1. 岸田劉生 : 実在の神秘, その謎を追う = Ryusei Kishida : search for a secret, mysteries of existence / 岸田劉生[画] ; 企画・編集: ふくやま美術館, 豊橋市美術博物館. Kishida Ryūsei : jitsuzai no shinpi, sono nazo o ou = Ryusei Kishida : search for a secret, mysteries of existence / Kishida Ryūsei [ga] ; kikaku, henshū: Fukuyama Bijutsukan, Toyohashi-shi Bijutsu Hakubutsukan. Kishida, Ryūsei, 1891-1929 [Browse]岸田劉生, 1891-1929 [Browse] Tōkyō : Suiseisha, 2018.東京 : 水声社, 2018. Book Loading...Marquand Library - Remote Storage: Marquand Use Only » ND1059.K5 A4 2018 Bookmark
2. 生誕 120年, 東鄉青児展 = The 120th anniversary of the birth of Seiji Togo : a retrospective of Togo's depiction of women / 編集・構成 東鄉青児記念損保ジャパン日本興亜美術館 ; 編集ふくやま美術館 [and three others] ; 執筆山田俊幸 [and five others]. Seitan 120-nen, Tōgō Seiji ten = The 120th anniversary of the birth of Seiji Togo : a retrospective of Togo's depiction of women / henshū, kōsei Tōgō Seiji Kinen Sonpo Japan Nihon Kōa Bijutsukan ; henshū Fukuyama Bijutsukan [and three others] ; shippitsu Yamada Toshiyuki [and five others]. [Tōkyō] : Sankei Shinbunsha, [2017][東京] : 産経新聞社, [2017]©2017 Book Loading...Marquand Library - Remote Storage (ReCAP): Marquand Library Use Only » ND1059.T64 A4 2017 Bookmark
3. 小磯良平の世界 : 生誕110年 / 編集· 発行神戶市立小磯記念美術館, ふくやま美術館, 郡山市立美術館. Koiso Ryōhei no sekai : seitan 110-nen / henshū, hakkō Kōbe Shiritsu Koiso Kinen Bijutsukan, Fukuyama Bijutsukan, Kōriyama Shiritsu Bijutsukan. Koiso, Ryōhei, 1903-1988 [Browse]小磯良平, 1903-1988 [Browse] [Kōbe-shi] : Kōbe Shiritsu Koiso Kinen Bijutsukan, 2012.[神戶市] : 神戶市立小磯記念美術館, 2012. Book Loading...Marquand Library - Remote Storage: Marquand Use Only » ND1059.K654 A4 2012q Oversize Bookmark
4. クールベと海 : フランス近代自然へのまなざし / 編集ふくやま美術館 [and others] = Courbet and the sea : eyes on nature in the 19th century / edited by Fukuyama Museum of Art [and others] Kūrube to umi : Furansu kindai shizen e no manazashi / henshū Fukuyama Bijutsukan [and others] = Courbet and the sea : eyes on nature in the 19th century / edited by Fukuyama Museum of Art [and others]. Courbet, Gustave, 1819-1877 [Browse] [Fukuyama, Japan] : Fukuyama Bijutsukan, [2020][Fukuyama, Japan] : ふくやま美術館, [2020] Book AvailableReCAP - Remote Storage » ND553.C9 A4 2020g Bookmark
5. イタリアの印象派マッキアイオーリ = Macchiaioli : Italian masters of realism / 監修フランチェスカ・ディーニ ; 執筆フランチェスカ・ディーニ ... [et al.] ; 編集ふくやま美術館, 東京都庭園美術館 Itaria no inshōha Makkiaiōri = Macchiaioli : Italian masters of realism / kanshū Furanchesuca Dīni ; shippitsu Furanchesuka Dīni [and others] ; henshū Fukuyama Bijutsukan, Tōkyō-to Teien Bijutsukan. Dini, Francesca [Browse] [Tokyo, Japan] : Yomiuri Shinbunsha : Bijutsukan Renraku Kyōgikai, 2009.[Tokyo, Japan] : 読売新聞社 : 美術館連絡協議会, 2009 Book AvailableReCAP - Remote Storage » ND617.5.M3 D557 2009g Bookmark
6. フランス 絵画 と 浮世絵 : 東西 文化 の 架け橋 : 林 忠正 の 眼- 展 / [編集 長谷川 洋 ... [et al.]]. Furansu kaiga to ukiyoe : tōzai bunka no kakehashi : Hayashi Tadamasa no me-- ten / [henshū Hasegawa Hiroshi [and others]]. [Tokyo?] : "Furansu Kaiga to Ukiyoe, Tōzai Bunka no Kakehashi, Hayashi Tadamasa no Me-- Ten" Jikkō Iinkai : Bijutsukan Renkaku Kyōgikai : Yomiuri Shinbunsha, [1996], ©1996.[Tokyo?] : "フランス 絵画 と 浮世絵, 東西 文化 の 架け橋, 林 忠正 の 眼 展" 実行 委員会 : 美術館 連絡 協議会 : 読売 新聞社, c1996. Book AvailableReCAP - Remote Storage » ND547.F85 1996 Bookmark
7. モーリス・ユトリロ展 = Maurice Utrillo / [執筆ジャン・ファブリス, ジャクリーヌ・マンク ; 編集谷口事務所]. Mōrisu Yutoriro ten = Maurice Utrillo / [shippitsu Jan Faburisu, Jakurīnu Manku ; henshū Taniguchi Jimusho]. Utrillo, Maurice, 1883-1955 [Browse] [Tokyo] : Taniguchi Jimusho, 1996.[Tokyo] : 谷口事務所, 1996. Book AvailableReCAP - Remote Storage » ND553.U7 A4 1996g Bookmark
8. 吉田博展 : 清新と叙情 : 近代風景画の巨匠 = Hiroshi Yoshida exhibition : refreshingly original and lyrical : a master of modern landscape painting / [編集福岡市美術館]. Yoshida Hiroshi ten : seishin to jojō : kindai fūkeiga no kyoshō = Hiroshi Yoshida exhibition : refreshingly original and lyrical : a master of modern landscape painting / [henshū Fukuoka-shi Bijutsukan]. Yoshida, Hiroshi, 1876-1950 [Browse]吉田博, 1876-1950 [Browse] [Fukuoka-shi] : Fukuoka-shi Bijutsukan, 1996.[Fukuoka-shi] : 福岡市美術館, 1996. Book AvailableReCAP - Remote Storage » ND1059.Y658 A4 1997 Bookmark
9. イタリア・謎と神話 : 1930年・60年・90年の絵画 / [編集ふくやま美術館] = Mistero e mito : momenti della pittura italiana, 1930, 1960, 1990 / [edited by Fukuyama Museum of Art]. Itaria, nazo to shinwa : 1930-nen, 60-nen, 90-nen no kaiga / [henshū Fukuyama Bijutsukan] = Mistero e mito : momenti della pittura italiana, 1930, 1960, 1990 / [edited by Fukuyama Museum of Art]. [Fukuyama-shi] : Fukuyama Bijutsukan, 1994.[Fukuyama-shi] : ふくやま美術館, 1994. Book AvailableReCAP - Remote Storage » ND618 It15 Bookmark
10. デ・キリコ展 : 1920-1950 / [編集デ・キリコ展 1920-1950実行委員会]. De Kiriko ten : 1920-1950 / [henshū De Kiriko Ten 1920-1950 Jikkō Iinkai]. De Chirico, Giorgio, 1888-1978 [Browse] [Japan] : Nihon Adovizā, [1993], ©1993.[Japan] : 日本アドヴィザー, c1993. Book AvailableReCAP - Remote Storage » ND623.C56 A4 1993g Bookmark
11. 近代フランス絵画の華, 19世紀リヨンの栄光 / [編集岐阜県美術館] = La gloire de Lyon : la painture de l'École lyonnaise du XIXe siècle / [rédaction, the Museum of Fine Arts, Gifu]. Kindai Furansu kaiga no hana, 19-seiki Riyon no eikō / [henshū Gifu-ken Bijutsukan] = La gloire de Lyon : la peinture de l'École lyonnaise du XIXe siècle / [rédaction, the Museum of Fine Arts, Gifu]. [Gifu-shi] : Gifu-ken Bijutsukan, [1990], ©1990.[Gifu-shi] : 岐阜県美術館, c1990. Book AvailableReCAP - Remote Storage » ND551.L9 A15 1990 Bookmark