1. Effects of cue reliability on target detection and visual scanning [electronic resource] / Timothy L. White and James A. Davis. White, Timothy L. [Browse] Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD : Army Research Laboratory, [2010] Book Online US Government Documents Bookmark
2. Effects of cue reliability on target detection and visual scanning / Timothy L. White and James A. Davis. White, Timothy L. [Browse] Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD : Army Research Laboratory, [2010] Book Online Marcive GPO Government Documents Bookmark
3. Effects of multimodal displays about threat location on target acquisition and attention to visual and auditory communications / by Monica M. Glumm, Kathy L. Kehring, and Timothy L. White. Glumm, Monica M. [Browse] Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD : Army Research Laboratory, [2007] Book Online Marcive GPO Government Documents Bookmark
4. Effects of multimodal displays about threat location on target acquisition and attention to visual and auditory communications [electronic resource] / by Monica M. Glumm, Kathy L. Kehring, and Timothy L. White. Glumm, Monica M. [Browse] Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD : Army Research Laboratory, [2007] Book Online US Government Documents Bookmark