1. Temple building and temple cult : architecture and cultic paraphernalia of temples in the Levant (2.-1. mill. B.C.E.) : proceedings of a conference on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the Institute of Biblical Archaeology at the University of Tübingen (28-30 May 2010) / edited by Jens Kamlah in cooperation with Henrike Michelau. Wiesbaden : Harrassowitz Verlag, 2012. Book Loading...Firestone Library - Stacks » DS56 .T43 2012q Oversize Bookmark
2. Krise und Kult : Vorderer Orient und Nordafrika von Aurelian bis Justinian / herausgegeben von Detlev Kreikenbom ... [et al.]. Berlin ; New York : De Gruyter, c2010. Book Loading...Firestone Library - Stacks » DS62.25 .K75 2010 Bookmark
3. Krise und Kult : Vorderer Orient und Nordafrika von Aurelian bis Justinian / herausgegeben von Detlev Kreikenbom ... [et al.]. Berlin ; New York : De Gruyter, 2010.Berlin ; Boston : De Gruyter, [2010]©2010 Book Online options Bookmark
4. Temple building and temple cult : architecture and cultic paraphernalia of temples in the Levant (2.-1. mill. B.C.E.) : proceedings of a conference on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the Institute of Biblical Archaeology at the University of Tübingen (28-30 May 2010) / edited by Jens Kamlah in cooperation with Henrike Michelau. Wiesbaden : Harrassowitz Verlag, 2012. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » DS56 .T36 2012g Bookmark
5. Krise und Kult : Vorderer Orient und Nordafrika von Aurelian bis Justinian / herausgegeben von Detlev Kreikenbom ... [et al.]. Berlin ; New York : De Gruyter, c2010. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » ReCAP 11-14162 Bookmark