1. National bank support of United War Work Campaign fund [electronic resource]. United States. Congress. House [Browse] Washington : [s.n.], 1919. Book Online Proquest Congressional Bookmark
2. Authorize national banks to contribute to United War Work Campaign Fund [electronic resource]. United States. Congress. House. Committee on Banking and Currency [Browse] Washington : [s.n.], 1919. Book Online Proquest Congressional Bookmark
3. Public campaign financing and the states : issues, problems, and choices / by Lee Webb with Carlos Lizarralde. Webb, Lee [Browse] Washington, DC : Conference on Alternative State and Local Policies, [between 1982 and 1984] Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » JK1991 .W42x 1982 Bookmark
4. Campaign Contributions. Vol. 2, (Parts 26-46) [electronic resource] : hearings before the United States Senate Committee on Privileges and Elections, Sixty-Second Congress, third session, on Oct. 15, 17, 18, 21, 23-26, Dec. 17, 18, 1912, Jan. 3, 13-17, 23, Feb. 10-12, 18, 25, 1913. United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Privileges and Elections [Browse] Washington : U.S. G.P.O., 1912. Book Online Proquest Congressional Bookmark
5. Campaign Contributions. Vol. 1, (Parts 1-25) [electronic resource] : hearings before the United States Senate Committee on Privileges and Elections, Sixty-Second Congress, second session, on June 14, July 1, 2, 9, 11, 16-18, 20, 22, 25, Aug. 5, 12-14, 23, Sept. 10, 30, Oct. 1-4, 7-11, 14, 1912. United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Privileges and Elections [Browse] Washington : U.S. G.P.O., 1912. Book Online Proquest Congressional Bookmark
6. Campaign financing in the United States : issues and laws / Auguste V. Anschutz (editor). Huntington, N.Y. : Nova Science, c2002. Book Loading...Firestone Library - Stacks » KF4920 .C36 2002 Bookmark
7. Campaign Expenditures. Part 10 [electronic resource] : hearings before the United States House Special Committee To Investigate Campaign Expenditures, Seventy-Eighth Congress, second session, on Oct. 12, 19, 24, 1944. United States. Congress. House. Special Committee to Investigate Campaign Expenditures [Browse] Washington : U.S. G.P.O., 1944. Book Online Proquest Congressional Bookmark
8. Campaign Expenditures. Part 5, American Action, Inc [electronic resource] : hearings before the United States House Special Committee To Investigate Campaign Expenditures, Seventy-Ninth Congress, second session, on Oct. 15, 1946. United States. Congress. House. Special Committee to Investigate Campaign Expenditures [Browse] Washington : U.S. G.P.O., 1946. Book Online Proquest Congressional Bookmark
9. Campaign Expenditures. Part 2, CIO Political Action Committee [electronic resource] : hearings before the United States House Special Committee To Investigate Campaign Expenditures, Seventy-Ninth Congress, second session, on Oct. 14, 1946. United States. Congress. House. Special Committee to Investigate Campaign Expenditures [Browse] Washington : U.S. G.P.O., 1946. Book Online Proquest Congressional Bookmark
10. Campaign Expenditures. Part 3, American Federation of Labor [electronic resource] : hearings before the United States House Special Committee To Investigate Campaign Expenditures, Seventy-Ninth Congress, second session, on Oct. 15, 1946. United States. Congress. House. Special Committee to Investigate Campaign Expenditures [Browse] Washington : U.S. G.P.O., 1946. Book Online Proquest Congressional Bookmark
11. Campaign Expenditures. Part 4, National Association of Manufacturers [electronic resource] : hearings before the United States House Special Committee To Investigate Campaign Expenditures, Seventy-Ninth Congress, second session, on Oct. 15, 1946. United States. Congress. House. Special Committee to Investigate Campaign Expenditures [Browse] Washington : U.S. G.P.O., 1946. Book Online Proquest Congressional Bookmark
12. Campaign Expenditures. Part 6, Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen [electronic resource] : hearings before the United States House Special Committee To Investigate Campaign Expenditures, Seventy-Ninth Congress, second session, on Oct. 16, 1946. United States. Congress. House. Special Committee to Investigate Campaign Expenditures [Browse] Washington : U.S. G.P.O., 1946. Book Online Proquest Congressional Bookmark
13. Campaign Expenditures. Part 1, National Citizens' Political Action Committee [electronic resource] : hearings before the United States House Special Committee To Investigate Campaign Expenditures, Seventy-Ninth Congress, second session, on Oct. 14, 1946. United States. Congress. House. Special Committee to Investigate Campaign Expenditures [Browse] Washington : U.S. G.P.O., 1946. Book Online Proquest Congressional Bookmark
14. Campaign Expenditures. Part 6, America First Party; Gerald L. K. Smith, Witness [electronic resource] : hearings before the United States House Special Committee To Investigate Campaign Expenditures, Seventy-Eighth Congress, second session, on Oct. 3, 1944. United States. Congress. House. Special Committee to Investigate Campaign Expenditures [Browse] Washington : U.S. G.P.O., 1944. Book Online Proquest Congressional Bookmark
15. Campaign Expenditures. Part 7, International Brotherhood of Teamsters, American Federation of Musicians, United Garment Workers, Affiliates of the American Federation of Labor [electronic resource] : hearings before the United States House Special Committee To Investigate Campaign Expenditures, Seventy-Ninth Congress, second session, on Oct. 28, 1946. United States. Congress. House. Special Committee to Investigate Campaign Expenditures [Browse] Washington : U.S. G.P.O., 1946. Book Online Proquest Congressional Bookmark
16. Campaign expenditures. Hearings, Eighty-second Congress, second session, created pursuant to H. Res. 558, December 1-5, 1952. United States. Congress. House. Special Committee to Investigate Campaign Expenditures [Browse] Washington, U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 1952. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » 10886.9223 Bookmark
17. Campaign financing in the United States : issues and laws / August V. Anschutz, editor. New York : Nova Science, [2002], ©2002. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » KF4920 .C36 2002 Bookmark
18. Campaign expenditures. Hearings, Eighty-second Congress, second session, created pursuant to H. Res. 558, December 1-5, 1952. United States. Congress. House. Special Committee to Investigate Campaign Expenditure [Browse] Washington, U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 1952. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » *SBF (United States. Campaign expenditures, Special committee to investigate (House, 82:2). Hearings) Bookmark
19. Campaign Expenditures [electronic resource] : hearings before the United States House Special Committee To Investigate Campaign Expenditures, 1952, Eighty-Second Congress, second session, on Dec. 1-5, 1952. United States. Congress. House. Special Committee To Investigate Campaign Expenditures, 1952 [Browse] Washington : U.S. G.P.O., 1952. Book Online Proquest Congressional Bookmark
20. Campaign Expenditures [electronic resource] : hearings before the United States House Special Committee To Investigate Campaign Expenditures, 1956, Eighty-Fourth Congress, second session, on Dec. 17-19, 1956. United States. Congress. House. Special Committee To Investigate Campaign Expenditures, 1956 [Browse] Washington : U.S. G.P.O., 1956. Book Online Proquest Congressional Bookmark
21. Campaign finance in state legislative elections / Joel A. Thompson, Gary F. Moncrief. Washington, D.C. : Congressional Quarterly Inc., c1998. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » JK1991 .C343 1998 Bookmark
22. Campaign finance [electronic resource] : hearings held before the Subcommittee on Elections of the Committee on House Administration, U.S. House of Representatives, One Hundredth Congress, first session, May 21, June 2, 16, 30, and July 14, 1987, Washington, DC. United States. Congress. House. Committee on House Administration. Subcommittee on Elections [Browse] Washington : U.S. G.P.O., 1987 [i.e. 1988] Book Online Proquest Congressional Bookmark
23. The states of campaign finance reform / Donald A. Gross and Robert K. Goidel. Gross, Donald A. (Donald August), 1950- [Browse] Columbus : Ohio State University Press, c2003. Book Loading...Firestone Library - Stacks » JK1991 .G76 2003 Bookmark
24. The States of Campaign Finance Reform Donald A. Gross and Robert K. Goidel. Gross, Donald A. (Donald August), 1950- [Browse] Columbus : Ohio State University Press, 2003.©2003. Book Online Project MUSE Open Access Books Bookmark
25. Campaign Expenditures. Part 4, Communist Political Association; Earl Browder, Witness [electronic resource] : hearings before the United States House Special Committee To Investigate Campaign Expenditures, Seventy-Eighth Congress, second session, on Sept. 19, 1944. United States. Congress. House. Special Committee to Investigate Campaign Expenditures [Browse] Washington : U.S. G.P.O., 1944. Book Online Proquest Congressional Bookmark
26. Campaign Expenditures. Part 5, Constitutional Educational League, Inc.; Joseph P. Kamp, Witness [electronic resource] : hearings before the United States House Special Committee To Investigate Campaign Expenditures, Seventy-Eighth Congress, second session, on Sept. 20, Oct. 4, 1944. United States. Congress. House. Special Committee to Investigate Campaign Expenditures [Browse] Washington : U.S. G.P.O., 1944. Book Online Proquest Congressional Bookmark
27. Campaign Expenditures. Part 12, American Institute of Public Opinion (Gallup Poll); Dr. George Gallup, Witness [electronic resource] : hearings before the United States House Special Committee To Investigate Campaign Expenditures, Seventy-Eighth Congress, second session, on Dec. 28, 1944. United States. Congress. House. Special Committee to Investigate Campaign Expenditures [Browse] Washington : U.S. G.P.O., 1944. Book Online Proquest Congressional Bookmark
28. Campaign expenditures : hearings before the Committee to Investigate Campaign Expenditures, House of Representatives, 78th congress, 2d session, on H. Res. 551, pt. 1-12; Aug. 28 - Dec. 28, 1944. United States. Congress. House. Special Committee to Investigate Campaign Expenditures [Browse] Washington, D.C. : G.P.O., 1944-1945. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » *SBF (United States. Campaign expenditures, Special committee to investigate (House, 78:2). Hearings)View Record for Full Availability Bookmark
29. Campaign expenditures. Hearings before the Special Committee to Investigate Campaign Expenditures, 1956, House of Representatives, Eighty-fourth Congress, second session, created pursuant to H. Res. 483. December 17, 18, and 19, 1956. United States. Congress. House. Special Committee to Investigate Campaign Expenditures [Browse] Washington : U.S. Govt. Print. Off.; 1957. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » 10886.9223.2 Bookmark
30. Campaign Expenditures. Part 11, American Democratic National Committee; John J. O'Connor, Witness [electronic resource] : hearings before the United States House Special Committee To Investigate Campaign Expenditures, Seventy-Eighth Congress, second session, on Dec. 20, 1944. United States. Congress. House. Special Committee to Investigate Campaign Expenditures [Browse] Washington : U.S. G.P.O., 1944. Book Online Proquest Congressional Bookmark
31. Campaign Expenditures. Part 8, American Democratic National Committee; Gleason L. Archer, Robert E. O'Brian, William J. Goodwin and Others, Witnesses [electronic resource] : hearings before the United States House Special Committee To Investigate Campaign Expenditures, Seventy-Eighth Congress, second session, on Oct. 6, 7, 9, 19, 25, 1944. United States. Congress. House. Special Committee to Investigate Campaign Expenditures [Browse] Washington : U.S. G.P.O., 1944. Book Online Proquest Congressional Bookmark
32. Campaign Expenditures. Part 7, Committee for Constitutional Government; Frank E. Gannett, Edward A. Rumely, Sumner Gerard, and T. R. Ewart, Witnesses [electronic resource] : hearings before the United States House Special Committee To Investigate Campaign Expenditures, Seventy-Eighth Congress, second session, on Sept. 7, 25, Oct. 4, 8, 19, 1944. United States. Congress. House. Special Committee to Investigate Campaign Expenditures [Browse] Washington : U.S. G.P.O., 1944. Book Online Proquest Congressional Bookmark
33. Model State campaign finance law. National Municipal League [Browse] New York, N.Y. : National Municipal League, c1979. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » KF4920.Z95 N38 Bookmark
34. Campaign expenditures. Hearings before the Special Committee to Investigate Campaign Expenditures, 1956, House of Representatives, Eighty-fourth Congress, second session, created pursuant to H. Res. 483. December 17, 18, and 19, 1956. United States. Congress. House. Special Committee to Investigate Campaign Expenditures [Browse] Washington : U.S. Govt. Print. Off.; 1957. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » *SBF (United States. Campaign expenditures, Special committee to investigate (House, 84:2). Hearings) Bookmark
35. Campaign expenditures. Hearings, Seventy-eighth Congress, second session on H. Res. 551. United States. Congress. House. Special Committee to Investigate Campaign Expenditures [Browse] Washington, U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 1944. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » KF27.5 .C3 1944 Bookmark
36. Campaign Expenditures. Part 1 [electronic resource] : hearings before the United States House Special Committee To Investigate Campaign Expenditures, Seventy-Eighth Congress, second session, on Aug. 28, 1944. United States. Congress. House. Special Committee to Investigate Campaign Expenditures [Browse] Washington : U.S. G.P.O., 1944. Book Online Proquest Congressional Bookmark
37. Campaign Expenditures. Part 2, National Association of Manufacturers; Robert M. Gaylord, Witness [electronic resource] : hearings before the United States House Special Committee To Investigate Campaign Expenditures, Seventy-Eighth Congress, second session, on Aug. 31, 1944. United States. Congress. House. Special Committee to Investigate Campaign Expenditures [Browse] Washington : U.S. G.P.O., 1944. Book Online Proquest Congressional Bookmark
38. The states of campaign finance reform / Donald A. Gross and Robert K. Goidel. Gross, Donald A. (Donald August), 1950- [Browse] Columbus : Ohio State University Press, c2003. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » JK1991 .G76 2003 Bookmark
39. Shining a light on state campaign finance : an evaluation of the impact of the National Institute on Money in State Politics / Geoffrey McGovern, Michael D. Greenberg. McGovern, Geoffrey [Browse] Santa Monica, California : RAND Corporation, 2014. Book Bookmark
40. Campaign contributions. Testimony before a subcommittee of the Committee on privileges and elections, United States Senate, Sixty-second Congress, second [third] session, pursuant to S. res. 79 ... [June 14, 1912, to Feb. 25, 1913] United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Privileges and Elections [Browse] Washington, Govt. print. off., 1913. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » 10872.922 Bookmark
41. Campaign Expenditures. Part 3, Union for Democratic Action; James Loeb, Jr., Executive Secretary, Witness [electronic resource] : hearings before the United States House Special Committee To Investigate Campaign Expenditures, Seventy-Eighth Congress, second session, on Sept. 18, 1944. United States. Congress. House. Special Committee to Investigate Campaign Expenditures [Browse] Washington : U.S. G.P.O., 1944. Book Online Proquest Congressional Bookmark
42. United Fund Allocations. New York : United Community Funds and Councils of America. Journal ReCAP - Remote Storage » M-11 2205 Bookmark
43. Presidential Campaign Expenses. Vol. 2, with Index [electronic resource] : hearings before the United States Senate Committee on Privileges and Elections, Subcommittee on S. Res. 357, Sixty-Sixth Congress, second session, on Sept. 2, 7-11, 22-25, Oct. 7, 8, 18, 1920. United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Privileges and Elections [Browse] Washington : U.S. G.P.O., 1920. Book Online Proquest Congressional Bookmark
44. Presidential Campaign Expenses. Vol. 1 [electronic resource] : hearings before the United States Senate Committee on Privileges and Elections, Subcommittee on S. Res. 357, Sixty-Sixth Congress, second session, on May 24-29, June 1-5, July 7-10, Aug. 30, 31, Sept. 1, 1920. United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Privileges and Elections [Browse] Washington : U.S. G.P.O., 1920. Book Online Proquest Congressional Bookmark
45. Campaign Expenditures Committee; report. Ninety-second Congress, second session, pursuant to H. Res. 819 ... United States. Congress. House. Special Committee to Investigate Campaign Expenditures [Browse] Washington, U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 1973. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » JK1991 .A44x Bookmark
46. The Influence of Campaign Contributions in State Legislatures : The Effects of Institutions and Politics / Lynda W. Powell. Powell, Lynda W. [Browse] Ann Arbor : University of Michigan Press, [2012] Book Online ACLS Humanities eBook Bookmark
47. Campaign expenditures. Hearings, Seventy-ninth Congress, second session on H. Res. 645. United States. Congress. House. Special Committee to Investigate Campaign Expenditures [Browse] Washington, U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 1946. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » KF27.5 .C3 1946 Bookmark
48. Campaign Expenditures. Part 9, Congress of Industrial Organizations Political Action Committee and the National Citizens Political Action Committee [electronic resource] : hearings before the United States House Special Committee To Investigate Campaign Expenditures, Seventy-Eighth Congress, second session, on Oct. 7-9, 18, 23-25, Nov. 2, 1944. United States. Congress. House. Special Committee to Investigate Campaign Expenditures [Browse] Washington : U.S. G.P.O., 1944. Book Online Proquest Congressional Bookmark
49. Campaign expenditures. Hearings, Seventy-ninth Congress, second session on H. Res. 645. United States. Congress. House. Special Committee to Investigate Campaign Expenditure [Browse] Washington, U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 1946. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » *SBF (United States. Campaign expenditures, Special committee to investigate (House, 79:2). Hearings) Bookmark
50. Campaign finance [microform] : contributions from gambling interests have increased : report to the Honorable Frank R. Wolf, House of Representatives. United States. General Accounting Office [Browse] Washington, D.C. (P.O. Box 37050, Washington 20013) : U.S. General Accounting Office, [1999] Book, Microform Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage Online Federal Depository Library Program Documents Bookmark
51. Campaign finance reform [electronic resource] : hearings held before the Task Force on Elections of the Committee on House Administration, U.S. House of Representatives, Ninety-eighth Congress, first session, June 9, 16, 21, 23, 1983, Washington, D.C., July 8, 1983, Boston, Mass., August 22, 1983, Sacramento, Calif., August 23, 1983, Seattle, Wash., October 12, 1983, Atlanta, Ga. United States. Congress. House. Committee on House Administration. Task Force on Elections [Browse] Washington : U.S. G.P.O., 1984. Book Online Proquest Congressional Bookmark
52. Campaign finance reform [electronic resource] : hearings held before the Task Force on Campaign Finance Reform of the Committee on House Administration, One Hundred Second Congress, first session, March 11, 1991; St. Paul, MN and Madison, WI. United States. Congress. House. Committee on House Administration. Task Force on Campaign Finance Reform [Browse] Washington : U.S. G.P.O., 1991. Book Online Proquest Congressional Bookmark
53. Campaign money : reform and reality in the States / edited by Herbert E. Alexander. New York : Free Press, c1976. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » JK1991.C35 Bookmark
54. Campaign money : reform and reality in the States / edited by Herbert E. Alexander. New York : Free Press, c1976. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » JLE 77-154 Bookmark
55. Presidential campaign expenses. Hearing[s] before a subcommittee of the Committee on Privileges and Elections, United States Senate, Sixty-sixth Congress, second session, pursuant to S. res. 357, a resolution directing the Committee on Privileges and Elections to investigate the campaign expenses of various presidential candidates in all political parties.... Printed for the use of the Committee on Privileges and Elections. United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Privileges and Elections [Browse] Washington, Govt. print. off., 1921. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » JK1991 .U536 1921 Bookmark
56. Factual campaign information / compiled by the Senate Library under the direction of Francis R. Valeo, Secretary of the Senate. Roger K. Haley, librarian ; printed for the use of the Office of the Secretary of the Senate. United States. Congress. Senate. Library [Browse] Washington : U. S. Govt. Print. Off., 1974. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » JLE 80-1268 Bookmark
57. Campaign finance : what everyone needs to know / Robert E. Mutch. Mutch, Robert E. [Browse] New York, NY : Oxford University Press, [2016]©2016 Book Loading...Firestone Library - Stacks » JK1991 .M884 2016 Bookmark
58. Campaign finance : an illustrated guide / Norman J. Ornstein ; with Jeremy C. Pope. Ornstein, Norman J. [Browse] Washington, D.C. : AEI Press, 1997. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » JK1991 .O67 1997 Bookmark
59. Campaign finance : an illustrated guide / Norman J. Ornstein ; with Jeremy C. Pope. Ornstein, Norman J. [Browse] Washington, D.C. : AEI Press, 1997. Book Bookmark
60. Campaign finances; two views of the political and constitutional implications [by] Howard R. Penniman [and] Ralph K. Winter, Jr. Penniman, Howard R. (Howard Rae), 1916-1995 [Browse] Washington, American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research [1971] Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » JK1991 .P466 1971 Bookmark
61. The State of Campaign Finance Policy : Recent Developments and Issues for Congress. Library of Congress. Congressional Research Service [Browse] Bethesda, Md. : ProQuest, 2021. Book Online Proquest Congressional Bookmark
62. Presidential Campaign Expenditures. Part 4 [electronic resource] : hearings before the United States Senate Special Committee Investigating Presidential Campaign Expenditures, Seventieth Congress, second session, on June 23, Dec. 5, 1928. United States. Congress. Senate. Special Committee Investigating Presidential Campaign Expenditures [Browse] Washington : U.S. G.P.O., 1928. Book Online Proquest Congressional Bookmark
63. Presidential Campaign Expenditures. Part 1 [electronic resource] : hearings before the United States Senate Special Committee Investigating Presidential Campaign Expenditures, Seventieth Congress, first session, on May 7-12, 14-16, 1928. United States. Congress. Senate. Special Committee Investigating Presidential Campaign Expenditures [Browse] Washington : U.S. G.P.O., 1928. Book Online Proquest Congressional Bookmark
64. Presidential Campaign Expenditures. Part 2 [electronic resource] : hearings before the United States Senate Special Committee Investigating Presidential Campaign Expenditures, Seventieth Congress, first session, on May 17, 18, 21-23, 1928. United States. Congress. Senate. Special Committee Investigating Presidential Campaign Expenditures [Browse] Washington : U.S. G.P.O., 1928. Book Online Proquest Congressional Bookmark
65. Presidential Campaign Expenditures. Part 3 [electronic resource] : hearings before the United States Senate Special Committee Investigating Presidential Campaign Expenditures, Seventieth Congress, first session, on May 28, 29, 31, June 1, 2, 4-6, 1928. United States. Congress. Senate. Special Committee Investigating Presidential Campaign Expenditures [Browse] Washington : U.S. G.P.O., 1928. Book Online Proquest Congressional Bookmark
66. Financing presidential campaigns ; report. United States. President's Commission on Campaign Costs [Browse] [Washington] : [U.S. Govt. Print. Off.], 1962. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » 324.73 Un346 Bookmark
67. Disclosure of campaign finances : communication from the chairman, Federal Election Commission ... United States. Federal Election Commission [Browse] Washington: U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 1975. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » US 964.5 Bookmark
68. Legislative party campaign committees in the american states. Gierzynski, Anthony [Browse] [Place of publication not identified] : Univ Pr Of Kentucky, 2014. Book Online JSTOR DDA Bookmark
69. Legislative party campaign committees in the American states / Anthony Gierzynski. Gierzynski, Anthony, 1961- [Browse] Lexington, Ky. : University Press of Kentucky, c1992. Book Loading...Firestone Library - Stacks » JK1991 .G53 1992 Bookmark
70. Legislative party campaign committees in the American states / Anthony Gierzynski. Gierzynski, Anthony, 1961- [Browse] Lexington, Kentucky : The University of Kentucky Press, 1992.©1992 Book Online Ebook Central Perpetual, DDA and Subscription Titles Bookmark
71. The State of Campaign Finance Policy : Recent Developments and Issues for Congress. Library of Congress. Congressional Research Service [Browse] [Washington : U.S. G.P.O.], 2017. Book Online Online Content Bookmark
72. The State of Campaign Finance Policy : Recent Developments and Issues for Congress. Library of Congress. Congressional Research Service [Browse] [Washington : U.S. G.P.O.], 2016. Book Online Online Content Bookmark
73. Legislative party campaign committees in the American states / Anthony Gierzynski. Gierzynski, Anthony, 1961- [Browse] Lexington, Ky. : University Press of Kentucky, c1992. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » JK1991 .G53 1992 Bookmark
74. Model state campaign contributions and expenditures reporting law. National Municipal League [Browse] New York, 1961. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » 7567.8.668.2 Bookmark
75. Presidential campaign expenditures. Hearings before a Special committee investigating presidential campaign expenditures, United States Senate, Seventieth Congress, first session, pursuant to S. Res. 214, a resolution to appoint a special committee to inquire into expenditures of various presidential candidates. United States. Congress. Senate. Special committee investigating presidential campaign expenditures [Browse] Washington, U.S. Govt. print. off., 1928. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » *SBF (United States. Presidential Campaign Expenditures, Special Committee Investigating. Hearings) Bookmark
76. Campaign finance : background, regulation and reform / Thomas P. Kallen, editor. New York : Nova Science Pub., c2009. Book Online Ebook Central Perpetual, DDA and Subscription Titles Bookmark
77. Campaign finance : key policy and constitutional issues / R. Sam Garrett, L. Paign Whitaker. Garrett, R. Sam, 1977- [Browse] [Washington, D.C.] : Congressional Research Service, 2018- Databases Online US Government Documents Bookmark
78. Campaign finance : key policy and constitutional issues / R. Sam Garrett, L. Paign Whitaker. Garrett, R. Sam, 1977- [Browse] [Washington, D.C.] : Congressional Research Service, 2018- Databases Online Marcive GPO Government Documents Bookmark
79. Senatorial Campaign Expenditures. Part 3 [electronic resource] : hearings before the United States Senate Special Committee Investigating Expenditures in Senatorial Primary and General Elections, Sixty-Ninth Congress, first session, on Oct. 18-22, 25, 28, Nov. 22, 1926. United States. Congress. Senate. Special Committee Investigating Expenditures in Senatorial Primary and General Elections [Browse] Washington : U.S. G.P.O., 1926. Book Online Proquest Congressional Bookmark
80. Senatorial Campaign Expenditures. Part 4 [electronic resource] : hearings before the United States Senate Special Committee Investigating Expenditures in Senatorial Primary and General Elections, Sixty-Ninth Congress, first session, on Oct. 30, 31, Nov. 1-4, 6, 8, 1926. United States. Congress. Senate. Special Committee Investigating Expenditures in Senatorial Primary and General Elections [Browse] Washington : U.S. G.P.O., 1926. Book Online Proquest Congressional Bookmark
81. Analysis of federal and state campaign finance law: charts Library of Congress. Congressional Research Service. American Law Division [Browse] [Washington] 1975. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » JLF 79-471 Bookmark
82. Campaign finance reform : proposals impacting broadcasters, cable operators, and satellite providers : hearing before the Subcommittee on Telecommunications and the Internet of the Committee on Energy and Commerce, House of Representatives, One Hundred Seventh Congress, first session, June 20, 2001. United States. Congress. House. Committee on Energy and Commerce. Subcommittee on Telecommunications and the Internet [Browse] Washington : U.S. G.P.O. : For sale by the Supt. of Docs., U.S. G.P.O. [Congressional Sales Office], 2001. Book Bookmark
83. Campaign finances. Hearings, Ninety-first Congress, second session, on H. Res. 1031. United States. Congress. House. Committee on Standards of Official Conduct [Browse] Washington, U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 1971. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » KF27.S7 1970b Bookmark
84. Campaign finances [electronic resource] : hearings, Ninety-first Congress, second session, on H. Res. 1031. United States. Congress. House. Committee on Standards of Official Conduct [Browse] Washington : U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 1971. Book Online Proquest Congressional Bookmark
85. Experience in United Funds. Community Chests and Councils of America [Browse] New York. Journal ReCAP - Remote Storage » M-10 5214 Bookmark
86. Campaign Expenditures Committee [electronic resource] : hearings before the United States House Special Committee To Investigate Campaign Expenditures, 1960, Eighty-Sixth Congress, second session, on Dec. 30, 1960. United States. Congress. House. Special Committee To Investigate Campaign Expenditures, 1960 [Browse] Washington : U.S. G.P.O., 1960. Book Online Proquest Congressional Bookmark
87. The influence of campaign contributions in state legislatures : the effects of institutions and politics / Lynda W. Powell. Powell, Lynda W. [Browse] Ann Arbor : University of Michigan Press, c2012. Book Loading...Firestone Library - Stacks » JK1991 .P68 2012 Bookmark
88. The influence of campaign contributions in state legislatures : the effects of institutions and politics / Lynda W. Powell. Powell, Lynda W. [Browse] Ann Arbor : University of Michigan Press, c2012. Book Online University of Michigan Press Ebook Collection Bookmark
89. The influence of campaign contributions in state legislatures : the effects of institutions and politics / Lynda W. Powell. Powell, Lynda W. [Browse] Ann Arbor : University of Michigan Press, c2012. Book Online Ebook Central Perpetual, DDA and Subscription Titles Bookmark
90. The influence of campaign contributions in state legislatures : the effects of institutions and politics / Lynda W. Powell. Powell, Lynda W. [Browse] Ann Arbor : University of Michigan Press, 2012. Book Online JSTOR DDA Bookmark
91. Campaign finance : defining the problem, proposing the remedy : a report on the 1985 Aspen Institute Conference on Campaign Finance / [edited by] Keith Melville and Mary Komarnicki. New York, N.Y. : Public Agenda Foundation, c1985. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » JK1991 .C34 1985 Bookmark
92. Congressional campaign finances : history, facts, and controversy. Washington, D.C. : Congressional Quarterly, c1992. Book Loading...Firestone Library - Stacks » JK1991 .C658 1992 Bookmark
93. Campaign funds : a bibliography / Mary Vance. Vance, Mary A. [Browse] Monticello, Ill., USA : Vance Bibliographies, [1987] Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » Z7164.R4 V36 1987 Bookmark
94. Congressional campaign finances : history, facts, and controversy. Washington, D.C. : Congressional Quarterly, c1992. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » JK1991 .C658 1992 Bookmark
95. Campaign finance reform : hearings held before the Task Force on Campaign Finance Reform of the Committee on House Administration, House of Representatives, One Hundred Second Congress, first session, May 23, 28, 1991, Washington, DC. United States. Congress. House. Committee on House Administration. Task Force on Campaign Finance Reform [Browse] Book Online HeinOnline U.S. Congressional Documents Library Bookmark
96. Campaign contributions. Testimony before a subcommittee of the Committee on privileges and elections, United States Senate, Sixty-second Congress, second [third] session, pursuant to S. res. 79 ... [June 14, 1912, to Feb. 25, 1913] Washington, Govt. print. off., 1913. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » SEH (United States. Privileges and Elections Committee (Senate). Campaign contributions. 1913)View Record for Full Availability Bookmark
97. 1956 general election campaigns. Report of the Subcommittee on Privileges and Elections together with minority views submitted to the Committee on Rules and Administration pursuant to S. Res. 176, 84th Congress, with tabulations and analyses of contributions and expenditures. United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Rules and Administration [Browse] Washington, U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 1957. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » D-14 4423 Bookmark
98. Senatorial campaign expenditures, 1930 : hearings before a Select committee on senatorial campaign expenditures, United States Senate, Seventy-first Congress, pursuant to S. Res. 215, a resolution authorizing the appointment of a special committee to make investigation into the campaign expenditures of candidates for the United States. United States. Congress. Senate. Special Committee to Investigate Campaign Expenditures [Browse] Washington : U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 1930-31. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » *SBF (United States. Senatorial Campaign Expenditures, Select Committee on (Senate, 71:2). Hearings) Library has: 1 part Bookmark
99. Senatorial campaign expenditures, 1930 : hearings before a Select committee on senatorial campaign expenditures, United States Senate, Seventy-second Congress, pursuant to S. Res. 215 (Seventy-first Congress), a resolution authorizing the appointment of a special committee to make investigation into the campaign expenditures of candidates for the United States. Part 1. Testimony on remedial legislation. United States. Congress. Senate. Special Committee to Investigate Campaign Expenditures [Browse] Washington : U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 1931. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » *SBF (United States. Senatorial Campaign Expenditures, Select Committee on (Senate, 71:2-3). Hearings) Library has: Parts 1-3 Bookmark
100. Campaign Expenditures [electronic resource]. United States. Congress. House [Browse] Washington : [s.n.], 1943. Book Online Proquest Congressional Bookmark