901. A new version of the Psalms of David [electronic resource], ... By N. Brady, ... and N. Tate, ... London : printed by J. March and Son, for the Company of Stationers; and sold at Stationers-Hall, and by most booksellers, 1792. Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections Bookmark
902. A new version of the Psalms of David [electronic resource], ... By N. Brady, ... and N. Tate, ... To which are added, select Psalms from the old version. Illustrated with notes, ... Bath : printed and sold by R. Paddock; sold also by the booksellers of Bath and Bristol; Small, Trowbridge; Smith, Devizes; Coombs, Chippenham; T. Holl, Worcester; Norris, Taunton; Wayland, Champante and Co. Brooks, London for the Company of Stationers, [1792] Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections Bookmark
903. A New version of the Psalms of David, fitted to the tunes used in churches. [electronic resource] : By N. Brady, D.D. chaplain in Ordinary, and N. Tate, Esq; poet-laureate to His Majesty. London : Printed for A. Millar, W. Law, and R. Cater; and for the stationers, M,DCC,XCII. [1792] Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections Online II Bookmark
904. A New version of the Psalms of David, fitted to the tunes used in churches [electronic resource] : By N. Brady, D.D. chaplain in Ordinary, and N. Tate, Esq; poet-laureate to His Majesty. London : Printed for A. Millar, W. Law, and R. Cater; and for the stationers, M,DCC,XCII. [1792] Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections Bookmark
905. A New version of the Psalms of David, fitted to the tunes used in churches. [electronic resource] : By N. Brady, D.D. chaplain in Ordinary, and N. Tate, Esq. poet-laureat, to His Majesty. London : Printed by John Jarvis, 1792. Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections Online II Bookmark
906. A New version of the Psalms of David, fitted to the tunes used in churches [electronic resource] : By N. Brady, D.D. chaplain in Ordinary, and N. Tate, Esq. poet-laureat, to His Majesty. London : Printed by John Jarvis, 1792. Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections Bookmark
907. Psalms carefully suited to the Christian worship in the United States of America. [electronic resource] : Being an improvement of the old versions of the Psalms of David. : Allowed by the Reverend Synod of New York and Philadelphia, to be used in churches and private families. : [Three lines of quotation] New-York: : Printed for Berry and Rogers, and John Reid., M.DCC.XCII. [1792] Book Online Newsbank America's Historical Imprints Bookmark
908. Psalms, carefully suited to the Christian worship in the United States of America [electronic resource] : being an improvement of the old versions of the Psalms of David. Allowed by the Reverend Synod of New York and Philadelphia, to be used in churches and private families. [Three lines of quotations]. New-York : Printed by Hodge & Campbell, and sold at their respective book-stores, M,DCC,XCII. [1792] Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections Online II Bookmark
909. Psalms, carefully suited to the Christian worship in the United States of America [electronic resource] : being an improvement of the old versions of the Psalms of David. Allowed by the Reverend Synod of New York and Philadelphia, to be used in churches and private families. [Three lines of quotations]. New-York : Printed by Hodge & Campbell, and sold at their respective book-stores, M,DCC,XCII. [1792] Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections Bookmark
910. Psalms, carefully suited to the Christian worship in the United States of America: [electronic resource] : being an improvement of the old versions of the Psalms of David. : Allowed by the Reverend Synod of New York and Philadelphia, to be used in churches and private families. : [Three lines of quotations] New-York: : Printed by Hodge & Campbell, and sold at their respective book-stores., M,DCC,XCII. [1792] Book Online Newsbank America's Historical Imprints Bookmark
911. Psalms, carefully suited to the Christian worship in the United States of America. [electronic resource] : Being an improvement of the old versions of the Psalms of David. : Allowed by the Synod of New-York and Philadelphia, to be used in churches and private families. : [Three lines of Scripture text] Philadelphia: : Printed by Francis Bailey, no. 116, High-Street., M,DCC,XCII. [1792] Book Online Newsbank America's Historical Imprints Bookmark
912. The Psalms of David, [electronic resource] : According to the version approved by the Church of Scotland. And appointed to be used in worship. Edinburgh : Printed for J. Dickson and P. Hill, M.DCC.XCII. [1792] Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections Online II Bookmark
913. The Psalms of David, [electronic resource] : According to the version approved by the Church of Scotland. And appointed to be used in worship. Edinburgh : Printed for J. Dickson and P. Hill, M.DCC.XCII. [1792] Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections Bookmark
914. The Psalms of David, [electronic resource] : Imitated in the language of the New Testament, and applied to the Christian state and worship. By I. Watts, D.D. Watts, Isaac, 1674-1748 [Browse] London : Printed for J. Bruce, D. Burnet, R. Hopper, R. Pennington, and L. Martin, M,DCC,XCII. [1792] Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections Online II Bookmark
915. The Psalms of David, [electronic resource] : Imitated in the language of the New Testament, and applied to the Christian state and worship. By I. Watts, D.D. Watts, Isaac, 1674-1748 [Browse] London : Printed for J. Bruce, D. Burnet, R. Hopper, R. Pennington, and L. Martin, M,DCC,XCII. [1792] Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections Bookmark
916. The Psalms of David, imitated in the language of the New Testament, and applied to the Christian state and worship. [electronic resource] / By Isaac Watts, D.D. ; Corrected, and accommodated to the use of the Church of Christ in America. ; [Six lines of Scripture texts] Newburyport [Mass.]: : Printed and sold by John Mycall. Sold also by Thomas and Andrews, and E. Larkin, in Boston., [1792] Book Bookmark
917. The Psalms of David, imitated in the language of the New Testament, [electronic resource] : and applied to the Christian state and worship. By Isaac Watts, D.D. [Six lines of Scripture texts]. Boston : From the press of J. Bumstead. For John Boyle, and David West, Marlborough-Street, M.DCC.XCII. [1792] Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections Online II Bookmark
918. The Psalms of David, imitated in the language of the New Testament, [electronic resource] : and applied to the Christian state and worship. By Isaac Watts, D.D. [Six lines of Scripture texts]. Boston : From the press of J. Bumstead. For John Boyle, and David West, Marlborough-Street, M.DCC.XCII. [1792] Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections Bookmark
919. The Psalms of David in metre [electronic resource] : According to the version, approved by the Church of Scotland, and appointed to be sung in congregations and families. Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, MDCCXCII. [1792] Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections Online II Bookmark
920. The Psalms of David in metre [electronic resource] : According to the version, approved by the Church of Scotland, and appointed to be sung in congregations and families. Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, MDCCXCII. [1792] Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections Bookmark
921. The Psalms of David in metre [electronic resource]. Allowed by the authority of the General Assembly of the Kirk of Scotland, ... Glasgow : printed by James Turner, 1792. Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections Bookmark
922. The Psalms of David, with hymns and spiritual songs. [electronic resource] : Also, the catechism, confession of faith and liturgy, of the Reformed Church in the Netherlands. For the use of the Reformed Dutch Church in North-America. New-York : Printed by Hodge and Campbell, and sold at their respective bookstores. M.DCC.XCII. (With the privilege of copy right according to law), [1792] Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections Online II Bookmark
923. The Psalms of David, with hymns and spiritual songs [electronic resource] : Also, the catechism, confession of faith and liturgy, of the Reformed Church in the Netherlands. For the use of the Reformed Dutch Church in North-America. New-York : Printed by Hodge and Campbell, and sold at their respective bookstores. M.DCC.XCII. (With the privilege of copy right according to law), [1792] Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections Bookmark
924. The Psalms of David, with hymns and spiritual songs. [electronic resource] : Also, the catechism, confession of faith and liturgy, of the Reformed Church in the Netherlands. : For the use of the Reformed Dutch Church in North-America. Reformed Protestant Dutch Church (U.S.) [Browse] New-York: : Printed by Hodge and Campbell, and sold at their respective bookstores. M.DCC.XCII. (With the privilege of copy right according to law), [1792] Book Online Newsbank America's Historical Imprints Bookmark
925. Psalms, to be sung in churches; selected chiefly from the New version of N. Brady, D.D. and N. Tate, Esq [electronic resource]. Birmingham : printed by Thomas Pearson, 1792. Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections Bookmark
926. A selection of Psalms, [electronic resource] : with occasional hymns. Charleston [S.C.]: : Printed by W.P. Young, Franklin's Head, Broad-Street., M.DCC.XCII. [1792] Book Online Newsbank America's Historical Imprints Bookmark
927. A select set of psalms and hymns, with a choice collection of words, with proper tunes and basses [electronic resource], as they are appointed to be sung in the parish church of Grantham. By John Hutchinson, ... Grantham : printed and sold only by W. Allen, 1792. Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections Bookmark
928. Tate and Brady's New version of the Psalms [electronic resource]. [London : printed by T. Davison, for L. Wayland, 1792] Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections Bookmark
929. The book of common prayer, and administration of the sacraments and other rites and ceremonies of the church, [electronic resource] : according to the use of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America: : together with the Psalter, or Psalms of David. Episcopal Church [Browse] Philadelphia: : Printed by Hall and Sellers, no. 51, Market-Street., MDCCXCI. [1791] Book Online Newsbank America's Historical Imprints Bookmark
930. A collection of psalms and hymns for public and private worship; more particularly designed for the use of the congregation at Woolwich-Chapel [electronic resource]. Woolwich Chapel [Browse] London : printed at the Minerva Press, 1791. Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections Bookmark
931. A collection of psalms and hymns from various authors: chiefly designed for the use of public worship [electronic resource]. Robinson, Thomas, 1749-1813 [Browse] London : printed by T. Bensley; and sold by the booksellers in Leicester, 1791. Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections Bookmark
932. A collection of psalms [electronic resource], proper for the Christian worship; with additions. In three parts. ... Liverpool : printed for J. Gore, 1791. Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections Bookmark
933. Doctor Watts's imitation of the Psalms of David [electronic resource] : corrected and enlarged, by Joel Barlow. Adapted to the state of the Christian church in general. [Two lines from Luke]. New-York : Printed by W. Durell at his book store, & printing office, no. 19, Queen Street, M,DCC,XCI. [1791] Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections Online II Bookmark
934. Doctor Watts's imitation of the Psalms of David [electronic resource] / corrected and enlarged, by Joel Barlow. ; Adapted to the state of the Christian church in general. ; [Two lines from Luke] New-York, : Printed by W. Durrell at his book store, & printing office, no. 19, Queen Street,, M,DCC,XCI. [1791] Book Online Newsbank America's Historical Imprints Bookmark
935. Doctor Watts's imitation of the Psalms of David [electronic resource] : corrected and enlarged, by Joel Barlow. Adapted to the state of the Christian church in general. [Two lines from Luke]. New-York : Printed by W. Durell at his book store, & printing office, no. 19, Queen Street, M,DCC,XCI. [1791] Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections Bookmark
936. Doctor Watts's imitation of the Psalms of David, [electronic resource] / corrected and enlarged, by Joel Barlow. ; To which is added a collection of hymns; the whole applied to the state of the Christian church in general. Hartford: : Printed by Nathaniel Patten. (With the privilege of copy-right.), [1791] Book Online Newsbank America's Historical Imprints Bookmark
937. Doctor Watts's imitation of the Psalms of David, [electronic resource] / corrected and enlarged, by Joel Barlow. ; To which is added a collection of hymns; the whole applied to the state of the Christian church in general. Hartford: : Printed by Nathaniel Patten. (With a privilege of copy-right.), [1791] Book Online Newsbank America's Historical Imprints Bookmark
938. Doctor Watts's imitation of the Psalms of David, [electronic resource] / corrected and enlarged, by Joel Barlow. ; To which is added a collection of hymns; the whole applied to the state of the Christian church in general. Hartford: : Printed by Hudson and Goodwin. (With the privilege of copy-right.), [1791] Book Online Newsbank America's Historical Imprints Bookmark
939. Der hundert und neunzehnte Psalm [electronic resource] : ein Examengeschenk an die Neuyorkischen Lutherischen Schulkinder. Philadelphia: : Gedruckt bey Melchior Steiner, in der Rees-Strasse, zwischen der Zweiten- und Dritten-Strasse,, 1791. Book Online Newsbank America's Historical Imprints Bookmark
940. New version of the Psalms of David, ... By N. Brady, ... and N. Tate, [electronic resource]... Cambridge : printed by J. Archdeacon; and sold by John, Francis & Charles Rivington, Benjamin White, and Charles Dilly, London; and J. & J. Merrill, Cambridge, 1791. Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections Bookmark
941. A new version of the Psalms of David [electronic resource], ... By N. Brady, ... and N. Tate, ... London : printed by T. Harrison, for the Company of Stationers, 1791. Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections Bookmark
942. A new version of the Psalms of David [electronic resource], ... By N. Brady, ... and N. Tate, ... Edinburgh : printed by Mark and Charles Kerr for the Company of Stationers, 1791. Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections Bookmark
943. A new version of the Psalms of David [electronic resource], ... By N. Brady, ... and N. Tate, ... London : printed by Thomas Harrison for the Company of Stationers, and sold at Stationers Hall, and by most booksellers, 1791. Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections Bookmark
944. A new version of the Psalms of David [electronic resource], ... By N. Brady, ... and N. Tate, ... With notes and annotations. [Birmingham? : printed by J. Thompson?, 1791?] Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections Bookmark
945. A new version of the Psalms of David. [electronic resource] : Fitted to the tunes used in churches. By N. Brady, D.D. Chaplain in Ordinary, and N. Tate, Esq. Poet-Laureat, to His Britannick Majesty. Boston : Printed and sold by Samuel Hall, no. 53, Cornhill, MDCCXCI. [1791] Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections Online II Bookmark
946. A new version of the Psalms of David [electronic resource] : Fitted to the tunes used in churches. By N. Brady, D.D. Chaplain in Ordinary, and N. Tate, Esq. Poet-Laureat, to His Britannick Majesty. Boston : Printed and sold by Samuel Hall, no. 53, Cornhill, MDCCXCI. [1791] Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections Bookmark
947. A new version of the Psalms of David. [electronic resource] : Fitted to the tunes used in churches. / By N. Brady, D.D. Chaplain in Ordinary, and N. Tate, Esq. Poet-Laureat, to His Britannick Majesty. Boston: : Printed and sold by Samuel Hall, no. 53, Cornhill., MDCCXCI. [1791] Book Online Newsbank America's Historical Imprints Bookmark
948. A New version of the Psalms of David, fitted to the tunes used in churches. [electronic resource] : By N. Brady, D.D. chaplain in Ordinary, and N. Tate, Esq. poet-laureat, to His Majesty. London : Printed by John Jarvis, 1791. Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections Online II Bookmark
949. A New version of the Psalms of David, fitted to the tunes used in churches [electronic resource] : By N. Brady, D.D. chaplain in Ordinary, and N. Tate, Esq. poet-laureat, to His Majesty. London : Printed by John Jarvis, 1791. Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections Bookmark
950. Psalms carefully suited to the Christian worship in the United States of America. [electronic resource] : Being an improvement of the old version of the Psalms of David. : Allowed by the Reverend Synod of New York and Philadelphia, to be used in churches and private families. : [Three lines of Scripture text] Elizabethtown [N.J.]: : Printed by Shepard Kollock., M,DCC,XCI. [1791] Book Online Newsbank America's Historical Imprints Bookmark
951. The Psalms of David, [electronic resource] : Imitated in the language of the New Testament, and applied to the Christian state and worship. By I. Watts, D.D. London : Printed for J. Bruce, D. Burnet, R. Hopper, R. Pennington, and L. Martin, M,DCC,XCI. [1791] Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections Online II Bookmark
952. The Psalms of David, [electronic resource] : Imitated in the language of the New Testament, and applied to the Christian state and worship. By I. Watts, D.D. London : Printed for J. Bruce, D. Burnet, R. Hopper, R. Pennington, and L. Martin, M,DCC,XCI. [1791] Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections Bookmark
953. The Psalms of David, imitated in the language of the New Testament, and applied to the Christian state and worship. [electronic resource] / By I. Watts, D.D. ; Accomodated [sic] to the use of the Church of Christ in America. ; [Three lines of Scripture text] Boston: : Printed and sold by John Norman, no. 75 Newbury-Street., 1791. Book Online Newsbank America's Historical Imprints Bookmark
954. The Psalms of David, imitated in the language of the New Testament, [electronic resource] : and applied to the Christian state and worship. By Isaac Watts, D.D. [Six lines of Scripture texts]. Printed in Boston : by Joseph Bumstead, for D. West, Marlboro'-Street, and E. Larkin, Jun. Cornhill, MDCCXCI. [1791] Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections Online II Bookmark
955. The Psalms of David, imitated in the language of the New Testament, [electronic resource] : and applied to the Christian state and worship. By Isaac Watts, D.D. [Six lines of Scripture texts]. Printed in Boston : by Joseph Bumstead, for D. West, Marlboro'-Street, and E. Larkin, Jun. Cornhill, MDCCXCI. [1791] Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections Bookmark
956. The Psalms of David, imitated in the language of the New Testament [electronic resource] : And applied to the Christian state and worship. Together with Hymns and spiritual songs, in three books. I. Collected from the Scriptures. II. Composed on Divine subjects. III. Prepared for the Lord's Supper. With indexes and tables complete. By Isaac Watts, D.D. [Six lines of quotations]. Printed at Boston : by I. Thomas and E.T. Andrews, Faust's Statue, no. 45, Newbury Street, MDCCXCI. [1791] Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections Online II Bookmark
957. The Psalms of David, imitated in the language of the New Testament [electronic resource] : And applied to the Christian state and worship. Together with Hymns and spiritual songs, in three books. I. Collected from the Scriptures. II. Composed on Divine subjects. III. Prepared for the Lord's Supper. With indexes and tables complete. By Isaac Watts, D.D. [Six lines of quotations]. Printed at Boston : by I. Thomas and E.T. Andrews, Faust's Statue, no. 45, Newbury Street, MDCCXCI. [1791] Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections Bookmark
958. The Psalms of David, in metre. [electronic resource] : Allowed by the authority of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, and appointed to be sung in congregations and families. : With an analysis, or brief view of the contents of each Psalm, taken from the Exposition of Mr. Matthew Henry author of the commentary on the Bible. Philadelphia: : Printed and sold by Peter Stewart, no. 34, South Second-Street., M,DCC,XCI. [1791] Book Online Newsbank America's Historical Imprints Bookmark
959. The Psalms of David in metre. [electronic resource] : ... Allowed by the authority of the General Assembly of the Kirk of Scotland, ... Edinburgh : printed by Mark and Charles Kerr, 1791. Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections Online II Bookmark
960. The Psalms of David in metre. [electronic resource] : Allowed by the authority of the General Assemby of the Church of Scotland, and appointed to be sung in congregations and families. Glasgow : Printed by J. and M. Robertson, MDCCXCI. [1791] Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections Online II Bookmark
961. The Psalms of David in metre [electronic resource] : Allowed by the authority of the General Assemby of the Church of Scotland, and appointed to be sung in congregations and families. Glasgow : Printed by J. and M. Robertson, MDCCXCI. [1791] Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections Bookmark
962. The Psalms of David in metre: [electronic resource] / newly translated, and deligently [sic] compared with the original text, and former translation: more plain, smooth, and agreeable to the text, than any heretofore. ; Allowed by the authority of the General Assembly of the Kirk of Scotland, and appointed to be sung in congregations and families. [Carlisle, Pa.] : Reprinted, at the request of the Presbyterian congregation of Carlisle, and carefully compared with the original. By George Kline,, 1791. Book Online Newsbank America's Historical Imprints Bookmark
963. The Psalms of David in metre [electronic resource] : Newly translated, and diligently compared with the original text, and former translations. More plain, smooth, and agreeable to the text, than any heretofore. Allowed by the authority of the General Assembly of the Kirk of Scotland, and appointed to be sung in congregations and families. Edinburgh : Printed by Mark and Charles Kerr, His Majesty's printers, MDCCXCI. [1791] Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections Online II Bookmark
964. The Psalms of David in metre [electronic resource] : Newly translated, and diligently compared with the original text, and former translations. More plain, smooth, and agreeable to the text, than any heretofore. Allowed by the authority of the General Assembly of the Kirk of Scotland, and appointed to be sung in congregations and families. Edinburgh : Printed by Mark and Charles Kerr, His Majesty's printers, MDCCXCI. [1791] Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections Bookmark
965. The Psalms of David, with hymns and spiritual songs. [electronic resource] : Also, the catechism, compendium, confession of faith, and liturgy, of the Reformed Church in the Netherlands. : For the use of the Reformed Dutch Church in North-America. Reformed Protestant Dutch Church (U.S.) [Browse] Albany, : Printed by Charles R. & George Webster, no 46, on the north side of State-Street, between the Dutch and English churches., M.DCC.XCI. [1791] Book Online Newsbank America's Historical Imprints Bookmark
966. Der Psalter des Königs und Propheten Davids, [electronic resource] / verteutschet von D. Martin Luther; ; mit kurzen Summarien oder Inhalt jedes Psalmen. ; Und mit vielen Parallelen oder gleichen Schriftstellen. Lancaster [Pa.]: : Gedruckt bey Johann Albrecht und Comp. in der Prinz-Strasse,, 1791. Book Online Newsbank America's Historical Imprints Bookmark
967. Der Psalter des Königs und Propheten Davids, [electronic resource] / verteutscht von D. Martin Luther; ; mit kurzen Summarien oder Inhalt jedes Psalmen; ; und berichtigten Parallelen oder gleichen Schriftstellen. Philadelphia: : Gedruckt bey Carl Cist, Num. 104. in der Zweyten-Strasse, nah bey der Rehs-Strasse,, 1791. Book Online Newsbank America's Historical Imprints Bookmark
968. Sentimens d'une ame touchée de Dieu, tirés des Pseaumes de David, ou, Paraphrase morale de plusieurs Pseaumes en forme de priere / par M. Massillon. -- Massillon, Jean-Baptiste, 1663-1742 [Browse] Paris : Chez Froullé, 1791. Book Loading...Special Collections - Remote Storage (ReCAP): Rare Books. Special Collections Use Only » 5959.62.07 Online Online Content Bookmark
969. The whole book of Psalms collected into English metre [electronic resource], by Thomas Sternhold, John Hopkins, and others. London : printed by John Jarvis, 1791. Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections Bookmark
970. The whole book of Psalms, collected into English metre [electronic resource], by Thomas Sternhold, John Hopkins, and others; ... Oxford : printed at the Clarendon Press, by W. Jackson and A. Hamilton: and sold at the Oxford Bible Warehouse, London, 1791. Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections Bookmark
971. The book of common prayer, and administration of the sacraments, and other rites and ceremonies of the church, [electronic resource] : according to the use of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America: : Together with the Psalter, or Psalms of David. Episcopal Church [Browse] Philadelphia: : Printed by Hall & Sellers, in Market-Street., MDCCXC. [1790] Book Bookmark
972. A collection of psalms and hymns, extracted, revised, and published, by Henry Peckwell [electronic resource], ... Peckwell, Henry, 1747-1787 [Browse] London : sold at the chapel, in the New Way, Westminster; and by J. Matthews, [1790?] Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections Bookmark
973. A collection of psalms and hymns for public worship. By Joseph Radford [electronic resource]. Radford, Joseph [Browse] London : printed by J. Chalmers. Sold at Ebenezer Chapel, Ratcliff-Highway, 1790. Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections Bookmark
974. A collection of psalm tunes in three parts [electronic resource] adapted to each measure as now sung in several churches, chaples, [sic] and meeting houses in and about London: to which are added 4 anthems & a canon. By Is. Smith London : printed and sold by S. Major. Sold also by Messrs. Longman and Broderip, Messrs. Thompsons, Mr. Buckland, and Messrs. Scatcherd and Whitaker, [1790?] Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections Bookmark
975. A commentary on the Book of Psalms [electronic resource]. In which their literal or historical sense, as they relate to King David, and the people of Israel, is illustrated; ... The fourth edition. By George, Lord Bishop of Norwich, ... Oxford : at the Clarendon Press. Printed for D. Prince, and J. Cooke: G.G.J. & J. Robinson, J.F. and C. Rivington, and T. Cadell, London, 1790. Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections Bookmark
976. Georgii Buchanani Scoti, poetarum sui seculi facile principis, Paraphrasis Psalmorum Davidis poetica [electronic resource]; ad optimam editionem Thomæ Ruddimanni, A.M. summo studio recognita et castigata. Præmissa est accuratior quam antehac carminum explicatio. Glasguæ : prostant apud, J. Gillies, 1790. Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections Bookmark
977. The Holy Bible : containing the Old and New Testaments / translated out of the original tongues, and with the former translations diligently compared and revised. Philadelphia : Printed by William Young, bookseller, no. 52, Second-Street, the corner of Chesnut-Street, M,DCC,XC [1790]. Book Loading...Special Collections - William H. Scheide Library » 88.5 Bookmark
978. The Holy Bible, [electronic resource] : containing the Old and New Testaments: / translated out of the original tongues; and with the former translations diligently compared and revised. Philadelphia: : Printed by William Young, bookseller, no. 52, Second-Street, the corner of Chesnut-Street., M,DCC,XC. [1790] Book Online Newsbank America's Historical Imprints Bookmark
979. A new literal version of the book of Psalms [electronic resource]: with a preface and notes. By the Rev. Stephen Street, ... London : printed by J. Davis, for B. White and Son, 1790. Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections Bookmark
980. A new version of the Psalms of David. [electronic resource] : Fitted to the tunes used in churches. / By N. Brady, D.D. Late Chaplain in Ordinary, and N. Tate, Esq; late Poet Lauret [sic], to the King of England. Boston (State of Massachusetts) : Printed by Joseph Bumstead, for David West, no. 36, Marlborough-Street, and E. Larkin, Jun. no. 50, Cornhill., MDCCXC. [1790] Book Online Newsbank America's Historical Imprints Bookmark
981. A New version of the Psalms of David, fitted to the tunes used in churches [electronic resource] : By N. Brady, D.D. chaplain in Ordinary, and N. Tate, Esq. poet laureat, to His Majesty. [London? : s.n.], Printed in the year MDCCXC. [1790] Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections Online II Bookmark
982. A New version of the Psalms of David, fitted to the tunes used in churches. [electronic resource] : By N. Brady, D.D. chaplain in Ordinary and N. Tate, Esq; poet-laureat to His Majesty. London [i.e York?] : Printed for A. Millar, W. Law, and R. Cater; and for the stationers, M,DCC,XC. [1790] Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections Online II Bookmark
983. A New version of the Psalms of David, fitted to the tunes used in churches [electronic resource] : By N. Brady, D.D. chaplain in Ordinary, and N. Tate, Esq. poet laureat, to His Majesty. [London? : s.n.], Printed in the year MDCCXC. [1790] Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections Bookmark
984. A New version of the Psalms of David, fitted to the tunes used in churches [electronic resource] : By N. Brady, D.D. chaplain in Ordinary and N. Tate, Esq; poet-laureat to His Majesty. London [i.e York?] : Printed for A. Millar, W. Law, and R. Cater; and for the stationers, M,DCC,XC. [1790] Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections Bookmark
985. Parochial music corrected [electronic resource]: intended for the use of the several charity-schools in London, Westminster, &c. as well as for all congregations: ... The whole adapted, written, and composed, by H. Heron, ... London : printed for W. Richardson, 1790. Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections Bookmark
986. The psalmist's new companion [electronic resource]. Containing an introduction to the grounds of musick, in a plain and familiar method. Also forty three psalm tunes, & twenty five anthems ... The eleventh edition set forth and corrected by Abraham Adams, ... London : printed for S. A. & P. Thompson, [1790?] Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections Bookmark
987. Psalms, carefully suited to the Christian worship in the United States of America: [electronic resource] : being an improvement of the old versions of the Psalms of David. : Allowed by the Reverend Synod of New York and Philadelphia, to be used in churches and private families. : [Three lines of Scripture text] New-York: : Printed by Hodge, Allen and Campbell, and sold at their respective book-stores,, 1790. Book Online Newsbank America's Historical Imprints Bookmark
988. The psalms of David for the use of parish churches [electronic resource] the words selected from the version of Tate & Brady by the Revd. George Hay Drummond the music selected adapted & composed by Edward Miller ... London : publish'd by W. Miller, [1790] Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections Bookmark
989. The psalms of David for the use of parish churches [electronic resource] the words selected from the version of Tate & Brady by the Revd. George Hay Drummond the music selected adapted & composed by Edward Miller ... London : publish'd by W. Miller, [1790] Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections Bookmark
990. The Psalms of David in metre: [electronic resource] / translated, and diligently compared with the original text, and former translations. ; Being the version approved by the Church of Scotland. Philadelphia: : Printed by William Young, bookseller, no. 52, Second-Street, the corner of Chesnut-Street., M,DCC,XC. [1790] Book Online Newsbank America's Historical Imprints Bookmark
991. The Psalms of David in metre: [electronic resource] / translated, and diligently compared with the original text, and former translations. ; Being the version approved by the Church of Scotland. Philadelphia: : Printed by William Young, bookseller, no. 52, Second Street, the corner of Chesnut-Street., M,DCC,XC. [1790] Book Online Newsbank America's Historical Imprints Bookmark
992. Der Psalter des Königs und Propheten Davids, [electronic resource] / verdeutschet von D. Martin Luther, ; mit kurzen Summarien oder Inhalt jedes Psalmen. ; Und mit vielen Parallelen oder gleichen Schrift-Stellen. Germantaun [Pa.]: : Gedruckt bey Michael Billmeyer,, 1790. Book Online Newsbank America's Historical Imprints Bookmark
993. Select portions of the Psalms, both old and new version [electronic resource] : also. A collection of hymns and anthems, as they are sung in the parish church of Cranbrook. Cranbrook : printed and sold by S. Waters, [1790?] Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections Online II Bookmark
994. Select portions of the Psalms, both old and new version [electronic resource] : also. A collection of hymns and anthems, as they are sung in the parish church of Cranbrook. Cranbrook : printed and sold by S. Waters, [1790?] Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections Bookmark
995. Carmina sacra, [electronic resource] : quae Latine Graeceque condidit America. Wigorniae, Massachusettensis, : Typis Isaiae Thomas., MDCCLXXXIX. [1789] Book Online Newsbank America's Historical Imprints Bookmark
996. A new version of the Psalms of David [electronic resource], ... By N. Brady, ... and N. Tate, ... London : printed by Thomas Harrison, for the Company of Stationers, 1789. Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections Bookmark
997. A New version of the Psalms of David, fitted to the tunes used in churches, [electronic resource] : By N. Brady, D.D. chaplain in Ordinary, and N. Tate, Esq; poet-laureat, to His Majesty. London : Printed for the booksellers, and sold in town and country, M,DCC,LXXX,IX. [1789] Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections Online II Bookmark
998. A New version of the Psalms of David, fitted to the tunes used in churches. [electronic resource] : By N. Brady, D.D. chaplain in Ordinary, and N. Tate, Esq; poet-laureat to His Majesty. London : Printed for the booksellers, MDCCLXXXIX. [1789] Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections Online II Bookmark
999. A New version of the Psalms of David, fitted to the tunes used in churches, [electronic resource] : By N. Brady, D.D. chaplain in Ordinary, and N. Tate, Esq; poet-laureat, to His Majesty. London : Printed for the booksellers, and sold in town and country, M,DCC,LXXX,IX. [1789] Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections Bookmark
1000. A New version of the Psalms of David, fitted to the tunes used in churches [electronic resource] : By N. Brady, D.D. chaplain in Ordinary, and N. Tate, Esq; poet-laureat to His Majesty. London : Printed for the booksellers, MDCCLXXXIX. [1789] Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections Bookmark