1. ミネアポリス美術館日本絵画の名品 / 監修, アンドレアス·マークス ; 編集, 執筆, サントリー美術館 [and four others] = Masterpieces from the Japanese painting collection of the Minneapolis Institute of Art / supervision and curation, Andreas Marks ; editors, authors, Suntory Museum of Art [and four others]. Mineaporisu Bijutsukan Nihon kaiga no meihin / kanshū, Andoreasu Mākusu ; henshū, shippitsu, Santorī Bijutsukan [and four others] = Masterpieces from the Japanese painting collection of the Minneapolis Institute of Art / supervision and curation, Andreas Marks ; editors, authors, Suntory Museum of Art [and four others]. Tōkyō : Yomiuri Shinbunsha, 2021.東京 : 読売新聞社, 2021.©2021-2022 Book Loading...Marquand Library - Remote Storage: Marquand Use Only » ND1052 .M564 2021 Bookmark