Princeton University Library Catalog
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You searched for: Recently added Within 6 months Remove constraint Recently added: Within 6 monthsLimit your search
- In the Library60,437
- Online235,080
- Architecture Library567
- East Asian Library589
- Engineering Library159
- Firestone Library17,618
- Forrestal Annex390
- Harold P. Furth Plasma Physics Library1
- Lewis Library321
- Marquand Library7,123
- Mendel Music Library1,984
- Mudd Manuscript Library32
- ReCAP26,210
- Special Collections5,371
- Stokes Library136
- Technical Services220
- Archival item69
- Audio6,473
- Book244,993
- Data file35
- Databases2,354
- Journal29,301
- Manuscript2,340
- Map2,074
- Microform32
- Musical score1,099
- Video/Projected medium8,434
- Visual material750
Range List
- 1100 to 11997
- 1200 to 129915
- 1300 to 139926
- 1400 to 1499114
- 1500 to 1599401
- 1600 to 16998,079
- 1700 to 179965,723
- 1800 to 189917,557
- 1900 to 199945,943
- 2000 to 2026122,620
- History30,986
- Great Britain11,768
- United States7,622
- Politics and government5,968
- Civil procedure4,927
- Administrative law4,108
- Virginia4,031
- Appellate procedure3,758
- England3,275
- Criminal procedure3,146
- Early works to 180021,342
- Primary sources19,027
- Sources14,730
- Periodicals5,190
- Biography4,162
- Fiction3,379
- Sermons3,071
- Drama2,708
- Poems2,340
- Congresses2,000
- Great Britain11,886
- United States8,264
- Virginia4,070
- England3,659
- France3,178
- Europe3,009
- New York (State)2,862
- Italy2,533
- China2,466
- Ireland2,169
- Within 1 week13,525
- Within 2 weeks19,693
- Within 3 weeks27,451
- Within 1 month34,078
- Within 2 months82,130
- Within 3 months110,559
- Within 6 months [remove]295,618
- No place, unknown, or undetermined53,700
- England48,061
- Maryland13,352
- Ireland8,121
- New York (State)8,105
- United Kingdom8,090
- Germany7,796
- United States7,682
- Scotland6,111
- France4,955
- A - General Works 260
B - Philosophy, Psychology, Religion
- B - Philosophy, Psychology, Religion 940
- BC - Logic 32
- BD - Speculative Philosophy 192
- BF - Psychology 675
- BH - Aesthetics 97
- BJ - Ethics 197
- BL - Religions (General) 466
- BM - Judaism 234
- BP - Islam, Bahaism, Theosophy, etc. 676
- BQ - Buddhism 132
- BR - Christianity 253
- BS - The Bible 247
- BT - Doctrinal Theology 111
- BV - Practical Theology 136
- BX - Christian Denominations 486
- C - Historical Sciences (Archaeology, Genealogy) 489
D - World History
- D - World History 898
- DA - Great Britain (History) 358
- DB - Austria, Liechtenstein, Czech Rep., Hungary, Slovakia (History) 63
- DC - France (History) 343
- DD - Germany (History) 189
- DE - Greco-Roman World (History) 31
- DF - Greece (History) 257
- DG - Italy (History) 538
- DH - Low Countries (History) 23
- DJ - Netherlands (History) 8
- DJK - Eastern Europe (History) 21
- DK - Russia. Former Soviet Republics. Poland (History) 976
- DL - Scandinavia (History) 69
- DP - Spain. Portugal (History) 175
- DQ - Switzerland (History) 35
- DR - Balkan Peninsula (History) 201
- DS - Asia (History) 2,244
- DT - Africa (History) 618
- DU - Oceania (History) 128
- DX - Romanies (History) 12
- E - History of the Americas (General) 839
- F - History of the Americas (Local) 1,342
G - Geography, Anthropology, Recreation
- G - Geography, Anthropology, Recreation 2,093
- GA - Mathematical Geography, Cartography 116
- GB - Physical Geography 304
- GC - Oceanography 118
- GE - Environmental Sciences 166
- GF - Human Ecology, Anthropogeography 76
- GN - Anthropology 363
- GR - Folklore 120
- GT - Manners & Customs 206
- GV - Recreation. Leisure 743
H - Social Sciences
- H - Social Sciences 148
- HA - Statistics 86
- HB - Economic Theory, Demography 451
- HC - Economic History & Conditions 778
- HD - Industries, Land use, Labor 1,666
- HE - Transportation & Communications 215
- HF - Commerce 696
- HG - Finance 357
- HJ - Public Finance 61
- HM - Sociology 509
- HN - Social History & Conditions 364
- HQ - The Family, Marriage, Woman 936
- HS - Societies 35
- HT - Communities, Classes, Races 388
- HV - Social Pathology, Social & Public Welfare, Criminology 1,041
- HX - Socialism, Communism, Anarchism 135
J - Political Science
- J - Political Science 4
- JA - Political Science 166
- JC - Political Theory 409
- JF - Political Institutions 117
- JK - Political Institutions (U.S.) 117
- JL - Political Institutions (Canada, Latin America) 88
- JN - Political Institutions (Europe) 212
- JQ - Political Institutions (Asia, Africa, Australia, Pacific Area) 190
- JS - Local Government 45
- JV - Colonies & Colonization, Emigration & Immigration 230
- JX - International Law 19
- JZ - International Relations 293
K - Law
- K - Law 688
- KB - Religious Law (General) 9
- KBM - Jewish Law 9
- KBP - Islamic Law 145
- KBR - Canon Law 7
- KBU - Law of Roman Catholic Church 3
- KD - Law of England & Wales 66
- KDC - Law of Scotland 1
- KDZ - Law of America, North America 1
- KE - Law of Canada 6
- KF - Law of the U.S. 285
- KG - Law of Latin America, Mexico, Central America, West Indies, Caribbean 8
- KH - South America 1
- KJ - Law of Europe 2
- KJA - Roman Law 15
- KJC - Regional Comparative & Uniform Law 26
- KJE - Regional Organization & Integration 76
- KJK - Law of Belgium, Bosnia & Hercegovina (Republic) 1
- KJT - Law of Finland 1
- KJV - Law of France 26
- KK - Law of Germany 28
- KKE - Law of Greece 12
- KKH - Law of Italy 16
- KKM - Law of the Netherlands 2
- KKN - Law of Norway 4
- KKP - Law of Poland 16
- KKQ - Law of Portugal 3
- KKT - Law of Spain 15
- KKV - Law of Sweden 1
- KKW - Law of Switzerland 2
- KKX - Law of Turkey 2
- KKY - Law of Ukraine 1
- KL - History of Law, The Ancient Orient 2
- KLA - Law of Russia, Soviet Union 13
- KLB - Law of Russia (Federation) 26
- KLM - Law of Moldova 1
- KLP - Law of Ukraine 1
- KMC - Law of the Middle East, Southwest Asia 2
- KMH - Law of Iran 15
- KMK - Law of Israel 110
- KML - Law of Jerusalem 1
- KMM - Law of Jordan 1
- KMP - Law of Lebanon 1
- KMT - Law of Saudi Arabia 1
- KNC - Law of South Asia 3
- KNN - Law of China 5
- KNP - Law of Taiwan 1
- KNS - Law of India 24
- KNW - Law of Indonesia 3
- KNX - Law of Japan 15
- KPA - Law of Korea 6
- KQ - Law of Africa 1
- KU - Law of the Pacific Area, Australia, New Zealand 8
- KZ - Law of Nations 103
L - Education
- L - Education 56
- LA - History of Education 202
- LB - Theory & Practice of Education 459
- LC - Special Aspects of Education 393
- LD - Individual Educational Institutions (U.S.) 21
- LE - Individual Educational Institutions
LF - Individual Educational Institutions
- Europe 51
- LG - Individual Educational Institutions
- LT - Textbooks 1
- M - Music 1,927
N - Fine Arts
- N - Fine Arts 2,273
- NA - Architecture 1,086
- NB - Sculpture 220
- NC - Drawing, Design, Illustration 258
- ND - Painting 957
- NE - Print Media 87
- NK - Decorative Arts 380
- NX - Arts in General 258
P - Language & Literature
- P - Language & Literature 683
- PA - Greek & Latin Language & Literature 536
- PB - Modern Language, Celtic Languages 93
- PC - Romanic Languages 207
- PD - Germanic Languages 13
- PE - English Languages 109
- PF - West Germanic Languages 32
- PG - Slavic, Baltic, Albanian Languages, Russian Language & Literature 1,222
- PH - Uralic & Basque Languages 20
- PJ - Oriental Languages & Literature 1,091
- PK - Indo-Iranian Languages & Literature 230
- PL - Languages & Literatures of Eastern Asia, Africa, Oceania 741
- PM - Hyperborean, Indian & Artificial Languages 74
- PN - Literature (General) 2,477
- PQ - French, Italian, Spanish & Portuguese Literature 3,084
- PR - English Literature 2,518
- PS - American Literature 1,382
- PT - Germanic & Scandinavian Literatures 548
- PZ - Children's Literature 242
Q - Science
- Q - Science 923
- QA - Mathematics 1,953
- QB - Astronomy 287
- QC - Physics 1,014
- QD - Chemistry 360
- QE - Geology 981
- QH - Natural History, Biology 499
- QK - Botany 220
- QL - Zoology 306
- QM - Human Anatomy 85
- QP - Physiology 462
- QR - Microbiology 117
R - Medicine
- R - Medicine 1,286
- RA - Public Aspects of Medicine 1,220
- RB - Pathology 106
- RC - Internal Medicine 1,481
- RD - Surgery 235
- RE - Ophthalmology 33
- RF - Otorhinolaryngology 41
- RG - Gynecology & Obstetrics 168
- RJ - Pediatrics 82
- RK - Dentistry 25
- RL - Dermatology 37
- RM - Therapeutics, Pharmacology 277
- RS - Pharmacy & Materia Medica 130
- RT - Nursing 34
- RX - Homeopathy 5
- RZ - Other Systems of Medicine 20
S - Agriculture
- S - Agriculture 216
- SB - Plant Culture 198
- SD - Forestry 64
- SF - Animal Culture 121
- SH - Aquaculture 56
- SK - Hunting Sports 13
T - Technology
- T - Technology 278
- TA - Engineering, Civil Engineering 1,046
- TC - Hydraulic Engineering 76
- TD - Environmental Technology 294
- TE - Highway Engineering 15
- TF - Railroad Engineering & Operation 34
- TG - Bridge Engineering 20
- TH - Building Construction 101
- TJ - Mechanical Engineering & Machinery 325
- TK - Electrical Engineering, Nuclear Engineering 777
- TL - Motor Vehicles, Aeronautics, Astronautics 164
- TN - Mining Engineering 240
- TP - Chemical Technology 282
- TR - Photography 645
- TS - Manufactures 167
- TT - Handicrafts 85
- TX - Home Economics 170
- U - Military Science 400
- V - Naval Science 198
- Z - Bibliography, Library Science, Information Resources 546