1. 竹工芸名品展 : ニューヨークのアビー・コレクション : メトロポリタン美術館所蔵 / 編集大分県立美術館 [and three others] ; 執筆モニカ・ビンチク [and seven others] = Japanese bamboo art from New York : the Abbey collection : gifts to the Metropolitan Museum of Art / edited by Oita Prefectural Art Museum [and three others] ; written by Monika Bincsik [and seven others]. Take kōgei meihinten : Nyū Yōku no Abī korekushon : Metoroporitan Bijutsukan shozō / henshū Ōita Kenritsu Bijutsukan [and three others] ; shippitsu Monika Binchiku [and seven others] = Japanese bamboo art from New York : the Abbey collection : gifts to the Metropolitan Museum of Art / edited by Oita Prefectural Art Museum [and three others] ; written by Monika Bincsik [and seven others]. [Tokyo] : NHK Puromōshon, 2019.[Tokyo] : NHK プロモーション, 2019. Book Loading...Marquand Library - Remote Storage (ReCAP): Marquand Library Use Only » NK3649.35.J3 T35 2019q Oversize Bookmark
2. Fendre l'air : art du bambou au Japon / sous la direction de Stéphane Martin. Paris : Skira, [2018]©2018 Book Loading...Marquand Library - Remote Storage (ReCAP): Marquand Library Use Only » NK3649.55.J3 F46 2018q Oversize Bookmark
3. Masterpieces of Japanese bamboo art. New York, NY : Erik Thomsen Gallery, [2017] Book Loading...Marquand Library - Remote Storage (ReCAP): Marquand Library Use Only » NK3649.35.J3 M37 2017q Oversize Bookmark
4. Masters of bamboo : artistic lineages in the Lloyd Cotsen Japanese Basket Collection / by Melissa M. Rinne, in collaboration iwth Koichiro Okada ; with contritutions by Robert T. Coffland ; photography by Kazuhiro Tsuruta ; illustrations by Tomoyuki Okada = 竹の名匠 : コッツェン・コレクションに見る竹工芸の伝承 / マリサ・リンネ著, 岡田貢市郎共著 ; ロバート・コフランド寄稿 ; 鶴田和博写真 ; 岡田智之イラスト. Masters of bamboo : artistic lineages in the Lloyd Cotsen Japanese Basket Collection / by Melissa M. Rinne, in collaboration iwth Koichiro Okada ; with contritutions by Robert T. Coffland ; photography by Kazuhiro Tsuruta ; illustrations by Tomoyuki Okada = Take no meishō : Kottsen Korekushon ni miru takekōgei no denshō / Marisa Rinne cho, Okada Kōichiro kyōcho ; Robāto Kofurando kikō ; Tsuruta Kazuhiro shashin ; Okada Tomoyuki irasuto. Rinne, Melissa M. [Browse] [San Francisco] : Aisan Art Museum--Chong-Moon Lee Center for Asian Art and Culture, c2007. Book Loading...Marquand Library - Remote Storage (ReCAP): Marquand Library Use Only » NK3649.55.J34 R56 2007 Bookmark
5. Hin : the quiet beauty of Japanese bamboo art / Robert T. Coffland, Donald Doe ; photographs by Daniel Strong. Coffland, Robert T. [Browse] Chicago : Art Media Resources ; Grinnell : Faulconer Gallery ; Santa Fe, NM : TAI Gallery, 2006. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » NK3649.55.J3 C644 2006 Bookmark
6. Bambus im alten Japan : Kunst und Kultur an der Schwelle zur Moderne : die Sammlung Hans Spörry im Völkerkundemuseum der Universität Zürich = Bamboo in old Japan : art and culture on the threshold to modernity : the Hans Spörry collection in the Ethnographic Museum of Zürich University / Martin Brauen ; [object descriptions written by Patrizia Jirka-Schmitz]. Brauen, Martin [Browse] Stuttgart : Arnoldsche, 2003. Book Loading...Marquand Library - Remote Storage: Marquand Use Only » NK3649.35.J3 B73 2003q Oversize Bookmark
7. Selections from the Lutz Bamboo Collection : Denver Art Museum, August 18-September 30, 1979 / by Ronald Y. Otsuka. [Denver] : Denver Art Museum, 1979. Book Loading...Marquand Library - Remote Storage: Marquand Use Only » NB1255 .S4 Bookmark
8. 竹工芸名品展 : ニューヨークのアビー・コレクション : メトロポリタン美術館所蔵 / 編集大分県立美術館 [and three others] ; 執筆モニカ・ビンチク [and seven others] = Japanese bamboo art from New York : the Abbey collection : gifts to the Metropolitan Museum of Art / edited by Oita Prefectural Art Museum [and three others] ; written by Monika Bincsik [and seven others]. Take kōgei meihinten : Nyū Yōku no Abī korekushon : Metoroporitan Bijutsukan shozō / henshū Ōita Kenritsu Bijutsukan [and three others] ; shippitsu Monika Binchiku [and seven others] = Japanese bamboo art from New York : the Abbey collection : gifts to the Metropolitan Museum of Art / edited by Oita Prefectural Art Museum [and three others] ; written by Monika Bincsik [and seven others]. [Tōkyō] : NHK Puromōshon, 2019.[Tōkyō] : NHK プロモーション, 2019. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » NK3649.35.J3 T35 2019 Bookmark
9. Fendre l'air : art du bambou au Japon / sous la direction de Stéphane Martin. Paris : Skira : Musée du Quai Branly-Jacques Chirac, [2018] Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » ReCAP 19-70533 Bookmark
10. Masters of bamboo : artistic lineages in the Lloyd Cotsen Japanese Basket Collection / in collaboration with Koichiro Okada ; with contributions by Robert T. Coffland ; photography by Kazuhiro Tsruta ; illustrations by Tomoyuki Okada. Rinne, Melissa M. [Browse] San Fransisco : Asian Art Museum of San Fransisco, 2007. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage Bookmark
11. 竹工芸の正統 : 飯塚鳳斎・琅玕斎・小玕斎 = Masters of bamboo art : Iizuka Hosai, Rokansai, and Shokansai. Take kōgei no seitō : Iizuka Hōsai, Rōkansai, Shōkansai = Masters of bamboo art : Iizuka Hosai, Rokansai, and Shokansai. Tochigi-ken : Tochigi Kura no Machi Bijutsukan, 2007.栃木県 : とちぎ蔵の街美術館, 2007. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage Bookmark
12. Hin : the quiet beauty of Japanese bamboo art / Robert T. Coffland, Donald Doe ; photographs by Daniel Strong. Coffland, Robert T. [Browse] Chicago : Art Media Resources ; Grinnell : Faulconer Gallery ; Santa Fe, NM : TAI Gallery, 2006. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » NK3649.55.J3 C644 2006g Bookmark
13. Bambus im alten Japan : Kunst und Kultur an der Schwelle zur Moderne : die Sammlung Hans Spörry im Völkerkundemuseum der Universität Zürich = Bamboo in old Japan : art and culture on the threshold to modernity : the Hans Spörry collection in the Ethnographic Museum of Zürich University / Martin Brauen ; [object descriptions written by Patrizia Jirka-Schmitz]. Brauen, Martin [Browse] Stuttgart : Arnoldsche, 2003. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » AK1484 B73 Bookmark