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2. The fight against food shortages and surpluses : perspectives of a practitioner / John McClintock. McClintock, John [Browse] Wallingford, England ; Boston, Massachusetts : CAB International, [2020]©2020 Book Online Ebook Central Perpetual, DDA and Subscription Titles Bookmark
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7. Assessing the potential impact on poverty of rising cereals prices : the case of Ghana / Quentin Wodon, Clarence Tsimpo, Harold Coulombe. Wodon, Quentin [Browse] [Washington, D.C. : World Bank, 2008] Book Online World Bank E-Library Publications Bookmark
8. Assessing the potential impact on poverty of rising cereals prices : the case of Mali / George Joseph, Quentin Wodon. Joseph, George, 1957- [Browse] [Washington, D.C. : World Bank, 2008] Book Online World Bank E-Library Publications Bookmark
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11. 大国开放中的粮食流通 : 1953-1996年中国粮食价格分析 / 隆国強著 ; 陈锡文主审. Da guo kai fang zhong de liang shi liu tong : 1953-1996 nian Zhongguo liang shi jia ge fen xi / Long Guoqiang zhu ; Chen Xiwen zhu shen. Long, Guoqiang [Browse]隆国強 [Browse] Beijing : Zhongguo fa zhan chu ban she, 1999.北京 : 中国发展出版社, 1999. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » HD9016.C62 L66 Bookmark
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13. 迈向21世纪的中国粮食经济 / 黄季焜, (美) 斯・罗泽尔著. Mai xiang 21 shi ji de Zhongguo liang shi jing ji / Huang Jikun, (Mei) Si Luoze'er zhu. Huang, Jikun [Browse] Beijing Shi : Zhongguo nong ye chu ban she, 1998.北京市 : 中国农业出版社, 1998. Book Loading...East Asian Library » HD9046.C62 H84 1998 Bookmark
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15. Materielle Grundstrukturen im Spätmittelalter und der frühen Neuzeit : Preisentwicklung und Agrarkonjunktur am Nürnberger Getreidemarkt von 1339 bis 1670 / Walter Bauernfeind. Bauernfeind, Walter [Browse] Nürnberg : Stadtarchiv Nürnberg, 1993. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » HD9043.8.N87 B383 1993 Bookmark
16. Überleben in der frühneuzeitlichen Stadt : Annona und Getreideversorgung in Rom, 1563-1797 / von Volker Reinhardt. Reinhardt, Volker [Browse] Tübingen : Niemeyer, 1991. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » HD9015.I82 R44 Bookmark
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18. Grain and feed weekly summary and statistics / United States Department of Agriculture, Marketing and Regulatory Programs, Agricultural Marketing Service, Livestock and Seed Programs, Livestock and Grain Market News. Washington, DC : Livestock and Grain Market News Journal Online options Bookmark
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