1. שיר השירים: מקרא לישראל זקוביץ, יאיר [Browse] ירושלים מאגנס Book Online Magnes Press - The Hebrew University - האוניברסיטה העברית - מאגנס Bookmark
2. Die Saadjanische Uebersetzung des Hohen Liedes ins Arabische. Heidelberg ; Göttingen : [publisher not identified], 1882. Book Online Early Arabic Printed Books Bookmark
3. Cantici Solomonis [electronic resource] : Paraphrasis poetica. Arthuro Jonstono Scoto, medico regio, auctore. Editio nova, summo studio recognita, ac notis illustrata. Edinburgi : Apud Robertum Freebairn, Anno domini MDCCIX. [1709] Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections Online II Bookmark
4. Solomōntos asma asmatōn / emmetrē apodosē stē dēmotikē glōssa [by] Antē Pernarē. Leukōsía : [publisher not identified], 1932. Book Loading...Special Collections - Remote Storage (ReCAP): Special Collections Use Only Bookmark
5. Sulamita : opera in tre atti / di Antonio Lega ; musica di Amilcare Zanella. Lega, Antonio [Browse] Milano : Casa Musicale Sonzogno, [©1925] Book Online UNC Chapel Hill Music Scores Bookmark
6. Šîr haš-šîrîm = Kanto de kantoj / enkonduko, originala teksto, Esperanta traduko, filologia komento, indekso André Cherpillod. Nanterre : A. Cherpillod, 1987. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » PM8253 .C44 1987 Bookmark
7. Asma Asmatōn / xylographies Giannēs Kyriakidēs. Athēna : Kastaniōtēs : Diattōn, 2000. Book Loading...Special Collections - Graphic Arts Collection » NE1070 .A86 2000q Oversize Bookmark
8. The Syriac Peshitta Bible with English translation. Proverbs, Qoheleth and Song of songs / English translation by Robert J. Owens ; text prepared by George A. Kiraz and Mor Joseph Bali. Piscataway, NJ : Gorgias Press, 2022.©2022 Book Loading...Firestone Library - Stacks » BS1455.A4 S9 2022 Bookmark
9. Qu'il me baise d'un baiser de sa bouche! : quatre sermons sur le Cantique des Cantiques / Bernard de Clairvaux ; traduit du latin par les abbés Dion et Charpentier. Suivi du Cantique des Cantiques / traduit de Louis Segond. Bernard, of Clairvaux, Saint, 1090 or 1091-1153 [Browse] Paris : Éditions Allia, 1999. Book Loading...Special Collections - Rare Books » B-002105 Bookmark
10. The Song of Songs : a commentary on the Book of Canticles or the Song of Songs / by Roland E. Murphy ; edited by S. Dean McBride, Jr. Murphy, Roland E. (Roland Edmund), 1917-2002 [Browse] Minneapolis : Fortress Press, [1990] Book Online JSTOR DDA Bookmark
11. Song of songs : a new translation with introduction and commentary / Marvin H. Pope. New Haven ; London : Yale University Press, 1977.London : Bloomsbury Publishing, 2021. Book Online Yale Anchor Bible Commentaries Bookmark
12. Song of songs and Ecclesiastes : sex and sophistry in the Old Testament : a new English translation / T. Givon. Givón, Talmy, 1936- [Browse] Amsterdam ; Philadelphia : John Benjamins Publishing Company, 2019. Book Online Ebook Central Perpetual, DDA and Subscription Titles Bookmark
13. Sefer Shir ha-Shirim : ʻim targum ṿe-sharḥ ʻAravi, ha-nahug be-ʻolam ... Bagdad ... ṿe-Agapeha, le-omrah be-ḥag ha-matsot ka-asher nidpas mi-ḳodem ... lemaʻan yaruts ha-ḳore bo ṿe-yiśmaḥ. Bagdad : hova ʻal yadai be-hotsaʼoti el bet ha-defus ani ha-ḳaṭan Yitsḥaḳ Yosef Ḥayim ʻAbudi, 5687 [1927] Book Online Online Content Bookmark
14. Sefer Shir ha-Shirim : ʻim targum ṿe-sharḥ ʻAravi, ha-nahug be-ʻolam ... Bagdad ... ṿe-Agapeha, le-omrah be-ḥag ha-matsot ka-asher nidpas mi-ḳodem ... lemaʻan yaruts ha-ḳore bo ṿe-yiśmaḥ. Bagdad : bi-defus ḥadash shel ha-ḥakham ʻEzra Reʼuven Dangur, 5674 [1914] Book Online Online Content Bookmark
15. Spiritual songs: or, Songs of praise [electronic resource] : with Penitential cries to Almighty God, upon several occasions. Together with the Song of songs, which is Solomon's: first turned, then paraphrased in English verse: with the addition of a sacred poem on Dives and Lazarus. Mason, John, 1646?-1694 [Browse] New-York [N.Y.] : Printed and sold by H. Gaine, printer, bookseller, and stationer, at the Bible and Crown, in Hanover-Square., M,DCC,LXV. [1765] Book Online Online Content Bookmark
16. Christelige Spø[rgs]maal [electronic resource] : En Christelig liden Bog, der vdi findis mange gode Raad for vnge Folck, vddragen aff den Hellige Scrifft, mest aff Salomonss och Jesu Siracss Bøger. Prentet i Kiøbenhaffn, : Hoss Hans Vingaard., [between 1552 and 1559]. Book Online Online Content Bookmark
17. Canticum canticorum [electronic resource] / Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina. Palestrina, Giovanni Pierluigi da, 1525?-1594 [Browse] Georgsmarienhütte : CPO, p2006. Audio Online Naxos music library Bookmark
18. Spiritual songs: or, Songs of praise, [electronic resource] : with penitential cries to Almighty God, upon several occasions : Together with the Song of Songs, which is Solomon's. First turned, then paraphrased in English verse. : With an addition of a sacred poem of Dives and Lazarus. Mason, John, 1646?-1694 [Browse] New-York: : Printed by W Durell, & Co, [1790?] Book Online Newsbank America's Historical Imprints Bookmark
19. Spiritual songs: or Songs of praise, [electronic resource] : with penitential cries to Almighty God, upon several occasions. : Together with the Song of Songs, which is Solomon's, first turn'd, then paraphras'd, in English verse. Mason, John, 1646?-1694 [Browse] Boston: : Printed and sold by T. and J. Fleet, at the Bible and Heart in Cornhill,, 1787. Book Online Newsbank America's Historical Imprints Bookmark
20. Second chances [electronic resource] / Martin Boykan. Boykan, Martin [Browse] Albany, NY : Albany Records, [2010] Audio Online Naxos music library Bookmark
21. Het Hooghe-liedt Salomons [electronic resource] / overgheset in Nederduytschen dichte door I.B. : hier zijn oock byghevought corte verclaringhen tot openinghe des fins van eenige plaetsen getrocken uyt de breeder verclaringhe Godefridi Vdemans. [S.l. : s.n.], anno Dom. 1616. Book Online Online Content Bookmark
22. Psalmen, lofzangen, ende geestelike liedekens op lees-ende sang-mate gerijmt, [electronic resource] : ende nu noch eenige met boven-gestelde bekender voysen verbetert, en van nieuws vermeerdert met het Hooge-Liedt Salomons. / Uytgegeven door Wilhelm Sluiter, dienaer der gemeinte J. Christi tot Eybergen. t' Amsterdam : By Gerbrant Schagen, boeckverkooper in de Kalverstraet, in de Staten Bybel, 1685 (Tot Harderwyk, : Gedrukt by Herman Rampen, boekverkooper in de Bruggestraet). Book Bookmark
23. Het Hoog-Lied van den heyligen ende wijsen Koning ende Propheet Salomon, [electronic resource] : met eene korte verklaringe: / in Nederduytschen rijm bearbeyd door Samuel Ampzing, bedienaer des goddelijken woords inde gemeynte des heren vinnen Haerlem. Gedruckt te Haerlem, : By Adriaen Roman, ordinaris stads boekdrucker, wonende inde Iakovyne-straet inde vergulde parze,, 1629. Book Online Online Content Bookmark
24. Spiritual songs [electronic resource] : or, Songs of praise with Penitential cries to Almighty God, upon several occasions. Together with the Song of Songs which is Solomon's: first turn'd, then paraphras'd in English verse. Mason, John, 1646?-1694 [Browse] Boston : Printed by Green, Bushell and Allen, for D. Henchman in Cornhill, 1743. Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections Bookmark
25. The fair Circassian, [electronic resource] : a poem; imitated from the songs of Solomon. ; [Three lines from Solomon] Croxall, Samuel, 1688 or 1689-1752 [Browse] New-York: : Printed [by Levi Wayland] for the amateurs of the fine arts., 1795. Book Online Newsbank America's Historical Imprints Bookmark
26. Die Saadjanische Uebersetzung des Hohen Liedes ins Arabische. Heidelberg ; Göttingen : [publisher not identified], 1882. Book Online Early Arabic Printed Books Bookmark
27. Car nos vignes sont en fleur : voix / Ton de Leeuw. Leeuw, Ton de, 1926-1996 [Browse] [Amsterdam] : Donemus, 1999.copyright 1981 Musical score Online Online Content Bookmark
28. The fair Circassian. [electronic resource] : A dramatic performance done from the original, / by a gentleman-commoner of Oxford. ; [One line in Latin from Ovid] Croxall, Samuel, 1688 or 1689-1752 [Browse] New-York: : Printed by Hugh Gaine, at the printing-office in Queen-Street, between the Fly and Meat Markets,, M,DCC,LIV [1754] Book Online Newsbank America's Historical Imprints Bookmark
29. Cantici Solomonis [electronic resource] : Paraphrasis poetica. Arthuro Jonstono Scoto, medico regio, auctore. Editio nova, summo studio recognita, ac notis illustrata. Edinburgi : Apud Robertum Freebairn, Anno domini MDCCIX. [1709] Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections Bookmark
30. שיר השירים אשר לשלמה. Song of Solomon. Calcutta : [publisher not identified], 1840. Book Online Early Arabic Printed Books Bookmark
31. שיר השירים נשיד אל אנשאד. Song of Solomon. Poona : [publisher not identified], 1888. Book Online Early Arabic Printed Books Bookmark
32. Rabbi Yapheth Abou Aly ibn Aly Bassorensis Karaitarum doctoris in Canticum canticorum commentarium Arabicum. Lutetiæ Parisiorum : [publisher not identified], 1884. Book Online Early Arabic Printed Books Bookmark
33. Spiritual songs [electronic resource] : or, Songs of praise, with penitential cries to Almighty God, upon several occasions Together with the Song of Songs, which is Solomon's. First turned, then paraphrased in English verse. With an addition of a sacred poem of Dives and Lazarus. Mason, John, 1646?-1694 [Browse] New-York : Printed by W Durell, & Co, [1790?] Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections Bookmark
34. Spiritual songs: or, Songs of praise [electronic resource] : with penitential cries to Almighty God, upon several occasions, : together with the Song of Songs which is Solomon's: first turn'd, then paraphras'd in English verse. Mason, John, 1646?-1694 [Browse] Boston: : Printed and sold by Z. Fowle, at his printing-office in Back-Street., 1765. Book Online Newsbank America's Historical Imprints Bookmark
35. Spiritual songs. Or, Songs of praise, [electronic resource] : with penitential cries, to Almighty God, upon several occasions. : Together with the Song of Songs, which is Solomon's. First turned, then paraphrased in English verse. Mason, John, 1646?-1694 [Browse] Norwich [Conn.]: : Printed by John Trumbull., M.DCC.LXXXIII. [1783] Book Online Newsbank America's Historical Imprints Bookmark
36. Spiritual songs: or, Songs of praise [electronic resource] : with penitential cries to Almighty God, upon several occasions. : Together with the Song of Songs, which is Solomon's: first turn'd, then paraphras'd in English verse. Mason, John, 1646?-1694 [Browse] Boston: : Printed by Tho. Fleet, for D. Henchman., 1742. Book Online Newsbank America's Historical Imprints Bookmark
37. Spiritual songs: or, Songs of praise [electronic resource] : with Penitential cries to Almighty God, upon several occasions. : Together with the Song of Songs which is Solomon's: first turn'd, then paraphras'd in English verse. Mason, John, 1646?-1694 [Browse] Boston : Printed by Green, Bushell and Allen, for D. Henchman in Cornhill., 1743. Book Online Newsbank America's Historical Imprints Bookmark
38. Dies ist das Lied der Lieder von Salomo. Leipzig : Insel Verlag, 1909. Book Loading...Special Collections - Rare Books Oversize » 5187.1909 Bookmark
39. Śar Shalom : pe. Shir ha-shirim / Sh. Aripul. Aripul, Samuel, active 16th century [Browse] [Brooklyn, N.Y. : Ch. Reich, 1992?] Book Loading...Firestone Library - Near East Collections » BS1485 .A746 1992 Bookmark
40. Apocalipsis. [Canticles]. [Swabia, Germany?], [between 1150 and 1200] Manuscript, Book Loading...Special Collections - Manuscripts » Princeton MS. 52 Online View online: arks.princeton.edu Bookmark
41. Das hohe Lied dess Königes Salomons, nach der Ordnung dess Textes summarischen gebeten Rand, Glossen und kurtzen Beschluss-Liedern. Auss-gefärtigen von Ernst Müllern. Zu Franckfurt am Mayn, Bey D. Fievet, und zu finden bey C. Vulpio, in Giessen, 1662. Book Loading...Special Collections - Rare Books » 5231.664 Bookmark
42. Le cantique des cantiques. Lithographies originales de Gilioli. Lausanne, Ed. Francoise Mermod, [1961]. Book Loading...Special Collections - Graphic Arts Collection » BS1484.F7 C7 1961f Oversize Bookmark
43. Canticles and Apocalypse with Glossa ordinaria. [Morimondo, Italy] : [producer not identified], [between 1200 and 1300] Manuscript, Book Loading...Special Collections - Manuscripts » Princeton MS. 4 Bookmark
44. שירי הנפש : פירוש על שיר השירים / ... מאיר ליבוש מלבי״ם ... Shire ha-nefesh : perush ʻal Shir ha-Shirim / ... Meʼir Leybush Malbim ... Ḳonigsberg : Huva le-vet ha-defus ʻal yede Yehoshuʻa Gershon Munḳ, 623 [1862 or 1863]קא״ניגסבערג : הובא לבית הדפוס על ידי יהושע גרשון מונק, [1863 or 1862] 623. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » BM740 .M239 1861 Bookmark
45. Canticum canticorum Salomonis quod Hebraice dicitur Sir hasirim. [Weimar, Prelo manuario Cranachensi, 1931] Book Loading...Special Collections - Graphic Arts Collection » BS1484.L3 V8 1931 Bookmark
46. The song of songs which is Solomon's. [Chicago, Ill.], [Printed and Published by Studio 22 Inc.], [1969] Book Loading...Special Collections - Remote Storage (ReCAP): Graphic Arts. Special Collections Use Only » item 8475539e Bookmark
47. מגילת שיר השירים : פירוש ישראלי חדש, הדי המגילה בארון הספרים היהודי לדורותיו = Song of Songs : a new Israeli commentary / יאיר זקוביץ, אביגדור שאנן ; סייעה בידם, מיטל בלומנטל גורדון. Megilat Shir ha-shirim : perush Yiśreʼeli ḥadash : hede ha-megilah be-aron ha-sefarim ha-Yehudi le-dorotaṿ = Song of Songs : a new Israeli commentary / Yaʼir Zaḳovits, Avigdor Shinan = Song of Songs : a new Israeli commentary / by Avigdor Shinan and Yair Zakovitch ; siyeʻah be-yadam, Meṭal Blumenṭal Gordon. Rishon le-Tsiyon : Yediʼot aḥaronot : Sifre ḥemed ; Yerushalayim : Avi-Ḥai Yiśraʼel, [2020]ירושלים : אבי חי ישראל ; ראשון לציון : ידיעות אחרונות : ספרי חמד, [תש״ף]©2020 Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » BS1485.53 .M44 2020 Bookmark
48. Cantar de Cantares : edición crítica y estudio de la versión árabe contenida en el Códice n° 1625 (Real Biblioteca de El Escorial) / Juan Pedro Monferrer Sala. Monferrer Sala, Juan Pedro [Browse] Madrid : Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, 2020. Book Loading...Firestone Library - Stacks » BS315.A63 S64 2020 Bookmark
49. מגילת שיר השירים : עם ביאור עוטה אור / מאת הגאון רבי יחיאל העליר זצ"ל. Megilat Shir ha-shirim : ʻim beʼur ʻOṭeh or / me-et ha-gaʼon Rabi Yeḥiʼel Helir zatsal. Yerushalayim : Mosad ha-Rav Ḳuḳ, [2020]ירושלים : מוסד הרב קוק, תש״פ.©2020 Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » BS1485 .H455 2020 Bookmark
50. Arise, my love, my fair one : composed for voice & pianoforte : poem from The song of Solomon / Cyril Scott. Scott, Cyril, 1879-1970 [Browse] [London, England] : Novello & Company, [1939]copyright 1939 Musical score Online Music Online: Classical Scores Library, Volume 3 Bookmark