1. Le musée La Blackitude : arts et traditions préservés / Sa Majesté Fô Nab Ngo Ier Agnès Nana Sunjio. Sunjio, Agnès Nana [Browse] Paris : L'Harmattan, [2013] Book Loading...Firestone Library - Stacks » N7399.C3 S86 2013 Bookmark
2. Art of the Cameroon : selections from the Spelman College collection of African art / curated by Sharon Pruitt ; organized by Donald D. Keyes. Atlanta : Georgia Museum of Art, 1990. Book Loading...Marquand Library - Remote Storage (ReCAP): Marquand Library Use Only » N7399.C3 A77 Bookmark
3. Guide de l'art camerounais du Musée Monastère bénédictin Mont Fébé, Yaoundé : une visite guidée en compagnie du père Omer Bauer / éditée par Nancy W. Edelman ; photographies d'Alain Denis = Guidebook to the art of Cameroon in the Mt. Febe Benedictine Monastery Museum, Yaounde : a tour with Father Omer Bauer / edited by Nancy W. Edelman ; photographs by Alain Denis. Musée Monastère bénédictin Mont Fébé (Yaoundé, Cameroon) [Browse] Yaoundé, Cameroun : Les Bénédictins du Monastère Mont Fébé, [1989], ©1989. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » N1060 C14Y2M9 M97 Bookmark
4. Art of Cameroon / by Paul Gebauer ; with a catalog of the Gebauer Collection of Cameroon Art at the Portland Art Museum and the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Gebauer, Paul, 1900-1977 [Browse] Portland, Or. : Portland Art Museum ; New York, N.Y. : Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1979. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » N7397 C14 G256 Bookmark