1. Dawat-ul-Quran = The Quranic message : some verses from the Holy Quran, with interpretation / by Fazluddin (Ajmeri) ; translation by S. Mohammed Iqbal. Ajmeri, Fazluddin [Browse] New Delhi : Taj Company, 1982. Book Loading...Forrestal Annex - A » BP130.4 .F39 Bookmark
2. Aḥkām Islām = Ăkhkăm Islam : ḣăr mȯkăllăf băndănen︠g︡ bashyn tȯshă torgan Islam khȯkemnăren jămigʺ achyk tatar telendă i︠a︡zylgan ber măjmugadyr / Ăkhmăt Fazyl Ăkhmăt K̆arim ugly. Ăkhmăt Fazyl Ăkhmăt K̆arim ugly [Browse] Ufa : Mărʹi︠a︡m Soltanova isemendăge mădrăsă, 2002. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » VOLG 01094 Bookmark
3. Happiness without death : desert hymns / Assad Ali ; translated by Camille Adams Helminski, Kabir Helminski, Ibrahim Al-Shihabi ; including an interpretation of thirty chapters of the holy Qurʼan by Kabir Helminski. Ali, Asad [Browse] Brattleboro, Vt. : Threshold Books, [1991], ©1991. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » PJ7812.A8 A24 1991 Bookmark
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6. Rangkaian tjerita dalam al-Qurʼan. Arifin, Bey [Browse] Bandung : Almaʼarif, [kata pengantar 1963] Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » Indo 677 Bookmark
7. al-Fuṣūl fī ḥayāt al-Rasū l"ṣ" / iʻdād Ḥajar ʻĀṣī. ʻĀṣī, Ḥajar [Browse] Bayrūt : Dār al-Fikr al-Lubn̄anī, 1991. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » BP75.2 .A274 1991 Bookmark
8. Mahomet et le Coran : précédé d'une introduction sur les devoirs mutuels de la philosophie et de la religion / par J. Barthélemy Saint-Hilaire. Barthélemy Saint-Hilaire, J. (Jules), 1805-1895 [Browse] Paris : Didier, 1865. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » Asia 101.3.2 Bookmark
9. Faz̤āʼil-i sādāt : muntakhabī az āyāt-i Qurʼān-i Karīm : rivāyāt-i aʼimmah-i maʻṣūmīn (ʻa) va ḥikāyāt / taʼlīf-i Maḥmūd Daftariyān. Daftariyān, Maḥmūd [Browse] Iṣfahān : Kānūn-i Pizhūhish, 1373 [1994] Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » BP130.4 .D347 1994 Bookmark
10. Tefsirê sureyanê kilman / İbrahim Dağılma. Dağılma, İbrahim [Browse] Vezneciler, İstanbul : Banga Heq, 2020. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » BP130.4 .D275 2020 Bookmark
11. Zan dar Qurān : sarguz̲asht-i jamʻī az zanān-i khvub va bad kih dar Qurān-i Majīd āmadah ast / ʻAlī Davānī. Davānī, ʻAlī [Browse] [Qom?] : Daftar-i Intishārāt-i Islāmī (vābastah bi-Jāmiʻah-i Mudarrisīn-i Ḥawzah-i ʻIlmīyah-i Qum), 1371 [1992] Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » BP73 .D383 1992 Bookmark
12. Zan dar Qurān : sarguz̲asht-i jamʻī az zanān-i khvub va bad kih dar Qurān-i Majīd āmadah ast / ʻAlī Davānī. Davānī, ʻAlī [Browse] Qum : ʻA. Davānī, [1982?] Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » BP73 .D383 1982 Bookmark
13. Introduction to the Qurʻan / A. Rahman I. Doi. Doi, A. Rahman I. [Browse] Dunton Green, Sevenoaks, Kent : Arewa Books, 1981. Book Loading...Forrestal Annex - A » BP130 .D64 Bookmark
14. La morale du Koran. : Étude comparée de la morale théorique du Koran, suivie d'une classification de versets choisis, formant le code complet de la morale pratique. Draz, M. A. [Browse] Paris : Presses universitaires de France, 1951. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » 893.7K84 DD43 Bookmark
15. Islamic critique of Sufism : a study of Rabi'ā, Hujwiri and Sirhindi / Obaidullah Fahad. Falāhī, ʻUbaidullāh Fahd [Browse] New Delhi : Jnanada Prakashan : Assisted by Text Book Promotion Society of India, 2014. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » BP189 .F26 2014 Bookmark
16. Schriften zum Islam von Arethas und Euthymios Zigabenos und Fragmente der griechischen Koranübersetzung / griechisch-deutsche Textausgabe von Karl Förstel. Förstel, Karl [Browse] Wiesbaden : Harrassowitz, 2009. Book Online JSTOR DDA Bookmark
17. Ăstaidil izdăngüchilăr üchün / Nikola Yaqub Ghabril. Ghabrīl, Niqūlā Yaʻqūb [Browse] [Ürümqi? : s.n., between 1996 and 2006]. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage Bookmark
18. Love in the holy Qurʼan / Ghazi bin Muhammad bin Talal ; foreword by Seyyed Hossein Nasr. Ghazi bin Muhammad, Prince of Jordan [Browse] Chicago, Ill. : Kazi Publications, [2011], c2010. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » BP134.L67 I2713 2011 Bookmark
19. Love in the Holy Qur'an / HRH Prince Ghazi bin Muḥammad. Ghazi bin Muhammad, Prince of Jordan [Browse] Cambridge, U.K. : The Islamic Texts Society, 2019. Book Loading...Firestone Library - Stacks » BP134.L67 I2713 2019 Bookmark
20. Love in the Holy Qur'an / HRH Prince Ghāzī bin Muḥammad ; foreword by Seyyed Hossein Nasr. Ghazi bin Muhammad, Prince of Jordan [Browse] Cambridge : Islamic Texts Society, 2013. Book Loading...Firestone Library - Stacks » BP134.L67 I2713 2013 Bookmark