1. 岸田劉生 : 実在の神秘, その謎を追う = Ryusei Kishida : search for a secret, mysteries of existence / 岸田劉生[画] ; 企画・編集: ふくやま美術館, 豊橋市美術博物館. Kishida Ryūsei : jitsuzai no shinpi, sono nazo o ou = Ryusei Kishida : search for a secret, mysteries of existence / Kishida Ryūsei [ga] ; kikaku, henshū: Fukuyama Bijutsukan, Toyohashi-shi Bijutsu Hakubutsukan. Kishida, Ryūsei, 1891-1929 [Browse]岸田劉生, 1891-1929 [Browse] Tōkyō : Suiseisha, 2018.東京 : 水声社, 2018. Book Loading...Marquand Library - Remote Storage: Marquand Use Only » ND1059.K5 A4 2018 Bookmark
2. 生誕 120年, 東鄉青児展 = The 120th anniversary of the birth of Seiji Togo : a retrospective of Togo's depiction of women / 編集・構成 東鄉青児記念損保ジャパン日本興亜美術館 ; 編集ふくやま美術館 [and three others] ; 執筆山田俊幸 [and five others]. Seitan 120-nen, Tōgō Seiji ten = The 120th anniversary of the birth of Seiji Togo : a retrospective of Togo's depiction of women / henshū, kōsei Tōgō Seiji Kinen Sonpo Japan Nihon Kōa Bijutsukan ; henshū Fukuyama Bijutsukan [and three others] ; shippitsu Yamada Toshiyuki [and five others]. [Tōkyō] : Sankei Shinbunsha, [2017][東京] : 産経新聞社, [2017]©2017 Book Loading...Marquand Library - Remote Storage (ReCAP): Marquand Library Use Only » ND1059.T64 A4 2017 Bookmark
3. 平櫛田中展 / 平櫛田中作 ; ふくやま美術館, 小平市平櫛田中彫刻美術館, 三重県立美術館編集. Hirakushi denchū ten / Hiragushi Denchū ; Fukuyama bijutsukan, Kodairashi hiragushi denchū chōkoku bijutsukan, Miekenritsu bijutsukan henshū. Hiragushi, Denchū, 1872-1979 [Browse]平櫛田中, 1872-1979 [Browse] [S.l.] : Hirakushi Denchū ten Jikkō Iinkai, 2012.[出版地不明] : 平櫛田中展実行委員会, 2012. Book Loading...Marquand Library - Remote Storage (ReCAP): Marquand Library Use Only » NB1059.H5 A4 2012 Bookmark