1. Het boek de Prediker / vertaald en verklaard door G. Ch. Aalders. Aalders, G. Charles (Gerhard Charles), 1880- [Browse] Kampen : J. H. Kok, 1948. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » 391 C733 Bookmark
2. De Prediker / opnieuw uit de grondtekst vertaald en verklaard door G. Ch. Aalders. Aalders, G. Charles (Gerhard Charles), 1880- [Browse] Kampen : J.H. Kok, 1958. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » 332 K85v Bookmark
3. פניני אביר יעקב : מגילת קהלת / יעקב אביחצירא. Penine Abir Yaʻaḳov : Megilat Ḳohelet : leḳeṭ... / Yaʻaḳov Abiḥatsera ;... ʻal yede ... Shimʻon beha-Gri Abiḥatsera. Abi-Ḥasira, Jacob ben Masoud, 1808-1880 [Browse] Yerushalayim : Makhon le-hotsaʼat sefarim she-ʻal yad Yeshivat Ner Yitsḥaḳ, 767, 2007.ירושלים : ישיבת נר יצחק, תשס״ז. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » Heb 40401.773 Bookmark
4. Eclesiastés ; Cantar de los Cantares / Pedro Raúl Anaya Luengo, Carlos Granados García. Anaya Luengo, Pedro Raúl [Browse] Madrid : Biblioteca de Autores Cristianos, 2019.©2019 Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » ReCAP 21-6979 Bookmark
5. Ecclésiaste. Qohéleth. Traduction et commentaire... Barucq, André [Browse] Paris, Beauchesne, 1968. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » 455.6 B295ec Bookmark
6. The dust of the world : a commentary on the Book of Ecclesiastes / by Abraham Belais. Belais, Abraham [Browse] [London] : Printed for and to be had of the Author ... at the English and Foreign Press, 1850. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » 893.1BC B412 Bookmark
7. An exposition of the Book of Ecclesiastes. Bridges, Charles, 1794-1869 [Browse] [London] Banner of Truth Trust, 1960. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » 455.6 B851e Bookmark
8. Commentarius in Ecclesiasten : in usum juventutis academicae. / scripsit D. Burger, Jr. Burger, D. (Dionijs), 1820-1891 [Browse] Drusiburgi : Schattenkerk ; Lipsiae : Weigel, 1854. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » 893.1BC B91 Bookmark
9. Les livres de Salomon (Proverbes, Ecclésiaste, Cantique des cantiques) 1555 / Sébastien Castellion ; édités, introduits et annotés par Nicole Gueunier et Max Engammare. Castellion, Sébastien, 1515-1563 [Browse] Genève : Droz, 2008. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » BS1464.F8 C388 2008 Bookmark
10. A briefe exposition with practicall observations upon the whole book of Ecclesiastes [microform]. Published by Anthony Tuckney. Cotton, John, 1584-1652 [Browse] London, T.C. for R. Smith, 1654. Book, Microform ReCAP - Remote Storage » *ZK-10 Bookmark
11. A briefe exposition with practicall observations upon the whole book of Ecclesiastes. Published by Anthony Tuckney. Cotton, John, 1584-1652 [Browse] London, Printed by T. C. for R. Smith, 1654. Book Loading...Special Collections - Rare Books » 2015-1012N Bookmark
12. Qohelet : un commento / Paolo De Benedetti ; a cura di Gabriella Caramore. De Benedetti, Paolo [Browse] Brescia : Morcelliana, 2004. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » BS1585.3 .D4 2004 Bookmark
13. Meditations on Ecclesiastes [sound recording] / Norman Dello Joio. Symphony no. 1 / Frank Wigglesworth Dello Joio, Norman, 1913-2008 [Browse] New York, N.Y. : Composers Recordings, [1957] Audio Loading...Mendel Music Library - Remote Storage (ReCAP) » A-200 C110 LP Bookmark
14. Ecclesiastes : or, The confessions of an adventurous soul : a practical application of the book of Koheleth called "Ecclesiastes" / by Minos Devine. Devine, Minos, 1871-1937 [Browse] London : Macmillan, 1916. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » *YLP (Devine, M. Ecclesiastes) Bookmark
15. Kommentar zum Ecclesiastes (Tura-Papyrus) / Didymos der Blinde ; in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Ägyptischen Museum zu Kairo unter Mitwirkung von Ludwig Koenen hrsg. und übers. von Gerhard Binder und Leo Liesenborghs. Didymus, the Blind, approximately 313-approximately 398 [Browse] Bonn : Habelt, 1969- Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » BS1475 .D539 1969 Bookmark
16. Ecclesiaste, a cura di Lorenzo Di Fonzo. Di Fonzo, Lorenzo [Browse] [Torino] Marietti [1967] Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » 332 S123bi Bookmark
17. La raison d'être : méditation sur l'Ecclésiaste / Jacques Ellul. Ellul, Jacques, 1912-1994 [Browse] Paris : Editions du Seuil, 1987. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » BS1475.2 .E45 1987g Bookmark
18. The faces of Israel; a photographic commentary on the words of Koheleth [by] Roman Freulich and Joan Abramson. Freulich, Roman [Browse] New York, T. Yoseloff [1972] Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » DS108.5 .F69 Bookmark
19. Song of songs and Ecclesiastes : sex and sophistry in the Old Testament : a new English translation / T. Givon. Givón, Talmy, 1936- [Browse] Amsterdam ; Philadelphia : John Benjamins Publishing Company, 2019. Book Online Ebook Central Perpetual, DDA and Subscription Titles Bookmark
20. Koheleth, the man and his world. Gordis, Robert, 1908-1992 [Browse] New York, Published for the Jewish Theological Seminary of America by Bloch Pub. Co. [1962, c1955] Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » Bi 1099.45.6 Bookmark
21. Koheleth, the man and his world. Gordis, Robert, 1908-1992 [Browse] New York : Jewish Theological Seminary of America, 1951. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » 223.8 XG65 Bookmark
22. Koheleth, the man and his world. Gordis, Robert, 1908-1992 [Browse] New York : Jewish Theological Seminary of America, 1951. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » DM78 G66 Bookmark
23. Koheleth, the man and his world : a study of Ecclesiastes / Robert Gordis. Gordis, Robert, 1908-1992 [Browse] New York : Schocken Books, [1968] Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » BS1475.3 .G6 1968 Bookmark
24. Koheleth, the man and his world / by Robert Gordis. Gordis, Robert, 1908-1992 [Browse] New York : Published for the Jewish Theological Seminary of America by Bloch Publishing Company, 1955. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » BS1475.3 .G6 1955 Bookmark
25. חשבונו של קהלת / זלי גורביץ׳. Ḥeshbono shel Ḳohelet / Zali Gurevits'. Gurevits', Zali, 1949- [Browse]גורביץ׳, זלי, 1949- [Browse] Tel-Aviv : Bavel, [2008], ©2008.תל-אביב : בבל, c2008. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » BS1475.52 .G87 2008g Bookmark
26. Perush Ḳohelet : tsurat ha-ʻolam. Ibn Latif, Isaac ben Abraham, approximately 1220-approximately 1290 [Browse] [Jerusalem] : [Maḳor], [1969 or 1970] Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » BS1475 .I2 1969 Bookmark
27. Rubáiyát of Solomon, and other poems. By Amanda T. Jones. Jones, Amanda Theodocia, 1835-1914 [Browse] New York, Alden brothers, 1905. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » NBI (Jones, A. T. Rubaiyat of Solomon) Bookmark
28. תחת השמש : פירוש למגילת קהלת בעקבות פירושו של רבי משה דוד וואלי תלמיד הרמח"ל / הרב אליעזר קשתיאל. Taḥat ha-shemesh : perush li-Megilat Ḳohelet be-ʻiḳvot perusho shel Rabi Mosheh Daṿid Ṿali talmid ha-Ramḥal / ha-Rav Eliʻezer Ḳashtiʼel. Ḳashtiʼel, Eliʻezer [Browse]קשתיאל, אליעזר [Browse] [Israel] : Ḳorʼim Navon, Elul 779 [2019][ישראל] : קוראים נבון, אלול תשע"ט [2019] Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » BS1475.53 K37 2019 Bookmark
29. The early glossed Ecclesiastes : a critical edition with introduction / Jennifer Lynn Kostoff-Kaard. Kostoff-Kaard, Jennifer Lynn [Browse] Toronto, Ontario : Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, [2021] Book Loading...Firestone Library - Stacks » BS1475.52 .K67 2021 Bookmark
30. Kohelet : a modern commentary on Ecclesiastes / by Leonard S. Kravitz and Kerry M. Olitzky. Kravitz, Leonard S. [Browse] New York : UAHC Press, 2003. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » BS1475.53 .K73 2003 Bookmark
31. Das Buch der Weisheit: Prediger und Sprüche, übers. und ausgelegt von Helmut Lamparter. Lamparter, Helmut, 1912- [Browse] Stuttgart, Calwer Verlag, 1959, c1955. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » 391 B749de Bookmark
32. Ist der Mensch hilflos? : zum Buch Kohelet / Bernhard Lang. Lang, Bernhard, 1946- [Browse] Zürich [etc.] : Benziger, cop. 1979. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » BX880 .T446 no.53 Bookmark
33. Das heilige Schriftwerk Kohelet im Lichte der Geschichte / vorgelegt von David Leimdörfer. Leimdörfer, D. (David), 1851-1923 [Browse] Erlangen : [publisher not identified], 1891. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » 893.1BC Z82 Bookmark
34. Декамерон переводчика / Эрнст Левин. Dekameron perevodchika / Ėrnst Levin. Levin, Ėrnst [Browse]Левин, Эрнст [Browse] Moskva : Vrem︠i︡a, 2008.Москва : Время, 2008. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » ReCAP 09-22566 Bookmark
35. L'Ecclésiaste a vécu la vie : un commentaire pour la communauté chrétienne / Walter Lüthi ; traduction de Daniel Hatt. Lüthi, Walter, 1901-1982 [Browse] Genève : Éditions Labor et Fides, [1952] Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » 610.2 L948.4pf Bookmark
36. Hevel havalim (Sefer Ḳohelet) / Ṿiliʼam Maḳ Donald. MacDonald, William [Browse] Yerushalayim : Yants, 1980. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » Heb 40650.206 Bookmark
37. Prediger Salomo : Weisheit inmitten der Globalisierung : deutsche Fassung mit Zwischentiteln und einem Einstieg / Kurt Marti. Marti, Kurt [Browse] Stuttgart : Radius, c2002. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » JFD 02-16014 Bookmark
38. Sinfonia cantata, op. 88 : [Paroles de l'Ecclésiaste] / Marcel Mihalovici ; traduction de Roger Vieillard. Mihalovici, Marcel, 1898-1985 [Browse] Paris : Heugel, 1965. Musical score ReCAP - Remote Storage » M88.6 M588 Si6 Bookmark
39. ספר ברית הלוי : קהלת :פירוש עמוק ומקיף על שלושת ספרי שלמה קהלת, משלי, ושיר השירים / מאת לוי סעדיה נחמני. Sefer Berit ha-Leṿi : Ḳohelet :perush ʻamoḳ u-maḳif ʻal sheloshet sifre Shelomoh: Ḳohelet, Mishle, ṿe-Shir ha-shirimerush / me-et Leṿi Seʻadyah Naḥmani. Naḥmani, Leṿi Seʻadyah, 1921-1995 [Browse]נחמני, לוי סעדיה [Browse] Yerushalayim : Mekhon "Maḥashevet ha-Leṿi", 760 [2000]ירושלים : מכון "מחשבת הלוי", 760 [2000] Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » *PDV (Ecclesiastes) 05-5686 Bookmark
40. Ḳohelet : be-masaʻ min ha-malkhut el ha-ḥokhmah / Rut Paz. Paz, Rut [Browse] Raʻananah [Israel] : Hotsaʼat Naśi, [1998] Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » BS1475.3 .P39 1998g Bookmark
41. ספר כתר תורה / לרבנו פינחס ב"ר יהודה, המגיד מפאלאצק. ונלוה אליו ספר ראש הגבעה וספר קהלת ע"פ דרך החיים / למחבר הנ"ל ; נדפסו מחדש ע"פ דפוסים ראשונים בהשוואה לדפוסים נוספים וכתבי יד, בצירוף ציוני מקורות, הערות והשוואות מאת דוד קמנצקי. Sefer Keter Torah / le-Rabenu Pinḥas b.R. Yehudah, ha-Magid mi-Polotsḳ. Ṿe-nilṿeh elaṿ Sefer Rosh ha-givʻah ṿe-Sefer Ḳohelet ʻi. p. Derekh ha-ḥayim la-meḥaber ha-nal ; nidpesu me-hadash ʻa.p. defusim rishonim be-hashṿaʼah li-defusim nosafim ṿe-khitve yad, be-tseruf tsiyune meḳorot, heʻarot ṿe-hashṿaʼot me-et Daṿid Ḳamenetsḳi. Pinḥas ben Yehudah, ha-Magid mi-Polotsḳ, 1746 or 1747-1823 [Browse]פנחס בן יהודה, 1746 or 1747-1823 [Browse] Yerushalayim : Mekhon 'Pirḳe Eliʻezer', 775 [2015]ירושלים : מכון 'פרקי אליעזר', תשע"ה [2015] Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » BM45 .P496 2015g Bookmark
42. קהלת Ḳohelet : the Hebrew text, and a Latin version of the book of Solomon, called Ecclesiastes : with original notes, philological and exegetical, and a translation of the commentary of Mendlessohn from the rabbinic Hebrew : also a newly arranged English version of Ecclesiastes, with introductory analyses of the sections, to which is prefixed a preliminary dissertation / by Theodore Preston. Preston, Theodore [Browse] London : John W. Parker ; Cambridge : J. & J.J. Deighton, 1845. Book On-site accessReCAP - Remote Storage » *PDW (Ecclesiastes) (Bible. O.T. Ecclesiastes. Polyglot. 1845) Bookmark
43. Solomons recantation, entituled Ecclesiastes, paraphrased : vvith a soliloquie or meditation upon every chapter, very seasonable and usefull for these times / by Francis Quarles ; opus posthumum, never before imprinted ; with a short relation of his life and death ... Quarles, Francis, 1592-1644 [Browse] London : Printed by M.F. for Richard Royston ... , 1645. Book Loading...Special Collections - Rare Books » PR3652 .S64 Bookmark
44. Zekher tsadiḳ : le-zekher...Yaḥya [ben] Avraham Radaʻi... / nilḳaṭ...ʻal yede Shalom Radaʻi. Radaʻi, Shalom [Browse] Jerusalem : [publisher not identified], 727 [1967] Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » BM755.R22 R3 Bookmark
45. Kniga Ėkkleziasta : v poiskakh smysla zhizni / M.I. Rizhskiĭ. Rizhskiĭ, M. I., 1911-2000 [Browse] Novosibirsk : "Nauka," Sibirskai︠a︡ izd. firma RAN, 1995. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » BS1474.R82 R49 1995g Bookmark
46. Koheleth I : (Ecclesiastes I) / for voice and piano by Mordecai Sandberg. Sandberg, Mordecai, 1897-1973 [Browse] New York : Yibneh Edition, 1941. Musical score ReCAP - Remote Storage » 78.1 Sa56 K Bookmark
47. ספר שרח שאהין : על מגלת אסתר / אחד מיסודי מולאנא שאהין. Sefer Sharḥ Shahin : ʻal Megilat Ester / Mulana Shahin ; hu asher yasad ṿe-ḥiber ṿe-tirgem et kol ha-Torah umi-ḳetsat meha-Neviʼim u-Khetuvim bi-śefat Paras ha-ʻiḳarit ba-ḥaruzim be-mishḳal u-tenuʻah ṿe-yated, belulah be-maʼamre u-ferushe Razal ʻa. h. ; ṿeha-sefer ha-zeh hayah bi-khetivat yad ṿe-anokhi Shimʻon Ḥakham nitʻorarti le-galot ha-or ha-tsafun ha-zeh le-haviʼo el makhbesh ha-defus le-hafitso ba-ʻam ; ṿe-ʻod tserafti la-zeh ḥibur ḥadash asher anokhi ḥibarti ṿe-ḳarati shemo Purim naʼamah, et asher asafti ṿe-ḳibatsti et kol ha-derushim ha-nimtsaʼim ʻal ha-megilah ha-zot be-midreshe Razal, ṿe-katavtim bi-śefat Parsi hamoni le-toʻelet ḳehal ʻadatenu anshe Bukhara. Sefer Ḳohelet / she-amar Daṿid ha-melekh ; ʻim perush ha-milot be-lashon Parsi, me-et Raḥamim Ḥakham u-banim Yedidyah [ṿe-]Benayahu Ḥakham. Shahin, of Shiraz, active 14th century [Browse] Ḳiryat Malʼakhi : R. Khodidtof, [1979?][קרית מלאכי : קנית הספר אצל ר. כודידתוף, 1979?] Book Loading...Firestone Library - Near East Collections » BS1361.3 .H5182 Bookmark
48. Das Buch Prediger (Kohelet) Strobel, Albert, 1910- [Browse] Düsseldorf, Patmos-Verlag [1967] Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » 455.6 S919bu Bookmark
49. Song of Ecclesiastes : for baritone and piano / Michael Torke. Torke, Michael [Browse] [Place of publication not identified] : Adjustable Music, 2009, ©2008. Musical score ReCAP - Remote Storage » 78.1 T632 So5 Bookmark
50. Song of Ecclesiastes : for baritone and piano / Michael Torke. Torke, Michael [Browse] [S.l.] : Adjustable Music, 2009, c2008. Musical score ReCAP - Remote Storage » JNG 11-131 Bookmark