1. Die fünfzig ältesten Suren des Korans. Hamburg : [publisher not identified], 1890. Book Online Early Arabic Printed Books Bookmark
2. The morality of the East : extracted from the Koran of Mohammed. London : [publisher not identified], 1766. Book Online Early Arabic Printed Books Bookmark
3. Fides et Leges Mohammædis exhibitæ ex Alkorani manuscripto duplici, præmissis institutionibus arabicis. Altdorfi : [publisher not identified], 1646. Book Online Early Arabic Printed Books Bookmark
4. Prima tredecim partium Alcorani. [Amsterdam] : [publisher not identified], [1646] Book Online Early Arabic Printed Books Bookmark
5. Chrestomathia Qorani Arabica. Lipsiae : [publisher not identified], 1893. Book Online Early Arabic Printed Books Bookmark
6. Corani caput primum et secundi versus priores. Lipsiae : [publisher not identified], 1768. Book Online Early Arabic Printed Books Bookmark
7. M. F. Beckii specimen Arabicum, hoc est, bina capitula Alcorani, xxx. de Roma & xliix. de Victoria Arabice descripta, Latine versa, et notis locupletata. Augustae Vindelicorum : [publisher not identified], 1688. Book Online Early Arabic Printed Books Bookmark
8. Proeve eener Makassaarsche vertaling des Korans. Amsterdam : [publisher not identified], [1856] Book Online Early Arabic Printed Books Bookmark
9. Selections from the Ḳur-án. London : [publisher not identified], 1843. Book Online Early Arabic Printed Books Bookmark
10. The speeches and table-talk of the Prophet Mohammad. Edinburgh : [publishernot identified], 1882. Book Online Early Arabic Printed Books Bookmark