1. Sonne, Mond und Sterne : eine Reitgarnitur des Kurfürsten Maximilian I. von Bayern / herausgegeben von Priscilla Pfannmüller und Ansgar Reiß. [München] : Allitera Verlag ; Ingolstadt : Bayerisches Armeemuseum, [2022]©2022 Book Loading...Marquand Library - Remote Storage (ReCAP): Marquand Library Use Only » SF309.9 .S66 2022 Bookmark
2. Irish late Iron Age equestrian equipment in its insular and continental context / Rena Maguire. Maguire, Rena [Browse] Oxford : Archaeopress Archaeology, [2021] Book Online JSTOR DDA Bookmark
3. El jinete en la colección MAPA / editor, Felipe Quijada ; textos, Nury González, Felipe Quijada, Cristián Vargas Paillahueque. [Santiago, Chile] : Museo de Arte Popular Americano Tomás Lago, Universidad de Chile, Facultad de Artes, 2021. Book Loading...Marquand Library - Remote Storage (ReCAP): Marquand Library Use Only » NK7134.A1 J56 2021 Bookmark
4. La museruola di Kroton : finimenti equini, aurighi e arte del cavalcare presso gli antichi Greci / a cura di Gregorio Aversa ; prefazione di Massimo Osanna. Soveria Mannelli : Rubbettino, [2021] Book Loading...Firestone Library - Stacks » GT5889.G74 M87 2021 Bookmark
5. 馬の考古学 / 右島和夫監修 ; 青柳泰介 [and 5 others] 編集. Uma no kōkogaku / Migishima Kazuo kanshū ; Aoyagi Taisuke [and 5 others] henshū. Tōkyō : Yūzankaku, 2019.東京 : 雄山閣, 2019. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » DS815 . U63 2019 Bookmark
6. A cavallo del tempo : l'arte di cavalcare dall'antichità al Medioevo / a cura di Lorenza Camin e Fabrizio Paolucci. Livorno : Sillabe ; [Florence] : Firenze Musei, [2018] Book Loading...Marquand Library - Remote Storage (ReCAP): Marquand Library Use Only » N7668.H6 A23 2018 Bookmark
7. Throwing the diamond hitch / by Emily Ursuliak. Ursuliak, Emily, 1988- [Browse] Calgary, Alberta : University of Calgary Press, 2017.©2017 Book Online JSTOR DDA Bookmark
8. Equestrian silver in the River Plate / Javier A. & José M. Eguiguren Molina. Eguiguren Molina, Javier [Browse] Buenos Aires, Argentina : Eguiguren, Arte de Hispanoamérica, [2014]©2014 Book Loading...Marquand Library - Remote Storage (ReCAP): Marquand Library Use Only » NK7131 .E38 2014q Oversize Bookmark
9. Suffering in silence : the saddle-fit link to physical and psychological trauma in horses / Jochen Schleese ; translated by Savine Schleese. Schleese, Jochen [Browse] North Pomfret, Vt. : Trafalgar Square, 2013. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » SF309.9 .S3513 2013 Bookmark
10. Horses & bridles of the American Indians / Mike Cowdrey and Ned & Jody Martin ; contributions by Nakia Williamson-Cloud and Paul Raczka ; paintings by Winfield Coleman ; photography by Ned Martin. Cowdrey, Mike [Browse] Nicasio, Calif. : Hawk Hill Press, 2012. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » E98.H55 C69 2012q Oversize Bookmark
11. Реконструкция конского снаряжения средневековых кочевников Алтая : методика и некоторые результаты. Rekonstrukt͡sii͡a konskogo snari͡azhenii͡a srednevekovykh kochevnikov Altai͡a : metodika i nekotorye rezulʹtaty. Gorbunova, T. G. (Tatʹi︠a︡na Gennadʹevna) [Browse] Barnaul : Azbuka, 2010.Барнаул : Азбука, 2010. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » X35 Bookmark
12. Askeri müze at zırhları koleksiyonu / hazırlayan, Tünay Güçkıran. İstanbul : Askeri Müze ve Kültür Sitesi Komutanlığı, 2009. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » U821.T87 A85 2009 Bookmark
13. American Indian horse masks / Mike Cowdrey and Ned & Jody Martin ; contributions by Winfield Coleman. Cowdrey, Mike [Browse] Nicasio, Calif. : Hawk Hill Press, c2006. Book Loading...Marquand Library - Remote Storage (ReCAP): Marquand Library Use Only » E98.M3 C68 2006q Oversize Bookmark
14. The armored horse in Europe, 1480-1620 / Stuart W. Pyhrr, Donald J. LaRocca, and Dirk H. Breiding. Pyhrr, Stuart W. [Browse] New York : Metropolitan Museum of Art ; New Haven : Yale University Press, c2005. Book Loading...Marquand Library - Remote Storage: Marquand Use Only » U825 .P94 2005 Bookmark
15. Price list of small arms and hand arms, small arms ammunition, personal equipments of soldier (comprising infantry, cavalry, artillery, and band equipments), horse equipments, officers equipments, and miscellaneous articles for use of troop, battery, and company organizations; revised May 20, 1908. United States. Army. Ordnance Department [Browse] [Washington] : GPO, 1908. Book Online Proquest Congressional Bookmark
16. Price list of small arms and hand arms, small arms ammunition, personal equipments of soldier (comprising infantry, cavalry, artillery, and band equipments), horse equipments, officers equipments, and miscellaneous articles for use of troop, battery, and company organizations; revised May 20, 1908 [electronic resource]. United States. Army. Ordnance Department [Browse] [Washington] : GPO, 1908. Book Online Proquest Congressional Bookmark
17. Price list of ordnance and ordnance stores. United States. Army. Ordnance Department [Browse] [Washington] : GPO, 1904. Book Online Proquest Congressional Bookmark
18. Price list of ordnance and ordnance stores [electronic resource]. United States. Army. Ordnance Department [Browse] [Washington] : GPO, 1904. Book Online Proquest Congressional Bookmark
19. Celebrated Eclipe Halter patented January 1st. 1884. Cannot be slipped by any cattle. Manufactured by J.C. Lighthouse Rochester, N.Y. The old five ring was good but the new Eclipse Halter is better. ... E.N. Barney, manufacturer of and (illegible) in light and heavy hand-made harness, whips, cards, combs, saddles, etc. ... Montrose, Pa [electronic resource]. Lighthouse, J. C. [Browse] [Montrose, Pa. : s.n., 1884] Book Online Newsbank America's Historical Imprints Bookmark
20. No more rope to cut off horses manes. Celebrated Eclipe Halter patented January 1st. 1884. Cannot be slipped by any horse. Manufactured by J.C. Lighthouse Rochester, N.Y. The old five ring was good but the new Eclipse Halter is better. ... The largest horse collar and halter manufactory in the world. ... Established 1865. ... [electronic resource] Lighthouse, J. C. [Browse] [Rochester, N.Y. : s.n., 1884] Book Online Newsbank America's Historical Imprints Bookmark