1. Not so easy, lads : wearing the red coat 1786-1797 / Vivien Roworth. Roworth, Vivien [Browse] Warwick : Helion & Company Ltd., 2023.©2023 Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » DA67 .R69 2023 Bookmark
2. Forging the anvil : combat units in the US, British, and German infanteries of World War II / G. Stephen Lauer. Lauer, G. Stephen, 1952- [Browse] Boulder, Colorado : Lynne Rienner Publishers, Inc., 2022.©2022 Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » UD15 .L38 2022 Bookmark
3. Refilling Haig's armies : the replacement of British infantry casualties on the Western Front, 1916-1918 / Alison Hine ; foreword by Professor Peter Simkins, University of Wolverhampton. Hine, Alison [Browse] Warwick, England : Helion & Company Limited, 2018.©2018 Book Loading...Firestone Library - Stacks » D546 .H56 2018 Bookmark
4. Britain's lost regiments / Trevor Royle. Royle, Trevor [Browse] London : Aurum Press Ltd, c2014. Book Loading...Firestone Library - Stacks » UA650 .R69 2014 Bookmark
5. All the king's men : the British soldier from the Restoration to Waterloo / Saul David. David, Saul, 1966- [Browse] London ; New York : Viking, 2012. Book Loading...Firestone Library - Stacks » UA650 .D39 2012 Bookmark
6. Drawing fire : the diary of a Great War soldier and artist / Len Smith. Smith, Len [Browse] London : Collins, 2009. Book Loading...Firestone Library - Stacks » D640.A22 S65 2009 Bookmark
7. Red coat, green machine : continuity in change in the British Army 1700 to 2000 / Charles Kirke. Kirke, Charles [Browse] London ; New York : Continuum, 2009. Book Loading...Firestone Library - Stacks » UA650 .K57 2009 Bookmark
8. For love of regiment : a history of the British infantry / by Charles Messenger. Messenger, Charles, 1941- [Browse] London : L. Cooper, 1994-1996. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » UA650 .M477 1994 Bookmark
9. The British light infantry arm, c. 1790-1815 : its creation, training and operational role / David Gates. Gates, David [Browse] London : B.T. Batsford, 1987. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » UA650 .G37 Bookmark
10. The British infantry, 1660-1945 : the evolution of a fighting force / by Frederick Myatt. Myatt, Frederick [Browse] Poole, Dorset : Blandford Press ; New York, N.Y. : distributed in the United States by Sterling Pub. Co., 1983. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » UA650 .M92 Bookmark
11. Malta and British army infantry regiments / Joseph Bonnici, Michael Cassar. Bonnici, Joseph, 1943- [Browse] [San Gwann, Malta] : BDL, 2009. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » UA650 .B66 2009 Bookmark
12. English and Welsh infantry regiments : an illustrated record of service / by Ray Westlake. Westlake, Ray [Browse] Staplehurst, Kent : Spellmount, 1995. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » UA650 .W47 1995 Bookmark