1. 黄金伝說展 = The golden legend / 監修青柳正規 ; 編集飯塚隆, 東京新聞文化事業部. Ōgon densetsu ten = The golden legend / kanshū Aoyagi Masanori ; henshū Iizuka Takashi, Tōkyō Shinbun Bunka Jigyōbu. Tōkyō : Tōkyō Shinbun, 2015.[東京] : 東京新聞, 2015. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » N332.G33 O46 2015 Bookmark
2. The Louvre and the ancient world : Greek, Etruscan, Roman, Egyptian, and Near Eastern antiquities from the Musée du Louvre. Paris : Musée du Louvre ; Atlanta : High Museum of Art, c2007. Book Loading...Marquand Library - Remote Storage: Marquand Use Only » N5336.F8 P35 2007 Bookmark
3. Ars longa, vita brevis : ancient art from the Walter I. Farmer collection / Edna C. Southard, organizing curator and editor ; Glenn Markoe, Ann Capel. Miami University (Oxford, Ohio). Art Museum [Browse] Oxford, Ohio : Miami University Art Museum, c1996. Book Loading...Marquand Library - Remote Storage: Marquand Use Only » N5335.O93 M525 1996 Bookmark
4. 黄金伝說展 = The golden legend / 青柳正規監修; 飯塚隆, 東京新聞文化事業部編集. Ōgon densetsuten = The golden legend / Aoyagi Masanori kanshū; Iizuka Takashi, Tōkyō shinbun bunka jigyōbu henshū. Tōkyō : Tōkyōshinbun, 2015.[東京] : 東京新聞, 2015. Book AvailableReCAP - Remote Storage Bookmark
5. Ars longa, vita brevis : ancient art from the Walter I. Farmer collection / Edna C. Southard, organizing curator and editor ; Glenn Markoe, Ann Capel. Miami University (Oxford, Ohio). Art Museum [Browse] Oxford, Ohio : Miami University Art Museum, c1996. Book AvailableReCAP - Remote Storage Bookmark