41. The art of Cameroon / by Tamara Northern. Northern, Tamara [Browse] Washington, D.C. : Smithsonian Institution Traveling Exhibition Service, [1984], ©1984. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » N7397 C14 N796 Bookmark
42. Kamerun : die höfische Kunst des Graslandes : aus dem Staatlichen Museum für Völkerkunde Dresden / Einführung und Erläuterungen von Bernd Arnold ; 32 Tafeln von Sieglinde Weidel. Staatliches Museum für Völkerkunde Dresden [Browse] Leipzig : Prisma, c1980. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » MUS.45.16.9 (33) Bookmark
43. Art of Cameroon / by Paul Gebauer ; with a catalog of the Gebauer Collection of Cameroon Art at the Portland Art Museum and the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Gebauer, Paul, 1900-1977 [Browse] Portland, Or. : Portland Art Museum ; New York, N.Y. : Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1979. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » N7397 C14 G256 Bookmark
44. L'art visuel du Grassfield camerounais et sa signification : A, la dénomination / Tala Jean-Marcel. Tala, Jean-Marcel [Browse] Paris : CAPU, 1976. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » FA595.622 Bookmark
45. A guide to Cameroon art : from the Collection of Paul and Clara Gebauer. [Exhibition] Portland Art Museum, October 30 - December 1, 1968. Gebauer, Paul, 1900-1977 [Browse] [Portland, Or.], [1968] Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » N7397 C14 G26 Bookmark
46. Catalogue de l'exposition de la mission au Cameroun de M.H. Labouret ... Paris, Musée [d'ethnographie] du Trocadéro, 9 Mars - 31 Octobre 1935. Paris (France). Musée d'ethnographie [Browse] [Paris, impr. de Vaugirard, 1935] Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » MUS. Bookmark