c2010. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » HV41.9.U5 C35 2010 Bookmark
234. Fortunes of change : the rise of the liberal rich and the remaking of America / David Callahan. Callahan, David, 1965- [Browse] Hoboken, N.J. : J. Wiley & Sons, [2010], ©2010. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » HV41.9.U5 C35 2010 Bookmark
235. Fortune's wheel : Dickens and the iconography of women's time / Elizabeth A. Campbell. Campbell, Elizabeth A., 1945- [Browse] Athens : Ohio University Press, c2003. Book Loading...Firestone Library - Stacks » PR4592.F38 C36 2003 Bookmark
236. Fortune's wheel : Dickens and the iconography of women's time / Elizabeth A. Campbell. Campbell, Elizabeth A., 1945- [Browse] Athens : Ohio University Press, c2003. Book Online Ebook Central Perpetual, DDA and Subscription Titles Bookmark
237. Fortune's wheel : Dickens and the iconography of women's time / Elizabeth A. Campbell. Campbell, Elizabeth A., 1945- [Browse] Athens : Ohio University Press, 2003. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » PR4592.F38 C36 2003 Bookmark
238. Esclaves et valets vedettes : dans les comédies de la Rome antique et la France d'Ancien Régime / Céline Candiard ; avec une préface de Gilles Declercq. Candiard, Céline, 1979- [Browse] Paris : Honoré Champion éditeur, 2017.copyright 2017 Book Loading...Firestone Library - Stacks » PN1929.C4 C36 2017 Bookmark
239. Esclaves et valets vedettes : dans les comédies de la Rome antique et la France d'Ancien Régime / Céline Candiard ; avec une préface de Gilles Declercq. Candiard, Céline, 1979- [Browse] Paris : Honoré Champion éditeur, 2017.copyright 2017 Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » ReCAP 17-65790 Bookmark
240. Fortune's home for ever!!! [electronic resource] : Drawing of the Literature Lottery, 5th class, which took place in this city, the 7th of Jan. 1824. ... Canfield, Palmer, 1790 or 1791-1833 [Browse] [New York : s.n., 1824] Book Online Newsbank America's Historical Imprints Bookmark