1. The fountains of Rome / Bruno Brizzi ; translated from Italian by Cynthia Rockwell. Brizzi, Bruno [Browse] Roma : Colombo, c2003. Book Loading...Marquand Library - Remote Storage: Marquand Use Only » NA9415.R7 B7413 2003q Oversize Bookmark
2. The Column of Trajan / Filippo Coarelli ; preface by Paul Zanker ; appendices by Bruno Brizzi, Cinzia Conti, Roberto Meneghini ; translated from the Italian by Cynthia Rockwell. Coarelli, Filippo [Browse] Rome : Editore Colombo : In collaboration with the German Archaeological Institute, c2000. Book Loading...Marquand Library - Remote Storage: Marquand Use Only » NA9340.R8 C6213 2000q Oversize Bookmark
3. International directory of training in conservation of cultural heritage / compiled by Cynthia Rockwell, in collaboration with Kim Dalinka, Christina Georgeff, and Miriam Bianco. Rome, Italy : ICCROM ; Marina del Rey, CA : Getty Conservation Institute, 1994. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » CC135 .I59 1994 Bookmark
4. International index on training in conservation of cultural property / compiled by Cynthia Rockwell in collaboration with Monica Garcia, Gaël de Guichen, and Jane Todd = Répertoire international des institutions donnant une formation pour la conservation des biens culturels / édité par Cynthia Rockwell avec la collaboration de Monica Garcia, Gaël de Guichen, et Jane Todd. Rome, Italy : ICCROM ; Marina del Rey, Calif. : Getty Conservation Institute, 1987. Book Loading...Marquand Library - Remote Storage (ReCAP): Marquand Library Use Only » CC135 .I59 1987 Bookmark
5. International index on training in conservation of cultural property = Répertoire international des institutions donnant une formation pour la conservation des biens culturels / compiled by Cynthia Rockwell in collaboration with Gaël de Guichen and Victoria Richardson. International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and the Restoration of Cultural Property [Browse] Rome : International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property, 1982. Book Loading...Marquand Library - Remote Storage (ReCAP): Marquand Library Use Only » N8560.5 .I17 1982 Bookmark
6. Conservation dans les musées : éclairage = Museum conservation : lighting = Conservazione nei musei : illuminazione / [par Cynthia Rockwell]. Rockwell, Cynthia [Browse] Rome : International Centre for Conservation, 1975. Book Loading...Firestone Library - Stacks » N410 .R62 Bookmark
7. International directory of training in conservation of cultural heritage / compiled by Cynthia Rockwell, in collaboration with Kim Dalinka, Christina Georgeff, and Miriam Bianco. Rome, Italy : ICCROM ; Marina del Rey, CA : Getty Conservation Institute, 1994. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » AA50 In81 Bookmark
8. 5th International Meeting of Experts on the Conservation of Earthen Architecture : Rome, 22-23, X, 1987 / [document preparation, Cynthia Rockwell and others] = 5e réunion internationale d'experts sur la conservation de l'architecture de terre : Rome, 22-23, X, 1987 / [preparation du document, Cynthia Rockwell and others]. International Meeting of Experts on the Conservation of Earthen Architecture (5th : 1987 : Rome, Italy) [Browse] Rome, Italy : ICCROM ; Villefontaine, France : CRATerre, [1988], ©1988. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » AA7180 In75 Bookmark
9. International index on training in conservation of cultural property / compiled by Cynthia Rockwell in collaboration with Monica Garcia, Gaël de Guichen, and Jane Todd = Répertoire international des institutions donnant une formation pour la conservation des biens culturels / édité par Cynthia Rockwell avec la collaboration de Monica Garcia, Gaël de Guichen, et Jane Todd. Rome, Italy : ICCROM ; Marina del Rey, Calif. : Getty Conservation Institute, 1987. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » AA50 In8 Bookmark
11. Répertoire international des institutions donnant une formation pour la conservation des biens culturels = International index on training in conservation of cultural property / édité par Cynthia Rockwell avec la collaboration de Gaël de Guichen et Victoria Richardson ; présentation graphique par Azar Soheil Jokilehto. Rome, Italy : International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and the Restoration of Cultural Property, 1982. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » AA50 R29 Bookmark