1. The zoological exploration of southern Africa, 1650-1790 / by L.C. Rookmaaker. Rookmaaker, L. C. [Browse] Rotterdam ; Brookfield, VT, U.S.A. : A. Balkema, 1989. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » QL21.S6 R66 1989q Oversize Bookmark
2. Mammals of the Cape Province. Cape of Good Hope (South Africa). Department of Nature Conservation [Browse] [Cape Town], the Department, 1966. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » 88862.237.23 Bookmark
3. The zoological exploration of southern Africa, 1650-1790 / by L.C. Rookmaaker. Rookmaaker, L. C. [Browse] Rotterdam ; Brookfield, VT, U.S.A. : A. Balkema, 1989. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » QL21.S6 R66 1989 Bookmark