1. Restitution of decayed intelligence in antiquities, concerning the most noble and renowned English nation microform / by the study and travel of R.V. Verstegan, Richard, approximately 1550-1640 [Browse] London : Printed for Samuel Mearne, John Martyn and Henry Herringman, 1673. Book, Microform Loading...Firestone Library - Microforms Services (Film) » 0419.922 729:17. Bookmark
2. Odes in imitation of the Seaven Penitential Psalmes / Richard Verstegan. Verstegan, Richard, approximately 1550-1640 [Browse] [Ilkley] : Scolar Press, 1970. Book Loading...Firestone Library - Stacks » BX1750.A1 E5 vol.53 Bookmark
3. Our blessed lady's lullaby : carol for SATB (unaccompanied) / words by Richard Verstegan ; music by Bernard Rose. Rose, Bernard, 1916-1996 [Browse] [London, England] : Novello & Company, [1969]copyright 1969 Musical score Online Music Online: Classical Scores Library, Volume 3 Bookmark
4. The letters and despatches of Richard Verstegan (c. 1550-1640) / edited by Anthony G. Petti. Verstegan, Richard, approximately 1550-1640 [Browse] London : Catholic Record Society, 1959. Book Loading...Firestone Library - Stacks » BX1491.A1 C384 v.52 Bookmark
5. Théatre des cruautés des hérétiques au seizième siècle, contenant les cruautés des schismatiques d'Angleterre au temps du roi Henri, huitième du nom, les cruautés horribles exercées contre les catholiques en France par les huguenots, et les barbaries et cruautés perpétrées aux Pays-Bas par les calvinistes gueux. Verstegan, Richard, approximately 1550-1640 [Browse] Lille, Desclée [1883] Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » BL65.P47 V477 1883 Bookmark
6. Théatre des cruautés des hérétiques au seizième siècle : contenant les cruautés des schismatiques d'Angleterre au temps du roi Henri, huitième du nom, les cruautés horribles exercées contre les catholiques en France par les huguenots, et les barbaries et cruautés perpétrées aux Pays-Bas par les calvinistes gueux. Verstegan, Richard, approximately 1550-1640 [Browse] Lille : Desclée, de Brouwer, [1883]. Book Loading...Special Collections - Rare Books » 2010-0425Q Bookmark
7. Restitution of decayed intelligence in antiquities, concerning the most noble and renowned English nation. By the study and travel of R. V. ... Verstegan, Richard, approximately 1550-1640 [Browse] London, Printed for Samuel Mearne, John Martyn and Henry Herringman, 1673. Book Loading...Special Collections - Rare Books » 1430.933.11Loading...Special Collections - Rare Books » 1430.933.11 Bookmark
8. A restitution of decayed intelligence, in antiquities. Concerning the most noble, and renowned English nation. By the study, and travel of R.U. Dedicated unto the Kings most excellent Majesty. Verstegan, Richard, approximately 1550-1640 [Browse] London, Printed by T. Newcomb for Joshua Kirton ... 1655. Book Loading...Special Collections - Rare Books » 1430.933.12 Bookmark
9. A restitution of decayed intelligence, in antiquities microform : concerning the most noble, and renowned English nation / by the study, and travel of R.U., dedicated unto the Kings Most Excellent Majesty. Verstegan, Richard, approximately 1550-1640 [Browse] London : Printed by T. Newcomb for Joshua Kirton ..., 1655. Book, Microform Loading...Firestone Library - Microforms Services (Film) » 0419.922 587:8. Bookmark
10. Restitution of decayed intelligence, in antiquities microform : concerning the most noble, and renowned English nation / by the study, and travel of R.U. Verstegan, Richard, approximately 1550-1640 [Browse] London : Printed by T. Newcomb for Josuah Kirton ..., 1653. Book, Microform Loading...Firestone Library - Microforms Services (Film) » 0419.922 619:6. Bookmark
11. A restitvtion of decayed intelligence : in antiquities : concerning the most noble and renowned English nation / by the studie and trauaile of R.V. Verstegan, Richard, approximately 1550-1640 [Browse] Printed at Antvverp : by Robert Bruney, and to be sold at London in St Paule's Churchyard by Iohn Norton and Iohn Bill, 1605. Book Loading...Special Collections - Cotsen Children's Library » 151739 Eng 18Loading...Special Collections - Rare Books » 1430.933View Record for Full Availability Bookmark
12. Odes In Imitation Of the Seaven Penitential Psalmes, With Sundry Other Poemes and Ditties Tending To Deuotion and Pietie. Verstegan, Richard, approximately 1550-1640 [Browse] Antwerp : [R. Bruney], 1601. Book Online options Bookmark
13. Theatrum crudelitatum haereticorum nostri temporis [microform]. Verstegan, Richard, approximately 1550-1640 [Browse] Antuerpiae : Apud Adrianum Huberti, 1592. Book, Microform Loading...Marquand Library - Microforms Remote Storage: Marquand Use Only » MICROFICHE 5 Online options Bookmark
14. Theatre des cruautez des hereticques de nostre temps; traduit du Latin en François. Verstegan, Richard, approximately 1550-1640 [Browse] Anvers, Hubert, 1588. Book Loading...Special Collections - Rare Books » 5412.933.11 Bookmark
15. Theatrvm Crudelitatum Haereticorum Nostri Temporis. Verstegan, Richard, approximately 1550-1640 [Browse] Antverpiae, Apud Adrianum Huberti, Anno M. D. LXXXVII. Cum Priuilegio. Book Loading...Special Collections - Rare Books » 5412.933 Bookmark
16. The post for diuers partes of the world to trauaile from one notable citie unto another : with a description of the antiquitie of diuers famous cities in Europe ... Verstegan, Richard, approximately 1550-1640 [Browse] Imprinted at London By Thomas East Book Online Gale Making of the Modern World Part 1: Goldsmiths Kress Library of Economic Literature 1450-1850. Bookmark
17. The post for diuers partes of the world : to trauaile from one notable citie unto another : with a description of the antiquitie of diuers famous cities in Europe / published by Richard Rowlands. Verstegan, Richard, approximately 1550-1640 [Browse] Imprinted at London : By Thomas East, 1576. Book Loading...Special Collections - Rare Books » 2007-2491N Bookmark