1. Ge-sar sgrung yig dang ʼbrel baʼi gtam seng chen nyi ma ʼdren paʼi skya rengs dang po / Blo-gros-rgya-mtshos brtsams. Blo-gros-rgya-mtsho [Browse] Lhasa : Bod-ljongs mi dmangs dpe skrun khang, 1994. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » PL3748.G4 B56 1994 Bookmark
2. 格萨尔大王狮龙宮殿 / 旦白尼玛著 ; 降边嘉措, 陈连超译. Gesaer da wang shi long gong dian / Danbainima zhu ; Jiangbianjiacuo, Chen Lianchao yi. Bstan-paʼi-ñi-ma, Sprul-sku, 1930- [Browse] Beijing : Min zu chu ban she, 1997.北京 : 民族出版社, 1997. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » NA1546.T5 B78125 1997 Bookmark
3. ʼDzam gliṅ Seṅ chen Nor bu ḋgra ʼdul gyi rnam thar las Dmyal gliṅ rdzogs pa chen po : the Dmyal gliṅ episode of the Gesar epic recounting the conquest of the realm of the dwellers of Hell / written by ʼDan Bla-ma Chos-kyi-dbaṅ-phyug and concealed in the ʼGu-log country for subsequent revelation by Gliṅ-tshaṅ Drag-rtsal-rdo-rje. Chos-kyi-dbaṅ-phyug, ʼDan Bla-ma. [Browse] Dehra Dun, U. P. : D. G. Khochen Tulku, [1977] Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » PL3748.C47 D9 1977 Bookmark
4. Gliṅ rje Ge sar rgyal poʼi mdzad sgruṅs las Dmyal baʼi leʼu : an episode from the Gesar epic cycle recounting the King of Ling's conquest of hell / written by ʼDan Bla-ma Chos-kyi-dbaṅ-phuyg ; concealed as a gter-ma in hte Mgo -log country and rediscovered by Gliṅ-tshaṅ Gter-ston Drag-rtsal-rdo-rje. Chos-kyi-dbaṅ-phyug, ʼDan Bla-ma. [Browse] [Delhi : s. n.] ; New Thobgyal, H. P. : distributor, Tibetan Bonpo Monastic Centre, 1973. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » *OZ+ 81-1132 Bookmark
5. Gliṅ rje Ge sar rgyal poʼi mdzad sgruṅs las Dmyal baʼi leʼu : an episode from the Gesar epic cycle recounting the King of Ling's conquest of hell / written by ʼDan Bla-ma Chos-kyi-dbaṅ-phyug, concealed as a gter-ma in the Mgo-log country, and rediscovered by Gliṅ-tshan Gter-ston Drag-rtsal-rdo-rje. Chos-kyi-dbaṅ-phyug, ʼDan Bla-ma. [Browse] New Thobgyal : Distributor, Tibetan Bonpo Monastic Center, 1973. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » PL3748.C47 D9 1973 Bookmark
6. ʼDzam gliṅ Ge-sar ʼphrul gyi rgyal poʼi rtogs brjod las : Phyi gliṅ ʼJar gliṅ rgyal khaṃs btul baʼi gʹyul ʼgyed Dpaʼ bo sniṅ gi dgaʼ ston ṅo mtshar gtam gyi leʼu daṅ ʼbrel baʼi dril rdzoṅ daṅ go rdzoṅ gtsor gyur paʼi gʹyaṅ gter gyi sgo mo phyes paʼi gtam ṅo mtshar dgos ʼbyuṅ bsam ʼphel nor buʼi mdzod khaṅ bźugs so / [Dharma-ma-ti[s] sbyar]. Don-brgyud-ñi-ma, Khams-sprul VIII, 1931-1979 [Browse] [Ḍāl-hor] : [publisher not identified], [1965] Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » PL3748 .D6 1965 Bookmark
7. ʼDzam gliṅ Ge sar rgyal pos śar phyogs U yan rgyal khams cham la phab ciṅ dṅul gʼyaṅ sogs nor gter sna tshogs bźes paʼi rtogs brjod ; an account of Gesar's conquest of the Kingdom of U-yan and acquisition of the treasures and wealth of the defeated / by the Eighth Khams-sprul Don-brgyud-ñi-ma. Don-brgyud-ñi-ma, Khams-sprul VIII, 1931-1979 [Browse] Palampur, H.P. : Sungrab Nyamso Gyunphel Parkhang, Tibetan Craft Community, 1973-74, [v. 1, 1974] Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » PL3748.D6 U2 1973View Record for Full Availability Bookmark
8. ʼDzam gliṅ Ge-sar ʼphrul gyi rgyal poʼi rtogs brjod las. Don-brgyud-nyi-ma, Khams-sprul VIII, 1931-1980 [Browse] [Ṫāl-hor, 1965] Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » *OZ+ 79-2984 Bookmark
9. ʼDzam gliṅ Ge-sar ʼphrul gyi rgyal poʼi rtogs brjod las, phyi gliṅ ʼJar gyi rgyal gams btul paʼi gʹyul ʼgyer dbāʼ poʼi sñiṅ gi rgaʼ ston ṅo mtshar gtam gyi leʼu daṅ ʼbrel paʼi drel rdzoṅ gtsor gyur paʼi gyaṅ gter gyi sgo mo phyes paʼi ṅo mtshar dgos dpuṅ bsam ʼphel nor buʼi mdzod khaṅ bźugs so. Don-brgyud-nyi-ma, Khams-sprul VIII, 1931-1980 [Browse] Ka-sbug, Khu nu mthar phyin pas me loṅ par khaṅ du par bskrun źus pa, 1961. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » *OZ+ 79-4562 Bookmark
10. ʼDzam gliṅ Ge sar rgyal pos śar phyogs U yan rgyal khams cham la phab ciṅ dṅul gʼyaṅ sogs nor gter sna tshogs bźes paʼi rtogs brjod; an account of Gesar's conguest of the Kingdom of U-yan and acquisition of the treasures and wealth of the defeated, by the Eighth Khams-sprul Don-brgyud-ñi-ma. Don-brgyud-nyi-ma, Khams-sprul VIII, 1931-1980 [Browse] Palampur, H.P., Sungrab Nyamso Gyunphel Parkhang, Tibetan Craft Community, 1973-74, [v. 1, 1974] Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » *OZ+ 82-32View Record for Full Availability Bookmark