1. [كتاب السياسة في تدبير الرياسة]. [Kitāb al-Siyāsah fī tadbīr al-riyāsah]. [Andalusia?], A.H. 797 (1394) Manuscript, Book Online Online Content Bookmark
2. سر الاسرار. Sirr al-asrār. [Mosul?, Iraq, between 1193 and 1211] Manuscript, Book Online Online Content Bookmark
3. Das aller edlest vn[d] bewertest Regiment der gesundtheit : auch von allen verporgnen künsten unnd Künigklichen Regimenten Aristotelis, das er dem grossmechtige[n] Künig Alexandro zů geschriben hat / auss arabischer Sprach durch Mayster Philipsen, dem Bischoff von Valentia ... ; in das latein verwandelt Nachmals auss dem latein in das Teutsch gebracht bey Doctor Johann Lorchner zů Spalt ... nach seinem Tod geschriben gefunde[n] zů Auffenthaltung vnd Fristung in Gesundheit menschlichem Leben zů Gůt ; durch Johann Besolt in Truck verordnet. Gedruckt zů Augspurg : Durch Heynrich Stayner, am 28 decembris des MDXXX jars [28 Dec. 1530] Book Loading...Special Collections - Rare Books » N-004630 Bookmark
4. Sirr al-asrār. Manuscript, Book Loading...Special Collections - Manuscripts » Islamic Manuscripts, Garrett no. 1235Y Bookmark
5. Secreta secretorum ... [microform]. Lyon : Blanchard, 1528. Book, Microform Loading...Firestone Library - Remote Storage (ReCAP): Firestone Library Use Only » MICROFILM 10584 roll 206 Bookmark
6. Le gouuernement des rois et princes terriens. Le liure de bonnes meurs / [Jacques Legrand]. [France], [between 1425 and 1450] Manuscript, Book Loading...Special Collections - Manuscripts » Garrett MS. 130 Bookmark
7. De regimine principum, a poem, by Thomas Occleve, written in the reign of Henry IV. Ed. for the first time, by Thomas Wright. Printed for the Roxburghe club. Hoccleve, Thomas, 1370?-1450? [Browse] London, J.B. Nichols and sons, 1860. Book Loading...Special Collections - Rare Books Oversize » 3784.9.328 Bookmark
8. The secrete of secretes [electronic resource] : containing the most excellent and learned instructions of Aristotle the prince of philosophers: vvhich he sent to the Emperour, King Alexander: very necessarye and profitable for all maner of estates and degrees. VVith some instructions in the ende of this booke, touching the iudgement of phisognomie. Imprinted at London : By VV. VVilliamson for Anthony Kitson, dwelling in Paules Churchyard at the signe of the sunne, 1572. Book Online Early English Books Online Bookmark
9. Secreto de los secretos ; Poridat de las poridades : versiones castellanas del Pseudo-Aristóteles Secretum secretorum / estudio y edición de Hugo O. Bizzarri. Valencia : Publicacions de la Universitat de València, [2010]©2010 Book Online Digitalia Hispanica Bookmark
10. كتاب السياسة في تدبير الرياسة. Kitap üs-siyase fi tedbir ir-riyase. [1815 or 1816] Manuscript, Book Loading...Special Collections - Manuscripts » Islamic Manuscripts, New Series no. 1669 Bookmark