1. ルオー版画展 = Œuvre gravé de Georges Rouault / [編集福島県立美術館, 日本アドヴィザー株式会社]. Ruō Hangaten = Œuvre gravé de Georges Rouault / [henshū Fukushima Kenritsu Bijutsukan, Nihon Adovizā Kabushiki Kaisha]. Rouault, Georges, 1871-1958 [Browse] [Tokyo?] : Nihon Adovizā Kabushiki Kaisha, [1995], ©1995.[Tokyo?] : 日本アドヴィザー株式会社, c1995. Book AvailableReCAP - Remote Storage » ND553 R75 R753966 Bookmark
2. バルビゾン派と日本 / [編集バルビゾン派と日本展実行委員会] = The painters of Barbizon and Japan / [edited [by] the Executive Committee of the Painters of Barbizon and Japan]. Barubizon-ha to Nihon / [henshū Barubizon-ha to Nihon Ten Jikkō Iinkai] = The painters of Barbizon and Japan / [edited [by] the Executive Committee of the Painters of Barbizon and Japan]. [Japan] : Barubizon-ha to Nihon Ten Jikkō Iinkai, 1993.[Japan] : バルビゾン派と日本展実行委員会, 1993. Book AvailableReCAP - Remote Storage » ND547 B249 Bookmark