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2. The Psalter : a revised edition of the Scottish Metrical Version of the Psalms with additional Psalms / prepared and published by authority of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland. London ; Edinburgh ; Glasgow ; New York ; Toronto ; Melbourne : Humphrey Milford, [n.d.] Book Online Brill Online E-Books Archives Of The Church In North India: Monograph Collection
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19. The whole booke of Psalmes [electronic resource] / collected into English meter by Thom. Stern., Iohn Hopkins, and others, conferred with the Ebrue with apt notes to sing them withall ; set forth and allowed to be song in all churches, of all the people together before and after morning and euening prayer, as also before & after sermons, and moreouer in priuate houses for their godly solace and comfort, laying apart all vngodly songes and balades, which tend onely to the nourishing of vice, & corrupting of youth. Sternhold, Thomas, d. 1549 [Browse] At London : By Iohn daye, dwelling ouer Aldersgate, [15--] Book Online Early English Books Online
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22. Psalterium ex ma[n]dato victoriosissimi Anglie regis Henrici septimi cum psalmoru[m] virtute feliciter incipit [electronic resource] Catholic Church [Browse] [London̄ : Per Guillielmu[m] Faq[ue]z, Anno d[omi]ni Mdiiij. [1504] Septima Februarij] Book Online Early English Books Online
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27. Quincuplex psalterium : Gallicum, Rhomanum, Hebraicum, vetus, conciliatum : pr[a]eponu[n]tur quae subter adijciuntur : epistola, epilogus disputationis psal. xxx, appendix in psal. xxx, prologi Hieronymi tres, partitio psalmorum triplex, indices psalmorum duo. [Paris : Henri Estienne, 1513]. Book Loading...Special Collections - Graphic Arts Collection » 2004-1145Q
28. Psalterium cum canticis et hymnis. Catholic Church [Browse] [Mainz : Johann Schoeffer, 1516]. Book Loading...Special Collections - William H. Scheide Library » 63.2
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30. Die sieben Busspsalm : mit deutscher Ausslegung nach dem schrifftlichen Synne tzu Christi und Gottes Gnaden, neben seyns selben. ware Erkentniss. grundlich gerichtet. Gedruckt tzu Leyptzek : Durch ... Jacobum Thanner, ... 1520. Book Loading...Special Collections - Rare Books » 3471.2.399 v.2
31. Der hundert vnd achtzehend Psalm nutzlich zu betten fur das wortt gottis tzur hebenn widder den grossen feynd des selben, den Bapst vñ menschen lere / vorteutschet durch D. Martinũ Luther. [Wittenberg : Melchior Lotter d.J., 1521] Book Loading...Special Collections - Rare Books » 1580.152 nos. 7-15
32. Von der Beycht ob die der Bapst macht habe zu gepieten / Doctor Martinus Luther Vuittenberg. Luther, Martin, 1483-1546 [Browse] [Wittenberg : Melchior Lotter d.J., 1521] Book Loading...Special Collections - Rare Books » 3471.2.399 v.4
33. Martini Lutheri Lucubrationes in Psalmum XXI. Deus deus meus &c. : Qui est de passione Christi, Que[m]que autor uere uocat psalmor[u]m omnium principem. In tomo operationum nuper excuso obmissus. Luther, Martin, 1483-1546 [Browse] [Basileae [i.e. Basel] : Apud Adamum Petri, Anno M.D.xxij [1522]] Book Loading...Special Collections - Rare Books » 3471.2.399 v.5
34. Von der Beycht, ob die der Bapst macht habe zuo gebieten / Doctor Martinus Luther. ; Vszleg[u]ng des Psalme[n], Beati immaculati ; Wittenberg, M.D.XXij. iar. Luther, Martin, 1483-1546 [Browse] [Basel : Adam Petri], 1522 jar. Book Loading...Special Collections - Rare Books » 5872.603.1521
35. Eyn Christlicher trostbrieff an die Miltenberger. : Wie sie sich an yhren feynden rechen sollen, aus dem 119. Psalm / Doct. Mart. Luther. Vuittemberg MDXXiiij. Luther, Martin, 1483-1546 [Browse] Vuittemberg [i.e. Wittenberg] : [Gedruckt zuo Wittemberg durch Nickel Schyrlentz], MDXXiiij [1524] Book Loading...Special Collections - Rare Books » 3471.2.399 v.8
36. Der hundert vn[d] siben vn[d] zwaintzigest Psalm ausgelegt, an die Christen zu Rigen in Liffland / Martinus Luther. Wittemberg. Anno. M.D.XXIIII. Luther, Martin, 1483-1546 [Browse] [Augsburg : Silvan Otmar], M.D.XXIIII. [1524] Book Loading...Special Collections - Rare Books » 5228.603.3.1524
37. Dauids Psaltere paa danske wdsat [electronic resource] : aff B. Francisco Wormorbo Carmelita mett nogre føÿe underscheede till the steder som mest giordis behoff ... Vormordsen, Frands, 1491-1551 [Browse] Tryct ÿ Roztock : hooss the Brödere ij S. Michaelis closter, anno ... M. D. xxviii. [1528] Book
38. Appendici hvic inest qvadrvplex Psalterium, uidelicet Hebraeum, & Hebraica veritas, diuo Hieronymo interprete, Graecum, & aeditio ultima Latina autore incerto. Lvgduni, Gryphuis, 1530. Book Loading...Special Collections - Rare Books » 5145.1530q Oversize
39. Der Hundert und eilffte Psalm ausgelegt durch D. Martin Luther. Luther, Martin, 1483-1546 [Browse] Wittemberg (Germany) : Hans Weis, 1530. Book Loading...Special Collections - Rare Books » 3471.2.399 v.11
40. Der LXXXII. Psalm / ausgelegt. Mart. Luther. Wittemberg : Nickel Schirlentz, 1530. Book Loading...Special Collections - Rare Books » 3471.2.399 v.11
41. Psalterium ad decantada in choro officia ecclesiastica accommodatissimum: cu[m] sexpertita letania, hymnis quo[que], ac vigilijs defunctoru[m] vna cu[m] kalendario [et] tabulis ex diuersis orthodoxoru[m] practicis patru[m] collectis: ad simplicium sacerdotu[m] clericoru[mque] instructiosem nuc quidem impressu[m]: et a quoda[m] erudito castigatum et auctu [electronic resource] Catholic Church [Browse] [Antwerp] Venundantur Londonij : [C. Ruremond] apud Iohann renis [i.e Reynes], [1530] Book Online Early English Books Online
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43. The Psalter of Dauid in Englishe purely a[n]d faithfully tra[n]slated aftir the texte of Feline: euery Psalme hauynge his argument before, declarynge brefly thentente [and] substance of the wholl Psalme [electronic resource] [Emprinted at Argentine [i.e. Antwerp] : In the yeare of oure lorde 1530. the. 16. daye of Ianuary by me Francis foxe [i.e. Martin de Keyser, 1530]] Book Online Early English Books Online
44. Davidz psaltere [electronic resource] : Hwilken den Helligand selff giorde gennem Davidz mund Han er alle Christne menniskis rette bog, thi man finder i hannem huorledis man skall tro, tiene och elske Gud aff alt sit hierte, oc blissue salig, ha[n] maa vell kallis en liden Bibell thi det staar i hannem meth faa ord som staar i Bible[n]. Prentet i Andorp : [Willem Vorsterman], Aar effter Gudz byrd MDxxxi [1531] Book
45. Der CXLVII. Psalm Lauda Jerusalem. / Aussgelegt durch D. Mart. Luther. Luther, Martin, 1483-1546 [Browse] Wittemberg [i.e. Wittenberg]: [Gedruckt zu Wittemberg durch Hans weis], M.D.XXXII. [1532] Book Loading...Special Collections - Rare Books » 3471.2.399 v.12
46. Dauids Psalter, diligently and faithfully tra[n]slated by George Ioye, with breif arguments before euery Psalme, declaringe the effecte therof [electronic resource] [Antwerp] : [Maryne Emperowr, 1534] Book Online Early English Books Online
47. Psalmoru[m] omnium: iuxta Hebraicam veritate[m] paraphrastica interpreatio authore Ioanne Campensi: publico: cu[m] nasceretur et absolueret: Louanii Hebraicarum literatu[m] professore. Reuerendissimo domino Ioanni Dantisco Episcopo Culmensi &c. dedicata. Accessit Athanasius ad Marcellinum in librum Psalmorum cannione interprete. Paraphrasis in Concionem Salomonis Ecclesiaste succinctissima: et quantum phrasis Hebraica permittit: ad litera[m] proxime accedens p[er] eude Ioannem Campe[n]sem. [Parisiis, i.e. Paris : Per Franciscum Regnault. Expensis honestissimi viri Thome Bertheleti Londinensis thipographi regni, Anno 1534] Book Loading...Special Collections - William H. Scheide Library » 90.9
48. Psalmoru[m] omnium: iuxta Hebraicam veritate[m] paraphrastica interpreatio authore Ioanne Campensi: publico: cu[m] nasceretur et absolueret: Louanii Hebraicarum literatu[m] professore. Reuerendissimo domino Ioanni Dantisco Episcopo Culmensi &c. dedicata. Accessit Athanasius ad Marcellinum in librum Psalmorum cannione interprete. Paraphrasis in Concionem Salomonis Ecclesiaste succinctissima: et quantum phrasis Hebraica permittit: ad litera[m] proxime accedens p[er] eude Ioannem Campe[n]sem [electronic resource] [Parisiis : Per Franciscum Regnault. Expensis honestissimi viri Thome Bertheleti Londinensis thipographi regni, Anno 1534] Book Online Early English Books Online
49. The Psalter of Dauid in Englyshe, purely and faythfully tra[n]slated after the texte of Felyne: euery Psalme hauynge his argument before, declarynge brefely thentente [and] substance of the hole Psalme [electronic resource] [Printed at London : By Thomas Godfray], [1534?] Book Online Early English Books Online
50. Der XXIII Psalm, Auff ein abend vber Tisch, nach dem Gratias, ausgelegt, / durch D. Mart. Luther. Luther, Martin, 1483-1546 [Browse] Wittemberg [i.e. Wittenberg] : [Gedruckt zu Wittemberg durch Nickel Schirlentz], MDXXXVI [1536] Book Loading...Special Collections - Rare Books » 3471.2.399 v.13
51. Der. xxix. Psalm Davids von der gewalt der stimme Gottes, in den lüfften, : an die hohen regenten, Sampt etlichen schrecklichen vngewittern, so sich in negst vorgangenem Jare inn der Slesien begeben haben, ausgelegt vnd geschrieben, / Durch D. Ambrosium Moibanum Pfarherr zu Breslaw ; Mit einer vorrede D. Martini Luthers. Moibanus, Ambrosius, 1494-1554 [Browse] [Gedruckt zu Wittemberg [i.e. Wittenberg] : durch Hans lufft [sic], M.D.XXXVI [1536]] Book Loading...Special Collections - Rare Books » 5228.647
52. Der CX Psalm Dixit Dominus / gepredigt vnd ausgelegt durch D. Mart. Luther. Wittemberg. 1539. Luther, Martin, 1483-1546 [Browse] Wittemberg [i.e Wittenberg] : [Gedruckt zu Wittemberg durch Nickel Schirlentz], 1539. Book Loading...Special Collections - Rare Books » 3471.2.399 v.14
53. Der. CXXX. Psalm, De profundis clama. / von D. Mar. Luth. in Latinischer sprach ausgelegt, vnd itzt verdeudscht / durch Georg Maior. Wittemberg. M.D.XXXIX. Luther, Martin, 1483-1546 [Browse] Wittemberg [i.e. Wittenberg] : [Hans Lufft], M.D.XXXIX [1539] Book Loading...Special Collections - Rare Books » 3471.2.399 v.14
54. Der LI. Psalm, Miserere mei Deus. / Durch Doct. Mart. Luther jnn Lateinischen sprach ausgelegt, vnd itzund verdeudscht. / durch Georg. Major. Wittemberg. 1539. Luther, Martin, 1483-1546 [Browse] Wittemberg [i.e. Wittenberg] : [Gedruckt zu Wittemberg durch Hans Frischmut], 1539. Book Loading...Special Collections - Rare Books » 3471.2.399 v.14
55. A paraphrasis vpon all the Psalmes of Dauid, made by Iohannes Campensis, reader of the Hebrue lecture in the vniuersite of Louane, and translated out of Latine into Englysshe [electronic resource] [London] : Prynted in the house of Thomas Gybson, 1539. Book Online Early English Books Online
56. Enchiridium Psalmorum : eorundem ex ueritate Hebraica uersionem ac Io. Campensis è regione paraphrasim, sic ut uersus respondeat uersui, complectens : concionem praeterea Salomonis Ecclesiastae per eundem Campensem ex Hebraico [paraphrastikōs] traductam. Lugduni : Seb. Gryphius excudebat, 1540. Book Loading...Special Collections - Rare Books » 5169.1540s
57. The Psalter or boke of Psalmes [electronic resource] : both in Latyn and Englyshe. wyth a kalender, & a table the more eassyer and lyghtlyer to fynde the psalmes contayned therin. [London] : Ricardus grafton excudebat. Cum priuilegio ad imprimendum solum, M.D.xl. [1540] Book Online Early English Books Online
58. Wider Hans Worst / D. Mart. Luther. Luther, Martin, 1483-1546 [Browse] Wittemberg : [Durch Hans Lufft], 1541. Book Loading...Special Collections - Rare Books » 1580.152.445.603.1541
59. Der XXIX. Psalm ausgelegt / durch Doctor Johan Bugenhagen, Pomern. Darinnen auch von der Kinder Tauffe. Jtem von den ungeborn Kindern, vnd von den Kindern die man nicht teuffen kan. Ein Trost / D. Martini Luthers ; den Weibern, welchen es vngerat gegangen ist mit Kinder geberen. Bugenhagen, Johann, 1485-1558 [Browse] [Gedruckt zu Wittemberg [i.e. Wittenberg] : durch Joseph Klug], Anno M.D.XLij. [1542] Book Loading...Special Collections - Rare Books » 3471.2.392
60. Psalmes or prayers taken out of holye scripture. [electronic resource] [Imprinted at London : By Thomas Berthelet], Anno Domini M.D. XLIIII. [1544] Book Online Early English Books Online
61. Psalmi, seu, Precationes ex variis Scripturae locis collectae. [electronic resource]. Londini. : In officina Thomae Bertheleti typis excusum., Anno. M. D.XLIIII. [1544] vicesimo tertio Augusti.. Book Online Early English Books Online
62. Psalmi seu Precationes ex variis Scripturae locis collectae [electronic resource] [Londini : In officina Thomæ Bertheleti regij impressoris typis excusum], Anno. 1544. Book Online Early English Books Online
63. Psalterivm Davidis, ad Sacrosanctae Scriptvrae sensvm, ivxta veritatem hebraicum, in latinam linguam recens conuersum, annotationibus ... vna cum integris in totum Psalterium commentarijs ... illustratum, autore Joanne Bugenhagio ... Franc., Apud C. Egenolphum [1544?] Book Loading...Special Collections - Remote Storage (ReCAP): Rare Books. Special Collections Use Only » 5228.223 Online Online Content
64. The Psalter of Dauid in english truly translated out of Latyn euery psalme hauynge his argument before [electronic resource] : declaryng brefely thinte[n]t [and] substaunce of the whole psalme. Wherevnto is annexed in thende certayne godly prayers thoroweoute the whole yere, co[m]menly called collectes. [London] : [Edwarde Whytchurch], [1544?] Book Online Early English Books Online
65. M. Antonii Flaminii In librum Psalmorum breuis explanatio ad Alexandrum Farnesium, Cardinalem amplissimum [electronic resource]. Flaminio, Marco Antonio, 1498-1550 [Browse] Venetiis, : Apud Aldi filios., MDXLV. [1545] Book Online Online Content
66. Psalmes or prayers taken out of holie Scripture [electronic resource] [London : imprinted by Thomas Berthelet printer to the kings highness], anno Domini M.D.XLV. Book Online Early English Books Online
67. Psalmes or prayers taken out of holye Scripture. [electronic resource]. Londini : [Thomas Berthelet], an. M.D.XLV. [1545] Book Online Early English Books Online
68. An Kurfursten zu Sachsen vnd Landgrauen zu Hessen, D. Mart. Luther, von dem gefangen H. zu Brunswig. Sampt den lxiiii und lxxvi Psalmen, en de hin an Gesetze. Luther, Martin, 1483-1546 [Browse] Wittenberg [Gedruckt durh J. Klug] 1546. Book Loading...Special Collections - Rare Books » 1580.152.329.603.1546
69. Liber Psalmorum Dauidis : annotationes in eosde[m] ex Hebræorum commentariis. Lutetiæ [Paris] : Ex officina Rob. Stephani typographi Regii, 1546. Book Loading...Special Collections - Graphic Arts Collection » 2004-3371N
70. Deuout psalmes and colletes [electronic resource] : gathered and set in suche order, as may be vsed for dayly meditacions. [Imprinted at London : In Flete strete, at the signe of the Sunne, ouer agaynste the Conduyte, by Edwarde Whitchurche, the .v. daye of Nouember, in the yeare of our Lorde. 1547.] Anno. [i.e. 1547] Book Online Early English Books Online
71. Psalmes or prayers taken out of holye scripture. [electronic resource]. Imprinted at London : in Fletestrete by Thomas Berthelet, the seconde of July, the yere of our Lorde., MDXLVIII. [1548] Book Online Early English Books Online
72. The psalter or boke of the Psalmes [electronic resource] : where vnto is added the letany and certayne other deuout prayers. Set forth wyth the Kynges most gracious lycence. [Imprinted at London : By me Roger Car, for Anthoni Smyth dwellyng in Pauls church yarde], Anno Do. M.D.XLVIII. [1548] Mensis Iulij. Book Online Early English Books Online
73. The Psalter or Psalmes of Dauid [electronic resource] : after the tra[n]slacion of the great Bible, poincted as it shalbe song in Churches ... Imprinted in London ... : Bi Richard Grafton printer to his highnes., In the yere of our Lorde M.D.XLVIII [1548].. Book Online Early English Books Online
74. Al such psalmes of Dauid as Thomas Sternehold late grome of [the] kinges Maiesties Robes, didde in his life time draw into English Metre [electronic resource] [Imprinted at London] : Newly emprinted by Edwarde Whitchurche, [the .xxiiii. daye of December. Anno Dom. 1549] Book Online Early English Books Online
75. Certayne psalmes chose[n] out of the Psalter of Dauid, and drawe[n] into Englishe metre by Thomas Sternhold grome of ye kynges Maiesties roobes [electronic resource] Excudebat Londini : [By N. Hill for]Edouardus VVhitchurche, [1549?] Book Online Early English Books Online
76. Certayne psalmes chosen out of the psalter of Dauid, commonlye called the .vii. penytentiall psalmes, drawen into englyshe meter by Sir Thomas Wyat knyght, wherunto is added a prolage of [the] auctore before euery psalme, very pleasau[n]t [and] profettable to the godly reader [electronic resource] Imprinted at London : In Paules Churchyarde, at the sygne of thee Starre, By Thomas Raynald. and [i.e. for] Iohn Harryngton, [M.D.XLIX. the last day of December] [1549] Book Online Early English Books Online
77. Certayne Psalmes [electronic resource] / chosen out of the psalter of Dauid & drawen into English metre by Thomas Sternhold ... Sternhold, Thomas, d. 1549 [Browse] [London] : Excudebat Londini Edouardus VVhitchurche, [1549?] Book Online Early English Books Online
78. Psalterium Graece et Latine in studiosorum gratiam diligentissime excusum. Basileae : Per Nicolaum Brylingerum, 1549. Book Loading...Special Collections - Remote Storage (ReCAP): Rare Books. Special Collections Use Only » BS1425 .G7 1549s
79. The Psalter of Dauid [electronic resource] : newely translated into Englysh metre in such sort that it maye the more decently, and wyth more delyte of the mynde, be reade and songe of al men. Wherunto is added a note of four partes, wyth other thynges, as shall appeare in the epistle to the readar. [London] : Translated and imprinted by [R. Grafton and S. Mierdman for] Robert Crowley in the yere of our Lorde. M.D.xlix. the xx. daye of September. And are to be solde in Eley rentes in Holburne. Cum priuilegio ad impremendum solum, [1549] Book Online Early English Books Online
80. The Psalter, or boke of the Psalmes [electronic resource] : wherunto are added certayne other deuout prayers taken oute of the Byble. Set forth wyth the Kinges moste gracious lycence. Printed and truely corrected, after the fyrst copye of Iames Nycolson. Imprinted at Loudon[sic] : [T. Raynald for] Iohn Whyte [i.e. Wight?], [1549?] Book Online Early English Books Online
81. The Psalter, or booke of the Psalmes [electronic resource] : wher vnto are added certayne other deuoute praiers takẽ out of the Byble. First Prynted in south warke [London] : by James Nicolson [i.e. Cutbere Mathew for J. Waley], [ca. 1549] Book
82. The psalter or psalmes of Dauid after the tra[n]slacion of the great Byble, poynted as it shall be sayed or song in churches [electronic resource] [Imprinted at London : By Hvmfrey Powell, dwellyng a little aboue Holburne conduite, for Edwarde Whitechurche], An. D. 1549. Book Online Early English Books Online
83. The psalter or psalmes of Dauid after the translation of the great Bible, perfectly pointed as it shall be songe in churches [electronic resource] : with a table shewing what psalmes be appointed for euery day in the yeare. Cum Privilegio ad imprimeniume solum.[worceter : J. Oswen], Anno Do. M. D. XLIX. Mense Septembris [1549] Book Online Early English Books Online
84. The psalter or psalmes of Dauid, corrected and poyneted, as thei shalbe song in churches after the translacion of the greate Bible [electronic resource] : Hereunto is added, diuerse thynges as maie appere on the next side, here is expressed the contentes of this boke. [London] : [Imprinted by Richard Grafton, printer to the Kynges Maiestie], A[nn]o. Domini. M.D. XLIX.[1549] Mense Augustii. Book Online Early English Books Online
85. The Psalter or Psalmes of Dauid [electronic resource] : corrected & poynted, as they shalbe song in churches after the translacion of the great Byble : hereunto is added diuerse thinges as maye appere on the nextside, where is expressed the contentes of this booke. [London] : Prynted at London in Fletestrete at the sygne of the Sunne by Edwarde Whitechurch, 1549. Book Online Early English Books Online
86. Certayne psalmes chosen out of the psalter of Dauid, and drawen furth into Englysh meter by William Hunnis seruant to the ryght honorable syr Wyllyam Harberde knight newly collected [and] imprinted [electronic resource] [Imprynted at London : In Aldersgate strete by the wydowe of Ihon Herforde, for Ihon Harrington, the yeare of our lorde. M.D. and L] [1550] Book Online Early English Books Online
87. Deuout psalmes and collectes [electronic resource] : gathered and set in suche order, as may be vsed for dayly meditacions. [Imprinted at London : In flete strete at the sygne of the sunne, by Edward Whitchurche, [1550?]] Book Online Early English Books Online
88. [Deuout psalmes and colletes, gathered and set in suche order, as may be vsed for dayly meditacions] [electronic resource] Imprinted at London in flete strete at the sygne of ye sonne ouer against the conduit : by Edward whitchurch,, the .xii day of Aprill. Anno Domini. 1550. Book Online Early English Books Online
89. D. Martini Luthers auslegung, vber den 129. Psalm Verdeutscht ... Auch desselbigen, etliche Trostbrieff, an betrübte Personen. Magdeburgk, M. Lotther, 1550. Book Loading...Special Collections - Rare Books » 3471.2.399 v.15Loading...Special Collections - Rare Books » 5621.603.1550
90. The psalter or psalmes of Dauid after the translacion of the greate Bible, poynted as it shall be sayd or songe in churches [electronic resource] Prynted at Cantorbury : In sainct Paules paryshe by Iohn Mychell, M.D.L. [1550] Book Online Early English Books Online
91. [Al such psalmes of Dauid as T. Sternehold didde in his life time draw into English metre] [electronic resource]. Sternhold, Thomas, d. 1549 [Browse] Imprinted at London : In Fletestrete, in the house of Thomas Berthelet., [1551] Book Online Early English Books Online
92. [Al such psalmes of Dauid as T. Sternehold didde in his life time draw into English metre] [electronic resource]. Sternhold, Thomas, d. 1549 [Browse] Imprinted at London : In Flete Strete at the Signe of the Sunne ouer against the conduit, by Edwarde Whitchurche, The xxii day of June, anno dom 1551. Book Online Early English Books Online
93. Psalmes of Dauid drawen into English metre [electronic resource] / by Thomas Sterneholde.. Sternhold, Thomas, d. 1549 [Browse] Imprinted at London : by Edward Whitch[u]rche., [A]NNODOMINI. 1551.. Book Online Early English Books Online
94. All suche psalmes of Dauid as Thomas Sterneholde, late grome of the Kynges Maiesties robes, did in his lyfe tyme drawe into Englishe metre. [electronic resource]. Sternhold, Thomas, d. 1549 [Browse] Jmprinted at London : by Jhon Kyngston, and Henry Sutton, dwellyng in Poules Churche-yarde., 1553.. Book Online Early English Books Online
95. All suche Psalmes of Dauid, as Thomas Sternholde, late grome of the Kinges Maiesties robes, did in his life tyme drawe into English metre. [electronic resource].. Sternhold, Thomas, d. 1549 [Browse] Jmprinted at London : by Jhon Kyngston, and Henry Sutton, dwellyng in Poules Churcheyarde., 1553. Book Online Early English Books Online
96. All suche Psalmes of Dauid as Thomas Sternhold late grome of y[e] Kynges Maiesties robes, did in his lyfe tyme draw into English metre. [electronic resource] Sternhold, Thomas, d. 1549 [Browse] Imprinted at London in Flete strete at the signe of the sunne ouer against the conduite : by Edward Whitchurche,, the xviii. day of Marche. Anno Do. Book Online Early English Books Online
97. Al such Psalmes of Dauid, as Thomas Sternhold, late grome of the kinges maiesties robes did in his lyfe time drawe into english meter [electronic resource] [London : Edward Whitchurche, 1553?] Book Online Early English Books Online
98. The boke of co[m]mon prayer, & administracio[n] of the sacramentes, and other rytes, & ceremonies in the Church of Englande. [electronic resource]. Church of England [Browse] [London : Edward Whitchurch], MDLIII. [1553] Book Online Early English Books Online
99. Certayne Psalmes Select Out Of the Psalter Of Dauid, and Drawen Into Englyshe Metre, Wyth Notes To Euery Psalme In IIIJ. Parts To Synge, By F. S. F. S. (Francis Segar), active 1549-1563 [Browse] London : Imprinted ... by VVyllyam Seres [etc.], 1553. Book
100. Psalmes of Dauid in metre [electronic resource] Sternhold, Thomas, d. 1549 [Browse] [Wesel? : H. Singleton?, 1555] Book Online Early English Books Online